NonFic- WP Challenges and Per...

By AliceGraivenille

349 26 63

Non-fictious Lists and (maybe) Essays on various personal -ostensibly- issues. Generally speaking, this is ju... More

20 Facts About Me - Tag You Are It

ABC - The Alphabet Re-Initiation.

127 9 26
By AliceGraivenille

FYI, I didn't have time to proofread or edit this. It's NonFic and I'm terribly busy these days with work and studies so I'll just leave it be like that for a while till I can come back and fix it.

Oh and sometimes I have small rants, consider yourselves forewarned.

A- Airplanes. Air-force pilots. Astronauts and Astronomy. All things airborne!
I can't explain it. It's a passion. You either have it or you don't. Others feel dizzy when marching off to the end of a cliff, I'm thrilled. Some like flying some have to put up with it...some love it. I'd love to be an astronaut but I picked the wrong type of science for that....

B- Boybands. The year is 20-and bloody-15. Enough with the boyband frenzy and how they get glorified and deified. Someone somewhere posted a sign "name of one of the 1D chaps"-puked-here! Seriously???
Lads and lassies of the world, get a life, get a boyfriend (that's intentionally put there!) and move on. Also Bieber. Whatever reason teenage girls still have to write FanFic about him exploiting them sexually, is beyond me but allow me to say: Hell to the no!

C- Clocks and watches. I've a ridiculous thing with time-keeping devices. I'm fascinated by them. I love the concept of time. I've written about it so many times. Tennessee William's work revolves around it too which is one the many reasons I adore his plays but yes, clocks and watches, love them!

D- Dragons! They fly in the sky and they breathe fire. Enough said. Also Doctor Who!

E- Extreme Sports! Bungee-jumping, paragliding, skydiving... I could go on. I love the rush of adrenaline.

F- "Frak"! The first time I watched an episode of Battlestar Galactica I was too young to even remember what the episode was about but they revamped the series and here's where the word "Frak" and its derivatives come in. "Frak" became "Frell" on the Australian sci-fi show "Farscape" and so on. Which is exactly why I loved the British film "In The Loop" because you've got Peter Capaldi going all "fuckity fuck fuck fuck" on you. So refreshing considering all the fraks and the frells or the much worse "fuckin' nigga" ghetto swearing. Nope. He took swearing and turned it into art. (I can kiss goodbye my PG rating because of this paragraph but oh well)
Also, FIREFLY! Since this is a geeky NonFic....

G- Gore Metal music. Is somebody dying? Why would anyone ever listen to that thing? Ok I don't like metal music as a genre but some songs even I can appreciate. But gore metal? It's just gore. Aaaggahahjjh ahhgghjsj tururum ta ta aghahagaga lala aghahagaga that's what I hear when your car's parked next to mine and you're blasting this vile monstrosity through your speakers. NO! Go back to your cave you Flintstone. People developed speech to not have to result to this inarticulate way of talking. Go wear your fur and say 'ugk ugk',..... And no, this isn't a matter of different tastes. This is having NO taste!

H- Holographic Tele-transportation. Again, this is the year 2015. Why isn't this a thing yet? Man went to the moon, man made the Internet, man nuked whole cities, rebuilt them, destroyed a few others and so on (probably not in that order) and we have scientists investing their time and intellect in creating stuff like -and I kid you not, this is real!- a "Portable Chin Rest" and "Shoe Umbrellas". Because I can't fathom how people lead their lives without tiny dysfunctional umbrellas protecting their otherwise dirty and splashed shoes. Blimey, what did we even do before the PCR invention? My life was miserable, it really was. I was casually strolling down the street and I would just wanna rest my chin but dammit, there was nothing to rest it upon. Thank god for the PCR!
Seriously? Make Holographic Tele-Transportation happen already!

I- Ice skating. To this day, I still can't decide whether I like it more than skiing or not. Each has its merits. I definitely love doing both of them but the one makes you feel like you're in some sort of a race whereas the other has a silent kind of dynamic, no kinetic force, you've got to figure out a way to move forward on your own... Like I said, I can't pick favourites.

J- Journals! I love them. Any and all types. I write a lot and keep lists and make collages of tickets and pictures and sketches and poems/quotes etc so yes, buy me a journal, a nice one, and I'll love you forever. Also Jazz!!!!! And Swing!

K- Knight of The Republic. See, I wanted to say Jedi Knight but "J" is already taken so I had to get creative. When I was little, I wanted to become a Jedi Knight. That was the profession of my choice. Ideally, it still is but yeah, whatever...
For the record, I then wanted to become a musketeer, then I got fed up with the political corruption and all the saluting and the direct orders that come with the position and decided that I should set sail under the black flag but anyway, the Jedi will always have a special place in my geeky heart.

L- Law and Politics! It's dirty, it gets ugly, it's exactly what your parents warned you about but boy, does it feel good when you're fighting to support an argument. Screw methamphetamine, this is the new (old) drug.

M- Money can't buy you happiness. It most certainly can. I feel particularly happy when I use it, from getting my coffee to buying books and vinyls and booking tickets to eating to donating to charity to bloody owning the whole world. Money is one of the driving forces of our lives. Whoever claims otherwise is a hippie-guru. Tell it to Africa.
"Don't worry you guys. Your poverty is only of the materialistic kind, you've got plenty of soul."
Money is fundamental for our survival. Therefore, no more preaching against materialism, whether we like it or not, since the evolution of the trade market, we do not exchange goods, we pay with little pieces of paper or circular coins. They all matter a great deal. Money buys you food and clothes. It buys you an education so you can develop a free spirit to question its value, you ungrateful prat.

N- Nature is just! Another one of my favourites (note the sarcasm). NO nature isn't fair. It isn't just. It isn't even polite for crying out loud, which you would know, had you been paying attention to any of your biology classes (well, where I went to school, we learned this in the aforementioned class, you might've encountered nature's true nature -that was intended- in some other class, after all, we're a multinational bunch) but you didn't.
"-What do you wanna do after you graduate from university?
-I wanna leave everything behind me for a while and travel. (So far so good) I wanna quit this crazy materialistic, consumeristic (lots of "-istics") scene and live by nature's rules for a while. You know, to reevaluate the meaning of life....."
....get in touch with my inner homo-habilis (not even close to a homo erectus, let alone a homo sapiens), hunt and fight the weather and the animals and the crazy weird plantation and ultimately....die. Because #WhiteFolkIssues, that's why! 
Sounds familiar? No? Let me refresh your memory. The kind of messed up ideas the protagonist from Into The Wild had. I wanted to bitch-slap that character so badly. Not even Umbridge got me so frustrated and I hated that minx.
Nature is nature. Survival of the fittest. Deal with it. We wear clothes and we walk on two legs and developed speech. We do not hunt with our body, we do not mate with whomever comes our way and we certainly do not bark and howl and tweet -however much some people love Twitter- as a means of communication. In other words: We do not belong into the wilderness.
But I guess nature *is* just after all. If you're so stupid to go live alone into the fucking nowhere then yeah, nature will take care of you in a very righteous way. Mankind doesn't need you to procreate and pass on your faulty genes. Your time's up, next please!

O- Olaf from The Almighty Johnsons. I love that character. I love him "heaps". For those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about, TAJ is a series from New Zealand, comedy-drama based on Norse mythology (extra points if you like Dean O'Gorman -Hobbit's Fili- because he's in it) that's really original and refreshing. Shame it had to end...

P- Poetry, Play-writing, Piano, Photography, Philosophy, Politics, Awesome should be "p-awesome" because all things awesome start with the letter "P"!

Q- Quora! That site is amazing. Some people enjoy Tumblr-ing, I myself like Quora-ing! Well, I too like tumblr but with Quora it's like you weren't even aware of the fact that you needed to know this piece of information. It helps you rediscover everything around you. It is the "Because" to your "Why"?!

R- REGENERATION TRILOGY! Because I don't know which quote to use to explain the amount of love and respect I have for this trilogy on WWI and its author. Pat Barker? You're in my heart. Yes you are. One of my favourite authors and my favourite female author. Whoever's reading this list, check the trilogy out. It's amazing. I promise you. Want me to send you a couple of paragraphs to see what I'm talking about? I will if you ask because when I stumble upon beauty and brilliance, I like to call it out.

S- "S" as the letter. When in doubt, I'd always start browsing for words that start with "S". I was cheeky like that!

T- Theatre. I'm talking about Sophocles and Aeschylus and Euripides and Shakespeare and Chekhov and Williams (oh how much I love Tennessee!) and so on. It's got a certain allure, a very special quality that for me, at least, creates a sense of mystagogy, something that you need to be initiated into to truly grasp its magnificence.
Also, tea and trains.

U- Underground! As a traveler,I've been to a few hundred different 'tubes' across the world. Personally? I love it. It fascinates me. In a matter of minutes or even seconds you've crossed whole kilometres. It's like a roller-coaster, it's underground, it feels like everyone is sharing in the secret. What happens in the tube, stays in the tube. Yet somehow the city whence I come from still doesn't have one. It is kinda like a chimera. We were supposed to have our own tube a few years ago but due to political conflicts, bureaucracy and no small amount of corruption....we ended up with nothing but a hope that at least our own children will be able to use it. So yes, the underground. So many emotions.....

V- Vinyl records! Call me an old soul (I don't think I'm the hipster type) but I grew up with them. And the tapes. Dad used to play all these records for me to listen when I was younger and he would spent hours explaining the background stories of every band and performer and their songs... We still use them in my house. We're traditionalists like that.

W- Words. Isn't it fascinating how you can tell whole stories, declare war, sign a peace treaty, give meaning to the concept of war and peace, make somebody fall in love with you or break their heart all with the same few letters rearranged in words? I find it truly mind-blowing. A continuous recycling of the same old 26 letters can take the whole world apart and bring it back into shape. All that with 26 letters. (In English. Say, 24 in Greek -we're laconic like that- and so on)

X- X-Rays. Somehow I enjoy them a lot. I know. It's carcinogenic and quite disturbing as an idea. It's not like I'd take somebody out on a date to an X-Ray room or anything. And I don't need to get them that frequently but come on, the mere concept that you see your bones... That's amazing. A whole other level of nakedness.

Y- YOLO. Thank the gods of mount Olympus and all the deities. You Only Live Once is the biggest excuse after "the goal justifies the means". Let's party till we drop.
-What did you do last night?
-Oh you know, law-breaking and crime-doing...
-Oh koolz!
-Yeah man, YOLO!
Thank god you only live once because if you had to burden humanity with your problematic genes twice the rest of us would have to find a black hole to relocate to in order to terminate our miserable existence.

Z- Zorro the Italian/Japanese anime. I'm talking about "Kaiketsu Zorro" which was one of the cartoons I grew up with. For some reason I watched a lot of these anime when I was a kid. Like "Saber Rider and The Star Sheriffs"... It was a 90s kind of thing. I remembered all about them when in 2004 Howl's Moving Castle came out and it went to receive an Oscar nomination.

Thank you @AlWrite for tagging me, I now nominate @CriLo (that's currently lost somewhere in Prague),  @AE_KIrk (my evil twin), @Shimaira and @RoseSunshine and because this isn't gender-restricted and I'm cool like that I'll also nominate @Stripey and of course, my fellow compatriot, @Nyhterides. And @CreepyAngel because so much sweetness needs rewarding! 

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