Lost Hunter (RWBY x Destiny)...

By TheDoomSlayer05

569 5 4

Y/n, slayer of gods and hero of the last city is exploring a disturbance in the outer edge if Sol what happen... More

chapters 1 and 2 unknown signal, and initiation
Chapter 4, Awakening
chapter 5 and chapter 6

chapter 3, day 1

86 1 0
By TheDoomSlayer05

Beacon Academy 5 am


Y/n: ah, I'm up I'm up

Frost: finally, thanks V

V: no problem

Y/n: you guys are jerks

Brick: it was that or I elbow drop you

My face turns to a scared expression

Scorch: don't worry, I would'nt have let him

Brick: you cant stop me

Scorch: *eyes glow red*

Brick: *whimper*

Y/n: well, let's make this dorm comfortable

Scorch: yes please

Scorch then makes Brick pick her bookshelf and desk and move it to the other side of the room while me and V are laughing our asses off

Scorch: ok now put this curtain around this area

V: why though

Scorch: Privacy, duh

Y/n: well she is the only girl on a team of guys

Scorch: exactly

Timeskip 8 am

Y/n: the hell is Team RWBY doing

Brick: good question comrade

Y/n: ok I get it Brick, your russian you can stop being a russian stereotype

Brick: but it is fun!

Y/n: you know what, fine

*stomach growl*

Y/n: well if you need me I'm going to be at breakfast

I then walk to the cafeteria to get breakfast but I notice a familiar mysterious person

Y/n: Oi, Drifter

Drifter: well look who it is

Y/n: how've you been man

Drifter: good how bought you

Y/n: same, hows remnants orbit treating you

Drifter: its suprising baron for a civilization this advanced

Frost appears to share some knowledge as always

Frost: I heard that the element they call dust doesn't work outside remnants atmosphere

Y/n: well that explains it

Drifter: well I'll see ya round hero

Y/n: see ya Drifter

With that I finally find the cafeteria

Y/n: yeah I'm definitely going to need a map of this place

Frost: that's your job as a hunter

Y/n: yes I know this

Frost: anyway, our first class is at 9:00

Y/n: and the time is

Frost: 8:26

Y/n: we got time for some fun

I leave the cafeteria and head to beacon cliff

Y/n: Frost can you create a some holo-Hive for me

Frost: sure thing

Frost then creates holographic copies of a hive attack squad consisting of 1 wizard, 3 knights, 25 acolytes, and 30 thrall

Y/n: start the clock. Ready. Now!

I start by jumping up to the wizard and punching it knocking out its shield I then shoot it once on the head killing it, I dodge a grenade from an acolyte and throw my own killing 7

Y/n: 7 down 13 to go

I jump up over a Knight as I land I turn its head a full 180 killing it, I then throw another grenade into a group of thrall killing 15, I get shot at by a knight with a boomer I retaliate by punching him in the face killing him

Y/n: let's finish the rest with style

I activate my super and slam the staff into the ground killing the remaining thrall, I throw a grenade killing the remaining acolytes and I then impale the knight with the staff

Frost: time!

Y/n: what was it

Frost: 1 minute and 38 seconds

Y/n: sweet! New record

Frost: now let's get to class

Y/n: who are you, my mom

Frost: might as well be

???: *grumble*

Y/n: huh

Just then a cursed thrall jumps out from behind a tree

Y/n: shit!


Frost: Guardian down, reviving

Y/n: ugh, thanks Frost but why did you simulate a cursed thrall without telling me

Frost: that thrall was real I didn't simulate it

Y/n: what?

Frost: I dont know how but it was

Y/n: that isn't good, oh well I'm going to pretend that event never happened

Frost: you shitposting aren't you Guardian

Y/n: yes, well we should get to class

I then full sprint to the classroom and arrive at 8:31

Big-mustached guy: ah, welcome uhh...

Y/n: Y/n Silver

Port: ah the Guardian, it's nice to meet you I'm Peter Port

We shake hands

Y/n: feelings mutual

Port: so I was wondering

Y/n: hmm?

Port: why are you called a Guardian, is it because of you powers

Y/n: its because back in my solar system those with powers similar to mine are tasked with protecting humanity from the darkness

Port: and this "Darkness" what is it exactly

Y/n: we dont know exactly but its similar to the light seeing as both are paracausel

Port: interesting, carry on

Y/n: and up until recently Guardians were only capable of wielding the light, but now we can wield both light and dark

Port: wait, your telling me you can wield the power your supposed to be fighting

Y/n: yes, let me explain, so you remember back during my initiation when I used the ice

Port: yes

Y/n: that is what we call stasis, it's a power given to Guardians who prove themselves worth to the Pyramids

Port: Pyramids?

Y/n: giant ships that we believe to be emissaries of the darkness he nods anyway, we or at least me and my team believe that the Pyramids dont work for the darkness they just wield it, like Guardians with the light

Port: so your not bound to this "Traveler"

Y/n: no, originally before the last city Guardians were less heroes and more of warlords back then they were called "risen", I'm getting off topic back to the light and dark, we are unsure if the darkness has a physical for all we know is that the darkness is a major threat to the universe as a whole

Port: well thanks for the talk

Y/n: no problem

I turn around and see that my team has arrived and picked a spot to sit I walk up and sit down next to V

Y/n: sup little bro

V: sup

Scorch: how was your talk with Port

Y/n: it was good

Scorch: what did you two talk about

Y/n: the Light and Dark

Scorch: why though

Y/n: because he asked, why you wanna talk about it

Brick: your hurting my brain

Y/n: paracausal

Brick: 10 psychic damage

Y/n: Brick you good

Brick: my brain hurts even more

Scorch: ok we'll stop using big words

V: Brick you really need to read a book

Brick: no, reading is boring, punching is fun!

Y/n: seriously dude

The bell rings signaling the beginning of class

Y/n: hey has anyone seen team RWBY or JNPR

V: no

Scorch: nope

Brick: who?

Scorch: why? You worried about little red

Y/n: duh, she's my friend of course I'm worried about her

Scorch*quietly*: I cant tell if he's being dense or what

Y/n: you do realize I have enhanced hearing

Scorch: I didn't say anything

Y/n: ok

Port: welcome class I'm professor Peter Port

Y/n: I feel a disturbance crash! Oh hey there they are

Team RWBY and JNPR come running into the room falling on top of each other

Ruby: I'm sorry we're late professor I promise it wont happen again

I lean over to Brick

Y/n: bet you 1500 glimmer it happens again

Brick: your on

We shake

Ruby: hey Y/n!

Y/n: sup

Port: well, let's start over...

His voice fades out as I hear a whisper in the back of my mind and a uncomfortable feeling clawing at the back of my neck,I'm then pulled into a black abyss

???: *unintelligible whisper*


I reach for my gun but it's not there

Y/n: huh

I try to summon a Arkstaff and... nothing

Y/n: what is going on, where am I

???: I'm surprised you don't recognize this place, it's your mind

Y/n: why is it so dark

???: that us because of the Thorn

Y/n: it did this

???: yes, even though it's a replica the Thorn it still whispers to its wielder those whispers eventually take over the wielder

Y/n: like Rezil

???: exactly, but seeing as it a replica the most it can do it this

Y/n: yeah that's all well and good but, who are you

???: well I'm you

I get into a fighting stance

Y/n: the last time I had a mimic they were a hive god, the first was a illusion of the darkness

???: I trust you I am no illusion of the hive or darkness

Y/n: ok then tell my how to stop the whispers they're so damn annoying

???: embrace it

Y/n: embrace what

???: the Thorn, embrace its power

Y/n: ok now how do I leave

???: stop thinking

Y/n: ok...

My eyes open to reveal I'm still in class I look over to the clock and it appears no time has passed at all

Y/n: 'ok that's weird'

Frost: 'yes it is Guardian'

Y/n: 'Frost you saw all of that'

Frost: 'yes, yes I did and I didn't like it'

Y/n: 'I kinda want to see if I can go back on command'

I close my eyes and... nothing

Y/n: 'did it work'

I open my eyes to see... nothing

Y/n: 'yes it worked'

Y/n2: what worked

Y/n: ahhh!

Y/n2: ahhh!

Y/n: ok you have a name now

Y/n2: I've always had a name

Y/n: goodbye

I open my eyes again and emerge in the real world this time 5 minutes passed

Y/n: 'the hell'

V: hey bro you good you were out for a good 5 minutes

Y/n: yeah I'm fine

V: ok

Y/n: hey what's happening

V: the white haired chick from Team RWBY is gonna fight a Grimm Port caught

Y/n: hmmm, this will be interesting

Weiss enters the room in her combat outfit she walks up to the front and draws her rapier

Port: ready, Fight!

Yang: you got this Weiss

Blake: go Weiss

Where did she get that flag

Ruby: Go Weiss you got this

Weiss: Ruby I'm trying to focus

Y/n: someone's a bit bitchy today

V: you can say that again

The grimm Frost called a boarbatusk caught Weiss' rapier in its tusk and threw it away

Port: what are you going to do without your weapon

Weiss summons a glyph to block it as she retrieves her rapier

Ruby: Weiss go for its belly it has no armor underneath i-

Weiss: stop telling me what to do

She ends up stabbing the boarbatusk in the stomach like Ruby said she then storms out of the room pretty angry

Ruby: I'm gonna go check on her

Y/n: and in going to make sure Weiss doesn't kill Ruby

I cloak and follow them

Ruby: Weiss what's wrong, why did you yell at me I did nothing-

Weiss: that's it you've done nothing to earn your position back in the forest you acted like a child and you have continued to do so

Ruby: bu-

Weiss: Ozpin made a mistake

She storms off

Y/n: 'oh no your not gonna start crying on my watch'

I drop down and de-cloak behind Ruby

Y/n: hey what's wrong

Ruby: huh? Oh hey Y/n you heard the didn't you

Y/n: yeah and I think Weiss is full of shit

Ruby: what do you mean shes right I didn't earn this position

Y/n: Ruby look at me even though I've only known you for a few weeks i can tell you're a natural leader the way you carry yourself the way you take charge in a fight that's is what it means to be a leader and quite honestly I dont think Weiss would last a second as leader if Team RWBY

Ruby: really

Y/n: Ruby being a leader isn't just a title it's a badge you carry wherever you go it means you are the person people look for when they dont know where to go or what to do and a good leader has to shoulder that burden without breaking or else they aren't a good leader

Ozpin walks out from behind a wall

Ozpin: I couldn't have said it better myself

Y/n: when did it turn night

We look up to see a black sky

Ozpin: oh there is a solar eclipse today

Y/n: hmm interesting well I'm gonna go get some lunch wanna come Ruby

Ruby: sure why not

We walk to the cafeteria and stop as we hear Yang yelling at us

Yang: Y/n, Ruby hide!

Y/n: why

Yang: just hide

Ruby runs to Yang but I summon my armor and draw Thorn

Y/n: Who's there!

No response

Y/n: 'its to dark to see anything'

I'm then hit in the back by something I turn around and see... Brick?

Brick: uggghhhh

I punch him in the gut and he falls to one knee

Y/n: not. Funny

Brick: come on man it was funny

Y/n: I almost shot you

Brick: oh, forgot your still a little jumpy after the Yör incident

Y/n: yeah, didn't think about that huh

Yang: I'm sorry it was my idea

Y/n: alright then get over here you get one too

I reel my fist back

Yang: hey hey woah how about we settle this in combat class

Y/n: gladly

I then walk to the cafeteria to get my lunch

Timeskip, combat class

Glynda: welcome class now before we begin I have been informed that we have a challenge Y/n Silver Vs Yang Xiao Long

Ruby: yeah, go Yang!


V: calm down Scorch

Scorch: MAKE ME

She summons some fire in her hands

Brick: calm down please

Scorch reluctantly sits down extinguishing the fire

Scorch: ok

Glynda: ready

We stand at opposite ends if the arena

Glynda: 3

I draw The Ace and she readies Ember Celica

Glynda: 2

We get in fighting stances

Glynda: 1

I charge up a voidwall grenade

Glynda: GO!

I throw the grenade causing line of void fire to cut the arena in two Yang who was charging forwards stops just in time to not get burned I jump over the fire and land behind her

Y/n: suprise

I punch her in the back and lift her over my shoulders before throwing her into the wall

Y/n: nice catch

She jumps off the wall and barely misses my face as I punch her stomach knocking the wind out of her before I kick her in the face

Y/n: it's over

I cast shadow shot and tether her to the ground I walk up to Yang as she is struggling to stand up and put my foot on her back and place the barrel of The Ace on the back of her head

Y/n: game over

I pull the trigger

Glynda: and Y/n Silver is the winner

Yang: what was that

Y/n: the reason I'm the best

Glynda: that's a brave assumption but how about you face a real challenge, Pyrrha would you like to fight Mr. Silver

Pyrrha: gladly

She gets up to go get her armor and weapons

Y/n: sure dont let me rest its total not like I just fought

Glynda: you did that with such ease I hardly believe you're even remotely tired

Y/n: you're right I'm not, but the only people in this building that could give me an actual challenge are my teammates

Glynda: we'll see about that

A few minutes later Pyrrha walks back in fully geared up

Pyrrha: alright let's do this

She raises her shield infront of her and points the tip of her sword at me

Y/n: let's

I draw The Last Word and hold it at my hip

Glynda: 3. 2. 1.

I generate a smoke bomb in my hand

Glynda: begin!

I throw the smoke at my feet causing my to go invisible Pyrrha along with everyone that isn't on my team looks around confused

Pyrrha: so you're going to cloak that's real fair

Y/n: I detect sarcasm

As I say that I shoot her in the back 3 times with The Last Word causing my cloak to disappear I then dodge to my right as her sword barely misses my face

Y/n: you missed

Pyrrha: I wasn't aiming for you

She extends her hand and a dark aura appears around it I then feel something stab into my back

Y/n: huh, what's this

I pull her sword out of my back

Y/n: hmm, nice sword

I then throw it at her she stops ot with her semblance right before it hit her

Y/n: you ripped my cloak a red glow is seen through my helmet where my eyes would be you'll pay for that

I jump up and activating shadowshot I tether her to the ground

Pyrrha: ok, definitely not fair

Y/n: who said this would be fair. I've killed gods

I then aim The Last Word at her head

Brick: he's gonna say it

Y/n: Jackpot!

I unload all 8 shots into her draining her entire aura

Glynda: and Y/n Silver wins

Y/n: told you

I walk over to Pyrrha and help her up

Y/n: good match

Pyrrha: same to you

She walks out to change back into her school uniform, I raise my hands in the air


A sudden deafening silence occurs and then

Everyone: one more fight!

I look over to Glynda

Y/n: as the crowd demands

Glynda: I'll let you choose your opponent

I make a thinking pose and wonder who I want to fight

Y/n:'lets see, Ruby? No I dont want to hurt her, Weiss? Mmm do bitchy, Scorch? No I dont feel lime burning to death today, V? Nah to even we would just stalemate, I got it!' Brick get your big but down here

Glynda: the next and final match of today is Y/n Silver Vs Brick Vladof

Y/n: I swear if you use that damn shoulder charge

Brick laughs

Brick: I'm not you know I don't use that

Y/n: then let's begin

I switch my heavy to the Sleeper Stimulant but keep my sniper on my back so Brick doesn't see it

Glynda: 3. 2. 1. Begin

Brick immediately creates a ward of dawn and draws his shotgun and then begins charging at me

Y/n: oh no you don't

I backflip and the double jump away as he fires missing completely I the jump again to land just behind him and draw Sleeper

Y/n: Say goodnight

I charge it up and blast him with it then...

Frost: Guardian Down!

Everyone gasps as Bricks body disintegrates and his ghost floats right above where his corpse would be

Student: he murdered him

Student2: he's a murderer arrest him

Glynda: Y/n what did you do

Y/n: I killed him

Glynda: I'm sorry but I'm going to have to arrest you for murder if that's the case

Y/n: Wait for it

Brick then respawns as everyone goes silent

Brick: the hell since when did you get Sleeper back

Y/n: I did alot while you were gone

Brick: clearly I didn't even hit you

Just then two huntsman burst through the door holding guns toward me

Huntsman 1: hands in the air

Huntsman 2: you have the right to rema-

Y/n: you're not arresting me

Huntsman 1: yes we are

Brick: no you're not

Huntsman 2: Y/n Silver we got a call that said you murdered a classmate

Y/n: then whoever the fuck called you is fucking stupid because he's right next to me

I point to Brick

Huntsman 1: then what about this video evidence

Y/n: how do you already have video evidence

Huntsman 1: it was sent by the caller

Y/n: oh, well he isn't dead so fuck off before something bad happens to you both

Huntsman 2: what are you gonna do

I throw a stasis grenade at their feet

Y/n: that

I then release them from the stasis

Y/n: now fuck off before I put you six feet under

They then walk off

Brick: that could have gone worse

I turn around

Y/n: alright who did it who called them


Y/n: fine I'll find out myself

I walk off

Glynda: get back here

I don't respond instead I keep walking to my destination

Timeskip 5 minutes, Beacon landing platforms

Y/n: Frost summon our ship

Frost: on it

A few seconds later my ship arrives at the landing platform I warp in and head to orbit

Frost: where are we heading

Y/n: nowhere I just want to rest

Frost: ok

I pull out the Thorn and inspect it

Y/n: it hasn't spoken on years

Frost: I know it's odd

Y/n: i just wonder why the Traveler sent us here

Frost: we may never know

Y/n: well goodnight Frost

Frost: goodnight guardian

I drift off to sleep

And that's the end of another chapter I hope you liked it and I'll see you starside

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