❤️Love isn't a Deal ( an amou...

By Shweta2704

2.7K 77 63

"i will give up everything for you , let's leave all this and start a new life ,only you and me " (All right... More

to Readers
❤️Cast ❤️
1 .my life is different.
2.you will pay for it .
3.The unluckiest person ever
4. the caged Bird
5. A Fashion crime
7. Buy 1 get 1 free

6.I want to quit

246 7 12
By Shweta2704

No one's POV

Serena feels a bit embarrassed as she Sees all the eyes staring at her but she shrugs the feeling away and walks towards Dawn.

"Thankyou so much for your help Dawn "She thanks her .

"No problem"Dawn replies with a big smile.

"Miette the props are ready we can start the shoot "Serena says to Miette.

"Yeah "Miette replies annoyingly .

While shooting Miette gives very fake and imposed poses. Ash is standing there but all his attention is towards Serena...She is looking different today.

Serena does her part of the job and the shoot finishes .

"Hey Serena "Dawn calls her and walks towards her with a pair of heels .

"Here you go , Perfect pair of heels to match with the dress" Dawn says to Serena.

"No Dawn I can't take these ,you have already done a lot for me" Serena says hesitating to take the heels.

"Pleaseeeee"Dawn says with puppy eyes .

"Ok ,but I will return them to you Tomorrow"Serena sighs .

Serena is not used to heels but even she will admit that the heels make the outfit look even better.

"going back to work , thankyou so much Dawn "Serena says thanking her .

"Your welcome "Dawn replies .
"Finally this office has hired a real soul "Dawn says with a smile as she sees Serena go .


Serena takes all the photos of the recent photoshoot and walks towards Ash's cabin .

She knocks the door .

"Come in "Ash answers .

"Sir, these are the outcomes of today's photoshoot.please select the ones you like ,I will send them to editor "She says .

She was about to leave his cabin but she trips on her ankle and falls down .

Ash immediately gets up from his seat and walks towards her .

"Why did you wear heels if you can't walk properly in them "Ash says to Serena with concerned voice .

"Its ok I just tripped and- "before she could finish her sentence Ash picks her up Bridal style and places her on the sofa .

"I might have Ice packs in the fridge "he says .

"It's ok I don't need them ,It doesn't hurt "Serena says .

"I didn't ask for your opinion"Ash replies .

Serena sits on the sofa and watches him .Her legs Hurt but she tries not to show it .

Ash takes the ice packs and crouches down on the floor to put them on her leg but he immediately comes to his Senses and stands up .

"Go and ask someone else to do it ,I don't have time for these things "He says and gives the ice packs to Serena and walks towards his desk .

Serena was surprised at his change of words .just when she was about to say that he wasn't that bad ,He proved her wrong .

"Yeah ,sorry for the interference."She says and walks out of his cabin even though her leg is hurting like crazy .

Ash watches her go .As badly as he wants to help her get rid of her pain ,he knew it was dangerous.

"He can't be soft .he can't look at Serena the way he was looking at her this morning .He has Miette and feeling like this for Serena isn't good .


Serena gets back to her desk and starts working on her desk .She doesn't want to use the Ice packs.

suddenly Miette approaches her .

"Do you want anything?"She asks Miette.

"Yes I want you to be out of this office. What do you think of yourself ?You want to Deduce Ash ?you know what this dress makes you look like a joker !I have seen girls like you ,you are gold digger ."Miette says and storms inside Ash's cabin .

Serena has never heard such things about herself before .She knows that none of this is true but still it Hurts .She sits down and starts working again but she was not able to concentrate on her work .

She felt she needed some alone time so she walks in the washroom and locks the door .
She stares at herself in the mirror .

The short dress ,the high heels .She can never afford them then why is She wearing this ?what is she doing in this office?
She is here to get money for her family but at what cost ?She has her own Self respect too .She can't bare someone insult her .
Tears start to stream on her face

She doesn't want to be here anymore....


Serena heads towards Ash's cabin and knocks on the door Furiously.

"Not now ,we are busy "She hears Miette's voice from inside the cabin .

Serena doesn't care and continues to knock on the door .

"I said we are busy- "Miette stops

"Come in "Ash says .

Serena enters the cabin .Miette glares at her "I said we were busy "She says angrily .

"I DONT CARE "Serena says to her and walks past her towards Ash's desk .

"Sir this is my resignation letter ,I want to quit "Serena says to Ash trying to keep herself calm .

Miette smiles to herself "took you long enough"She says .

"You go outside"Ash says to Miette .

"What ! I won't "She snaps .

"I said go outside"Ash literally screams at her .

Miette didn't see this coming.she doesn't say a word and storms out of the cabin. On her way out she nudges Serena making her fall down and slams the door shut .

Second time . Second time on the same floor ,Nope the last time ,Serena says to herself .

Ash immediately gets up to help her but she stops him ."I can do it by myself, thankyou"she says and gets up .

"So about my resignation I have handed you the letter .Sir please sign it ,I will pack my things"She says to Ash .

"What's the matter ,why do you want to resign ? Ash asks .

" I don't know I just want to.I would rather be somewhere with more self respect and less money than being here ."Serena replies.

"Did anyone say something to you? "Ash says .

"Did Miette say something to you ?"he adds.

"Doesn't matter please sign the letter "she says .

"I won't "Ash says .

"You remember you signed a contract right ?you have to work for minimum 3 months .you can't resign or quit but if you do you have to pay 1million dollar as a compensation ,then you can leave this office"He says as he smirks .

"What ? That was not in the contract "Serena says .

"I read the whole contract but there wasn't anything like this or wait was there ?I didn't read it properly. why was the contract so big ? I got bored after clause 5. like why would make it so big ? ahhhhhh I want to kill myself....she keeps blabbering.

Ash enjoys the Scene and laughs at her silently making sure not to let her know .

"Well this rule was the in clause no 6 "he says adding fuel to the fire .

"Seriously ? Seriously?I swear it was all that chocolate cupcakes fault .I was about to read the clause 6 but the cake stared at me as if there was no tomorrow so I put the paper down and started eating. Oh god why....whyyyyyyyy"She starts mourning.

Ash smiles at her antiques.

"Umm is there anyway to Cancel the contract?"She asked with hope .

"why do you want to quit?"he asks with a cold face.

"I want to ,this place is not for me "Serena replies .

"I don't care. You work here for three months and then go wherever you want to "he says and throws the resignation letter in the dustbin .

"Now go to your desk and start working on the outlet of the magazine "he orders her .

"Please sir Please. I don't want to work here. I feel suffocated here ,I want to quit. please Sir I beg you .Serena says .

"Tell me the reason "Ash says .

"I can't "She says.

"Go and start working I will talk to Miette "Ash says .

"No sir please don't .She will think that I complained to you about her and will Insult me again "Serena says .

"So I was right,She insulted you" Ash clenches his fist .

"go to your desk "He says to Serena.

"Please sir please "She begs .

"I said go to your desk .if you manage to pay 1 million dollars tomorrow,then you can quit ."He says .

"But Sir you know my condition, I don't have that much money "
Serena says .

"Then go and work ,you won't have to go through it insults again .I will take care of it "Ash says to her reassuringly .

"Ok sir "Serena says and leaves the cabin.

God knows what will happen next .


✨Next chapter preview

Hey stop walking towards me or else I will.....what will you do ?he asks her .She sees a blue and white vase on the table ,she pick ups the vase and says "I will hit you with this "."Yeah sure "he replies and keeps walking further .He comes dangerously close to her .she starts shaking and drops the vase on the floor .


Sorry for late update 😬,I was little busy .
Hope you liked this chapter , don't forget to vote and comment 😊❤️.

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