Problem Solving

By lanadelaphrodite

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For Lana, life was dope. She had the perfect friends, a sweet reputation, many secrets she kept to herself, a... More

Princessy Bitch
Unfortunate Crush
The Morning After
"It's not gonna happen again"
Life Imitates Art
"Come over if you fancy"
In the DMs
"a little bit tipsy"
Ignorance Is Bliss?
A Confrontation
Fortune Cookies
Sleeping over?
"Its not gay, we have clothes on."
steal me with a kiss
"simply return it"
Smudged Lipstick
Escape Room
"Light experimentation"
Identity 2.0
"proactively defensive"
Spring Dance
Too Afraid
"ice skating"
"love and lust"
Empty Glasses
Daddy Issues
Alive or Dead
"maybe happy"
Hand Holding
"It is gay."


474 18 6
By lanadelaphrodite

Marina's POV

Before school, me and my friends decide to go get iced coffee. I went with Jess and Stella, I pay for them too, just because I like them so much.

"You know you should probably speed up, we're running late" I tell Jess from the back, holding the back of her seat.

"Since when do you care about punctuality.. didn't you skip class like last week or the week before? I thought you were becoming more rebellious" Jess jokes, I smile

"I don't know about that.." I lie.

I want to get to English as soon as possible so I can see Lizzy.

"She has English first remember" Stella jokes, I cringe a little. I hate them being in my mind.

Talking about your crushes and who you're into is all part of being in an all girl friendship group, I know. But I don't like it, and they're so intrusive sometimes. I love them of course, I just don't like talking about Lizzy with them.

"Oh you're excited to see Lana.." I hear a smile in Jess' voice. I think the worst part about them talking to me about Lizzy is how there's no point in me denying my huge crush on her because it's so blatantly obvious. So I have to just go with it.

"You're just jealous. And besides, she's pretty and thinks like I do. You should read some of her poetry, her symbolism is beautiful and she.." I stop myself. I sound too into her. I've passed the point of satisfying their teasing so should stop giving more.

"And her body's hot" Jess points out... it does irritate me that she's so into Lizzy when Lizzy is quite clearly mine.

"I'm not gay but, I don't know, her boobs are kind of small" Stella mutters.

I kind of want to strangle her. But I won't, of course. It's best just to stay quiet in situations like these, that way I can't give too much or too little and make myself look suspicious.

"No way, that's all part of her hotness. Her boobs suit her, and they're a good shape" Jess explains, objectifyingly.

"Can we not.." I mumble... So much for staying quiet.

"Why? Is it turning you on?" Jess giggles

"It's weird" .. I'm very aware I'm acting strange.

"Come on we talk about boobs all the time, what's the difference?"

"Lana" I say, even though it doesn't feel right to call her that anymore. "She's like.. a real person"

"One you have a crush on" Stella looks into the back at me "if you really like her, ask her out"

Now I act as if nothing at all has gone on between us, as though she's still as straight as she thought she was.

"She's straight" I say, she seems to think a second. I raise my eyebrows for her input

"Well I'm straight and was just as straight when we-"

"That's different" I laugh.. yeah.. I have kissed Stella a few times in the course of our friendship. And gave her what she calls 'the best climax of her life'. Which I'm still very proud of. Even though Lizzy is my absolute world.

"You can turn straight girls gay, I'm sure you've done it before Electra.. nothing to worry about" Jess pulls into a space in the school car park "I suggest we get to lesson fast, we're a few minutes late"

"Thanks for taking us to school and to get coffee" I lean into the front and kiss her cheek

"You're welcome, I'm sorry it stopped you from seeing Lana a few minutes more"


I head to class and I'm a bit late but the teacher isn't here yet anyway. Lizzy is though, and I'm glad to see that she isn't ignoring me and feeling awkward about what we did.

"Hey" she smiles. It reminds me of last night, kissing her and holding her.

"Hey" I smile back, sitting next to her. "how are you?"

"I'm good, just... I don't know.. Writer's blocky" She flips through a few pages of her book to express her irritation.

"I understand that.. I think the best thing to do is take a new perspective"

"In what sense?" She asks, her eyebrows a little lowered. It's adorable and I want to kiss her.

"Well you know.. in the sense that.. you look at something in another light. There isn't just not interpretation to be had.. every view you take, you get something different." I pause "or at least that's what I think."

"You're so smart it makes me mad" she rolls her eyes. It makes me laugh a little bit, and she smiles at that. "How come you're late anyway.."

"Iced coffee with the girls of course" I smirk, she makes a face

"You have such a different friendship group to me.."

"Well it's not an official thing, but we just decided to go and get iced coffee this morning. And I paid because I wanted to be nice"

"Very kind of you.. I take it you went with that girl that stares at my ass, right?"

"Yeah, Jess" I giggle, she smirks "and Stella too, she's far more straight than Jess so you have no problem with her staring at your ass"

"Why do you say ass like that?" She asks, I raise my shoulders

"Because 'ass'," I say it how she says it "is just so very American. And it doesn't go with my accent"

"What's wrong with American? You moved here didn't you?" She jokes. At least I think she's joking. Maybe I've hit a sort of patriotic nerve.

It's cute either way.

"Well, you know.. it's not my identity. The foods good here, but the worst thing about America in general is what your grey American squirrels did to my British red squirrels" I explain, she looks at me to say 'are you for real?'. I can hear her saying it, the look is that expressive.

"Do they teach this in British schools?" She makes me laugh

"Yes, as a matter of fact. Don't they teach it in American schools?" I play along

"No, so tell me, what happened between the squirrels?" She asks. It's strangely hot for a conversation about furry little animals.

"The grey squirrels killed all the red ones, and it's such a shame because they were cuter, look..." I get a picture of one on my phone for her, she frowns

"That's so sad.."

"I know.. But America isn't that bad. The weather is far nicer here than the UK. And people aren't as rude."

"You know, on the topic of your friends.. I've them studied closely now and I've come to the conclusion that they try to act like you."

"Really?" I ask, kind of swooning over her paying attention to me enough to notice what my friends do, and how they adapt my mannerisms.

"Yeah it's clear they hang off of you."

"Hang off me?" I ask, confused this time.

"Yeah like they don't have a lot without your personality in them."

"That's quite harsh.." I smile "maybe you're just jealous"

"Please, jealous of what?" She asks. The way she says it is hot, and the way she looks at me whilst she says it.

"Whatever there is to be jealous of" I reply, she gives an unsatisfied look. "How much time they spend with me, what I talk to them about.." I tease

"Same goes for you, aren't you jealous of my friends?"

"I suppose I am in a way" I pause "isn't it strange that Miss Eason hasn't shown up.."

"It's even stranger you're avoiding the question"

"Which question, hadn't I answered it?" I ask confidently, she shakes her head

"It wasn't juicy enough."

"You want it juicy? Ask a juicier question" I smirk, she smiles

"There are people around.."

"Then tonight instead.. Would you like to come over?" I ask, she gives me a look and it just screams Lizzy.

"Yes please.." she breaks the eye contact.. she's quite a nervous person I think. It's cute but I hope she doesn't suffer with it. "Your friend Stella.. she has brown hair doesn't she?"

"She does. Why do you ask?"

"She's pretty"... I get jealous.

"She is".. I wonder if she gets jealous too.. she makes eye contact with me again. I can tell we are both as one hundred percent jealous as each other.

I kind of want to make her more jealous, and then leave class with her and hope she pulls me into the bathroom with her and fucks me.

But I don't think that's going to happen. I think she's bitter when jealous, rather than whatever other type of jealous there is.

"You ever kissed her?" She asks.. I get a little feeling of excitement. I like that she's about to get even more jealous than she already is.

"Yes and more" I admit. The class is loud because there's no teacher, so I'm not worried about anyone hearing.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asks, her eyes a dark green.. she's so beautiful.

"You know, just-"

"Sorry I'm late guys, just enough time for the test so I want absolute silence from now on" Miss Eason interrupts. I smile at Lizzy, she kinda scowls at me. I love to tease her.


We sit the test and don't get chance to talk again for the rest of the day, which I hated. But I did see her when I went to the bathroom with Stella. Lizzy was sure to stare her down, not even stopping after seeing me give her a disapproving look to tell her to stop. Stella didn't notice though. She doesn't pay much attention to things like that, things like how people stare at her. I don't pay attention to anything more than things like that.

Straight after school, Lizzy blows up my phone. Texting me a few times then calling me because I was typing too slow

"Hello" I smile, putting my phone to my ear

"I wanna come over"

"What's stopping you?"

"I wanted to know I was allowed"

"You are or else I wouldn't have invited you" I explain, she makes a sort of scoffing noise

"Yeah yeah but I wanted to know if the offer still stood"

"Well it does. And hurry up, Lafina's out until four." I tease. She doesn't say anything for a second

"Does that mean.."

"It does but I was half joking so hurry up" I hang up. I love to sexually confuse her. I think I do it well.

She gets here very quick, perhaps she drove faster than she should've.

I go answer the door

"Hey" I smile

"What'd you and Stella do?" She asks. I laugh a little

"Come in first.."

"Okay but I've been waiting literally all day to hear this" she comes in. I can't decide whether or not to kiss her... I won't yet.

"That's sweet.." I shut the door behind her. She looks at me expectantly "you want to hear now? It's really not that interesting.."

"It is" she urges, I smile

"Well come up to my room with me just in case Lafina does come back and hears me telling this story.."

"It's that bad?" She asks as we go upstairs

"Depends on your definition of 'bad', but.." I tease her by putting off telling her what happened "it's not something I'd want my sister to hear."

"Okay we're in your room, tell me" she shuts the door behind us. She even goes and sits in her place on my bed. It's so very cute. I can't not smile

"I think you'll be disappointed. Not a lot happened, we were just together one night and-"

"No don't give me that, describe in detail" she pats beside her on the bed. I obediently sit next to her.

"Well.. she was going through a rough break up, and we were joking about how the guy she was with didn't make her cum. And we were both slightly drunk, not very though, so that wasn't an excuse.. And then it turned out she'd never ever climaxed before, so I just had to help her out" I explain, she rolls her eyes "what?" I laugh, maybe a little awkwardly.

"That's all it takes? All I had to do was pretend I'd never came before?"

"Don't you feel more accomplished that you didn't have to lie to be at this level with me?" I ask, she pretends to think about it and I can't not smile. She smiles too. She's totally into me. "Anyway, I gave her what she calls 'the best climax of her life' to this day"

"Really.." she thinks a second "so you must be pretty good huh.."

"I suppose I am" I smirk "are you hungry?"

"Yeah a little but I don't how to do lesbian stuff" .. I laugh

"Oh my gosh I meant do you want to go downstairs and eat, not-"

"Oh my god" she laughs a little. It's cute. "I didn't say that okay?"

"Of course you didn't.." I play along. For now.. "what'd you like to eat? I think we have some good fruit actually"

"What like?" She asks, I think for her a second then realise it's probably best just to go down there and see what there is.

"We should just go look" I say, getting up off the bed. She nods

"We should. What's your favourite fruit?"

"I like grapes a lot" i tell her, she smiles, still on the bed. It's sexy.

"Yeah grapes are good.. I like mango"

"Well that's lucky because I think we have some.." I pause "why're you lingering?"

"I'm not"

"You're still on my bed.." I smile "do you want me to kiss you or something?" I tease. I swear I make her giggle, it's incredibly cute.

"No way.."

"No way?" I step closer to her "really?"

"Maybe not really.." she smirks, I lean down and kiss her.

It feels so good that I'm kissing her casually. It kind of makes us feel like something more, but I'm not sure how either I or Lizzy feel about that.. well I do know how Lizzy feels. She wouldn't want to date a girl. She doesn't even want to kiss one that much.. then again, she's on my lips right now.

Whilst we kiss I play with the hair that falls down the side of her face, it's very soft. And I love the colour. But I love kissing her even more, so make sure I keep in the moment.

But before long I remember I need to make her totally crazy for me, so pull away after like a minute.

"You have such pretty hair.." I tell her, then kiss her again. Only to sign off, but I enjoy it just as much. "Come on, fruit time" I take her hand, she nods

"Mmh okay.." she lets me lead her.

We go down to my kitchen and we snack on fruit, which I enjoy doing because it makes me feel healthier than usual. I'm very prone to eating the full bags of things, Reeses especially. So to eat fruit is good, and especially to eat with Lizzy. I like how her mouth moves.

Lafina comes home a little after we finish eating, we talk to her for a couple minutes then head upstairs because she's having her friend over too.

"You think she's into him?" Lizzy asks as we walk into my room, I smile

"Her guy friend? No I don't think so.." .. "do you?"

"You're her sister, you'd know. Besides, I just like the drama.." she sits on my bed

"She doesn't have many guys over. Part of me thinks she's just as gay as I am" I sit with her. We're too far away to kiss.

"Well that is pretty gay" she teases, I smile

"It is.."

"Have you ever heard her doing it?" She asks, I giggle

"You mean sex? No way.. I kind of think shes a virgin. And if she's not, then I'm glad haven't heard anything"

"I've heard my sister doing it. And my parents.. that was my least favourite thing I've ever heard ever" she tells me, I cringe a bit

"See my parents divorced and want nothing to do with each other. I'm lucky in that respect I suppose.." I get up from the bed. I want to re do my makeup.

"My parents just want nothing to do with me" she smiles a little "hey do you think my skin's better?"

"Your skin's always been very nice" I tell her, sitting down at my vanity. Again, it hits me how much I love how casual this is. She's on my bed, I'm doing my makeup, we're just talking and it's nice knowing we can make out whenever we want to.

"You think so? I think I'm breaking out.." I look at her in my mirror, laid back on my bed looking so unintentionally sexy.. She always looks so comfortable too somehow.

"I think you have lovely skin.. and I love your lips.."

"Thanks I love yours" she smirks at me through the mirror. She kind of makes me blush, but I don't let it show because I'm touching up my trademark electra heart. "can I have one?"

"Really?" I smile, she nods "okay.." I get up from my vanity

"What're you.." she looks at me confused. I climb onto her, sitting on her hips "thank you" she says sarcastically. I know she's secretly enjoying it though, I can feel her body relaxed. Not to mention she's holding me on her, which I like.

"Don't thank me.." I lean down "hold still"

"Okay" she gives me her left cheek. It's sweet she's paid attention to which side it's on

"You know.. now you can't escape or anything because I've trapped you.. I'm gonna tell you how pretty you are, and you're gonna listen to me.."

"Marina don't be so-"

"Shh shh shh, don't move." I draw the heart on her cheek with liquid eyeliner. Only small, but it's cute "you're so pretty I'm always so confused when I think about how into me you are."

"Stop it" she groans, I smile and run my fingers through her hair, pushing it back gently.

"You're gorgeous" I tell her, she just looks at me


"What do you mean 'no'.." I laugh, she smiles a little

"You make me feel embarrassed.."

"Well it's just me and you, so there isn't really anyone to feel embarrassed in front of"

"I guess you're right" she mumbles. I lean down and kiss her forehead then get off of her "Marina.." she sits up and rubs her forehead in discomfort, I smile


"That was too.." she struggles for the word for a second "gay" 

"I'm sorry I just couldn't not.. I love your lipstick by the way. Very nice." She usually wears a pretty nude lip, but today she's wearing red. It makes her lips absolutely irresistible.

"You do?" She asks, I can tell that she's said it for dramatic effect, but I don't yet know why.

"I do" I go along with her nonetheless. She smiles

"Get onto the bed, it's my turn.." she reaches into her purse to get the lipstick. I can't decide whether or not to be a brat.. She looks at me expectantly. "Well?" ..I crumble.

"Okay fine but you're a bad judge of what's gay or not.." I fire back, getting onto my bed how she was on it before

"Shut up.." she mumbles, sitting on my hips. Her thighs feel so sexy, in fact, I want her to crush my head with them. "Why're you looking at me like that.." she holds my cheeks with one hand, using her fingertips on one side of my face and just her thumb the other. It's hot.

"I'm not" I try to say, she just smiles at my obscured words.. gosh she's such a good dom. She's ten seconds into sitting on me and I'm already wet.

"Would you look at Stella like that?" She asks, letting go of my face and taking the cover off of her lipstick. It makes me literally ache for her. She's so jealous, and expressing it perfectly.

"Depends on how I was looking at you" I decide not to give in. I'd like to see how much of a dom she really is.

"Maybe you're exclusively attracted to straight girls. Now open your mouth a little and don't move"


"Just do it. I let you, you need to let me." She tells me, rather firmly. I want to sulk, but I think I'd only be sulking because I'm so horny.

I just do it. I open my mouth for her slightly, she smiles and holds my jaw

"Perfect.." she starts to put her lipstick on me. I couldn't move even if I wanted to.. And I certainly don't want to move.

The sexual tension is screaming. She keeps switching between looking into my eyes and at my lips, like she did before she kissed me for the first time. The lipstick just adds to it as well. Knowing her lips touch the same lipstick is so arousing somehow..

"Alright, do the lip thing. I forget the name. But do this" she presses her lips together and makes me forget the name too. I do it for her. "perfect.. all done" she starts to get off me but I take her hand

"Must you get off me?" I ask, she laughs a little

"What else is there to do sat like this?" She asks. I look at her suggestively, she smirks "I'm kinda mad I just put lipstick on you, because now it's gonna smudge"

"Now?" I smile, she nods and makes it so she's fully on top of me. My body's against hers, her face close to mine.. I feel the arousal in my stomach

"Now." she kisses me. I can literally feel her desire, but contrastingly, she takes her time kissing me and we don't start properly making out straight away like I thought we would.

Then we do start making out properly, and it's the hottest thing ever with her on top of me.. I let my hand feel her, slowly running it down her back until it reaches the little dip that softly curves up to her ass..

I don't touch her there though. I don't know how she feels about it and I'd hate to make her feel weird.. Maybe I should pull away and ask.

Before I get the chance to, she pulls away first

"Hey.." she pauses. Maybe it's about the touching. "I'm sorry about the squirrel thing"

"Are you kidding me? Now? You're bringing this up now?" I smile, she smiles too

"Yeah I feel awful about it.."

"Well I suppose you, on the behalf of America, could make it up to me, on the behalf of the UK, by letting me.." I slide my hand to her ass. It's perfect. She smirks

"I guess I could" she kisses me again, wasting no time and opening her mouth to me the second we start. Whilst we kiss, I explore my new territory, slipping my hand into her back pocket. She makes a little moany noise and pulls away again "I'm sorry.. I'm so sensitive with you..."

"Don't apologise. I don't find anything hotter."


omfg finally I'm back. I left it for a while because college work was piling up but, I'm back and we r gonna have some good larina content.. also I wanna make my parts longer, so I will.

AND THANK YOU FOR GETTING ME #1 IN LARINA!! ur so awesome I appreciate you guys so much, thanks for enjoying and voting for my story - it really means a lot. I enjoy writing and you guys give me a reason to. I rlly can't thank you enough

Have an amazing day guys xoxo

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