Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie...

By FiftyShadesDakota_x

183K 5.6K 1K

Hi!! So, I started writing this story when I was going through a hard time, it really helped me distract myse... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108
Part 109
Part 110
Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124
Part 125
Part 126

Part 102

808 35 9
By FiftyShadesDakota_x

Hello everyone, I hope you're all managing to stay safe❤️
Here's my next update, just a heads up, I'm letting the story be a bit behind the time of year we are now, so they're not in December yet if that makes sense.
Thank you to everyone who still loves my story; enjoy! xx

*Dakota's POV*

It's Dulcie's birthday today. We got to Jim's house later last night after our flight was delayed and we were all so tired that we said our hellos and went straight to bed. The wall clock in the kitchen reads 4:30 AM as I walk through the doorway. I can't sleep so I've decided to head downstairs. I grab myself a bottle of water from the fridge and then head into the lounge.

I curl up on the sofa and put the television on; turning it right down and resting my head on the arm of the sofa. I manage to doze back off on the sofa but I'm soon awakened when I hear the stairs creak. Jim wanders into the lounge, jumping out of his skin when he sees me. "Sorry.. I didn't mean to scare you" I whisper giggling a bit as I bite my bottom lip.

"I wasn't expecting anyone to be down yet.. no need to apologise" he chuckles a bit, heading to the kitchen. "Did you want a coffee?" He asks me and I follow him. "Do you have decaf?" I chuckle, stroking my bump as he sighs. "Of course I completely didn't realise you can't drink it." He laughs, checking the cupboards. "We have decaf" he waves them in the air when he finds them.

"I'll have one of them please" I smile, sitting at the dinner table "how come you're awake?" He asks me and I pout a bit "I slept a little bit but I think my body clock is already getting a bit jet lagged" I say and he sighs "that's not good. Especially when you'll already be tired with the girls and growing a little baby" he chuckles a bit and I giggle.

"I know.. I'll be okay, we're quite busy today for Dulcie's birthday" I say, thanking him when he passes me my coffee mug. "Well you just let me or Sam know if you need to rest, We'll take the girls for a while" he sits facing me, smiling softly. "Thank you.. I guess Jamie told you about my blood pressure.." I chuckle a bit, letting out a sigh.

"He did.. he wanted me to be here if you had any questions.. he's just worried about you" he says softly, watching me as my finger traces the top of the mug. "I'm worried too" I whisper a bit, looking to him. "That's normal, trust me. But they only chase stuff like high blood pressure up to check it's nothing serious. In all my years of being a OB i must've only had a handful of patients with high blood pressure but their pregnancies went absolutely fine. You don't have anything to worry about" he reaches over to squeeze my hand softly before letting it go.

"That's good to know.. it makes me feel a little better" I nod; smiling a bit. "I think just because of last time.. the miscarriage, and now all this with my current pregnancy I'm just a little bit overwhelmed" I watch as he finishes his coffee. "That's normal.. I'm sure Jamie probably feels a little nervous about it too. You've got each other and that's the most important thing." He smiles, taking my mug from me when I take my last mouthful of coffee.

"Thank you.. I really appreciate it" I smile at him and he grins. "I'm going to head off for my morning walk to the allotments, did you want to join me?" He asks as he gets his coat on. "I'm okay, I think I'll head back to bed for a while.. thanks for the offer though" I giggle. "Enjoy your walk" I head over to him, kissing his cheek softly and thanking him again before heading upstairs. "You're welcome" he smiles after me.


I'm woken by the sound of our en-suite shower running. I stretch and yawn; seeing that the bedside clock says it's 8:34 AM. I gasp and jump up. I really hope I haven't missed Dulcie opening her birthday presents! I scramble to my feet and head for the bathroom, knocking before entering. Jamie is stood under the steamy hot water; he grins when he sees me.

"Good morning beautiful" he grins "morning.. did I.." I trail off, my eyes travelling down his body to his slight erection. I blush and smirk slightly when I make eye contact with him again "stop getting distracted.." he laughs "what did you want baby?" He asks, chuckling again slightly "sorry.. did I already miss Dulcie opening her presents?" I giggle shyly.

"No baby, she's still sleeping. I woke and noticed you sleeping so came for a shower." He smiles at me and I let out a deep breath. "Thank god! I panicked" I laugh watching him rinse off the suds from his body. "Need any help with that?" I nod, diverting my eyes down to his slight erection again. He laughs and nods, smirking.

I slide open the shower cubicle door and reach down, stroking my hand back and forth along him slowly as he moans softly. I smirk and bite my bottom lip softly, moving my hand faster, watching him throw his head back under the water trying to stifle a loud moan.

"Get in with me" he pants and I giggle "but I'm still dressed" I pout, looking down at my pyjamas top and shorts. "I don't give a fuck right now" he grabs me and I squeal as he wraps my legs around his waist, kissing me hard.

I gasp when he grinds against me through my shorts, he closes the shower door and pushes me against the cold tiles. I gasp again, giggling against his lips when he slides my soaking wet top over my head; reaching for my shorts. "I hope you're not too fond of these" he bites my bottom lip gently as he tears my shorts apart. I gasp and giggle shyly, kissing him when he pushes himself into me deep.

I close my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder; my lips against his neck as he pulls out of me slowly before pushing all the way back in again. I gasp and groan, tightening my hands in his hair; groaning when I hear him groan. "Oh Jamie.." I gasp, panting whilst he takes me higher and higher, my legs tight around his waist.

"Come on baby.. I need you" he groans at my ear and I gasp, whining as I throw my head back and let go; coming around him. He pushes deep into me once more and let's go, filling me with his load as he grunts, moaning my name softly.

My legs feel like jelly once I'm all spent, and I run my fingers through Jamie's hair before kissing him softly, making it last. "I love you" he whispers, kissing me again as he pulls out of me slowly and sets me down on my feet. "I love you too.." I kiss him again.

"I love how into it you get when you're horny" I laugh cheekily catching my breath, watching him blush a bit. "Well.. I wanted you" he shrugs, smiling cheekily. "I wanted you too.. but now you owe me some new shorts" I pout, looking down at the wet, ripped shorts that are on the shower floor.

"I'm sorry" he chuckles and I giggle, rinsing my hair carefully. "Let me wash you" he whispers, soaping up his hands before rubbing them along my arms and across my breasts gently; gently massaging my skin down to my bump, I smile watching him; feeling nothing but love and happiness.

"You really look after me" I whisper, running my hands through his hair softly. "It's my job.. I'll always look after you" he smiles, kissing my bump softly as he squirts more shower cream into his hand, kneeling down to rub each of my feet and my ankles; then my legs.

"I was awake early this morning.. your dad woke too, we spoke for a while" I start, watching him as he makes eye contact with me. "He reassured me about everything.. I think we're going to be okay" I place my hand on my bump and he grins, finishing of washing the rest of my legs before standing again, kissing me softly.

"You'll both be absolutely fine." He kisses me again and I nod, smiling. He washes between my legs and I blush feeling his hand there; his touch so intimate and caring. Once I'm lathered in bubbles he helps me rinse them off bit by bit. Until I'm all clear of them.

He turns off the shower and steps out, placing a towel around his waist before holding one out for me. I grin and step out the cubicle and straight into his awaiting arms. "Let's get dressed and see the birthday girl" I grin kissing him softly before heading to the bedroom. He follows and we get changed.

I decide to put on some gym leggings and a beige fluffy jumper, as it's cold here today. Jamie goes for black jeans and a navy Ralph Lauren polo shirt. He puts some aftershave on as I put a bit of make up on. "You look handsome.. and you smell yummy" I grin kissing his cheek.

"You look amazing.. and you always smell good" he laughs, kissing my hair softly as our bedroom door opens. "Daddy! Mommy Kota!" Dulcie squeals running through to us. "Mommy! Daddy!" Charlotte follows behind, walking as fast as she can to keep up with her big sister. "Good morning girls" Jamie grins and I lift Charlotte up, swinging her around.

"Good morning! Happy birthday Dulcie" I grin, kissing Dulcie's head as she thanks me shyly, grinning. "Happy birthday baby" Jamie kisses her head too and she grins. "How did you get out of your cot?" I tickle Charlotte's tummy softly and she squeals, "ce ce" she giggles loudly and I grin.

"Sorry.. I got her out. We was so excited to see mommy and daddy" Dulcie giggles shyly and I laugh "it's okay, don't be sorry" I kiss her cheek. "Is she saying Dulcie?" She pouts and I nod, grinning. "She's trying to anyway.. she'll be able to say it properly soon!" I grin and Dulcie cheers, jumping up and down on our bed. "What does the birthday girl want for breakfast?" Jamie asks, watching us.

"Pancakes and bacon!" She cheers, her arms in the air high. We laugh and Jamie agrees; helping her jump off the bed before taking Charlotte when she reaches out for him. "Come on then, let's get breakfast and give you some presents" I grin, tapping Dulcie's nose, causing her to scrunch it up as she giggles. "Yay!" She cheers, running for the stairs.


Dulcie's birthday celebrations are in full force this afternoon. The weather decided to rain so we had to bring her little party, that Jim has thrown her, inside. She's loving her day, she's been spoilt by us, her grandparents and all her aunts and uncles, plus all her cousins are here and they're all playing children games in the lounge.

I'm sat at the table beside Jamie, our hands are entwined and sitting on his knee. His dad and Sam are sat beside me and Jamie's sisters Liesa and Jessica are sat across the table with their husbands; Charlotte happily sat on her aunts knee babbling away as she plays with Jess' rings.

We're having a casual chitchat about anything and everything. Whether we're all ready for Christmas and what all our plans will be. "I don't think we'll be having a big Christmas this year.. we've been to aspen with my parents the past two years but I'm a bit too pregnant to keep up with the craziness." I giggle and Jamie chuckles a bit as Jess and Liesa pout.

"How far gone are you again?" Liesa asks me and I pout. "Oh god my baby brain..." I giggle trying to think. "just about to enter our third trimester, we're twenty five weeks four days" I grin and they all 'awww'. "How are you finding this pregnancy to Charlotte's one?" Jess' husband asks and I frown a little, looking down at Mine and Jamie's hands.

"Well.. it hasn't been easy, I've been struggling with my anxiety a lot, I don't really leave the house unless Jamie is with me" I sigh a bit and he squeezes my hand gently. "You seem like you're coping well though. And you're glowing" Jess grins at me and I blush slightly. "Thank you.. I'm only coping well because your brother is pretty amazing" I grin at Jamie and he smiles shyly back at me, kissing my hand.

"You two are so in love!" She gushes and we all laugh. "My pregnancies were different too, all three of them I felt different with but it doesn't make you love them any less" she reassures me and I grin. "Thank you.. I have to go for tests for my blood pressure but we're going to be fine" I stroke my bump.

"This definitely is my last though" I smile at them and I catch Jamie's deep frown on his face as I glance at him. I frown back a bit and I think he's going to say something but Sam interrupts. "Do you know the gender?" She asks and Jamie nods slowly. "We were actually going to tell you today" I smile heading to the hallway and grabbing four brown Kraft boxes. I place one in front of Sam and Jim, one in front of Jess and her husband, one for Liesa and her partner and then the fourth one is Dulcie's.

"Dulcie come here baby" Jamie calls and all six children come running in, Dulcie, Jess' two daughters and son, and then Liesa's two girls. "What's up daddy?" She asks and he lifts her onto his knee. "You need to open this baby" he slides the box so it's in front of her.

We count to three and they all open them. Inside each box is a pair of blue baby booties and a light blue babygrow. Sam and Jim's say "the best grandparents ever" in white writing with a navy coloured heart. Jess' and Liesa's and their partners say 'the best aunt & uncle' with a navy heart like Sam and Jim's. "Dulcie, yours is for you and Char" Jamie kisses her head gently

Dulcie's says 'the best big sisters ever' with a navy heart too. They all gasp in turn and Jim punches the air. "A boy!!! Another grandson" he cheers, wiping his tears as he pats Jamie on the back. He stands to hug me and I grin, thanking him as he congratulates us. "A nephew! What a beautiful boy he'll be" Jess grins, standing to hug first Jamie and then me. Liesa stands to hug us both and congratulate us too. "A baby brother" Dulcie jumps on the spot beside us and I grin, getting emotional at all their reactions.

"That's right baby, a brother that you'll need to protect and look after" Jamie scoops her into his arms and Dulcie hugs the both of us together. "This is the best birthday ever" she whispers against our ears and I have to stifle my sob; a few tears falling from my eyes. "I'm glad baby" I kiss her hair gently as we pull away. Jess' little boy Josh is bouncing with joy when we all pull away.

"Finally I won't be the only boy!" He cheers and we all laugh. "That's right" Jamie high fives him before we sit down again. Charlotte is still giggling and babbling away on Jess' lap and the children go back to playing in the lounge. I wipe my eyes as we begin discussing baby names and room decoration ideas.


It's nearly midnight and we're just getting to our bedroom after trying to put two very hyper girls to bed. Jamie closes our door behind us and I let out a sigh. "What a day" I yawn, getting undressed before sliding some pyjama shorts and a matching top on. "It's been a crazy day" he chuckles a bit, taking his top and jeans off and putting some shorts on.

I climb into bed and lay on my back, watching as he sits beside me on his side of the bed. "I'm glad they know and are happy about our boy" he smiles, watching me. "Me too.. " I yawn gazing at him. "I'm so proud of you.. for telling my family how you really feel" he whispers, kissing my hand softly.

"Thank you.. I didn't want to lie, there's no point and that's not a good example." I smile shyly and he kisses me softly. "Quick" I gasp taking his hand and placing it on my bump "he's kicking" I grin and Jamie grins widely too. "Oh my boy" he lays across his side of the bed, kissing my bump softly by his hand.

I well up slightly, stroking his hair as i watch him. "I love you so so much" i whisper and he smiles, leaning across to kiss me. "I love you so much more" he smiles, laying down in bed properly. "Babe... how come you said you won't have anymore after this?.." he asks me after a few minutes and I sigh a bit. "I knew you weren't happy about that" I say, rolling over to face him.

"I don't think I can handle another pregnancy like this.." I say watching him as he frowns. "But.. we didn't even discuss it" he frowns and I frown back. "I'm sorry.. but Jamie this pregnancy is draining me mentally and physically" I sit up as he does the same.

"Not every pregnancy will be like this though" he snaps, his voice a bit louder now "Jamie don't talk to me like that" I frown at him. "With all due respect you help make the baby and take care of them when they're here. I physically need to grow them. It's a lot of work. Look at how much I've struggled with this one. I've had many sleepless nights Jamie" I plead with him but he rolls his eyes.

"What if I want more though? What about me!" He says louder and I turn to him as I'm sat on the bed. "Jamie!! What don't you understand?! It's my mental health that We're talking about. Do you know how worried I am about.." I start but he cuts me up. "The last time I checked there was two people in this marriage, not just one!" He shouts and I'm taken aback by his comment.

"Well it's funny that you remember that; what a shame you didn't when you slept at your ex wife's house!" I shout and he sniggers, getting up out of bed. "I bet you couldn't wait to bring that up! Typical Dakota move" he laughs, grabbing a t-shirt and putting it on. "You're being so cruel Jamie.." I whisper and he laughs a bit.

"And you're not by choosing our future for us?! What a joke" he takes one more look at me before leaving and slamming our bedroom door shut. Luckily he doesn't wake the girls. I gasp and lay back in our bed, beginning to sob. How could he be so cruel to me?

I roll onto my side and curl up, crying until there's nothing left. I really just hope he didn't mean any of the mean stuff he said. I cry more when I think back to me about to tell him what I'm truly worried about but he didn't let me speak...By the time I'm all cried out it's 2:05 AM; I close my eyes and try to sleep.

Comment are appreciated as always ❤️

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