Sonadow Tale

By nube_stormy39

37.6K 709 1.4K

It's just a Sonadow story, not much to say other than they find a friendship between each other and notice th... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

13K 211 553
By nube_stormy39

   It was a normal night, the moon was glowing brightly in the night sky. Sonic, being the fastest thing on Earth, ran around the town making sure everything was ok. Everything seemed to be just fine that breezy night. Right as he was about to race back home, he noticed someone lurking near the houses. Concerned about what it could be, he raced towards the house and tackled the figure to the ground. "OW!" went the angry voice. "Shadow?" he asked recognizing the gruff voice. "Yes it's me! Now get off of me!" Shadow snapped. Sonic let him get up and put himself together. "Why'd you tackle me anyway?" Shadow asked angrily. "I thought you were robbing something." Sonic replied a little embarrassed.

Angrily, Shadow walked away and went down a street and into an alleyway. "Shadow... what are you doing here?" Sonic asked. "This is my home. Eggman kicked me out of his base... so I live here." Shadow replied and laid down in the dirt before zipping up his jacket. Shocked by Sonic wouldn't allow it. "C'mon. You're coming to with me faker." he snapped, grabbing Shadow by the wrist. "No! I'd rather rot!" Shadow snapped but couldn't get away at this point. Both sped off and made it to Sonic's house.

Shadow was stunned but calmed down after a few minutes. "Just make yourself at home!" Sonic told him as he hung up his scarf on a hook. Quickly Shadow took off his jacket, chucked it to the ground. After a few minutes, Sonic went into his bedroom and changed into a pair of shorts. Surprisingly, it made Shadow blush to see Sonic wear so little. "U-Um. Where do you want me to sleep?" he asked quickly. "Well, you can sleep on the couch... or sleep in the bed. I'll sleep wherever you don't." Sonic replied. Shadow rubbed back his quills before motioning to the couch. "I'll stay here. Thanks again... but I could've taken care of myself." Shadow replied. Sonic nodded his head before heading to his bedroom and shutting the door. Shadow laid down on the couch, staring at the ceiling, deep in his thoughts. He felt so alone on the couch, so much was on his mind, he started getting restless. Finally, he got up and knocked on Sonic's door.

"Yes...?" asked a very sleepy Sonic trying to wake up a little bit. "C-Can we switch by any chance?" he asked, embarrassed. Sleepily Sonic nodded his head and grabbed his stuff to sleep on the couch. Once in bed, Shadow still couldn't fall asleep but tried his best. The next morning he woke up and went to the kitchen where the scent of cinnamon filled the air. "What are you making?" Shadow asked, still trying to wake up. "Cinnamon rolls! I'm out of chilidogs." Sonic replied cheerily. Serving the food, Shadow poked at the squishy brown roll. "Eat it Faker! It's good!" Sonic teased as he took a bite of the sweet treat. Shadow rolled his eyes and pushed the plate away from him. "I'm the Ultimate Lifeform. I don't need to eat." he snapped. "Whatever then! I'm going out for now. Feel free to do whatever!" Sonic replied before heading out the door. Once he was out the door, Shadow looked at the cinnamon roll and took a small bite. "Wow!" he gasped.

The warmness of it filled his stomach and he ate the whole thing. Why would he go through all the effort to make this for me? Aren't we supposed to be rivals? Shadow wondered. The thought of Sonic made him blush so he tried to take his mind off of it.

He watched TV for a little bit before deciding to go outside to see what was going on. In the midst of the town, he saw the battle with Eggman. "You won't win this battle Eggman!" Sonic taunted. "You sure about that blue rat?" Eggman snapped. More robots came after Sonic and his friends. Amy and Knuckles smashed small robots, while Tails was able to cause explosions to pop the robots. Sonic used a spin dash to break all the other robots in the way. "You might've defended my small robots, but there's no way you can defeat my Dragoon!" Eggman taunted, as a robot came his way and then went to attack the gang. "Sonic, Amy, on your left!" Tails shouted as he flew across the sky. "Knuckles, give me a boost!" Sonic shouted. Knuckles ran over and helped Sonic get into the air by giving him a boost with his hands. Watching them made Shadow a little jealous, wishing he could have the friends he didn't have. He watched as Sonic crushed the robot with a spin dash and by just using his fist. Most of the Dragoon was broken except for certain parts. They all thought the battle was over, but Shadow saw that Eggman had a remote that would launch a net into the air. For some reason, he reacted instantly, running as fast as he could. The gang noticed him coming over and got into a fighting stance. With all his might, he pushed the gang out of the way, right as the net coming over him. He rolled a bunch before getting stuck in the net completely. "What the- Shadow! What are you doing?!" Eggman snapped.

The whole group looked stunned at Shadow's actions but kicked Eggman's butt before any more damage was caused. "Shadow, why'd you do that? Especially after he kicked you out?" Sonic asked, shocked by his rival's behavior. "I-I didn't think it was fair p-play. Besides... I kind of owe you..." he stuttered avoiding eye contact with the blue hedgehog. "He kicked you out? Why!" Tails asked shocked. "None of your business!" Shadow snapped. "Gee, rude much?" Knuckles muttered. "Be nice you guys! We don't know what happened. Do you need a place to stay?" Amy asked. "No. I'm staying with faker until something else happens." Shadow told her. "Well, I would love to stick around and chat but I've got some things to do. Bye!" Tails said before heading off into the distance.

Amy and Knuckles also said their goodbyes before heading off too. "So Shadow, uh, what do you want to do?" Sonic asked. "I don't care. I'll do just about anything." he replied. Off the two went, into the stores where they bought sharp clothes and also got a coffee. "How come you don't try to live a little Shadow? You're always so grumpy!" Sonic wondered. "I can't find a reason to be happy. My life has just been kind of depressing." Shadow replied. "Well, maybe that your free from Eggman's place, you can start living your life!" Sonic replied. "I have been living my life!" Shadow snapped. "No, I mean really living your life! Like, isn't there anything you've really wanted to do but couldn't?" he asked. Sonic looked at the hedgehog's anger turn into a gloomy expression. "Maybe find someone who will stick by my side... and not just disappear..." he replied sadly. Sonic looked at him sympathetically but then patted Shadow's back to show support. Without thinking, Shadow pulled Sonic in for a hug. At first, he stood there awkwardly before pushing away. "Well uh- we should head go ahead and get going! Let's pick up food on the way back!" Sonic told him a little flustered. They walked to a small restaurant to pick up some food. "Hello! How can I help you?" asked the cashier. "I'll take two chilidogs! What do you want Shadow?" Sonic replied. "Just soup." Shadow replied blankly. "Okie doke! I'll bring those right out!" the cashier replied before heading to the back.

While they waited both of them exchanged small talk, slowly warming up to each other. "Ok, here's your food! Have a nice one!" the cashier told them handing off their food in a bag. They thanked her before heading out the door to walk home.

Once back at Sonic's home, they unpacked it and ate what they had gotten. Shadow drank and slurped his soup as Sonic chowed down on his chilidogs. "So do want to watch a movie?" Sonic asked. "Sure I guess." Shadow replied. They sat down on the couch and began to watch a movie on Netflix from the TV." While they watched, Sonic started getting sleepy, then fell asleep on Shadow's shoulder. When he did, Shadow felt the heat rise in his cheeks. Why do I keep getting these feelings around him? Shadow wondered as he tried shifting to get away. After the movie was over, Shadow wasn't sure what to do with Sonic on him. "Right, we're doing this the hard way." Shadow sighed frustrated. He picked up Sonic and carried him to his room then laid him on the bed. Shadow wasn't sure where to sleep now since the couch was so uncomfortable. Looking at the empty side in the bed and hesitated for a minute. "Please don't kill me." he prayed before getting into the empty side of the bed and got into the covers. He heard Sonic's little snores and turned over to look at him and couldn't take his eyes away. For some reason, Shadow couldn't help it and touched Sonic's quills. Right as he did, he felt Sonic move and stopped what he was doing.

"What. How did I get in here?" Sonic asked as he woke up a little bit. He looked over and saw Shadow laying there with him. "S-Shadow! W-What are you doing in here?" he asked surprised. "S-Sorry. You fell asleep so I brought you here. I'm really sorry. I didn't think it through and that couch is so damn uncomfortable!" Shadow explained. Sonic looked at the truly remorseful Shadow and relaxed a bit. "It's ok! Just tell me if you need anything. I'll always be here for you." Sonic reassured. Shadow, for the first time in a while, smiled genuinely. "Wow Faker! I didn't think you could smile!" Sonic teased. "Oh shut it! Don't get used to it!" Shadow replied playfully. They talked for a while until they got tired and went to sleep.

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