Will of the Stars -SoW fanfic...

Da Cloudless_Skyy

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We all have demons... and sometimes they win. ... Altro

Chapter Ⅰ: First snowfall
Chapter Ⅱ: Cold hugs
Chapter Ⅲ: Stars
Chapter Ⅳ: forests
Chapter Ⅴ: Gift
Chapter Ⅵ: Mountain
Chapter Ⅷ: Storm
Chapter Ⅸ: Captive
Chapter Ⅹ: hellfire
Chapter Ⅺ: Death
Chapter Ⅻ: Broken Crown
Chapter ⅫⅠ : Past and present
Chapter ⅩⅠV: Family
Chapter ⅩV: Will of the stars
Lost time (epilogue)

Chapter Ⅶ: light

319 16 18
Da Cloudless_Skyy


What was it to the Voltaris?

A source of heat, the source of darkness, as long as there is light there is darkness.

People fear the dark not because it is cold and often pictured as lifeless- but because they are afraid of what lurks in it, what some sort of terrifying creature could thrive in the darkness.

Ingressus narrowed his eyes to slits, making his eyes almost look entirely black, almost.

He watched as Achillean walked to the fallen tree the Nestoris looked around almost as if he were expecting to be attacked.

Every bone in Ingressus' body longed to leap out, for his sword to taste the Nestoris' blood.

"All in due time," he thought.

He tightened his grip on the handle of his greatsword. He thought back to when Thalleous had killed his father.

Anger bubbled up in his chest, oh how he would love to see the pleading look on the Sendaris' face as he slowly drove his sword through the chest of the champion.

He shut his eyes, he was hurting, that he knew all the loss the Voltaris clan had faced.

Was he wrong? Was he wrong for wanting to bring the Voltaris out of exile?

Maybe he was, maybe it was hopeless to help his people.

But that didn't mean Ingressus wouldn't try. Oh, he would try to his last breath till his markings turned blacker than the void. He would try.

He let out a slight shiver. The cold was getting to him.

He had to act now or risk losing his chance. Ingressus had no intention of bringing harm to Amaya or her child.

He wasn't that heartless.

The Voltaris picked up Voltar from the snowy ground before stalking his way towards Achillean.

He lifted the staff off the ground holding it outwards, a soft green light glowed from the staff causing another tree to crash to the ground. The sound made him flinch slightly.

Ingressus watched as Achillean spun around to face him, the Nestoris' golden eyes held pure fear.

He felt a small tug at his heart- a part of him, the old him he had fought so hard to forget, came back.

He growled through clenched teeth.

Achillean would suffer today he wasn't going to let some old memories stop him.

He drew his blade.

"Achillean," he let out a dark chuckle, stepping closer to the Nestoris. Achillean drew his staff igniting the enchantment "not going to talk your way out of it?" Ingressus mocked.

"The brother I once knew is gone.." Achillean paused "and I shall avenge him,"

Ingresus let out a bone-chilling laugh "your brother is right here,"

Achillean did not respond, the Voltaris tilted his head the Nestoris had a point.

Ingressus had changed.

Without another word he charged he wasn't trying to fatally wound him, just enough so that he could be captured.

the power of three primes roared through his blood, causing his hands to shake slightly.

Sometimes it was too much for The Voltaris to handle, but he wouldn't let Achillean win here.

He ignited the flame enchantment on his sword, crashing it into the Nestoris's side.

Achillean let out a cry of agony, using the end of his staff to push Ingressus away.

The Voltaris smirked upon seeing the fresh burn mark on the Nestoris' side

His skin had turned slightly red, his skin had cracked around the area

His adversary's eyes were bright with pain and hurt.

Some of it came from the wound the Voltaris had just inflected some of it came from the past when the only time they would fight was when they were sparring,

Ingressus lunged at Achillean but was thrown aside by Achillean's Agrrobeam song of course He didn't use it forcefully enough to harm Ingressus.

The two fought like this back and forth for a while Ingressus had figured the fight would not have taken this long.

taking his chance, Ingressus slashed his sword across Achillean's side- it wasn't enough to kill him.


Achillean stumbled to the ground, his blood dripping on the ground below his side screamed in agony from the burn Ingressus had given him to the gash in his side Achillean felt like dying.

He felt a liquid run down his face- was he crying?

Pushing himself back to his feet, The Nestoris Ardoni stumbled towards Ingressus

His voice wavering, he fell back to his knees

"I- if " he wheezed "if you're going to-to kill me, ge-get it ove-r with," Achillean lowered his head in defeat his sides heaved with effort.

the only response he got from Ingressus was a dark chuckle.

Fear as to what the Voltaris might do entered his mind; Ingressus kicked his side, sending him sprawling across the patchy, snow-covered ground.

He coughed up blood as he waited to join the Stars.

But that wasn't their will for the Nestoris,

As his vision darkened, he could hear voices and the sound of several people running through the snow.

"It's The Deathsinger!"

"Back off, murderer!"



"That's right, you better run!"

Achillean felt relief flood his chest he would not die today.


Amaya opened her eyes from sleep she glanced around not seeing Achillean.

"He must have gotten up already,"

She walked out of the tent to see- it had been deserted? She checked each tent, seeing no one.

Her heart shattered- they had left them.

A small flicker of hope disagreed.

Maybe something had happened that they had to leave without her- that was a possibility.


She wanted to call out to see if they were still in the area but she knew better it could attract.. unwanted attention.

They were too exposed here; that worried Amaya even with this war the clans still had champions hunting down the Voltaris.

Even if she told them she had been traveling with Achillean, they would still kill her.

Amaya sat down, lost.

She didn't have a lot of options they couldn't stay here-but if they left, they risked death.

She glanced around, checking for footsteps she didn't see any- but by a fallen tree sat pools of red and yellow blood.

A battle had taken place recently.

It then dawned on Amaya.

They left to get help- Achillean wouldn't have left her here, so he had been attacked.

She pricked her ears, feeling a presence.

She spun around to see a Sendaris his marking swirled across his body- like produgiums.

She backed away fearfully.

The Sendaris quickly put his hands up

"I mean you no harm- Achillean sent me to find you-"

Amaya didn't move.

"My name is Galleous-" his tone was light and calm, not venomous like produgiums.

"I carry no weapons or songs on me- I couldn't harm you,"

Amaya raised her head, feeling slightly at ease

"And what happened?"

"Last night Achillean was attacked by the Deathsinger- he needed help and no one wielded a healing song. there is a small outpost not far from here- if you will come with me,"

Amaya nodded "All right, Galleous I'll take a chance and trust you," she got to her feet surprisingly Amaya was about the same height as Galleous. he was shorter unlike Achillean, who was a head taller than Amaya, then again the Female Voltaris was short.

She walked into her tent, picking up her child, who was still sleeping. She checked Ember's fever had not changed.

They set off towards the outpost.


The outpost came into view- it's stone walls looked old. The outpost had seen many battles

Out of instinct, Amaya picked up her child who had been walking she moved to walk behind Galleous almost as if she was hiding

No doubt this outpost would have over one Champion in it.

Her mother had told her that Champions only killed when they saw red.

When they walked inside, Amaya tried to make herself as small as possible as many pairs of eyes stared at her.

The outpost was full of activity with fresh weapons being made and young warriors sparring a large fire pit sat in the middle of all the bustling activity.

The Sendaris led her to a small healer tent, inside there were many healing potions and herbs, the healer was a short felina she had red hair, and light-brown ears.

On a small cot next to her Achillean laid, his side had been wrapped in gauze, it was marked with yellow bloodstains. His eyes were closed and his breathing was calm and level.

Amaya let out a wince as she looked at his side. The bit that wasn't bandaged had been burned.

"He will be fine, just needs to rest," the Felina spoke her voice was low and quiet.

"Are you two-?"

"I- what?"

"Is there any relationship here? Between the two of you?"

a faint blush was painted across the Voltaris' face she hoped the Felina had not noticed.

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean-"

"While he was awake he was worried about you," the felina smiled.

"That's- just his personality, he cares about others-"

"-yes, but he cares about you a little more," the felina paused, adding. "The name is Sierra,"

"Amaya," the Voltaris smiled "and then my little one is Ember,"

Serria's eyes softened at seeing the child,

"How old is she?" The tone of her voice had changed, Sierra had children of her own.

"Almost two," Amaya responded.

"Can I hold her?"

The small child nodded as she was handed to the Felina.

Sierra gently rocked the child; her gaze was warm.

"So precious," the Felina whispered.

"You have children of your own?"

The Felina nodded "a son and two daughters, my daughter has just reached her nineteenth year," there was pride in the Felina's voice.

Sierra handed Ember back to Amaya.

"She feels like she has a fever-"

"She does, do you have anything to help her?"

The Felina nodded. Reaching behind her she grabbed a potion the blue liquid inside gently fizzed.

"I have this- it's a healing potion- but not as potent as a normal one,"

The Felina handing the Voltaris a small clay cup, the mother gave it to the child to drink.

"Thank you for your help,"

"I'm a healer it's what I do,"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! and thanks for reading :D

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