IMAGINES // {bill skarsgård}

By livvviiaaa

242K 3K 584

some cute, some angsty, and some smut for good measure More

home again
a lover and a fighter (nsfw)
a promise
summer in sweden
valetine's day
an eventful day
good time (nsfw)
un viaje para recordar
goodnight kisses
one more time (nsfw)
midnight needs (nsfw)
pull over (nsfw)
i missed you
bar brawl
hello pt 2

a lover and a fighter pt 2

3K 42 9
By livvviiaaa

You wake to the feeling of Bill's hand on your swollen belly, caressing it in his sleep. You smile, grateful for him to be home for the holidays.

He begins to stir in his sleep, throwing little punches with his free hand. You giggle, which wakes him up.

"Sorry," you whisper, placing your hand on his chest and scooting closer.

He yawns, "it's okay, baby," and looks at you with the sleepy eyes you adore. You love moments like this; Bill is in your arms, safe, sleepy, and happy.

"We should probably get up," you sigh, and he grabs you and squeezes you tight.

"Not yet," he smirks, before disappearing under the blankets.

You wake again around noon, shocked at how long you slept. Bill is no longer in bed, but you can smell something delicious. Your pregnant mind can't stop itself from being intrigued, and you soon find yourself in the kitchen.

Bill is standing there, comically taller than your cheap stove, and smiles when he sees you.

"Good morning, beautiful," he kisses your forehead, "sit down, I made you breakfast."

"It's lunch by now, you should've woken me up." You try to be upset, but the smell of the meal and the looks of that man prevents you from feeling anything but happy.

"I know, but I had some business to take care of," you can tell he's done with the conversation, so you don't pry, but you are a bit confused by what he means.

You two eat, your unborn child kicking in approval inside of you. You are only about 5 months pregnant, but the baby kicks like it's ready to come out. You can't wait to be a mother, and you can't wait to see what an amazing father Bill will be. You look over to him to daydream a bit more, but he looks concerned.

"What's wrong, baby?" He looks up from his plate, clearly zoned out, and just shakes his head. "Bill." You warn, becoming serious.

"It's nothing," he assures you, but you won't take no for an answer. "Listen, Y/N, I know we said I'd take the holidays off, but he's in town, and-"

"Who's in town?" He looks at you, and you realize. The guy who talked so much shit to him last year that he broke his nose. "Oh."

"I have to beat him this time." He looks at you, and the look in his eyes sends a shiver down your spine. He was serious.

"Bill, I know this means a lot to you, but my parents are going to be in town, and you know how they feel about your...profession, and-" he interrupts you.

"You're worried about what your parents think of me? You're seriously that embarrassed of me?"

"No..." you blush. You are embarrassed. Your parents are wealthy, oil mongols who told you that if the man you chose couldn't prove for you, they weren't going to either. You and Bill were married 4 months ago without a ring, to avoid judgment of your pregnancy, and they didn't attend due to the spontaneity of your elopement. They hadn't seen you or Bill in years, and you two live in a tiny townhouse in a bad part of town, with barely a quarter to your names. Bill loves boxing, but it doesn't exactly pay the bills, and he doesn't allow you to work, also to avoid judgment.

"Y/N, you're pregnant with my child. Whether you like it or not, they're going to have to accept me. I'm sorry I'm not some rich businessman, but if that's what you want, go find it, because I won't be that." He throws his plate onto the table, causing you to wince, and storms out. You sit there crying, wondering how such a wonderful morning turned out so terrible.

He's gone for at least 4 hours, leaving you to your thoughts, when all of a sudden the front door opens, and Bill walks in with flowers and a small box in his hand.

"Where have you been?" Your motherly instincts kick in; all you could do while he was gone was worry.

"So you decided you didn't want to go off and find some businessman while I was gone?" He smirks, handing you the flowers. "I'm sorry, Y/N, I know your parents aren't the easiest people to be around. I know you want to make them proud, I do too, but you can't hide our lives from them. I love who we are, and as long as you do too, we can figure something out."

You smile, a tear sliding down your cheek. He wipes it away with his giant thumb, causing you to giggle. "Of course I love who we are, you have given me everything I could ever want." You instinctively move your hand to your belly.

"I'm sorry I left you this morning, but I needed you to sleep because...I got another job."

You gasp. "Bill, you got another job? I thought you were going to wait until the baby was born?"

"I want nothing more than to give our child the best life possible, but I need to start with you first. I've been working extra so I could pay for this," he pulls the small box out. "You deserve everything, Y/N, and I'm sorry this is so late." He opens the box, and a beautiful, shiny diamond ring sits inside.

"Bill, oh my god," you can't believe it. "How much was this?"

"Don't worry about it, all you need to know it that it's yours, and every time you look at it, I want you to remember how much I love you."

You two embrace, unable to contain your love for each other, and your love for the baby growing inside of you.



I know I said I was done with imagines...

Surprise I guess!

A Lover and a Fighter is by far my most popular imagine, so I figured I'd add a part 2. Part 3 anyone?? ;)

Thanks for reading and supporting!!


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