Tragedy ✧ John Murphy

By SuperWalkingThrones

115K 2.5K 336

Julia Blake wasn't supposed to be born. Ninety-seven years ago there was a nuclear apocalypse on Earth. All... More

• Act 1 •
• Prologue •
• Chapter 1 •
• Chapter 2 •
• Chapter 3 •
• Chapter 4 •
• Chapter 5 •
• Chapter 6 •
• Chapter 7 •
• Chapter 8 •
• Chapter 9 •
• Chapter 10 •
• Chapter 11 •
• Chapter 13 •
• Chapter 14 •
• Chapter 15 •
• Chapter 16 •
• Chapter 17 •
• Chapter 18 •
• Chapter 19 •
• Chapter 20 •
• Chapter 21 •
• Chapter 22 •
• Chapter 23 •
• Chapter 24 •
• Chapter 25 •
• Chapter 26 •
• Act 2 •
• Chapter 27 •
• Chapter 28 •
• Chapter 29 •
• Chapter 30 •
• Chapter 31 •
• Chapter 32 •
• Chapter 33 •

• Chapter 12 •

3K 54 0
By SuperWalkingThrones

Third Person's POV

Fourteen-year-old Julia Blake and sixteen-year-old Octavia Blake sat at their table in their chambers on the Ark.

Octavia was sewing a button onto a pair of jeans and Julia was reading a book when Bellamy entered the room. They looked up at him when he came in.

"You guys will never guess what's about to happen." Bellamy greeted them. "Inspection. We'll get in the hole." Octavia said. There was no more struggle from them when there were inspections now. They had accepted that that's just the way their lives were.

The sisters started to stand up to move over to the hole, but Bellamy stopped them as he rushed over. "No, no, no, no, no. Sit, sit. This is great." He told them and they sat back down.

Bellamy sat in the chair on the side between them. "Please, Bell, we don't want to hear about another amazing moonrise when we're never gonna be able to see one." Octavia spoke, frustratedly.

"You're going to see one right now. Both of you. The Unity Day mascarade dance starts in ten minutes. Now, I didn't want to say anything until I was sure my cadet unit was working security. I'm gonna be there watching you the entire time." Bellamy explained and handed them each a mask.

Octavia and Julia looked at the masks and at each other in disbelief. "Wait, are you serious?" Julia questioned her brother as her hope grew.

Bellamy grinned and nodded in response. He was so happy to finally be able to give his sisters the one thing they wanted more than anything in the world: to just be able to leave their chambers.

Julia and Octavia put on their masks and turned to their brother again. "How do we look?" Octavia asked him. "Dashing? Cute? Classy? Positively radient?" Julia added on to her sister's question jokingly as she pretended to model her new look.

Then she and Octavia laughed as Bellamy chuckled. "Mysterious." He answered the question.

"Oh, Bell, what about Mom?" Octavia asked and Bellamy turned to her. "Hey, will you stop worrying? We'll be back before she even knows you both were gone." Bellamy told her before standing up.

He walked over to their door and opened it. Octavia and Julia stood up as they watched him. "Want to go for a walk?" Bellamy asked as he turned and walked back, holding out a hand for each of them.

They each took his hand and he led them over to the door. They hesitated for a moment before Bellamy walked through the door, his sisters following him out.

They couldn't believe it. Their wholes lives they were told this was something they could never do and here they were, actually doing it. The one thing they actually wanted in life.

"It's okay." Bellamy said, seeing them glance nervously around. Then he started walking down the corridor, Julia and Octavia following behind him.

The corridor was surprisingly similar to their chambers. The walls were still metallic and the floors and ceilings were the same, and yet, it was just as amazing as the sisters dreamed it would be.

After a few more moments of walking, they turned a corner and Bellamy blocked their way. He smirked down at them in a way that Julia knew that there was something amazing behind him. Then he moved and they saw it.

Julia found it hard to breathe as she and Octavia walked over to the window. Through the window was the earth and the moon. It was absolutely breathtaking and Julia felt a few tears slip down her face. She had never been happier.

She stared at it in winder for a few more seconds before turning around and walking back towards her brother.

When she reached him, she looked up in his eyes with her tear-filled ones. "Thank you, Bell." She spoke before wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tightly.

Bellamy smiled to himself as he hugged his youngest sister back. Nothing in the world made him happier than seeing his sisters happy.

Then, suddenly, there was chatter. Julia pulled back from Bellamy and Octavia turned around as they both looked towards the source of the noise.

There were people – real people who weren't Bellamy or Aurora – that were passing them in the hall, smiling and chatting with each other. Julia's tears stopped as she looked towards the people in shock.

Bellamy motioned with his eyes for them to go join the group of people that were flooding the mess hall. So they did.

Julia tried to control the shock on her face as they tried to blend in, but it was hard. There were so many people. Any number more than the three people she knew was a lot.

A smile grew on her face as she and Octavia joined the dance floor, watching the other people and trying to imitate the way they moved.

Soon, Julia lost herself in the moment and grinned as she just danced.


Life for Julia was not as great in the present though. She and Octavia walked behind the grounder as he led them back in the direction towards the cave.

Julia still had the headache from before and Octavia was limping and soon had to stop. Julia stopped with her and the grounder turned back to see why they stopped.

"Uhh. My leg. I need to rest." Octavia said as she leaned against a tree. The grounder walked back towards them and simply swept Octavia up into his arms and started carrying her.

Julia raised her eyebrows as she let out a laugh of disbelief at the nonchalant way the grounder picked Octavia up like it was a typical thing to do.

He glanced back to make sure Julia was following and so she started to follow behind them.

"Thank you. You saved my life." Octavia spoke to the grounder after a few moments of silence. He didn't respond.

"That girl back there, we know her. So, if she's here, then so is our brother. Please, you have to help him too. They'll kill him." Octavia told the grounder, who didn't respond again.

"O, I'm thinking he doesn't understand you. Or he just wants us to think he doesn't understand you. Either way, I don't think you're going to get much of a response." Julia spoke up.

It wasn't long until they arrived back at the cave and the grounder put Octavia back on her feet as he opened the entrance to the cave.

"Seriously, you're making us go back in there? This sucks." Julia complained and the grounder forced them in.

He picked Octavia up and led them back to the main part of the cave again, where they were when they first woke up. He placed Octavia down on the ground.

"Why are you taking care of us? You found us at the bottom of that ravine. Fixed my knee." Octavia got distracted by what she was saying, but Julia saw what the grounder was doing.

"Hey, stop that!" Julia shouted and tried to stop the grounder from whatever he was about to do with the chains in his hands.

Although she already knew she was no match for him, Julia tried to tackle him again. This time he just pushed her down to sit next to Octavia and wrapped the chains around their wrists together.

"Hey, what are you doing? Ahh! Stop it! No, stop it!" Octavia screamed and started crying as she realized what was happening.

"Please! Please don't do this!" Julia screamed and pleaded, trying to stay strong, but it was hard when hearing her sister cry.

Her pleading didn't matter. The grounder was gone and the sisters were left, chained together in the dark cave as Octavia openly cried and Julia tried in vain to hold back her tears.


Outside, Bellamy, Finn, Jasper, and Monroe searched for their missing friend. "There she is. Roma!" Monroe said as they just barely saw her body on the other side of a tree.

Everyone stopped as they realized she didn't respond, except Bellamy who quickly walked over her. The rest followed behind until Bellamy was able to see that Monroe was impaled against the tree and was dead.

"They're playing with us." Finn spoke as the others moved closer together. Bellamy closed Roma's eyes. "She only came because of me." He spoke sadly.

"They can kill us whenever they want." Finn said as he looked around. "Then they should get it over with! Come on!" Jasper's loud shouts caught everyone off guard and Finn rushed to shut him up.

"Stop! Stop!" Finn exclaimed, but Jasper kept going. "We know you're out there! You want to kill us or..!" Jasper shouted and then there were multiple grounders running towards them.

"Bellamy!" Monroe shouted and they all got into defensive positions, ready to try and fight off the grounds.

Suddenly, the bellow of a loud horn split through the air. The grounders all stopped and looked around before running away when they heard it.

"They're leaving." Bellamy said as they watched them all run away.

"That horn. What does it mean?" Jasper questioned, looking around. "Acid fog." Finn figured out and started to get out their acid fog covering.

"We have to run." Monroe said but Finn shook his head. "There's no time."


Music played loudly in the mess room of the Ark. Julia was jumping and dancing and just having the time of her life.

She glanced over at her sister was saw that she and a boy were dancing facing each other. The boy asked what station she was from, but she didn't answer. She just kept dancing.

Suddenly the music stopped and the lights turned back on to their normal settings. "Solar flare alert." A woman spoke over the P.A and Julia quickly moved over to stand next to her sister.

"An X-class solar flare has begun on the starboard side of the Ark. All citizens must report to the nearest shelter zone immediately." The woman continued speaking over the P.A. as Octavia and Julia looked around for their brother frantically.

A hand grabbed onto Julia's wrist and both sisters turned quickly to see their brother. He continued holding onto Julia's wrist as he walked off quickly with them both in tow.

"Bell, we need to get home!" Octavia exclaimed quietly as their brother searched for a way to get them safely home without being caught. But there were guards everywhere entering the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you know the drill. Masks off. I.D. chips out." Lieutenant Shumway spoke as he entered the room.

"Bell, what do we do?" Julia questioned, looking up at her brother for answers. She was scared but she trusted that her brother had a plan. He always did.

"Listen to me. Whatever happens, you get back home and get under the floor. You'll be safe there from the flare, like always." Bellamy told them.

"What are you gonna do?" Octavia asked. She was scared for herself and Julia, but she was also scared for her brother.

"Create a distraction. Go on." Bellamy got out his shock baton and turned away, but turned back when Julia spoke. "Bell, how do we get home?"

Bellamy just stared at his sisters for a moment. He knew logically it made sense that they wouldn't know their way home since they had never been out before, but still, the realization landed hard. It was heartbreaking to him.

Before he could say or do anything, Shumway walked over to them. "Cadet Blake. Why is your weapon out?" He questioned and Bellamy turned to face him.

He re-holstered his baton as Shumway turned to Octavia and Julia. "Masks off." He told them as he took their masks off their face. Julia was frozen in fear. She didn't know what to do.

"Sir, th-they're fine. I already scanned them." Bellamy lied and Shumway seemed to believe him for a moment before realizing he didn't have a scanner.

"You don't have a scanner." He responded before turning to the girls. "I.D., please." He told them and they just looked to Bellamy. There was nothing left for Bellamy to do except plead.

"Please, Lieutenant Shumway. I'm begging you. They need to leave. As a fellow guardsman... just let us walk out of here and I'll do anything you want. Anything." Bellamy begged.

"You're not a guardsman yet, cadet. I.D. Now." Shumway demanded, turning to Octavia and Julia.

There was a moment of just staring between Shumway and Octavia and Julia before they took off. That was the very last chance they had.

"Stop them." Shumway ordered and they were both caught by guardsmen before they could leave the room.

It was at that moment that all three siblings knew that life as they knew it was over.

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