The Snakes Princess (Draco Ma...

By Jiminie_mochi1013

183K 4.3K 1.4K

(Y/n) Riddle, thought going to Hogwarts would be great, but it'll prove to be drama filling and dangerous. Wi... More

Welcome! Introductions!
First year | Malfoy Manor
First year | Hogwarts
First year | Classes and Chaos
First year | Saint Potter
First year | Valentines day
First year | Holy hades
End of first year
Summer | Coming Home
Second year | Diagon Alley fight
Second year | Drama
Second year | Terrible day, really
Second year | Slytherin
Second year | Rogue bludger
Second year | Christmas plan
Second year | Bloody Walls and Nightmares
End of Second Year
Summer | Training & Surprises
Third year | Train Ride of Unhapiness
Third year | Tea Leaves Of Doom
Third year | Real feelings
Third year | Invisible Snowball fight
Third year | Sirius Black
End of third year
Summer | Quidditch World Cup
Fourth year | Cold Welcome Back
Fourth Year | Visitors
Fourth year | Ferret
Fourth year | Yule ball
Fourth year | Death & Divination
End of Fourth Year
Summer | Old Friends
Fifth year | Frog lady
Fifth year | Trouble
Fifth year | Dumbledore's Army
Fifth year | Storm brewing
Fifth year | Department of Mysteries
End of Fifth Year
Summer | Different Perspectives
Sixth year | Secrets & Love
Sixth year | Potions
Sixth year | Almost
Sixth year | The Slug Club
Sixth year | Curse
End of Sixth Year
Summer | As The World Caves In
Seventh year | Escape & Apollo
Seventh Year | Radios & Gods
Seventh year | Cyclopes & Time
Seventh Year | Quest Takes a Turn
Battle of Hogwarts
Battle of Hogwarts II
Battle of Hogwarts | The Aftermath
Five years later | Return
Weddings & Reality
Authors note| IMPORTANT
Another Authors Note
Bonus Chapter | Arabella & Regulus
Bonus Chapter | Aaron & Harley
Bonus Chapter | Castor & Leo
Bonus Chapter | Scorpius & Arabella & Adrien
Sequel News

A Year later | Babies & Names

2.8K 58 28
By Jiminie_mochi1013

Year later & Your POV~

Draco's cold fingers grazed against my back. He stood behind me, watching as he zipped up my dress. After Draco came to see me that night by the lake, we started dating again. Six months later, in May, he proposed and we got married.

It's been a year and we talked about the possibilities of a child. He was fine with the Malfoy line ending with him, but I was not. The universe loves to find ways to end perfectly good relationships, so I told him I wanted a child. We tried to get pregnant for a year now, trying any chance we had to conceive.

We had been nervous during our honeymoon that I'd get pregnant, seeing as we did it every night, but still nothing. Today we were meeting my Aunt at St. Mungos to get an update on why I wasn't getting pregnant.

"Hey," Draco whispered. "It's going to be okay."

He kissed the ring on my hand, the one he originally bought for me, he felt it was too childish since he bought it when we were sixteen. He wanted to buy me one, in his words not mine, showing I was his Princess and his Princess only.

He had replaced the sapphire with a green/blue 5 Ct sapphire, oval cut, on a silver band, small tear shaped diamonds on each side, and smaller diamonds all on the band. Now it was April of 2004 and still no baby.

I smiled, walking out of the room to see Narcissa reading the Quibbler. She was staying in the Manor with us to help out, telling me things to do to conceive. It was embarrassing and helpful at the same time.

We got to St. Mungos and my Aunt called us into her room. She got me set up and looked at her clipboard, filling out stuff.

"How long have you been trying?"

"One year."

"Do you check if you're ovulating?"


"How often do you have sex?"

I looked at Draco, hesitant to answer. He cleared his throat, looking away.

"Three times a week, skipping periods."
he said.

I felt my face heat up as Aunt Kass snickered to herself. She flipped the page and put down the clipboard. She examined me and checked my records for the last few times I came in.

"Have you taken any direct hits to the stomach? Been thrown around or injured?"

I gulped, thinking about my entire time at Hogwarts and between the war. I would get hurt badly if monsters attacked and on my quest...the cyclops had knocked me into a chair. My silence was her answer, and Aunt Kass stood up.

"I'm not saying you can't have kids, I'm just saying'll be harder because of it. Just keep trying and consider the chances of a surrogate or adoption."

Our appointment was over and Draco took me to the three broomsticks after. We ate while we were there and then headed to see Harley. It was my niece's birthday, Phoebe was now 2 years old. She was growing up and enjoyed seeing my ring when I'd visit her.

Since becoming my husband, Draco has been getting along with Harley and Leo's spouses. Despite Anna being Muggleborn, Draco was becoming more Muggle tolerant.

I knew I'd rub off on him in a good way.

"Aunt (Y/n) is here!!" Anna smiled, seeing us appear in the living room. "Uncle Draco came too!!"

Phoebe was in her mothers arms, her auburn hair was in a small water fountain on top of her head. Phoebe smiled and squealed in delight seeing us. Anna set her down and I crouched down with my arms wide open for her. She squealed and ran past me, going straight to Draco.

She attached herself onto his pant leg. I fell down dramatically to the floor, hurt by my niece liking my husband more than me. Draco chuckled, picking her up and tickling her in his arms. I watched from the comfort of the floor as he kissed her cheek and set her back down. She ran to me and hugged me, patting my head gently.

"You have good taste, kid, but he's my husband." I pointed at Draco and made sure the two year old understood me.

She went back to her Mother and I stood up, which was hard in my dress and heels. Draco snaked his arm around my waist, smiling at Phoebe.

"I want one."

I raised an eyebrow, "Well hey, I could steal her for a few days. They wouldn't even notice."

"We'd notice, because we'd have alone time and sleep." Leo chuckled, coming out from their room.

"It's your fault for making such a perfect daughter."

Phoebe ran to her room and came back out in a Hufflepuff shirt. Draco and I cringed. Nothing against Hufflepuff, she just didn't strike us as one.

We've had a bet going on since she was born that she'd be a Ravenclaw, but when Draco and I got married, he bet she'd surprise us all and get sorted as a Gryffindor.

Lucas would bring his son over for playdates when he could. Lucas and Amara had a golden blond baby boy, and his cheeks were rosy and chubby. They bet he'd be sorted into Gryffindor, if he went to Hogwarts. Sadly, that was unlikely because they just bought a new house in Greece close to the wizarding school there.

Harley and Aaron soon joined us. Harley and Aaron still live on the cliffs, the house is protected and out of sight from Muggles. Leo and Anna lived in the Roseore Manor, which was a straight line over in Eastern Ireland.

"Sorry we're late, my sister is staying with us for a bit." Aaron smiled.

"Is she okay? She never stays over, unless her house burns down." Anna commented.

"She's fine...actually, that's why we're here, we have a surprise." Harley smiled.

We all immediately sat down. If Harley was smiley or giddy, it was serious. Harley no longer had long hair and neither did Aaron, which was unlike them. What really freaked me out was the lack of dangling accessories.

"Harley and I are going to be parents!" Aaron announced.

We all freaked out and congratulated both of them. I hugged Harley tightly and kissed his head, proud I was going to have more nieces or nephews.

It was hard though, feeling happy for them when I had just found out that it was going to be hard for me to have my own baby. I swallowed down the hurt and smiled, trying to let my happiness shine through.

"Your sister, she's your surrogate, that's why she's there right?" Anna smiled.

"Yes, she agreed to let us use one of her eggs. She's my sister, so my kids will still get some of my looks." Aaron explained.

They explained all they had to go through to get her to agree. She was a tough one to bargain with, but now she's living with them until the baby is born.

"When is this happening?" I asked.

"Hopefully next year, we really need to make sure everything is perfect so it'll happen." Harley hesitated.

With that news, we brought out the firewhiskey. We talked about how busy we all were and how it'd get busier with a kid. My job as an Auror kept me busy, but seeing as the information we received today wasn't good...I'd probably have to request to not go on dangerous operations.

Draco could take over for me though, he enjoyed that stuff, even though he wasn't an Auror either. He helped out from time to time.

"How's work?" Anna asked.

I tensed up, glancing at Draco, who looked away awkwardly.

"'s work. Finding dark wizards and taking them down." I laughed nervously.

They all looked at each other, not buying my act. Since Draco came back into my life, I've gotten worse in hiding my emotions. Or maybe they just knew me too well.

"What was that about?" Leo asked.

I hesitated to answer, Draco putting his hand on top of mine for reassurance. I took a deep breath, telling them about how Draco and I had talked about having kids. We told them about how we've been trying for a year now.

"I went to Aunt Kass this morning and...I've taken one too many hits, mainly blunt force, and she said that is affecting us trying. It's not guaranteed that I won't have a baby, it'll harder for me to get pregnant." I sighed.

Aarons eyes got big and sad, "I'm so sorry, we just bragged about being able to have kids, after you got news like that! We were insensitive!"

I shook my head, "I don't care, I'm just glad I get more nieces or nephews now."

After being together for a few hours, Draco and I decided to go home and get ready for a day of nothing.



1 year later~

We spent our days trying to keep ourselves busy, until it was April of 2005. I asked Harry to let me take less dangerous missions, explaining my situation. He agreed and gave my coworkers the more dangerous assignments while I stayed in the office doing reports, paperwork, and research.

Harley and Aaron's girls were born not too long ago, only 3 weeks old now. Everything was going relatively well. However, one stressful night I stayed late to get a report done.

The entire office and Ministry was empty, only Draco staying behind so I could go home with him. That night, stress was high and Draco figured I could use some relaxation. Somehow rubbing my shoulders turned into making out, which then led to sex on my desk in an empty office.

That wasn't the only place though, because when we got home, Draco and I continued in our room. Narcissa was out for the night so we could be as loud as we wanted. We took turns on being dominate, but we both knew he liked it better when I was the one in charge.

He really is a bad listener, every time I told him to do something, he did the opposite. What a brat. He had to grab the headboard multiple times, and to this day we don't know which round our son was conceived during.



9 months later ~

I was with Millicent and Pansy, they were holding a late baby shower for me. Millicent had her daughter Florence with her, creating a play area for everyone who'd bring their kids.

There was blue everywhere and I watched as guests arrived one by one. Narcissa sat beside me, making sure I didn't overdo anything this close to date.

They had invited Anna, Phoebe, Iliana, Arsenio, Amara, Jason, Ginny, Astoria, Luna, and the final one being Fleur. Each one was really nice and Astoria brought the most gifts. She was currently dating someone from Durmstrang, and she was happy to see me.

"I can't believe it, even pregnant you look stunning." Millicent complained.

The girls laughed and so did I. Holding my stomach I smirked and looked up at all of them.

"Please...there's sweat everywhere. Pregnancy is...interesting."

Anna chuckled, "Tell me about it. Not even that far along and I've started sweating more than I used to."

Anna motioned to her belly, she was barely two months along with her second baby. She looked cute as a pregnant woman, wearing such nice maternity dungarees. I could no longer fit mine, so everything I wore was a dress.

Ginny sported a seven month baby bump, so she could still wear her clothes fairly well. Her son was almost two now and soon they'd have to deal with a screaming newborn.

Millicent had her four month baby bump, luckily it wasn't in her way too bad right now. Pansy hadn't had her daughter yet, who was due in four months.

Iliana showed up with Arsenio, who was the spitting image of Blaise. Enzo wasn't with her, because Blaise wanted at least one baby with him, he spoiled his sons often.

"The first child is always the hardest." Ginny sighed.

"Tell me about it, miss Florence over here...thirty-seven hours of labor before she decided to finally arrive." Millicent groaned.

"Victoire was fairly easy, but she was born a week before she was supposed to be." Fleur commented.

"I didn't have a natural birth, but my son made me violently ill." Iliana included.

Astoria smiled awkwardly and Luna decided to pipe up and speak. I was grateful for the weirdo, she saved me a lot.

"Have you thought of names yet?"

They all turned to me, Narcissa having a sly smile on her face. She was the only one we told about our name option.

"We have a name picked out, but we're not telling until the baby is born." I grinned.

They groaned and tried convincing me to tell them. I almost gave in, but Draco apparated in the middle of the party and smiled awkwardly. He most likely forgot today was my baby shower.

"Sorry, I'll just go up to my room." He apologized.

"Stay, and please convince your wife to tell us the baby's name." Astoria chuckled.

Draco raised an eyebrow, asking me if I wanted to reveal it before he was born. I nodded, wanting nothing more than to tell them his name. Draco nodded slightly, letting me decide. He was very respectful about my decisions and feelings, seeing as I was carrying his child and would have to birth him.

"His name is—ow." I put a hand on my stomach.

My brows furrowed, I couldn't tell if the baby kicked or not.

I felt the pain again, hissing in pain, "Ah...ha."

Draco looked at me worried and Narcissa too, "What is it, (Y/n)?'

I looked up at them, "I think that was a contraction."

Everyone sprung into action. Draco grabbed the hospital bag and Narcissa sent the house elves to bring the car around so we could get to St. Mungos. Anna took out her phone and called Aunt Kass, telling her we were on our way.

Ginny got everyone to leave, getting into their cars to go home or to meet us at the hospital. Anna left to get Leo and Harley while I was escorted to the car. Draco got in the front, making Narcissa and I sit in the back so she could help my breathing.

We got to St. Mungos, Draco pushing me through the doors in a wheelchair. My contractions were getting closer together, my water breaking in the car. We checked in and they got me in a private room. Narcissa and Draco stayed by my side, Aunt Kass coming in finally.

"Alright, I'm just going to see how dilated you are," She put on her gloves and went under my gown. "You're three centimeters dilated, but it might be a long wait until you can push."

I groaned, "Thank you Aunt Kass."

She patted my shoulder, "Call me if you need anything. I'll have a Nurse be on standby for you."

She left the room and I squeezed Draco's hand as the next contraction came. Narcissa looked at her watch, starting to time how far apart they were.

Draco made sure I was comfortable and that he was there if I needed him. I had him run and get ice chips for me. Narcissa helped me breathe during my contraction as she timed it.

"I think this is revenge for making us wait during your birth. You took two days to come into the world. Tortured your mother, she just wanted to not be pregnant anymore." She brushed back my hair, which was starting to stick to my face.

"Ha...then this child has a cruel sense of humor, ooh, just like his father." I covered my mouth instantly after I said that.

Narcissa tried not to show her laugh as Draco looked around the room awkwardly.

"Sorry love, I didn't mean that."

He rubbed my hand, "I know Princess, I know."

I went through the rest of the day in slow labor. It wasn't until 3 am the little one decided to come out. Aunt Kass said I was ready to go to the delivery room and start pushing, so Narcissa stayed in the waiting room with my brothers and friends. Draco was beside me, keeping one leg up as I pushed.

"Come on (Y/n), you have to push harder now." Aunt Kass said.

"I can't! I can't do it! I want my Mum and Dad!" I cried.

I took deep breaths, feeling the pain this child was causing me.

"(Y/n), you're going to have to push harder if you want this to be an easy birth. Come on, push again." Aunt Kass said.

Draco looked at me worriedly, "Come on love, you can do it. Your parents are with you and so am I, come on keep going."

I pushed again, doing better and I felt a wave of relief. I heard the sounds of a crying baby, and Aunt Kass showed him to us. Draco cut his cord and they cleaned him up and got him wrapped in a blanket. I started crying and so did Draco.

Aunt Kass handed him to me, and I looked at his perfect little fingers. He had a little bit of hair on his head, taking after his father, he was platinum blond.

"Hello my baby boy...we tried so hard to see you," I sniffed. "I'm going to love and protect you with my life."

My body felt really tired, and Draco took his son in his arms. I watched him hold his whimpering son, crying as he looked at him in the blanket. He yawned, opening his eyes to reveal the gray-green eyes.

"Okay, the mother needs to rest now. Let's get you two back to your room, and him in the nursery. First, his name." Aunt Kass smiled.

Draco and I looked at each other happily, "Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy."

Draco's POV~

After telling them his name, he was taken to the nursery and I walked out to the waiting room. Kass was going to get her finished up and send her to her room to rest. My mother, her brothers, and all of the people who attended her baby shower looked at me in suspense.

"Mother and baby are fine and healthy. 7 lbs 14 oz, 50 cm long, and the spitting image of his father." I smiled.

Everyone cheered and gave me congratulatory hugs. I led them to the front of the nursery, where the nurse held my son up to the glass, making sure they could see him.

"Welcome to the world, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy."

They awed at the sight of him, Leo rubbing his eyes so he wouldn't cry more.

"Aw...he's gonna get bullied for his name like you." He cried.

Harley smacked him upside the head for (Y/n) and I. Scorpius returned to his spot in the nursery and I went to check on (Y/n) in her room. She was still awake, Kass telling her about the plans until she was ready to go home.

"Alright,'re both healthy but there's something you need to know." She hesitated.

I took my wifes hand, "What is it?"

"I told you before that it'd be hard for you to get pregnant and luckily you two did. Well, Scorpius being born caused a lot of stress on (Y/n)'s body, and you'll be weak for a few weeks. I hate to say this, but the chances of ever having more kids is even lower, and the off chance you have another'll take longer to recover, if you recover at all."

(Y/n) looked at me with teary eyes. I knew how her mind worked, she probably thinks it's her fault for not being able to give me more than one child. I don't mind it though, because I grew up an only child and I know he'll be fine without siblings.

"That's okay, the one baby is great." I smiled.

Kass patted my shoulder and left the room. I let (Y/n) get her sleep, and after enough time, Scorpius was brought into the room with us and everyone got to meet him. Mother broke down into tears when she saw her grandson, and I wanted to cry all over again.

Scorpius being born is the best thing to ever happen to me, and I won't screw him up. Everyone soon left to go back home and (Y/n) tried nursing.

After our night, we were sent home and I took to making sure Scorpius and (Y/n) were well taken care of. I had the house elves search up recipes to help her recover and Mother helped look after Scorpius.

Scorpius stayed in our room for the time being, so (Y/n) didn't feel like she was missing out. I should say meeting my wife or marrying her was the happiest I'd ever been, but seeing my son and realizing we were a family now was the happiest moment in my life.

His mother's parents weren't ever going to be around, but we'd teach him what the Roseore-Riddle family knew, family is power, family is...

A L W A Y S & F O R E V E R

A/n: So I have messed up with the math on everything once again. I made a few changes so uh...yeah. I had gotten the Angelos twins birth year wrong😭

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