Targaryen Dragons

By Drinor7

117K 2.4K 538

With the help of Ser Arthur Dayne, Robert Baratheon falls dead in the Trident and the rebellion ends. Rhaegar... More

A Targaryen Alone
Tears of The Dragon
Alone in The World
Kill The Boy
A Letter From The Dead
Regrets and Tears
Dragon Reborn
A Song For War
Lost Feelings
Tears of Love
Love and Lose
A Dragon Awakes
A Targaryen Alone in The World is A Terrible Thing
Dragon Dreams
Family Reunion
Madness of Fear
The Fire of Bloodfyre
Truth of Treason
Fire and Madness Part I
Fire and Madness Part II
Fire and Madness Final Part
A Song For Family
Tears of Pain
Blood of The Dragon
The Fire of Dragons
Fire and Dragons
Madness and Fire
Dragons of House Targaryen
A New Home
The Ice Dragon
Dragon Love
The Darkness
A Song of Love
Wildfire and Dragons
Hand of The King
The Last Breath
A Wolf's Song
A Red God
Fire and Snow
The End
Rewrite Announcement
Rewrite Release Date
Rewrite Published

Love and Hate

2.9K 50 12
By Drinor7

Jaehaerys Targaryen

' Jaehaerys was beyond the wall, he could see the wall was close, and he was standing in a large frozen lake, looking around he couldn't see anyone, the cold winds of winter hitting his naked skin and send shivers in his entire body.

Jaehaerys then sees the same woman with the white dress and purple eyes walking towards him, her name was Shiera, but here, her eyes were purple, not like how Jaehaerys saw her before.

She stops in front of him, her skin was white as snow, and she looked emotionless, "My prince," she whispered and gently touched his cheek.

Her hand was icy, and she leans closer "Remember īlva Lenton," she whispered, then Jaehaerys sees cold blue flames surrounding him.

He looks up and sees the white dragon looking at him with haunting blue eyes.

"Paragon mērī se zaldrīzoti," and everything went dark. '

He slowly opens his eyes. He feels cold, very cold like every other time he saw the white Dragon in his dreams.

"Jaehaerys, are you alright?" Bloodfyre asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, just dreams," Jae responded after a few moments. He himself wasn't sure if he was alright. He needed to talk to someone about these dreams.

He looks on the floor, and he sees Winter sleeping on the floor close to his bed, but then he notices Rhaenys sleeping in a chair close to his bed. She was resting her head on the edge of his bed. Jae didn't know why she would sleep here. Jae gets up in a sitting position and gently shakes her shoulder. "Rhaenys, wake up," Jae said quietly, and she slowly opens her purple eyes and looks at him, confused.

"Jae, what are you doing here?" She asked, confused, and slowly raising her head.
"Rhaenys, why are you sleeping in my room?" Jae asked, and she seemed to realize where she was. She immediately gets up from the bed.
"I'm sorry, I saw a bad dream and wanted to see if you were alright," She responded, nervous, and Jae noticed she was avoiding his gaze.
"What did you see?" Jae asked curiously and noticed she had slept with her clothes.
Rhaenys turns to him, and Jae could see a hint of sadness behind her eyes. "No, it doesn't matter, Jae, just stupid dreams," she responded, kneeling and caressing Winter in her back.

Jae knew she was hiding something but didn't try to ask her again. "Well, I like that you're here, Rhae, but I would like to wear my clothes," Jae said and saw Rhaenys blush a little. She smiled at him and left the room. Jae gets up from his bed and wears his clothes, getting up, and Winter gets up too and gets closer asking for his attention.

Jae touches her head, and she licks his hand. "Good morning, good girl," Jae said happily and chuckles.
"You hungry, aren't you," Jae said, and Winter looks at him with hungry eyes.
Jae laughs, "Well, let's give you something to eat," Jae said playfully.

Jaehaerys wears his clothes, and he notices his clothes were new and warm. He knew someone had taken care of his clothes. They were clean and looked like someone had just made them.
Jae then walks to the door, opens it, and sees Ser Arthur standing guard in front of the door.

"Good morning, Ser Arthur," Jae greeted him, and he turns to him with a smile "Good Morning, your grace," he greeted him with a sly smile, and Jae rolled his eyes.
"I don't want to hear that 'your grace' bullshit from you," Jae responded with a playful tone, and Arthur chuckles under his breath.

"Very well, your family will eat soon, but if you want, you can go earlier," Ser Arthur said kindly, and Jae nodded.
"Very well," Jae responded, and Ser Arthur starts walking towards the room where they eat, and Jae follows him, along with Winter, who had her tongue out all the time.

"Did . . . Did you see where Rhaenys went?" Jae asked, not sure if Arthur knew about Rhaenys being in his room.
"Yes, Princess Rhaenys went to her room. I'm sure she will join soon," Arthur responded and giving him a small sly smile, which annoyed Jae.

"You brought dragon eggs for your family," Arthur said with a respectful tone.
"Yes, I want my family to have their dragons," Jae responded but still thinking that Bloodfyre had warned him that the dragons might not bond with them.

Jaehaerys wasn't entirely sure how that worked, but Bloodfyre said it was better if they spend time with them since they're little, is harder to bond with a dragon if he's already fully grown.

"And they don't need to try to hatch them. They will hatch soon," Jae responded, and Arthur looked happy about it.
"Jaehaerys, if you want, we can spar later, after you eat," Arthur suggested, and Jae nodded in agreement.
They reach the door, and Jae opens the door and walks inside. He doesn't see anyone from his family inside except three servants, doing their jobs, Jae walks inside with Winter, and they turn to him, and their eyes go to Winter.

"She won't hurt you," Jae said, noticing the fear in their eyes. That didn't seem to relax them, and they just lowered their gaze and kept doing their jobs.

"Good morning, your grace," one of the girls said with a fake smile. Jae didn't know if she didn't like him or just was scared of Winter.
The two other servants greet him too, "Can you bring a bit piece of meat for my friend?" Jae asked and feeling strange that he wasn't hunting his food with Winter like he used to do.

They nod their heads and leave the room without saying another word.
Jae slowly walks to one of the chairs and sees Winter lying down on the floor close to his chair.

"You hungry good girl," Jae said playfully and petting her head, and she starts licking his hand and around his wrist.
Jae chuckles and hears the door opening. Jae gets up and turns to see his father and Queen Elia walking inside. They both looked surprised to see him here so early.

"Good morning, father" Jae greeted him with an honest smile and turned to Queen Elia. "Good morning, Elia," he added, and she walks closer and kisses his cheek, making him blush snd turns his head away to avoid her eyes. She chuckles, and his father hugs him and kisses his cheek too. He was making Jae even shyer.

"Why are you awake so early?" His father asked, kindly looking at him then taking a glance at Winter, who was still lying on the ground but raised her head to look at them.
"No reason, I just woke up early," Jae responded, and they looked convinced.
Jae sits on his chair, and his father sits in the same chair with Queen Elia.

"Do you like the bed, Jae?" Queen Elia asked kindly, and he nodded. "Yes, Elia, it is the most comfortable bed," Jae responded with a genuine smile.
She seemed happy to hear that, and so was his father, "Father, have you seen Rhaenys around?" Jae asked.
"No, Jae, I'm sure she's still sleeping. Why?" His father responded, and he shook his head.
"No reason. She told me last night that she wanted to spar with me again," Jae responded, and his father raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure? She doesn't want anything else. Maybe she wants a ride with Bloodfyre," His father responded playfully.
"Maybe, I hope Bloodfyre lets her. He doesn't really like other people," he responded and hoping Bloodfyre would let his family close.
"But maybe, he will," Jae added.
"Don't worry about it, Jae," Queen Elia said with a smile that reminded Jae of his mother's smile from his dreams.

There was a knock on the door. Jae turns his head and sees the door opening, and the servants come inside. With plates with food for them, and one of them had a plate with raw meat.

They put the plates on the table but avoiding Winter, who was lying close to his chair. Jae didn't understand why they were afraid of her. To Jae, she was his best friend and more family than House Stark ever was.

They leave, but Jae noticed the hard look Queen Elia gave them. Jae grabs the plate with raw meat and puts it down to Winter, who was looking at him.
"Is all yours girl," Jae said, smiling, and then she started eating the meat.
Jae turned to his plate and noticed his father and Queen Elia were looking at him proudly.
Jae sees they have served boiled eggs with honey and milk and a big piece of bread.

Jae grabs the bread and takes a bite and opens the egg and bites a little, and he drinks a bit of milk. Jae keeps on eating when he remembers.
"Should I have waited for the others?" Jae asked, thinking that he should wait. His father was eating too, and so was Queen Elia.
"Don't worry, Jae, eat. They won't be mad," Queen Elia responded kindly, and his father nodded in agreement and bites some bread and helps it down with wine.

Jae turns to the food, and then the door opens again, and Jae sees Aegon with Dany and Grandmother walking inside.
"Good morning, Egg, Dany, and grandmother," Jae greeted them first before they could say anything.

"Good morning, Jae," they said, and Dany runs to sit next to his chair. Dany looks down at Winter, who had eaten her food and was just resting on the floor. "Good morning, Winter," she said kindly and touched her nose, and Winter starts licking her fingers, making Dany giggle. Jae liked her giggle. And turns to his left and sees Aegon grabbing a chair and placing it close to his chair.

He sits and turns to Jae. "Hey, can we see Bloodfyre today?" Aegon asked.
Before Jae could answer, "Later, Egg, first you and Dany will eat," it was Grandmother who said, looking at Aegon with a serious look then glancing at Dany who started eating.
"Jae, how long do you think it will take for the eggs to hatch?" Aegon asked quietly, thinking that no one else could hear him, but Jae knew Queen Elia was looking at him like a hawk.

"I think it should take three to five days. I'm not sure, and even Bloodfyre doesn't exactly know when," Jae responded quietly, and Dany leans closer to hear their conversations.
Aegon looked happy with his answer and takes a bite from the boiled egg and drinks some milk.
"I can't wait until they hatch," Aegon said with a mouth full of food.
"Me too, What color will they have?" Dany asked but almost like whispering.
"They will have the color their eggs have," Jae responded, and that looked to made both Aegon and Dany happy.

"Kids," Queen Elia said kindly, looking at Aegon. Dany turned to the food and started eating again, and so does Aegon. Jae finished his food, and now he was waiting until they finish, but he wanted to know where was Rhaenys.

"Where's Rhaenys?" Jae asked, looking at Aegon. He shrugged his shoulders and kept on eating. Jae then hears the door opening and turns to see Rhaenys walking inside, smiling.

"Good morning," She greeted them, looking at Jaehearys.
"Good morning, Rhaenys," both father and Queen Elia said.

"Good morning Rhaenys" Jae greeted her, and she walks and sits next to Dany, who was busy eating her food.
Grandmother greeted her too, then Jae sees that uncle Viserys hasn't come yet.
"Where's uncle Viserys?" Jae asked, looking at the grandmother.
"He's probably, eating in his room, and he doesn't really care that much to eat with everyone. He likes more to eat alone," Grandmother responded.

Jae understood and was waiting until they finish eating so they could go outside.
Jae saw Rhaenys giving a piece of bread, to Winter who gladly eat that.
That made Jae smile. "Jae, I left my egg in the fireplace. Is that warm enough?" Rhaenys asked and taking a piece of boiled egg.
"Yes, it is Rhaenys. These eggs are a bit different than the dragon eggs of before. They don't need that much warmth like the others," Jae responded, and that seemed to intrigue Rhaenys.

"That's good to know, and I hope they hatch soon, and how long it takes for a dragon to grow enough for me to be able to ride her?" She asked, drinking wine from her goblet.
Jae noticed Aegon was leaning closer to hear their conversations, still eating his food.
"I don't know. Bloodfyre was already this size when I meet him," Jae responded, and Dany turns to Rhaenys.
"I have read that it takes at least two years until they're big enough to ride and should be at least four years old to be considered large enough to use in battles," Dany responded, and Aegon looked a bit disappointed.

"2 Years," Aegon said, slightly disappointed, thinking that they would grow faster.
"Well, until they're big enough, we can fly on Bloodfyre sometimes," Rhaenys suggested, but Jae wasn't sure if Bloodfyre would let them climb on his back, even if he was there.

His father seemed to have noticed that "Rhaenys, do you remember that it is said that Balerion The Black Dread never let Rhaenys or Visenya Targaryen close to him except Aegon The Conqueror" His father said kindly, looking at Rhaenys.

She seemed to have understood what he meant, and so did Aegon and Dany, who started eating again.

After a short time, they were done, and Aegon gets up first. "Well, brother, time to pay back," he said Jokingly, and Jae nodded in agreement, smiling and follows him outside, followed by Rhaenys, Dany, and Winter.

Walking outside felt good. Jae still wasn't used to spending so much time inside, Winter looked happier, and Jae could see from her tail moving around. Walking outside, Jae sees some of the lords glancing at him with fear in their eyes. It was mostly the lords from Westerlands and some lords from The Riverlands.

Jae knows that Bloodfyre was further away from Harrenhal. Jae didn't want him to stay right outside the walls of Harrenhal and scare people to death the moment they saw him.

Jae walks with Aegon, Rhaenys, Dany, Winter, Ser Arthur, and his surprise with Ser Jaime, who was looking at him with an interested look.
Jae didn't know what to think of him, he knew why Jaime killed The Mad King, but Jae noticed the stern look Ser Arthur gave Ser Jaime.

They reached the training yard and were greeted by many sons of lords and lords, but most of them were glancing at Jaehaerys with fear and some of them with lust. All this attention made Jae feel uncomfortable, and he wanted them to stop looking at him like that.

"Your graces," a boy said, wearing green clothes and followed by a lady who also was wearing clothes with green color. Jaehaerys looked at their eyes. They had green eyes, and the girl looked at his brother, but Jae could notice the glances she was giving him. Jae didn't like her looks.

"Lord Loras and Lady Margaery is good to meet you again," Aegon responded to them and walked closer. Jae noticed Rhaenys rolling her eyes and looking at them with bland looks.
"Is good to meet again, prince Aegon," Lady Margaery said with a fake smile and then turning to him.
"You must be prince Jaehaerys," She greeted him with a kind tone, but Jae didn't like the way she was talking.

Jaehaerys didn't know that much when it came to talking with people "Lady Margaery, is good to meet you," Jae responded and turns to Lord Loras, who had an annoying grin on his face.
"Lord Loras, you too," Jae added, and his brother took a step closer to Lady Margaery, and Jae didn't know why.

Does my brother like her? Jae asked himself and noticed Dany was looking at Lady Margaery with a tired and annoyed look.
"Prince Jaehaerys, I would like a spar," Lord Loras suddenly asked.
Jae turns his eyes to him, "Of course, Lord Loras," Jae responded and walking towards the training yard. Jae noticed many lords had stopped whatever they were doing and were looking at him.

Jae picks up two swords and turns to Lord Loras, who was holding one sword and had a smile on his face. Looking at his position and how he kept his sword, Jae could see he wasn't bad at it.
Lord Loras makes the first move and swings towards his chest. Jae quickly blocks it with his left sword and attacks with his right sword fast, and hits him in the right shoulder, causing him to quickly takes three steps back. Jae could see that hit had hurt. He changes his position and now was keeping his sword at the same level as his head.

He looked ready to attack, but Jae attacks first with his right sword, he dodges his attack, which was aimed at his left shoulder, and swings at Jae's left side, but Jae quickly takes a step back and attacks with his left sword, leaving him no chance to block and hits him two times in his right arm causing his sparring sword to fall in the ground and he was growling in pain but trying not to show it.

Jae moved his sword close to his neck and raised his eyebrows. "I yield," he said, holding his right arm with his left hand.
"Good fight, Lord Loras," Jae said, smiling.
"Good Night Prince Jaehaerys" he responded and shook his hand.

Jae sees his brother talking with Lady Margaery, who was glancing at him sometimes with hungry eyes. Jae hated her look. Looking at his brother, he started clapping for him, and his sister started clapping too and had a smirk on her face and sometimes looking at Lady Margaery with that smirk, while Dany was looking at him walked closer.
"Excellent, Jae," she said kindly, and smiling, Jae smiled back.
"Do you want a spar, Dany?" Jae asked kindly, and she shook her head. "I'm not good enough, but perhaps later," she responded.

Looking at her hands, Jae knew she wasn't that good with a sword, and perhaps he can teach her.
"Your grace" Jae turns around and sees Richard walking towards them, and behind him was a woman with violet eyes looking at him kindly.

Jae didn't know her but was surprised to see she had violet eyes, and he wondered if she was a Targaryen, but he knew House Dayne also had violet eyes.
"Richard is good to see you, and you can call me Jaehaerys, cousin," Jae responded, smiling, and Richard looked happy by his response.

The woman behind him walks closer. "Your grace, my name is Ashara Dayne," she said, and her voice was very kind.
Jae lowers his gaze. "Is good to meet you, Lady Ashara," Jae responded quietly, and Lady Ashara chuckles.
"You can call me, Ashara," she responded.
Jae then sees Rhaenys walking closer to them, and his brother was talking with Lady Margaery and Lord Loras.

"Jaehaerys, the dragon is really yours?" Richard asked curiously, and Jae nodded his head.
"Yes, his name is Bloodfyre," Jae responded and saw Richard turning his head towards the forest outside the walls of Harrenhal.
"Where's he?" He asked.

"Bloodfyre is hunting right now, and he will come back later," Jae responded.
"Jae, can we meet him now?" Rhaenys asked, looking at him. From the look of Dany, Jae could see she wanted to meet him too.
His brother starts walking towards them. "Jae, do you want to spar?" He asked, and Jae nodded.

Elia Martell

She was in her room, waiting for her brother. He had asked for an audience with her. Elia had agreed but have noticed that he wanted to talk with her and not Rhaegar. She just hoped that he wasn't coming for what she thought he might come for. But her mind would often go back to what Rhaegar talked about last night.

' Rhaegar was sitting on a chair close to the fireplace. Elia walks towards him, smiling, she was pleased that Jae was with them, and now the traitors are where they belong. When that whore fish said that for her son, she wanted to burn the whore alive, right there and then. But she would die soon, and that's what was necessary.

And the most important thing was that Jae had a dragon, which secured that would remove anyone's thoughts about a rebellion.
When Jae revealed that he had brought dragon eggs, she was afraid that Egg or Dany or Rhaenys might try something foolish. She never wanted something like The Tragedy of Summerhall to happen ever again. But when he said that the eggs would hatch on their own, she was happy.

Lyanna, your son is Amazing.

"Rhaegar, you alright?" She asked kindly and walking closer to him.
Rhaegar gets up and turns to her. "Jae having a dragon is very good, but that raises a problem," he responded quietly, and she didn't know what.
"What problem?" She asked and taking a step closer.
"You know I stopped the marriage between brother and sister because I was sure the dragons would not return," Rhaegar said quietly and taking her hand on his.

Saying that, and Elia understood what the problem was. "You think our children need to marry each other, to be able to control the dragons," she asked but more like a statement.

Rhaegar sighed deeply and nodded his head, "Yes, we will need to keep the bloodline pure," he responded and turning his body to the fireplace. He walks closer and looks at the fire.

"What do you think we should do?" He asked kindly. Elia was thinking about how to answer, but she herself wasn't sure.
Aegon was already betrothed to Margaery Tyrell. Even if they have a dragon, they still can't just break a betrothal with a kingdom.
Rhaenys was not betrothed to anyone and the same for Daenerys.
"Well, we can marry your sister Daenerys to Jaehaerys, or if that doesn't work, Jaehaerys to Rhaenys," she responded, and he seemed to be thinking about it.

"I thought the same, but I think Daenerys to Jae is a better option," he responded quietly.
Elia nodded in agreement, "but we won't force them. I want them to marry only if they want to," Rhaegar said seriously, and she took his hands on her and kissed the top of his hand.
"I agree," she responded and kissed his lips. She knew he was surprised by her action, and then he kissed her back. '

Elia still needed to talk about this with Rhaella. Rhaenys had seen Jae in her dreams, and Elia had noticed, she was overprotective towards Jae. Elia didn't know if she just wanted Jae to feel welcome or if she had any feelings towards him, except for 'love for her brother.'
In the beginning, she was sure it was only a matter of time until Rhaenys or Aegon shows romantic feelings towards one another, but so far, that still hasn't happened, or maybe Aegon and Dany are still too young for that.

She escapes from her thoughts when she hears the door opening, and Oberyn walks inside with a serious face, which was a surprise for her.
He sits in the chair, and Elia fills a goblet with wine for him.
"Oberyn, what is it?" She asked and want to know what he wanted to talk about. Elia noticed he was uncomfortable in his chair and looked to not want to say whatever he wanted to say.

Oberyn takes a deep breath and takes a sip from the goblet, and clears his throat.
"Elia, we need to talk about the dragon," he said quietly, almost afraid that someone would hear them.
Elia slammed her hand on the table. She was already angry. "What about the dragon? We are lucky that my son has a dragon, and House Targaryen will be the ultimate power again," She responded angrily with a higher tone.

Oberyn took a deep breath. "That's true, but the dragon should belong to Aegon," he responded carefully, and she fought the urge to slap him in the face.
"Oberyn, I know what you're getting at, so I will end this NOW. Jaehaerys is my son, and he will always be, and you better remember that you and Doran," she shouted and with a hint of threatening tone.

He's Lya's son, my son. How dare he even suggest that after everything he has suffered, Elia thought, furious with her brother.

Oberyn looked to be shrinking in his seat and lowered his gaze to the table, "I'm sorry, Elia, if he wanted it, he could have had it already," he responded quietly, almost like he was talking to himself.

Oberyn then drinks the whole goblet with wine and fills another one. After three minutes of silence, he looks at her. "I'm sorry," Oberyn said, but Elia didn't respond to that.
Oberyn's eyes go to Elia. "Rhaegar, stopped marriage of brothers and sisters because there were no dragons. Who will Prince Jaehaerys marry?" Oberyn asked, looking at Elia with a serious look.

She sighed. "I'm not sure, maybe Daenerys or Rhaenys, but only if they want," Elia responded, and Oberyn nodded in agreement.
"If that's the case, then I'm sure Rhaenys will tear every lady's throat for trying to get close to Jaehaerys," he responded with a calm tone.

Elia raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" She asked, and she crossed her arms.
Oberyn shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing, forget about it," he responded and drank the whole goblet with wine.
"I'm sorry about what I said. It was foolish," he said with an apologetic look.
Elia looked carefully at his eyes, and he looked, to be honest.
"You're forgiven," she responded quietly but emotionless, sending Oberyn a message to be careful next time.

He gets up and bow his head in respect, and leaves the room quietly.

Dacey Mormont

She and GreatJon have gathered all the lords of the North who came in the tourney. Looking at everyone's face, Lord Karstark looked to be furious about what happened to Ned Stark. Some other lords were neutral, and GreatJon agreed with her that Ned Stark broke the law. Lord Bolton looked to be enjoying what was happening, and she understood why. She knew he might have some hidden plan.

She had gone to check on the Stark children in the morning, and they looked shocked and filled with sadness. Brandon Stark kept asking where his mother and father were, and she didn't really know how to answer that question.

Arya Stark was just lying on her bed. She was dead silent and wasn't talking to anyone. Dacey had tried to speak to her; she had turned her head the other way and avoided her.

Sansa Stark looked to not believing that someone she thought was her bastard brother was actually Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen. She kept saying that her father and mother were innocent and that they had done nothing wrong. She then had asked her if she could meet them, and Dacey said that she could later.

Robb Stark, on the other hand, was trying to be strong and trying to talk with his sisters and brother and trying to tell them that everything would be alright. But she could see there was rage behind his eyes, and Dacey hoped he wouldn't try anything foolish.

Everyone was whispering to each other when GreatJon slammed his fist on the table in front of him.
"Everyone be quiet now," he shouted, looking at everyone to see if anyone would talk again.

"Now we're gonna talk about what has happened," he said, but Lord Karstark gets up from his seat, looking furious.
"What is there to talk about? This can only be answered with War," he shouted, but only a few lords followed with 'Aye.'
Lady Dacey shook her head in disappointment.

"Have you gone mad? Didn't you hear, Lord Stark stole Lyanna's boy and raised him like he was some bastard, and not only that, but he treated him like shit" GreatJon shouted towards Lord Karstark, and this time she and the rest of the lords cried 'Aye.'

Lord Karstark was looking at them angrily. "Did you expect him to let him be raised amongst snakes? He's a son of The North," he responded, trying to convince them but more like convincing himself.

Dacey had enough with this foolishness "I would have agreed with what you said, but we all heard from Howland and prince Jon that he was treated like dirt. Do you treat your family like that, Lord Karstark? We all went to the rebellion 11 years ago for what happened to Brandon Stark and Rickard Stark, and mostly for what we thought happened to Lyanna Stark. Ned Stark throws all that away for nothing," Dacey responded, almost like shouting, and her voice was heard clearly from every lord.

Everyone's attention turns to her. Lord Glover and Lord Karstark looked to be thinking about what she said. Lord Glover looked sad and looked convinced about what she said.
"But, Ned said that he didn't let him be mistreated," Lord Karstark said, not sure himself about it.

"We all were in Winterfell, five years ago after the Greyjoy Rebellion, I saw Prince Jon, a few times, and every time I saw him, he was hiding in the corners of Winterfell, and he looked like a scared child, from the look of his body, you could clearly see, he wasn't feeding well, and his clothes were just called clothes, they were horrible, and I'm surprised that he didn't get sick and die" it was Lord Cerwyn who responded thoughtfully and with a hint of sadness in his tone.

That said, and Lord Karstark slowly lowered his head and shook his head. He looked both shocked and disappointed.
Lord Glover looked more angry than disappointed, and he was closing his fists so hard that Dacey was sure he would hurt his fingers or his palm.

After minutes of complete silence, GreatJon cleared his throat and got everyone's attention.
"We need to accept this, Lord Eddard Stark betrayed his own blood for no reason, right now. We need to make sure that his son becomes a good lord," He said, but Dacey wasn't sure how they would do that.

Losing his father and mother will make him go even deeper in the hole. If we want to change him, the first thing we need to do is take the Greyjoy away and let him spend time with sons of the North.

Dacey thought and decided to talk about this with GreatJon later. Looking at the corner of her eyes, she could see Lord Bolton had a small smirk on his face.

House Stark is weak now, and this might be the best time for Lord Bolton to take control over the North

Dacey thought and thinking of a solution to this.
"I need to talk with Lord Stark again, and with Robb Stark," Lord Karstark said. Dacey was about to refuse when Lord Glover decided to interrupt.

"And talk About WHAT? He let Lya's boy to be treated like he was some wildlings from beyond the wall. Hell, Lord Stark even wanted to send the poor boy to the Night's Watch, to rot there, tell me, How would you feel if someone stole your CHILD" Lord Glover shouted, angry-looking at Lord Karstark, furious who was quiet and looked to not know how to answer.

Lord Glover then left the tent, furious. Dacey glance at GreatJon, who nodded his head.
"This meeting has ended," Dacey shouted and left the tent. She decided it was the time to talk with Lyanna's boy.

Arya Stark

She couldn't remember the last time she felt so alone, so heartbroken, so sad, so betrayed. She didn't even what she was even feeling. How was she even supposed to feel? Since Jon returned from the Wall, she had noticed something had changed but wasn't quite sure what. But she didn't think it was anything to worry about. But the hard looks that he sends at their father showed that something was wrong.

From what she could remember, Arya always knew that neither father nor mother paid much attention to Jon. Hell, her mother looked to be hating Jon for no reason.
Since she could remember, Jon always spends more time in the woods rather than in Winterfell with them, and she couldn't remember that much from the time that Jon actually spent more time in Winterfell. But still, Jon would always make sure to play with her and was always her favorite brother.

Robb would spend his whole time with that Greyjoy idiot, and Sansa couldn't stop talking about ladies and princes, annoying Arya to no End. And Bran was still just a baby.

Only Jon cared for her and her parents, but all that changed when he returned from the wall. When Jon straight up refused what father was saying to leave him in Winterfell, he was locked in his room. She had cried the whole day for three days and asking father why he left him in Winterfell, but most of the time, he would avoid her questions or just give half-answers.

When she saw Jon in Harrenhal and walking towards the royal family to sing, she felt happy, thrilled, and she had known Jon was good at singing. He had once or twice sung for her to sleep.
She didn't care that how he was there, he was here, and that's all that mattered. But when he started singing, she had glanced at her father and found that he wasn't happy. No, he had lost all the color from his face and looked terrified.

Arya couldn't understand why, and when she had tried to go and talk with Jon, her father refused and ordered his guards to send them to their beds. She had cried again, but in the end, she had no other choice.

After that night, everything went for the worst, and when she woke up in the morning, she expected to see Jon, sleeping with them but instead, No, he wasn't with them. She asked where he was, but both her father and mother looked angry, especially her mother, who looked furious when she asked.

That day went by without seeing Jon anywhere, she had looked for him but didn't see him anywhere, and he didn't come to her.

Before they went to The Melee, Jon finally came to her but then, the way how he talked with their father and the way he looked at them. Broke her heart. She knew it was their fault.

Jon is my brother, why couldn't they see that? Arya had asked herself.

During The Melee, Jon didn't sit with them, he sat with The Royal Family, and she couldn't understand why. Mother was also surprised, but she was furious too. Sansa had cried, saying why he was there with them and not her. Arya had rolled her eyes at that.
Robb looked angry too for whatever reason, and Bran was just staring at the field.

After that, they were called to the main hall, and Arya had noticed that her father looked sick, and she couldn't understand why.
When Jon came inside with the royal family, she was even more surprised and shocked, but then when the king stated that her father was a traitor, she wanted to yell 'No' her father was no Traitor.

But when the king revealed who her brother Jon was all along, he wasn't her brother, and his name was Jaehaerys Targaryen and not Jon.

Arya's heart broke. That was just impossible. He was her brother, he loved her, and now he just wasn't anymore. She couldn't believe it. It must be some mistake, Arya had thought, but looking at Jon, his face furious when mother started yelling that it was all a lie.

When Lord Howland Reed said that everything that The King said was true, she started crying and looking at her brother. He wasn't even looking at her. She felt alone and wanted him to tell her everything would be alright, but no, then the king revealed that her father would go away forever.

No, No, Jon would never do that, he would never do that to me, I'm still his sister.

She thought to herself and started begging Jon not to do that, but he said nothing. He just avoided her. Making her feel more alone and scared.

Then mother said something that shocked her. Arya always knew her mother didn't like Jon but to say that she regretted not killing him. Broke her heart even more. Then the king announced that her mother would die; she would never see her again. At that point, she felt like she was dreaming, a horrible dream.
She wanted to wake up and return things how they were, but, No, this was no dream. And things would never return how they were.

She lost everything, her father, mother, and her favorite brother in a single day.

She couldn't remember what happened after that point, she remembers to have woken up in her bed, and close to her was Sansa, Robb, Bran, and Rickon was crying in his crib. The wet nurses tried to calm him down, but it took a long time until he stopped crying.

The lords of her father had come to them to talk, but they were mostly talking to Robb, who acted like he was listening, but Arya knew he was in no mood to listen to anyone.

Arya still couldn't comprehend what happened today. Her mind is thinking about why this has happened. Jon wasn't her brother and was the king's son that her father took without the king's permission.

She couldn't understand why her father would do something like that, but even if he did, Jon was happy in Winterfell. Right?

She didn't know why he wouldn't be happy, and he looked pleased when he spends time with her, and when he read her stories. She knew he wasn't treated fairly, and that always made Arya angry, but he must have known what would happen if he revealed the truth.

Why didn't he tried to protect father? Arya asked herself but found no answers, only more grief.

When Jon came to them, it took all her will not to run and jump on his arms and never leave again. But she was angry. Her father and mother are gone.

When he started walking towards her, she couldn't stop the tears, and she tried to avoid his gaze as much as possible. But couldn't stop crying.
When he called her 'Little Sister,' she cried even more.

During the night, she had cried for everyone, for her father, for her mother, and for her brother.

Robb had tried to calm her down and saying everything would be alright, but Arya knew that wasn't true. That was a lie. Sansa had cried too, and asking many times where father and mother were.

Now she was still on her bed, and she was lying on her bed, looking at Rickon, who was sleeping peacefully in his crib. That made her smile a little.

But he will grow up without ever knowing father and mother, Arya thought and feeling tears in her eyes again.

"Arya," she looks up and sees Sansa calling her.
"What?" Arya responded tired and with an emotionless voice.
"Can we go see, mother and father?" She asked quietly, looking at her.
She got up in a sitting position and shrugged her shoulders.
"Maybe, we will go later, when Robb is ready," Arya responded, and her eyes going to Rickon again.

"Do you think Jon is really a prince that father stole?" Sansa asked quietly, looking at her. Arya turns her head to her.
"Yes, The King and Queen would not just make up stuff," Arya responded, and her heart hurt even more.

Sansa looked to be thinking about what she said, "But, Why then? Why did father steal Jon then?" She asked quietly.
Arya shrugged her shoulders. "Who knows, perhaps he thought Jon would be happier with us," Arya responded, not knowing what else to say.

Sansa looked convinced and just nodded in agreement.
Arya sees the tent open, and Robb walks inside, looking at Sansa.
"We're going to meet father and mother."

Daemon Blackfyre

He returned to Pentos to meet his father again, and it has been two years since the last time he meets him. Golden Company was ready and had bought extra men to have more chance against The Targaryens.
Captain Harry told him that they had support from within the Keep itself, a spy sending them information. He also said to him that one of the kingdoms had agreed to support him.

Since Daemon could remember himself, his father spends his whole life to prepare him to retake his rightful place on The Iron Throne.
His mother died, bringing him to this world, and his father said that her last words were that she loved him and that she wants him to take the throne that belongs to him.

Daemon would talk a lot with his father about his mother, but his father would mostly mention how much she had suffered because of The Targaryens. That filled Daemon with rage. He wanted to take revenge for what the Targaryens did.

Captain Harry had started teaching sword fighting since he was five name days.
Teaching him about the houses of Westeros, which one could support him, which one would never support him.

When he was eight name days, Captain Harry gave him the sword 'Blackfyre,' which belonged to his family from the very beginning. The only one missing was the sword 'Dark Sister.'

Now Daemon reached his house, and in the gates, he could see his father smiling when he saw him, he was waiting with six unsullied soldiers.

His father looked ready to cry. "Daemon," he shouted and started running towards him and hugs him. Daemon hugs him back. After a minute, his father pulls back and looks at him, "Let me look at you," he said happily and looking at his face, his shoulders, and then he grabbed his nose.

He started laughing. "You're just like your mother," he said proudly but with a hint of sadness.
"Thank You, father, " Daemon responded happily and hugging him again.
"Let's get inside. I have a feast ready for you," he said, smiling, and they started walking inside, followed by The Unsullied soldiers and at least ten servants.

Walking inside, Daemon saw the big picture of his mother. His father had hired an artist and made his mother a dawning on how his father remembered her.

She was the most beautiful woman in the world, Daemon thought.

His father leads him to his big solar, which had chairs and tables covered in gold in the tables' edges, and the same for the chairs around the table.
The spoons he used were made of gold.
Daemon walks to his chair, and his father fills a glass with wine for him and himself.
Daemon grabs it, and they toast. "To my Son and Serra," his father proudly and drinking the whole glass with wine.

Daemon drinks it too and looks at his father. "Father, I'm ready for war," Daemon stated, but his father shook his head to his surprise.
"I just received information that it is better if we wait a bit more," his father responded, and he felt his anger rising.
Before he could ask why his father throws him a scroll.
Daemon picks it up and opens it, and starts reading.

' My Friend, we have a new Targaryen. Apparently, the hidden dragon has found out and soon the king, and he will meet, Wait and I will inform you when to talk with House of Black and White'.

Sansa Stark - 7 years old
Arya Stark - 6 years old
Bran Stark - 3 years old
Rickon Stark - 2 months old
Daemon Blackfyre - 12 years old

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