Good Kitty * Aizawa x Daughte...

By aizawasmilkymilkers

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𝔻𝔸𝔻ℤ𝔸𝕎𝔸 ♡︎ you are a kitten aizawa finds and raises, creating an unbreakable bond. what happens when yo... More

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28.8K 883 1.2K
By aizawasmilkymilkers

aizawa's pov

A frown plastered on my face, as Miki was still in her cat form. When we would go to school, she gladly stayed in her human form, but once we leave the classroom, she immediately transforms back into her cat self. I sighed and picked her up, smoothing out her long black fur. She purred very quietly, not energetic like she used to.

She's been this way ever since the attack at USJ. Her doctor has informed me it was because of trauma, but she seemed to start this behavior when she was informed about quirks, villains, and heroes.

She even wrote a letter to All Might, giving him courage to not be scared of those nasty villains that tried to kill him. Very simple, but She has a very sweet heart..

"Miki..." I whispered, gently smoothing her whiskers down on her face. She opened her eyes, and looked at me lazily. "Miki.. can you turn into your human form.. please?" I asked. Yoko came and jumped on the couch, meowing weakly at Miki. Miki glanced over her shoulder, and sighed.

She crawled off my lap, and transformed into her human self, black smoke clearing my view, as she stared down at her hands avoiding eye contact with me. I wrapped the throw-blanket from the couch around her naked body. Just this once, I won't force her to wear clothes.

Although I soon have to ask Nemuri to take her to be measured for training bras. I grimaced, shaking away the procrastinated thought.

"Miki.. You've been kinda down lately.. What's wrong?" I asked, gently rubbing her back. I pushed her long hair behind her ear so I could see her face a bit better. "Dad.. I-..." She started, but looked up at me with blank, emotionless eyes.

"I don't know why.. quirks are such a big deal" She whispered, almost questioning if those were the right words to say. "Well.. They aren't. But so many people have them, that they are convinced that is what you're worth. That's what their lives begin to revolve around" I explain the best I could.

"There are some people who don't have quirks, right?" She asked. I nodded. "But people use their quirks to be helpful..?"

I nodded again. "Is mine helpful?"

"Very much so.. If it wasn't for you, me and Midoriya might've been seriously hurt, to the point where we couldn't get better" I explained, giving her a light hug. "I can't explain how grateful I am, you saved me Miki.. I owe ya' one"

She smiled and climbed into my lap. "You owe me a really big hug!!" She squealed, her arms already wrapped around my neck. She nuzzled her face against my stubbly chin, purring at the sensation. I hugged her back, just as hard.

"So, can I train my quirk like Bakugou?" She asked, her eyes twinkling. "Well.. Not exactly like him, but if you want to learn how to use your quirk, we can" I smiled and gestured her towards the bathroom to wash her up.

This time, she stayed in her human form and even slept in the pajamas I put on her. This'll be pretty tough.. I sighed and nuzzled with Yoko back on the couch.

"How ya' doin bud.." I whispered, and watched his weak old body nuzzle against my hand. His deep purrs vibrated on my chest. "My old guy.. I guess you're pretty tired.." My heart drooped at how old and weak he was getting each passing day, but he had a long fulfilled life.

"You've been with me since I started U.A, to now. Who would've thought?" I chuckled and let a tear slip down my cheek. I can tell he fell asleep, as his purrs slowly gotten softer and softer, until they were shallow snores.


"Okay, Y/N.. Do you remember what you felt when you used your quirk on me?" Midoriya asked and gestured Kaminari over. She twitched her ears, and played with her tail in her fingers as she thought back to the USJ incident.

"Well.. I was really scared! And then my body started to tickle and itch, and my nose felt like I should sneeze!" She giggled, pointing at her nose.

Midoriya nodded and scribbled some things down in his notebook. "And then your body started to glow, right?"

"Yeah!! Like the nightlight in my room!" She beamed and stood on her tippy toes in excitement. "Nice! Can you try to do that again? Focus on me, like you want to eject your quirk to me. We will know its working when you start to glow" Midoriya snapped his fingers with excitement.

Y/N nodded and clenched her fists, focusing on Midoriya. "Maybe we oughta scare her to trigger it..?" Sero questioned, and motioned Tokoyami to release Dark Shadow.

Dark Shadow quietly floated towards Y/N and tapped her on her shoulder. Breaking her away from her focus, Y/N turned and squealed, automatically poofing into the air. Her clothes fell to the ground, as a frightened black cat stood in place of where the little girl was, hissing and swiping at Dark Shadow.

Dark Shadow's deep giggles echoed the training room, as he taunted the poor kitten. Y/n ran to me, immediately running up my leg and hiding herself behind my scarf, nuzzling into my neck.

"Aw C'mon Miki, you can't be scared of Tokoyami's quirk. I promise he won't hurt you" I whispered to Miki, pulling her out of my scarf, and placing her on the floor. I nudged her to go back where everyone was, which she resisted some. "Mineta, go take these papers to Vlad in the teacher lounge" I instructed, handing random paperwork to the small boy.

He shrugged unbothered, and just as the gym door shut behind him, Y/N transformed into her human form, obviously naked. "Oh jeez!" Jirou exclaimed and immediately helped Y/n into her clothes. The boys awkwardly looking away and whistling a nervous tune to themselves as they waited for the newly developed neko to clothe themself.

"L-Let's try it again.." Midoriya coughed dismissively and instructed Miki to try her quirk on him. Eyeing Dark Shadow nervously, she began to illuminate that breath taking glow. "Good, Good! Now, Kaminari, Shock me!" Midoriya exclaimed excitedly.

Kaminari hesitantly put his hand on Midoriya's chest and gave him a good 12,000 volt shock. Midoriya yelped, spazzing out from the electric currents that rocked his body, and fell flat on his ass. Smoke began to release from his chest, as his hair stood straight up and frizzed out. "Ugnnhh... What happened..?" He groaned.

Y/N was still glowing, but Midoriya had gotten hurt. Who is she releasing her quirk on?
"Gahh! Make it stop, Make it stop!" Dark Shadow cried, as Tokoyami tried to calm him. I noticed a slight glow illuminating off of Tokoyami, not as bright as Y/N's, but fairly noticeable. The faint glow of light upsetting Dark Shadow.

"Look! She used her quirk on Tokoyami instead of Midoriya!" Sero pointed out.

"I-I'm sorry! But I can't help but be worried for him! He has that shadow monster coming out of him" Y/N cried, running around from the shadow and hugging Tokoyami protectively. "I see.. Perhaps her quirk releases on the person who she fears is in danger" Iida pondered, bringing Kaminari to Tokoyami. Kaminari sent a mini shock into Tokoyami, and was taken aback to his no reaction.

"Hey, did you feel that?" Kaminari exclaimed, Tokoyami turned around with a questioning look. "Feel what?"

"Again, Harder!" Midoriya exclaimed, picking up his pencil and notebook again, scribbling but watching intently at the same time. Tokoyami flinched, awaiting the shock, but still remained unharmed.

"Woww!!" The class awed. Y/N was confused from the excitement, and began to feel faint from the sudden loss of energy from overusing her quirk. I saw her eyes roll back, and leaped to catch her before she fell face first into the floor.

Luckily, Dark Shadow caught her in time before she hit the ground. "Hmm.. She probably overused her quirk. Uraraka! How many seconds was that?" Midoriya called, as Uraraka stopped the timer. "Forty-Five seconds!"

"Woah, close to a whole minute!" Mina squealed, and poured water over the small towel Yaoyurozu created to place on her forehead. That's very impressive.. I thought, making note that she doesn't really have complete control of who she's emitting her quirk on yet.

Y/N's eyes fluttered open and gazed up into Dark Shadow's, who was still holding her as gently as he could. "AHHHH!" She screamed, and poof!

"Kacchan~!!" Y/n squealed, running up to the blonde as I dropped her off with Mic who taught the last class of the day, to go to a meeting with Principal Nezu. Bakugou flinched and immediately scowled at the nickname.

"I'm training my quirk!" She beamed proudly and crawled into his lap. "Hey! Aren't you getting a little to old to be sitting in my lap" He shouted and tried nudging her off. "Old??" She exclaimed with a shocked expression.

"You're older than me! Grandpa~" She teased and stuck her tongue out, causing another scene out of him. "Hey! You lil' stinker, you can't just come in here and cause a riot in my class!" Present Mic whined and gave me a 'make-it-stop' look.

I shrugged, walking out of the door. "All yours" I slid the door shut, and smiled to myself. "She's such a brat" I laughed to myself.

I made my way to Principal Nezu's office, to discuss the upcoming events that U.A. were planning to hold. A boot-camp for the students, but first we have to take certain measures so we don't encounter with the League of Villains again.

Hello! (;'ٹ')  
I cried for a good 45 minutes, cause I couldn't release a sneeze that wouldn't come out of my nostrils.. But i'm fine now.

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