my new cell mate - prison bre...

By wpwriterxox

62.9K 1.2K 234

"I wasn't a devil but I was stuck in hell and I needed to become a devil to claw myself out." I do not own an... More

[1.] my new cell mate
[2.] infirmary
[3.] back to reality
[4.] extreme heat
[6.] Westmoreland
[9.] "I swear to god!"
[10.] SCREAM
[19.] Nika Volek
[22.] CHECK
[23.] RIVER


1.8K 35 7
By wpwriterxox

The new and the improved Vanessa:

Lauren Cohan as Vanessa Tancredi

Vanessa's POV:
The deafening, sound of sirens rang through my ears. 

Dogs barking and panting breaths, including my own, where also heard. 

We stopped at a ditch just right outside the prison. We sat hunched over, making ourselves look small as we saw vans and police cars pull up at the scene. I was clutching onto my bag for dear life, praying that I wouldn't lose it. I decided it would be best to wear it on the inside of my jumpsuit so I wouldn't drop it. The atmosphere was nothing but tense. Dogs, ammo and weapons were being taken out of all vehicles and being distributed to each officer. I crouched next to Mike and Linc with Sucre and Tweener leaning over my shoulder. Everybody wanted to have a sneak peak at what was going on whilst staying hidden at the same time. It was only moments later before we saw Pope walk out of the gate, carrying what seemed to be a megaphone. 

Pope looked angry, frustrated and agitated. He stood there for a moment with his hand on his head, wiping away the nervous sweat on his face. I felt bad for him. He was genuinely a nice guy who was just trying to do his job. He looked around at the officers that stood in front of him, clearing his throat to grab their attention as he raised the megaphone to his mouth before angrily shouting into it. "When those convicts went over the wall they made a choice. That choice made them a threat to society once again..... now, as many of you know, some of them are convicted killers, our job is to protect and to ensure the safety of the general population.... and that means, if we have to bring them down to ensure that safety... by God, we will do it! This time we're playing for keeps, gentlemen." he paused for a moment, gathering his thought and taking a deep breath before talking again.

"Now it's been at least twelve minutes since they went over that wall. That's one mile on foot at best. If they've got their hands on a vehicle, they could be ten miles from here. SO LET'S GET MOVING!!!!" The officers began scurrying to their cars and vans and some walked to each other to discuss what route they were going to be taking whilst we hid in the ditch. Right under their noses. The sound of police radios were heard in the distance but I couldn't hear them when C-Note spoke up. "Yo, come on, man, we got to roll."

Michael turned to him, " We don't got to do anything but wait right here, and let them get ahead of us." I looked towards the prison to see Pope still standing there, shouting and giving out orders to Bellick and other police officers. My view was blocked when two police officers with dogs in hand stepped in front, heading in our direction. My heart panicked when I grabbed Michael's arm, "Dogs... they're coming right towards us".

"Nobody move," Michael whispered, "They can't smell us". All of a sudden the dogs began barking. Sucre grabbed a hold of my arm, pulling me away from the ditch, "But they can see us, run mami, run!" 

I ran out of the ditch and down the field. C- Note and Linc managed to run ahead of me. Sucre, Abruzzi, Michael and T-Bag were still catching up alongside me. I could hear the faint sound of police officers shouting and dogs barking in the distance but the sounds of our loud footsteps and heavy breathing drowned it out slightly. At the exit of the field we were met by a woodland area. We ran through it, dodging the few high and low branches as well as jumping over the scattered tree roots that were littered across the ground. 

Taking a detour from the woods we ran through a few bushes before reaching a wired fence. Linc stood on it and pulled it down for us to quickly cross over. I didn't notice the fence was barbed wire until I had managed to cut my hand off of it, cursing in pain. I shook it off before following the rest of the crew to the outskirts of the forestry district. The gang seemed to be arguing about some sort of van. Apparently Abruzzi had a van waiting for us but he didn't know where it was. Sucre and C-Note were yelling at Abruzzi before he spotted something and interrupted them, "Come on". He ran in the same direction that caught his eye. We all followed Abruzzi to a shelter where a navy van was parked in the shadows. Everybody laughed with happiness as we all shuffled around it. 

"Behind the wheel, Cro-Magnon," Abruzzi chuckled as he slapped Linc on the back.

I heard a smash from the back of the van and I followed the noise to see Michael shattering the back light of the van with a rock. "What are you doing," I asked him.

"Getting us invisible," he glanced at me "You okay? Your hand.... it's bleeding...dripping," Michael questioned with a look of concern on his face. I frowned before looking down at my hand, and he was right. Blood was dripping onto the ground from the cut on my hand. I had barely noticed it, it wasn't causing much pain. I nodded, wiping it on my clothes. "You're injured enough as it is," he chuckled. I laughed in response before patting him on the back and getting into the passenger seat, jumping onto Sucre's lap. Linc, who was in the drivers seat, turned to look at everybody in the van just as Michael opened the door and got in.

"We have everybody?" he asked, scanning the van. We all nodded before he took off, driving us down the road. I looked back to Michael who was sat next to T-Bag and Tweener, I smiled at him and he returned the expression. I turned back around to look out of the windscreen of the van. I got lost in a train of thought, I finally felt like there was a possibility that I could finally be free again. The thing I wanted the most was to find Sara, whether it was to message her, call her or to track her. I just needed to make sure she was okay. My thoughts were interrupted when Sucre grabbed my arm, pulling my hand away from him.

"Chica, tu mano!?! (Girl, your hand!?!) It's bleeding! You're getting it all over me!" Sucre complained as he lifted me up, moving me so my back was up against the door. I looked at my hand. It was still bleeding. Taking a closer look at the wound I could see it was deep enough but not too deep that I would need stitches. 

"You okay?" Linc asked, looking at me and then glancing back at the road again.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say as I open the glove box, looking for some sort of first aid kit. I pulled loads of manuals and CD's from the glove box, throwing them onto the floor of the van. No signs of any first aid kit, just a role of duct tape. I looked at my left hand. I had a large bandage on it from when I had sprained it, during my time in the SHU. I began unravelling it and wrapped it around my right hand, which had the gash from the fence on it. I tore a strip off of the duct tape and wrapped it around the end piece of the bandage to ensure it wouldn't fall off. My left hand did indeed look sprained. It had black, blue and yellow bruises all over it and it was slightly swollen.

The van was quiet for a short while. That was until T-Bag decided to break the silence, "Hey John, I gotta ask you a question... why were you so intent on Lincoln drivin' here, and you taking that particular seat?" I turned around to see T-Bag chuckling whilst pulling a pair of hand cuffs from his pocket and wrapping one around Michael's wrist and his own. At the exact same time Abruzzi pulled out a gun from under his seat and pointed it at T-Bag. Everybody started panicking at the sight of the gun in Abruzzi's hand.

"What the hell are you doing!?!?!?!" Michael shouted at T-Bag. T-Bag chuckled, this only agitated Abruzzi even more as he dug the gun into the back of Bagwell's head.

"You think that's going to stop me, huh? Think twice Johnny boy, hmmm," Abruzzi said through his teeth. This made T-Bag laugh.

"You shoot me... and pretty boy, over here, is gonna be carrying around 170 pounds of dead Alabama flesh with him and considering how much you need him to get this little Fibonacci vendetta of yours, huh? So I just don't think you're going to be pulling that trigger," T-Bag smirked. I hated his stupid little face. I hated him so much.

"Okay just hand over the keys, T-Bag," I said reaching over the seat and jabbing him in the leg. He took a hold of something in his pocket and put it into his mouth. Opening his mouth, he showed us the tiny keys, that belonged to the handcuffs, sitting right between his teeth. "You son of a bitch!" Michael shouted as everybody jumped to grab it from him.

"Get it!....... Get it!..... GET IT!" Abruzzi shouted.

"Come on.. spit it out!" Tweener said, but it was too late. We all watched with sad eyes as he swallowed the key. "oops?" T-Bag shrugged with a grin on his face. Michael buried his face in his hands.

"How far until we reach the air strip?" Linc asked. His eyes were still on the road and his hands were wrapped tightly around the steering wheel almost as if they were glued to it. He looked frustrated and nervous at the same time. "Like 5 miles," Mike responded.

"All I want to do is touch her belly.... feel that he's in there," Sucre cried, as he talked about Mariecruz Delgado, his fiancé. I turn my head to face Sucre and his sad eyes. I wrap my left arm around his shoulders, rubbing his arm in comfort. "You'll see her soon, Sucre. I'll make sure of it." Sucre smiled, wrapping his right arm around me and giving me a tight squeeze. We both chuckled.

"We've got trouble ahead," Linc interrupted. My smile dropped as I looked up to see blue and red flashing lights at the bottom of the road. Linc pulled off of the road and into the entrance of a field. He stopped the van and turned to Mike.

"What's the plan now?" he questioned him.

"I'm thinking..." Michael responded. I looked out the window, examining the field. "....we got to try and go around them." Linc nodded and stepped on the gas but nothing happened. The sound of the wheels caught in something was quite loud. Linc stopped and got out. I climbed out of the van, following Linc just to see that the back wheels were stuck in piles of mud. The rest of the gang followed and got out of the van whilst Linc got back in. Everybody began pushing on the back of the van whilst Link stepped on the gas. It seemed as if the wheels were only building up more mud and the van wasn't moving at all.

"Stop!" I whisper shouted. Everybody stopped including Linc as he opened the van door. "We're only wasting time. The van isn't moving and it's not going to. It's in too deep, it would need to be pulled out by another vehicle." Linc nodded his head.

"She's right. How far would it be to the air strip on foot?"

"Maybe two miles?" Michael said.

"Well, what the hell are we waiting for? Come on let's go!" C-Note whisper shouted as he took off with Sucre and Abruzzi. Michael turned to Tweener.

"This is as far as you go." Tweener looked shocked and annoyed.

"Come on homie-" he whined. Michael stopped him with his hand.

"I'm not your homie. Remember your end of the bargain," Michael reminded him. I never knew how and when he ended up getting in on the escape plan but I suppose Michael had a sort of agreement with him. Tweener frowned but nodded as he headed off in the other way. Linc grabbed my arm and we ran towards the bottom of the field. 

As we were running we ran into Sucre, C-Note and Abruzzi who stood there staring at the edge of a cliff. It wasn't too steep. Many rocks stuck up out of the ground and it could easily be crossed but it would definitely take time. The cliff over looked a lake. Next to the lake sat a house and a run-down campervan with a car next to it. 

Just as we began climbing down the side of the cliff, the loud sound of choppers filled our ears. I was grabbed and pulled down to hide under a rock before I could even think to hide. The helicopters passed by slowly. Lights hung from the helicopters. I could hear the loud breathing of whoever grabbed me. They sounded extremely out of breath. When the helicopters passed back over us we got the clear to get back up. I turned to see who had grabbed me so I could thank them but I shut my mouth when I had seen it was T-Bag. I quickly scrambled away from him and made it my way down the cliff until I had reached the bottom.

"What? I don't get a 'Thank You' for saving your life back there, do I?" T-Bag smirked as him and Michael reach the ground.

"I stayed silent for a reason... staying quiet was probably nicer than what I should have said," I snap at him.

"Damn, she's a feisty one, isn't she Pretty?" He asked Michael. Michael just ignored him.

 "Please tell me she let you hit that? How else did you two waste your time in that cell together?" We both ignored T-Bag but everybody else turned to see if there was an answer. I kept walking ahead to the car that sat outside of the old campervan. I was followed by Linc, Abruzzi and Sucre. I opened the door of the car but Sucre bet me to it and jumped into the drivers seat. He pulled the wires out from underneath the wheel.

"I thought you were done for robbery?" Linc asked Sucre. Sucre let out a chuckle.

"I was caught for robbery, hot-wiring is much easier than robbery.. trust me..." Sucre laughed as he pulled the wires to him so he could start the car, " is the juice - white is the ground - we strike them together and we blow this town!" 


"what?.... and we blow this town!" Sucre tried again. But much like the last time he was unsuccessful. "What the...?" Abruzzi walked in front of the car and opened the hood. I ran to the front to see what Abruzzi was seeing, which was absolutely nothing. I could see right through to the ground. There was no engine. I groaned in annoyance as Abruzzi slammed the hood closed.

 I sat on top of the car, looking ahead of me at the lake where Michael, T-Bag and C-Note sat talking to each other, even though T-Bag didn't look apart of the conversation. Linc sat on the hood next to me, staring into the same direction.

"What's the first thing you want to do when we're actually free and away from all this madness...." I asked Lincoln. "I mean, I don't exactly know what you want to do.... Sucre wants to find his girl and run off with her... Abruzzi just wants to sort out this Fibonacci guy, whoever he is.... C-Note is gonna find his family... but what about you?" I turned my head to Linc.

"LJ... I want to find LJ, Run away to Panama with him and Michael and then I guess, go where ever the wind takes me," He chuckled. I smiled, it sounded simple... it sounded nice, but we both knew that it couldn't be that easy. "I just want to see LJ... that's all I want," he sighed. "What about you?"

"I don't know... give Sara a call? Write to her? I don't think she will want to talk to me. I'm pretty sure that she thinks that I'm a murderer. My dad does... but what do I care? I hate that guy. And Robert... he didn't even come visit me... I was with the guy two years, you would think he would show his face at least once.... but nooooo," I sighed. I had no idea what I would do. I didn't really have anybody.

"If all fails, why don't you come to Panama with me, Mike and LJ?" Linc smiled. I looked up at him. 

"I don't know... you guys seem to have it all planned out, I wouldn't want to ruin this family scheme."

"Are you kidding me? You practically are family to LJ and I, I mean, LJ use to stay in your place like every Friday, wasn't it? And I'm sure Michael wouldn't mind... you guys did share a cell together, he seems to be fond of you," Linc said as he bumped his shoulder off of mine, making me laugh.

"I'll definitely think about it, how about that?", I said as he nodded his head. We both looked forward towards the lake, watching Michael, C-Note and T-Bag. Michael was getting frustrated at T-Bag. T-Bag was only slowing him down. Sucre and Abruzzi walked over and stood beside us, staring at the three over at the edge of the lake.

"What are we going to do about the situation between Scofield and Bagwell?" Abruzzi questioned, referring to the obvious reason of the two men being handcuffed together. Linc groaned hopping off of the hood of the car and paced back and forward in front of us. I moved my head to the right to see a large shed behind a bunch of trees.

"What if we run towards that shed over there? It's bound to have some tools in there that we could pry the cuffs off of their wrists. We could trap them?" I suggested.

"That's actually not a bad idea, if we all start running over there they'll probably catch on a follow..... Tancredi, if you get behind the door and close it when all of us are in there then we can find some sort of tool to break it off," Abruzzi planned. I nodded my head before I hopped down off of the car and began running towards the shed.

It was a good distance away but not too far. As I was running, I noticed that it had just started to rain. I turned to see Lincoln, Sucre and Abruzzi trying to catch up with me. There were a few branches and bushes sticking out as it wasn't a clear pathway to the shed. It was slightly overgrown. Running over to the shed, I grabbed ahold if the door-handles and pulled the door across as it was a sliding barn door. I waited on the inside of the doorway, ushering everybody in until I could see Michael and T-Bag slowly catching up. It was like watching a three-legged race. Eventually they caught up and made it inside. I pushed the heavy door over until it was fully closed and I turned around and watched Lincoln grab T-Bag by the collar of his jumpsuit.

Lincoln shoved T-Bag onto the hood of a car that sat in the middle of the shed. Michael was pulled alongside T-Bag and landed on the car as well. Both of them looked so confused as Lincoln and C-Note held them down. I stood in the corner and watched as Sucre ran up with Bolt Cutters, trying to cut the chain off of the cuffs. I felt useless, standing in the corner doing nothing but watching.

Sucre tried and tried but the cuffs did not budge at all. T-Bag laughed as Sucre gave up. Michael cursed in annoyance. "I guess it was mean to be. Hey, now, fellas?" T-Bag laughed.

T-Bags dirty smile left his face quickly when he turned around to see Abruzzi with an axe in his hand. T-Bags smile was instead replaced by a look of pure horror and fear. He panicked, trying to push Lincoln off of him but Linc had a firm hold on him, keeping him pressed down on top of the car. Michael pulled as far away from him as possible. Sucre ran out of the way, muttering words in Spanish.

Abruzzi had a dark look in his eyes and didn't hesitate for a second before slamming the axe down. T-Bag's hand had been cut clean off and Michael was sent flying down onto the floor. I ran over to him to help him up. Within seconds of his amputation, T-Bag let out an ear piercing shriek. Linc quickly covered his mouth.

We all stared in disbelief at what just happened. Nobody knew that Abruzzi would go to the extent of chopping off someone's hand. I stared at the bloody messy on the floor, then at a crying T-Bag who was rolling on the floor and clutching his arm, then to John who was holding an axe covered in blood. 

"You....You....You cut his hand off.....You just cut his hand off! OOH DIOS MÍO! ESTO NO ESTÁ SUCEDIENDO! OH DIOS MÍO!!!! ( OOH MY GOD! THIS IS NOT HAPPENING! OH MY GOD!!!!)," Sucre cried. He didn't even realize he was being so loud.

"Shut up Sucre!" Linc whisper shouted at him. All of a sudden we hear a voice coming from outside.

"Hello!?!?" A mans voice shouts in the distance.

"Come on let's go!" C-Note said as he opened the door. I tugged at Michael's jumpsuit, pulling him in the direction of the door and turned to run outside, following the rest, without turning to look at the bloody scene we left behind, including T-Bag.

We continued to run to the airstrip until we reached a ditch across the road from the field in which the airstrip was. We stopped in the ditch and saw a police car parked on the road. There was no signs of anyone in the car, all lights were turned off.

"I can see the plane from here," C-Note complained. "I'd say we take a run for it!"

"NO!" Michael hissed, "We have to be careful and cross quietly, I'll go across and-"

"No, I'll do it," I interrupted him. Michael turned to face me with a serious look on his face.

"No way!" Michael and Lincoln disapproved.

"I've got nothing to lose, if you guys get caught, there goes the plan down the drain.... I'll run across the road and signal you guys, and if the plan works, you guys can repay me by letting me stay in Mexico with you guys," I laughed, elbowing Linc a little. They both shook their heads.

"She's right guys," Sucre butted it. "If she gets caught, we could still get away.... Vanessa is annoyingly loyal, I know she would rather be put on the chair than tell the C.O.'s anything." I laughed at Sucre.

"But I'm not going to get caught. I'll just run across the road and signal you guys to follow if I'm not seen, okay? It's not that big of a deal... I'll be okay, I'm a big girl. I can look after myself," I assured them. The two brothers just looked at each other before giving me a nod. I walk towards them putting my arms around them, giving them an awkward group hug.

"I'll be fine.... see ya on the other side," I joked as I walked away from the group and towards the road. I stayed hidden in the ditch for a few seconds, grabbing a branch to pull myself out and into a shadowed area. I looked around before quickly running across the road and throwing myself across the wall into the other field. I landed on my side and stayed there for a moment, listening to hear if I was caught. I lift my head and look over the wall to see the gang looking at me through the hole in the ditch. 

I raised my finger to my lips to tell them to be quiet but then I wave them over, "one by one!" I whisper shouted. I watched as Michael copied my exact actions and he moved towards me. I moved out of the way and watched as Michael threw himself over the short-ish wall. 

"Good job," I say to him as he landed next to me.

"You too," He smiled before turning back to the others and waving Linc over. It carried on with Linc then Sucre and Abruzzi. Everybody had crossed the wall apart from C-Note. We all waved him over but just as he was coming out of the ditch he caught his foot on a root sticking up out of the ground. Immediately the headlights from the cops car turned on as well as the sirens. We all cursed and everybody turned to sprint down the field towards the airstrip. 

"Come on!!" I shouted to C-Note as he threw himself over the wall. He landed on his stomach. I helped him up and pulled him along. C-Note and I sprinted down the field catching up with the others as we heard the sirens behind us.

Blue and Red flashing lights were creeping in the distance on both sides. We could hear many police radios and speakers in the distance telling us to 'FREEZE!'  and to 'STOP BEFORE WE SHOOT!'. We carried on running down the field catching up with the rest and continued running with them.

"I can see it!" Sucre shouted.

"Is that moving towards us?" Lincoln bellowed.

"Guys! That's coming at us really fast!" C-Note exclaimed.

"HEYYYYY! STOP!! SLOW DOWN! WAIT!!" We all screamed. The plane was moving at at a rapid speed before it passed over all of our heads. We all shouted in anger.


We stopped for a moment on the airstrip. Looking around us, the cops were moving in on us fast.

"What do we do now?!" Linc asked.

"We run!" Michael answered.



Hey guys,

I am SO, EXTREMLEY, sorry for not updating in so long. A lot has been happening.

I hope everybody is doing well and staying safe. Remember to wear your masks and social distance.... PLEASE think about others around you and their loved ones (or perhaps your own) that could be prone to any sort of illnesses. 

If anyone is suffering from any sort of mental health or any problems, my PM's are open for anybody who wants to chat. Sometimes talking to a stranger can make you feel better, you never know.

I hope you all like the new and improved Vanessa Tancredi, by the way. I love Lauren Cohan. I watch The Walking Dead and I think she is such an amazing and beautiful actress. Obviously, if you guys do not like Lauren Cohan, you do not have to imagine Vanessa to look like her. This is my own preference on who I would like Vanessa to look like.

Merry Christmas

...and until next time,

from @ wpwriterxox


(P.S. Peep the new cover xx)

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