Female Goku x Male Reader

By Lazuli0103

216K 3K 7.4K

In this alternate timeline Goku was born as a female saiyan with the name of Son Goki. You'll be taking the p... More

Story introduction
Chapter 1: Saiyan Saga begins
Earth's dream team to the rescue!
The battle between brother and sister
Training for the Saiyan invasion!
Goki vs (Y/N)!
Namek Saga Begins
Holding out for hope in Planet Namek
The battle against the Frieza force begins
(Y/N)'s defeat?
The final battle begins
Namek Saga: Final battle
Android Saga begins
Surviving the androids
Achieving a level beyond Super Saiyan
The Cell Games
Buu Saga 1/2
Buu Saga 2/2
Shadow Dragons Saga 1/2
Shadow Dragons Saga 2/2
The Battle Of The Gods
Fukkatsu no F
The Final Chapters
Final Chapter

The Ginyu Force/Goki finally arrives on Namek

7.8K 122 311
By Lazuli0103

*Gohan finishes burying the Namekian bodies (Y/N) left*

Gohan: There... that's the least I can do to pay them respect and to honor their unfair deaths. Now where is that Dragon ball?

*Gohan turns on the dragon radar*

Gohan: Huh? It's indicating that it's on the bottom of that lake.

*Gohan dives in the lake and recovers the Dragon Ball*

Gohan: Phew! Found it! I hope Krillin and Bulma are okay... I felt two large energies fighting on their location. Better hurry!

*Gohan starts flying back to Bulma and Krillin but stops when he feels someone approaching*

Gohan: S-Someone's coming! (Y/N)! I can't let him see me... Where to hide, where to hide?

*Gohan flies down to a little mountain and hides*

(Y/N): Huh? Where did this power come from all of a sudden? It disappeared... What's going on here?!

*(Y/N) flies near the place Gohan is hiding*

(Y/N): Who's there?! If you don't show yourself right now, I'll reduce this place to ashes!

Gohan: W-Wait!

*Gohan comes out of his hiding but leaving the Dragon Ball out of (Y/N)'s sight*

Gohan: I-It's only me...

(Y/N): Well, if it isn't Moe Howard.

Gohan: How do you even--?

(Y/N): Space Hulu.

Gohan: Figures...

(Y/N): Kakora's little brat, huh? So what are you doing here?

Gohan: Oh you know... J-Just flyin' around.

(Y/N): Flyin' around?

Gohan: Flyin' around.

(Y/N): Thwarting my plans.

Gohan: Thwarting your plans?

(Y/N): Are you?

Gohan: No...

(Y/N): Good, 'cause that'd be bad.

Gohan: How bad?

(Y/N): I'd have to kill you.

Gohan: That's bad...

(Y/N): Indeed.

Gohan: Huh? That's a Dragon Ball! Wait, where did you get that?!

(Y/N): It was a gift... from that follicly-challenged friend of yours.

Gohan: Krillin?! You killed him, didn't you?!

(Y/N): No, he's alive, but I'd be more than willingly to fix that if you'd like.

Gohan: Eh?

(Y/N): And I think I'll let you live. Luckily for you I'm feeling generous now that I've got all the Dragon Balls.

Gohan: Oh... So you have all of them?

*(Y/N) flies close to Gohan*

(Y/N): Curious, what's that you've got in your hand there?

Gohan: Oh, uh, this...? It's a watch yeah! It only tells time, nothing else!

(Y/N): Well yeah that's what a watch does... Hmph, with such primitive technology, I'm surprised you Earthlings managed to make it to a remote planet like this. If you're here, then that must mean Kakora's here too!

Gohan: N-No! She isn't...

(Y/N): Oh I see. That's a real shame... Once I get my wish and beat Frieza, I'll let you all live to get on her good side. And when you get back to Earth tell her something for me... The next time we meet I'm gonna make sure to "finish" what we started.

*(Y/N) leaves and heads to the Namekian Village*

Gohan: *Sighs* That was close...

*Gohan grabs the Dragon Ball and continues to head back with Krillin and Bulma*

*After a few minutes he finally arrives*

Gohan: Guys!

Krillin: Gohan!

Gohan: You guys... I think we should find a new location.

Krillin: Why? What's wrong with this place?

Gohan: Because we have 10 minutes before (Y/N) finds out that I just stole this.

*Gohan gives the Dragon Ball to Krillin*

Krillin: Uh-! Ahh-!


*(Y/N) starts diving in the lake looking for the Dragon Ball*

(Y/N): (God, I love it when a plan comes together! Took some time, effort and lots of bodies, but now it's mine. Immortality is my BITCH! Now it should be right here. Riight here... Where the hell is it? Why isn't it here?! i don't get it! Who could've--.)

*(Y/N) remembers that Gohan was near this area and the "watch" he was holding*

(Y/N): The device he was holding... That wasn't a watch! Damn that little maggot! He took what is rightfully mine and will pay for this!

*(Y/N) starts flying at maximum speed towards the cave*

*When (Y/N) arrives he realizes they're not there anymore*

(Y/N): Noooo! They're gone! Those damn Earthlings! They have no idea who they're messing with! It's only a matter of time before they come after the six Dragon Balls I have at my disposal... And when they do, I'll make them regret ever having crossed with me!


*In order to avoid (Y/N)'s wrath, the trio had to find a new place to hide. Krillin then decided to make his way back to Guru with Gohan in tow.*

Krillin: (Y/N) seems like he's now a lot stronger than he was on Earth...  Even if the two of us teamed up against him, we still wouldn't stand a chance... Gohan, Super Kami Guru might be able to boost your power by touching you! To rival even (Y/N)'s!

Gohan: W-What?

Krillin: Yeah! Let's hurry to his place, stat!

Bulma: Oh no, no no NO! I am not letting you abandon me here again!

Krillin: Bulma you're right. You have been *very* helpful and *very* patient with us. So, in return... We're letting you watch the Dragon Ball. Bye!

*Krillin and Gohan start to fly to Guru's place*



*Time skip*

Gohan: Is that it, Krillin?

Krillin: Yeah that's where-

*Krillin stops when he feels someone approaching*

Krillin: G-Gohan! I'm sensing some power!

Gohan: Yeah, I feel it too... It's (Y/N)!

Krillin: Gohan, I'm gonna buy us some time! You hurry on to Guru's place!

Gohan: But he'll kill you in seconds...

Krillin: Do as I say, for I am the Heavenly Buddha!

Gohan: ... Wha-?

Krillin: JUST GO!

*Gohan leaves Krillin behind and arrives at Guru's place*

Krillin: Ack! M-Mommy!

*Krillin gets scared when (Y/N) arrives*

(Y/N): Do you have a death wish runt? Hand over the Dragon Ball with the four stars right now, or face the consequences!

Krillin: Uh... I don't know what you're talking about! Ha ha ha...

(Y/N): If you won't talk, I'll just have to make you.


Nail: Guru, sir, we have another traveller from Earth.

Gohan: Hello, Mr. Guru! Mr. Guru, sir, my friend Krillin told me you could help us by... touching me.

Guru: Do I look catholic to you?

Nail: Sir, I think he means he wants you to release your hidden potential.

Gohan: Yeah, that.

Guru: Fine, stand still. It's your first time so I'll be gentle.

*Guru places his hand on Gohan's head*

Guru: Now relax as I reach deep inside you and grab hold of your essence.

Gohan: ... I need an adult?


*Gohan starts feeling how he's power is increasing inmensely*


*(Y/N) feels a big power level in Guru's house and heads there with Krillin following him*

(Y/N): What the... There's someone in there... That's where you've hidden the Dragon Ball, isn't it?!

Krillin: No! Wait, (Y/N)!

*Nail comes out of the house*

Nail: Get lost. There's no way I'm letting you inside.

(Y/N): Do you want to die that badly?

Gohan: I don't think so!

(Y/N): Hm?

*Gohan comes out of the house*

Gohan: With all this power I have obtained, I am now as strong as you when you arrived on this planet!

(Y/N): Congratulations! You're still weaker than the last guy I killed.

Gohan: Wow... I now know what it's like to feel like Krillin.

Krillin: Sucks, doesn't it?

*Dende comes out of the house as well in a hurry*

Dende: Guys! Super Kami Guru said something is approaching the planet!

Krillin: Hey! It's gotta be Goki! She's finally here!

Gohan: You sure? I feel like there's more than one...

(Y/N): More than one? Wait! That means... One...two...three...four... five! Oh hell no! It's the Ginyu Force! I can't believe Frieza actually called the Ginyu force!

*(Y/N) points at Krillin*

(Y/N): You! Give me the Dragon Ball right NOW!

Krillin: Are you insane?! There's no way we're giving it to you!

(Y/N): Just DO IT! I won't lay a finger on you once I'm immortal, you have my word!

Krillin: You think we're really gonna fall for that?

(Y/N): Listen to me you useless bald piece of garbage! Each member of the Ginyu Force is just as strong as me, maybe even stronger! And there are FIVE OF THEM! They'll hunt us down with their advanced scouters and kill every single one of us! There's only one way to beat them, and that's to give me the ball so I can wish for immortality!

Nail: The Saiyan may be speaking the truth... There are indeed five evil power sources on their way.

Krillin: But if we do this, then we came all the way out here for nothing...

Nail: The Dragon Balls grant the user three wishes. You can still have your wish granted.

Gohan: Three? I thought we only got one wish.

(Y/N): If I don't get my wish, then kiss your asses good-bye!

Krillin: Okay, fine! Follow us! But you had better keep your promise!

Gohan: This is crazy!

(Y/N): Fly as fast as you can!

*(Y/N), Krillin and Gohan start flying fast to where they left the Dragon Ball*


*5 spacepods land near Frieza's spaceship*

Frieza: So, they've finally arrived.

Recoome: Recoome!

Burter: Burter!

Jeice: Jeice!

Guldo: Guldo!

Captain Ginyu: Ginyu!

Ginyu Force: Together we are...

Frieza: ... I've... been expecting you...

Captain Ginyu: Thank you sir. Lord Frieza, we humbly await to carry out your orders.

Frieza: The traitorous (Y/N) has stolen the Dragon Balls I've gone to great lengths to obtain. Make him suffer for his crime and then bring him to me alive.

Captain Ginyu: Consider it done. *Ginyu activates his scouter* Scouters have already locked on. We have (Y/N)'s location.

Jeice: Lord Frieza, here's that scouter you ordered.

*Jeice gives a new scouter to Frieza*

Frieza: Thank you.

Captain Ginyu: Now, time for our mission! Men, are you ready for this?

Recoome/Jeice/Burter/Guldo: Aye, aye, captain!

Captain Ginyu: I can't hear you!

Recoome/Jeice/Burter/Guldo: Aye, aye, captain!!!!

Captain Ginyu: Ohhhhhhhh! To battle!!!!

*The Ginyu Force leaves heading to (Y/N)'s location*


*Krillin, Gohan and (Y/N) arrive with Bulma*

Krillin: Bulma! No time to talk! We're taking the Dragon Ball!

(Y/N): Your hair looks stupid.

Gohan: Bye Bulma!

*Krillin takes the Dragon Ball and the three start flying to where (Y/N) is keeping the Dragon Balls*

Bulma: What the- What's going on?! Was that (Y/N) just now...?!

(Y/N): Damnit they're on the move! This isn't good, they're so fast!

Gohan: I hope we can make it in time!

(Y/N): Hurry, you fools! It's over there!

*The three arrive at the location where (Y/N) hid the Dragon Balls*

(Y/N): Yes! We made it here before the Ginyus! Come on, let's get this over with and-- What are you two doing?

Krillin: I still don't entirely trust you! You corrupted Goki's mind with your good looks and killed an entire Namekian Village!

(Y/N): Corrupted her min-? The hell are you talking about?! The Ginyu Force could be here at any second and then we're--

Captain Ginyu: Hi, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hi, Ginyu. And then we're--

*(Y/N) stops and turns around realizing the Ginyu Force already arrived*

Krillin: Wow, they're fast! We didn't even see them coming!

(Y/N): This is all your fault you idiot! We were so close!

Captain Ginyu: Oh? If I'm not mistaken you two are carrying Dragon Balls right? The five behind you, plus the two you're holding... That adds up to all seven.

(Y/N): Yeah, and you're not getting your purple hands on them!

Captain Ginyu: We'll just have to take them from you then. Before we take these Dragon Balls is there something you want to say, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): As a matter of fact, I do. Look at your men, now back to me, I am not your men* (Y/N) flips his middle finger to Ginyu* I'm flipping you off, now look at the ground, back to me. Where's the Dragon Ball? It's gone!*(Y/N) throws the Dragon Ball away* I threw it! AND THERE IS NOT A DAMN THING YOU CAN--

Burter: Here you go, Captain.

Captain Ginyu: Thank you, Burter.

Burter: S'what I do.

(Y/N): B-But... But I chucked that son of a bitch as hard as I could!

Burter: Oh you can't beat my speed. I'm the fastest in the universe!

(Y/N): Well... We're all going to die anyway, so... Baldy! Break the Ball!

Krillin: What?! I...


Krillin: RRAAAAH!

*Krillin punches the Dragon Ball but he didn't even scratch it*

Krillin: OW, my hand!


Krillin: But I-


Krillin: HYAAAAA!

*Krillin repeats to no avail under (Y/N)'s orders*

Recoome: Uh, Guldo, don't you think you should...

Guldo: Oh right, that thing I do... stopping time, yeah. One sec.

*Guldo stops time and steal the Dragon Ball Krillin was holding*

(Y/N): What? Where did it go?!

*Guldo gives the Dragon Ball to Ginyu*

(Y/N): Goddamnit! Why does this things always happen to me?! That tubby four-eyed freak actually does have the ability to stop time!

Captain Ginyu: And that's all seven of them. All that's left is to finish you guys off... (Y/N), your suffering will be handled by me personally!

Recoome: Hey! Not so fast, Captain! You got to have all the fun last time!

Guldo: Yeah, that's right!

Captain Ginyu: I suppose you're right. Fine. Recoome, you take (Y/N). Guldo, you take the two kids. This should be interesting! Aren't I a great captain!

Recoome/Jeice/Burter/Guldo: Yes, sir! You're the best!

Gohan: They are celebrating their plan to kill us... Right in front of us...

Captain Ginyu: In the meantime. I'll deliver the Dragon Balls to Lord Frieza...

*Ginyu takes the Dragon Balls*

Captain Ginyu: And then he will finally be able to attain immortality!

*Ginyu leaves with the Dragon Balls*

Recoome: So, Guldo, why don't you finish those pipsqueaks off first, huh?

Guldo: This isn't fair I'm gonna be done with this in no time!

Krillin: So, uh... I guess we're fighting the little green over there?

(Y/N): Yeah, that's Guldo. Have fun with him.

Krillin: Any strategies?

(Y/N): Throw dog treats at him.

Krillin: How will that help?

(Y/N): I'll find it hilarious.

Krillin: Well come on, Gohan. Here goes nothing! Release your power!

*Krillin and Gohan fly above Guldo*

Krillin: Kamehameha!

Gohan: Masenko!

*The two attacks are heading straight to Guldo*

Guldo: Fools. Time Freeze!

*Guldo stops time and backs away from the attack but he notices that Gohan and Krillin were not in the place where they fired their attacks*

Guldo: Where are they?! Oh they're right over there! Did they move in that one instant?

*Guldo can't hold his breat anymore and resumes time*

Recoome: Those tiny bugs are better than we thought, huh?

*Krillin and Gohan start vanishing around Guldo to confuse him*

Guldo: Time Freeze!

*After the time stops Guldo sees Gohan and Krillin in front of him*

*Guldo runs away scared, hides behind a rock and resumes time*

*Gohan and Krillin immediately find him after being free of the Time Freeze*

Guldo: Don't get cocky you two! I won't loose that easily! HAAAAAAAA!

*Guldo paralyzes Gohan and Krillin*

Guldo: My psychic powers are unrivaled in all the galaxy!

*Guldo with his psychic powers takes the leaves of a tree making it sharp and throws it at Gohan and Krillin*

*Suddenly Gohan and Krillin are set free and they dodge the tree*

*When they look down to see what happened they couldn't believe who had just saved them*

*(Y/N) starts walking towards Guldo's head*

Guldo: No fair, (Y/N)! You cheated! It was supposed to be just me against those two alone,(Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hm. There's no such thing as fair or unfair in battle. There is only victory, or in your case defeat.

Guldo: You dirty Saiyan! You think you're gonna get away with this?! You're nothing! You're a stupid monkey! I belong to the Ginyu Force!

(Y/N): Heh heh heh... Not anymore.

*(Y/N) fires a ki blast at Guldo's head finally killing him*

Jeice: Bloody hell! Guldo just got his butt handed to him.

Burter: Oh that's just great. Now that we're down a man, or special fighting pose is going to look ridiculous.

Recoome: Well, I guess Captain Ginyu's gonna have to come up with a new pose that the four of us can do...

Krillin: Wow, (Y/N)... I didn't expect that you'll be the one to save us.

Gohan: Thank you!

(Y/N): Keep your thanks. I had my own reasons for wanting to destroy that freak. I saw my moment to strike and I acted on it, that's all. It had nothing to do with saving your lives.

Krillin: Well... It was too good to be true. If we can keep up like this until Goki gets here, we should be okay.

(Y/N): Guldo was nothing, he's the weakest of the bunch... The real hell truly starts now...

*(Y/N) looks at Recoome walking close to him*

Recoome: Alright, (Y/N)! Now it's our turn to play! You kids can play too if you want! Heck I'll play with all of you.

(Y/N): No. You two stay out of this. I will handle Recoome on my own.

Gohan: Are you sure?

(Y/N): You two were about to loose to Guldo, of course I'm sure.

Recoome: (Y/N)! You think that just because you're the Prince of aaaallll Saiyans you're the best there is at what you do. But let Recoome tell ya somethin' brother: You ain't no Wolverine... and you ain't got what it takes... to STEP UP... to a FIVE-TIME CHAMPION!

(Y/N): Champion of what?

Jeice: This fight right here's gonna be a bloomin' slobber knocker, it is!

Burter: You can just feel the intensity!

(Y/N): Who are you talking to?!

Burter: The readers.

Jeice: We're doing commentary, mate.

(Y/N): Oh to hell with this!


*(Y/N)'s power increasing immediately makes the Ginyu Force's scouter go crazy*

Jeice: Oi, Oi, what's going on here? (Y/N)'s power level rose to upwards of 30,000!

*(Y/N) charges at Recoome punching him in the face, he quickly fly aboves him landing behind him and sledgehammers Recoome in the head*

*(Y/N) flies above gaining impulse and lands on Recoome's stomach, breaking his battle amor*

*He then picked Recoome's leg and spins him around*

(Y/N): So long gay, Recoome!

*(Y/N) throws Recoome towards a mountain creating a big cloud of dust*


*After (Y/N)'s blast impacts and the smoke is cleared everyone could see that Recoome is still alive and only his battle suit was damaged*

(Y/N): What?! How could you possibly get up after a hit like that?!

Recoome: That was a good warmup! Now get ready, (Y/N)! RECOOME! KICK!

*Recoome kicks (Y/N) in the chin but he quickly recovers and charges back at Recoome starting a clash between the two*

Recoome: Good! That's pretty good, (Y/N)! You're better than I thought. RECOOME ELBOW!

(Y/N): Uagh!

*Recoome elbows (Y/N)'s head sending him back to the ground*

*Recoome quickly tries to punch (Y/N)'s head but he recovered quick and dodge the attack, (Y/N) flies upwards with Recoome following him*

(Y/N): Come on! Focus!

*(Y/N) charges a ki blast with one of his hand and fires it at Recoome*

Gohan: He got him!

Recoome: SPEED UP!

*Recoome dodges the blast, appears behind (Y/N) and hits him in the head making him fall in the water*

Krillin: You jinxed it Gohan...

Burter: It looks like Recoome is just too fast for (Y/N), and that's coming from the fastest guy in the universe!

Jeice: Not really relevant, Burter...


*(Y/N) comes out of the water and with both arms hits Recoome's stomach*

Burter: Oh, sneak attack from (Y/N)!

*(Y/N) begins hitting Recoome in the ribs several times*

Jeice: But it looks like it didn't do jack shit!

*Recoome grabs (Y/N) by the waist, lifts him up and charges to the ground*

Recoome: You're still very spirited. Good for you!

Burter: Wait! He's letting up the--!




*After they impacted the ground and the dust cleared everyone saw (Y/N) buried in the dirt, Recoome grabbed his leg and pulled him out like a vegetable*

Recoome: Are you okay? Don't tell me you've kicked the bucket already, have you?

*(Y/N) opens his eyes and quickly fires a blast at Recoome's face*

Jeice: Oi! He mighta just taken Recoome's bleedin' 'ead off! This would be a huge loss for sport entertainment!

(Y/N): *Pant* I'm running out of energies... I can barely move...

*Recoome gets up again*

Recoome: I'm getting bored... Let's end this already!

Burter: He's setting up for the Recoome Eraser Gun!


Burter: Could this be the end of (Y/N)?

Recoome: GUUUU-OOFF.

*Krillin stomps Recoome in the head and Gohan moves (Y/N) out of the way*

(Y/N): Why did you do that? I'm already one foot in the grave. You should've attacked Recoome!

Krillin: As much as that would've been satisfying to see... There's someone I know who considers you someone very special... And because of that you need to stay alive.

Recoome: Ugh... Auch my teeth... I think I'm mad now. RECOOME!

Krillin: Does every move you have start with-

Recoome: KICK!

*Recoome kicks Krillin making him roll in the ground*

Gohan: Why am I not surprised at that... Hey you! I'm not backing down! Fight me-... I think this was a horrible decision...

Recoome: Recoome agrees.

*Recoome starts beating up Gohan*

Burter: Poor kid doesn't stand a chance.

*Recoome kicks Gohan so hard that his neck breaks but he survived... barely*

Jeice: My god...

Burter: That was incredible!

Recoome: That was easy. I'll just finish you off with a... RECOOME BLAST!

*Recoome fires a blast at Gohan but it never impacted him since (Y/N) got in the middle receiving the impact and falling next to Gohan*

Gohan: (Y-Y/N)? Y-You s-saved me...?

(Y/N): Y-You're welcome, brat... I just thought that before I die... I could do an heroic act just once in my life... and also return you the favor from when you helped me before.

Burter: Well that certainly was unexpected!

Jeice: (Y/N) sacrificing himself for an Earthling? Now that's a shocker! But it looks like there's no one else left to fight Recoome!

*Everyone notices a spaceship entering the planet and landing not too far from them creating a small explosion*

Jeice: What! Who's that?


*Ginyu delivers the Dragon Balls to Frieza*

Frieza: Simply magnificent, Captain Ginyu. I must admit I'm impressed you were able to gather all seven Dragon Balls so quickly.

Captain Ginyu: There's no higher honor than such praise from you, Lord Frieza.

Frieza: Oh ho ho... It is finally time to turn my dream of immortality into a reality! Let's begin shall we? DRAGON BALLS! I COMMAND YOU TO GRANT ME IMMORTALITY AND ETERNAL YOUTH!

Captain Ginyu: Sir? Are you immortal now?

Frieza: N-No... I suspect not... Ah, yes! There must be some sort of incantation to activate them! Perhaps some sort of secret phrase that only the Namekians know... Seems I'll have to hunt down more of those worms...

*Frieza turns on his scouter*

Frieza: Look at that- I'm picking up three Namekian power signatures... It appears a few of them survived...

Captain Ginyu: Lord Frieza, if you would like. I can force the phrase out of them.

Frieza: No, I think I'll ask them myself. You'll do well to remember that I have experience dealing with these primitive creatures. Stay here and keep watch over the Dragon Balls.

Captain Ginyu: Understood, Lord Frieza. I won't disappoint you!

*Frieza starts heading to Guru's house*


*The entrance from the spaceship that just landed opens*

CPU: "Attention, we have arrived on Planet Namek".

Goki: I gotta find those three, fast... Please be alive, you guys... Please be safe...

*Goki walks out of the spaceship wrapping the senzu bean bag on her waist*

Goki: Huh?! Gohan...?! And Krillin! They're in trouble! I can feel (Y/N)'s energy too but it's really low almost at zero! They're hanging on by a thread... Good thing they're not too far way.

*Goki starts flying extremely fast to where the fight with the Ginyu Force fight is taking place*

Goki: It's time to show what I can do after training under 100x gravity!


Gohan: Heh... I don't know what is it with bad guys sacrificing themselves to save me.

(Y/N): I didn't sacrifice for you, I'm still alive... barely... and I told you my reasons already.

Jeice: Hm? Something is approaching here.

Krillin: I-It's Goki...

*Goki finally lands in the area shocking everyone for how fast her speed is*

Jeice: 'Olly doolie!

Burter: Jesus, that was fast! I-I mean not as fast as me, considering I'm the fastest in the Universe...

Jeice: We get it mate. It's cool.

Gohan: M-Mom...

Goki: Hey, Krillin! Try to hang in there I brought a surprise for you all. But i have to help Gohan and (Y/N) first.

Krillin: Of course you would help (Y/N) first rather than me...

Goki: Hey Gohan, it's okay son I'm here now. You are in really bad shape, but don't worry, we can fix that.

*Goki gives Gohan a Senzu Bean making all of his wounds heal*

Gohan: Thanks mom! I'm so glad you finally made it!

Recoome: Hey! Who the hell are you? Recoome was in the middle of a fight! So how about you-

Goki: Sir? I am talking... to my son.

Recoome: Oh; Recoome apologizes. Wait, what am I apologizing for?! RECOOME'S GONNA KILL YOU!

Jeice: Oi! I thought the kid's neck was broken!

Burter: It was!

Gohan: Mom this guys are super powerful! Even (Y/N) had trouble on beating them and... When the big guy that always yells his name when he attacks was about to kill me he jumped in and protected me.

Goki: I see... Here, take this Senzu Bean and give it to Krillin, I will help (Y/N).

Gohan: Got it.

*Goki gives the Senzu Bean to Gohan and he goes to help Krillin*

(Y/N): H-Hey Kakora it's been a while. We haven't seen each other since what? Four chapters ago?

Goki: Yeah... Sorry it took me so long to get here, I'm just glad you're still alive.

(Y/N): Are you? Or you're just surprised because I saved your little brat's life?

Goki: That honestly didn't surprised me. When we fought on Earth, I knew you weren't totally evil.

(Y/N): Heh heh... Well, think again.

Goki:  I don't need to. Here eat this bean it will help you recover your strength and heal all your wounds.

(Y/N): Wait... You're really gonna help me? After what I've done?

Goki: Everyone deserves a second chance. And you put your life on the line to save my son, which is reason enough for me to trust you and help you.

(Y/N): ....

Goki: Well? Are you gonna take it?

(Y/N): Your softness kinda makes me sick but... Thank you.

*(Y/N) eats the Senzu Bean recovering his strength*

(Y/N): This things are better than the recovery tanks! I'm at my 100% again!

Goki: Yeah. But now, just get some rest, I'll take care of these guys on my own.

(Y/N): Fine, go ahead. With the power boost I got, I would destroy them within seconds, which would make it boring.

Recoome: You want to fight me? What's a punny little woman like you can do? Against the mighty Recoome!

Goki: This guy really is weird...

Recoome: DIEEEE!

*Recoome charges against Goki but she vanishes making Recoome loose his footing*

Krillin: What the...? She's gone!

Gohan: Did you see where she went?

Krillin: No... Did you?

Gohan: No.

*Jeice's scouter detects strong energy behind him and Burter*

*They turn around and see Goki standing behind them*

Jeice: What the-?!

Burter: How did you...?

Jeice: What are you trying to pull?

Recoome: What's going on?!

Krillin: So that's where she was!

*Krillin turns around and looks at (Y/N)*

Krillin: ( (Y/N) spotted her before the rest of us... He knew where Goki was the whole time!)

Goki: You guys have caused enough problems here. It's time for you to leave. Get back to your ships and get out of this planet! Otherwhise you'll face me.

*Burter and Jeice both charge against Goki but she moves really fast and is now standing in front of them*

Jeice: Who is this woman?!

*Goki moves again but now she appears in front of Recoome*

Recoome: You're one cocky woman, huh? That's enough showing off! We get the idea, you're pretty quick. Except, speed alone isn't gonna be enough to save you.

*Goki doesn't answer back she just stares at him with a serious expression*

Recoome: Recoome has had enough! I think it's finally time to show my best stuff...

*Recoome starts releasing very powerful energy and preparing a new attack*


*Recoome's attack stops when Goki elbows him in the stomach*

Goki: Sorry, I saw an opening that seemed to scream out attack so, I did.

Recoome: You... you...

*Recoome falls to the ground unconscious and showing off his booty*

(Y/N): Damn! How is this possible...?! She's already gone beyond a Saiyan power level... But how?! What kind of training has she put herself through to achieve this?!

Goki: So ,anyway (Y/N), Did you really got beat up by this guy?

(Y/N): Ahh, n-no! I, uhmm... uhhh....

Ghost Nappa: (You fell down some stairs)

(Y/N): I fell down some stairs... And when I was recovering from the fall, I saw how he was gonna kill your brat so, I jumped in and received this much damage.

Krillin: No you didn't, you-

(Y/N): Shut up before I throw you down a flight!

Goki: Oh, I see. * Goki turns to see Jeice and Burter* What about you guys? You gonna go back to your own planet or what? Or do you want to end up like this guy over here?

(Y/N): (She's really gonna fight both Jeice and Burter on her own? W-wait... Are the stories more than legends?! Could it possibly be? Is she the legendary Saiyan warrior that appears once every thousand year...?!

(Y/N): Is she actually a Super Saiyan?!

*To be continued.

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