When Stars Collide {Kylo Ren...

By MrsNewtScamander13

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Episode VII (Force Awakens)Dejavu
Episode VIII (Force Awakens)Cracks
Episode VIIII (Force Awakens)Fear
Episode X (Force Awakens)Sleep
Episode XI (Force Awakens)Blackout
Episode XII (Force Awakens)Reasons
Episode XIII (Force Awakens)Han Solo
Episode XIIII (Last Jedi)You cared.
Episode XV (Last Jedi)Fires
Episode XVI (Last Jedi)Priorities
Episode XVII (Last Jedi)Thank you
Episode XVIII (Last Jedi)Decisions
Episode XVIIII (Last Jedi)Welcome
Episode XX (Last Jedi)Plenty
Episode XXI (Last Jedi)Circumstances
Episode XXII (Last Jedi)Control
Episode XXIII (Last Jedi)The Last Jedi
Episode XXIIII (Rise of Skywalker) Submit
Episode XXV (Rise of Skywalker)Good Boy
Episode XXVI (Rise of Skywalker) Stargazer
Episode XXVII (Rise of Skywalker)Walk Away
Episode XXVIII (Rise of Skywalker)Apprentices
Episode XXVIIII (Rise of Skywalker)Gray Scum
Episode XXX (Rise of Skywalker)Convince Me
Episode XXXI (Rise of Skywalker)Warmth
Episode XXXII (Rise Of Skywalker)Blue Butterfly
Episode XXXIII (Rise Of Skywalker)My Permission
Episode XXXIIII (Rise Of Skywalker) Part One, Strange Addiction
Episode XXXIIII (Rise of Skywalker) Part Two, Secrets
Episode XXXV (Rise Of Skywalker) Delicate Snowflake
Episode XXXVI (Rise Of Skywalker)Free
Episode XXXVII (Rise Of Skywalker)Respect
Episode XXXVIII (Rise Of Skywalker)The Knights
Episode XXXVIIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Never Enough
Episode XXXX (Rise Of Skywalker)Always
Episode XXXXII (Rise Of Skywalker)Exegol
Episode XXXXIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Memory
Episode XXXXIIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Scared
Episode XXXXV (Rise Of Skywalker)Think Again
Episode XXXXVI (Rise Of Skywalker)Vain
Episode XXXXVII (Rise Of Skywalker)Ben?
Episode XXXXVIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Worth The Wait
Episode XXXXVIIII (Rise Of Skywalker)Come Back to me...
Episode XXXXX (Rise Of Skywalker)Sweet Dreams

Episode XXXXI (Rise Of Skywalker)Promises

63 2 0
By MrsNewtScamander13

Recommended Song(s): Dark Red by Steve Lacy and Your Obedient Servant by The Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton (Please don't play Your Obedient Servant until it switches to Kylo's POV the second time)

394 days/Twelve months and twenty-nine days

"So, those damn people on Coruscant have caused ruckus again?" I asked in disbelief.
"Hey, you forget that I'm Coruscanti, and I happen to be very protective over where I'm from, so don't go running your beautiful mouth about the people there." Saxe replied sassily, putting both hands on her hips. "Anyways, yes. They are trying to drive out our authority in Galactic City so Hux and I discussed it with Supreme Leader Ren yesterday and he said that he would go take care of it with his Knights, he also wanted you to tag along because you are such a good fighter."
I sighed, looking up at the ceiling and folding my arms. "Course he does, but you know I can't."
"And that's exactly why I didn't tell you till today. Speaking of, are you feeling alright?" I nodded then yawned, covering my mouth with my hand. "I'm just tired this morning, nothing else."
"Good." Saxe smiled. "I know I have asked this before but I just want to make sure, are you sure you don't want to-"
"Yes, I'm sure. I know I've done things similar but it doesn't feel right." I cut in immediately.

"I understand."

"So, there's nothing else I need to know?' I asked, moving my hands in front of me instead of behind. "Nope!" She shook her head. "You're free for the rest of the day if you like, since you're tired."
"No, Alanya has training with me and I have plenty of paperwork on my desk, so my day is far from over."
"Ah, well then I hope you at least get to enjoy it, Supreme Commander." Saxe bowed her head to me which I did the same and said: "Enjoy yours too, General." Then made to leave the Command Deck. After leaving, I strolled down the hall just humming quietly to myself. I just felt calm and content and it's been like that surprisingly for almost three months. Everything has gotten better and worse. The Supreme Leader has promoted me to Supreme Commander now which means I have a better position and I am respected more (one of the many things I like about my new position is beside the respect is that my clothing is way more comfortable, the uniform looking exactly like the Second Sister's uniform from the times of the Empire, and I get to wear my hair down in it's straightened curls as I used to).
And Alanya has progressed amazingly in combat. I remember her telling me that her official go to lightsaber form is Ataru because it's fast and because it was Qui-Gon Jynn's form. She happens to look up to him at lot, and I don't blame her because the Jedi are beautiful when in combat and I myself used to look up to Obi-Wan Kenobi. And since Kylo has allowed me to properly speak to Kaitlin as normal friends and not as just business partners we've been talking a lot more. It's nice to talk to my best friend again...

I turned a corner and went to the first door to my left, which was my office, putting in the code and entering. It was a vast office but perfect for the work I needed to do. I sat down at my glass desk in front of the large window as I sighed and fixed my long cloak.
I cringed as I stared at the many files piled on it, I have been ignoring my paperwork for about a week from the overwhelming majority of it so it's expected.

It's going to be a long day... but we'll get through it. Right?

Right as I reached for the top one just barely reading the words inside, I sensed my own Apprentice come up to the open door and knock. "Good Morning, Master Nova!" She said.
"Good morning, were you looking for me?" I asked, grinning a little as I looked up from the file.
"No, I was just running a few laps around a lower level and I ended me getting lost and finding my way here. But I am glad you're here though, because I was wondering what we will be doing for training today!" Alanya said cheerfully, stepping farther into my office. I chuckled while standing up and going over to her. "Oh, I don't know, did you read those books I told you to read yet?"
"Damn, I always... forget!" She cursed hitting herself on the head a few times but I caught her hand before she continued. "Hey, you don't want to get a concussion. The last thing I need right now is for you to be injured." I told her plainly. She rolled her eyes then narrowed them as she looked out the door. "Are those-?"

"The Knights Of Ren?" I finished without having to look for myself, I could sense them walking down the hall and past my door. Every one of those Bastards. The six men dressed in black passed by quickly, each holding a weapon of their own liking, probably on their way to the docking bay.
Vicrul was last in the line and it seems that he sensed me for he turned his head to me and stopped. His helmet looked like a grenade, and I wish it was one so his brains would blow out across the floor.
"Hello, Vicrul." I said firmly.
"Commander." Vicrul replied, his voice was monotone.
"I believe you mean 'Supreme Commander', Vicrul. I have been promoted. Oh wait, I remember, you are to address me as 'Mistress'." I sneered with sarcasm.
I could sense Vicrul's smirk. "I see Master Ren has taken a liking to you to raise your rank so high, Mistress. I'm not surprised. But I am surprised that you aren't joining us Knights Of Ren on this mission... What's wrong, Nova? Don't like getting your hands dirty?"
"I'd rather not." I moved Alanya to the side so I could walk closer to Vicrul, now I was face to face with that damned mask of his, eyes baring into his visor. "I don't like doing someone else's dirty work and cleaning their messes. They should do it themselves with their hands. Now, you are a pet and you aren't allowed to do your own will. You depend on Ren to take care of you and those other bastards. Without him or that blade of yours... You. Are. Nothing."
The Knight in front of me straightened up, now he was looking down at me, then he took the Scythe strapped to his back and caressed the sharp edges with his gloved fingers. "Leave Lucy out of this. And you forget that I am this close to either giving you another scar or piercing your heart, Little Fox." He put the tip of the blade just above my left breast where my heart was then dragged it up across the skin of my neck and under my jaw until he reached my right cheek and finally moving the hair covering the smallest and oldest scar on my right temple. I could hear his chuckle as he punctured it with the cold tip of the blade then re-sheathed it. Trying my hardest to ignore the blood that was now slightly dripping from the scar, I whispered: "You may think you have some sort of control over me but I have a lightsaber attached to my belt and if you touch my scar again, you will die. I swear to it. Now, run along with your little friends."
Vicrul huffed and went to step down the hall but he turned his head in the opposite direction and bowed low. "Master Ren."
I looked too and Kylo Ren was a few feet away, chest high and a stern look on his face.
"Vicrul, why aren't you with the other Knights?" Kylo questioned, coming to stand next to Vicrul.
"I was just saying hello to Mistress Nova." The Knight answered as he stood up straight.
"Go. I will join you in a moment."
He nodded once then went away.


He insulted me through the Force and I did the same.


Soon, Vicrul disappeared down the hallway and Kylo turned to me. "Supreme Commander, I apologize for him."
"There was no need, Supreme Leader, I can take care of myself. Alanya, you can come out now."
I heard her sigh and step out next to me.
"Good morning, Miss Reed." Kylo greeted her.
"Morning, Sir." Alanya grinned and she bowed. "If you don't mind me asking, what are your Knights doing out?"
"They and the Supreme Leader have a mission on Coruscant. It's the Rebels." I answered.
"Again? But I thought Commander Pyre already took care of it months ago!"
"So did I, Miss Reed, but it now seems that I have to take this into my own hands. And I am disappointed that you are not joining us, Supreme Commander Nova." Ren continued.
"You know I would like to, Supreme Leader, but you know that I have a quarrel with a few of your beloved knights and I currently not permitted to battle." I shrugged.
"And who put that into place?" Ren took a step closer to me and as he always does tilted his head. It's truly the most adorable thing. "It's a secret." I whispered and smirked. "But I would have been delighted to join this mission of yours."

"I did plan on having there be eight on the mission and not seven..."

My eyebrows creased as I thought. Then I looked down to Alanya and said: "What if my apprentice joins you? She is a very skilled fighter and could very well take my place, it would be good for her training, and it would be nice for you to see her in action so we can get an idea of a future position in the First Order for her." The Supreme Leader thought as well then nodded slowly. Alanya was silent for she knew not to step into a conversation between Kylo and I whether or not she is mentioned.
"That is an option, Nova, but I am unsure about this. Does she have a proper lightsaber?" Kylo asked.
"No, she has a Stunt Saber that can harm but not kill." I answered. "If she needs an actual weapon then I can give her a blaster-"
"No, that won't be necessary. We only intend on capturing the Rebels." He held up his hand. I nodded.
"Miss Reed, even if we have discussed this, it is your decision whether you will come with my Knights and I. What do you say?" Ren turned to Alanya who looked up at him with surprise in her eyes.
"Well, my answer would be the same as my Master's," She started. "but if you want to hear it from me directly then yes I would love to join you, Supreme Leader, Sir."
"Good." Said Kylo, a small grin spreading across his lips. "If you have anything in need to be taken care of then I suggest you do it now, young one. My Knights and I will be waiting at the docking bays."
"Yes, Sir." Alanya bowed to him and to me then ran off to her quarters.

I chuckled when she was around the corner, shaking my head. "You treat her better than you do me."
"That's not true. She's young and could use guidance from others besides you, Nova." Kylo replied.
He put his hands on my waist but I pushed them off immediately. It made me panic. "Don't touch me there, please." I said quickly.
"Why?" He inquired then pulled me into my office. "Did someone hurt you? D-did I hurt you without realizing?"
I noticed the slight fear and worry in his eyes.
"No! No one hurt me, Kylo, I'm fine, I just don't feel very well. That's why I'm not going with you." I reassured him as well as lied. I tried hard to keep the Force block around me, not the kind where he can't have contact with me but one where he can't sense... certain things. He sighed in relief. "I just don't want to hurt you... again."
I pulled him into a hug though he left his arms at his sides.

I guess he's trying to be respectful of my wishes...

But he pulled away quickly as he finally realized something. Then he moved my hair to see my bleeding scar. Kylo narrowed his eyes as he wiped off the running blood with his thumb.
"Who... who did this to you?" He was firm and simple with the words, something that I couldn't refuse to answer to.
I looked down. "Vicrul." I mumbled.
"Vicrul did this?!" Kylo exclaimed, eyes wide in alarm. "You stay here, I'll-"
"Kylo, don't." I grabbed his arm when he moved to leave. "That'd make it way worse. And it's only a little blood, I'm fine."
"Says the woman who has a fear of it! Look, I promised that I wouldn't let anyone hurt you ever again and that includes Vicrul."
I sighed, running my right hand over his hair then laying it gently on his cheek to bring him down to my level so I could rest my forehead against his. He calmed a bit from my touch and looked into my eyes carringly. "You didn't have to make that promise, and I'm a big girl, I can protect myself when you're not here. I was a Sith, for Stars sake! I don't want you going through so much trouble to do something that wouldn't make any difference in the galaxy. But I do appreciate you and all that you do for me. So, please, give me your word that you won't hurt him because he hurt me..."
Kylo huffed then nodded. "Okay, I won't do anything. You have my word."
I grinned back and pulled away to kiss him on the head.
"But in other matters, watch Alanya. Make sure she doesn't get hurt. I would hate myself if something terrible happened."
Hearing and sensing a small group of troopers, Kylo moved me to the corner and shielded me from view. It was easy anyway because he's bigger than me even if we are so close in height. They passed by shortly and went off to wherever.
"You don't have to do that." I murmured.
"I know." He said simply, moving so he wouldn't block me anymore. "I promise she'll be okay, I'll keep a close eye. And make sure to close the door so I won't have to do that again."
I chuckled and smiled, pulling him close to me for a quick kiss. "Be safe." I whispered after pulling away.

Kylo's POV

As the Night Buzzard took off from the Steadfast, Kuruk said; "Preparing to jump into Highper Space, Master."
"Good. Get us there quickly." I responded then left the cockpit and went to the back, or at least I tried to.
Vicrul immediately came in front of me blocking my way, an irritated look on his face. "Why did you let the girl come with us?" He asked, keeping his voice low. "She's nowhere near as skilled as us and doesn't understand a thing about battle."
"It was Nova's idea and I see no problem with it." I started. "I believe her judgment that Reed is a good fighter. She may not be my apprentice but Nova trusted me with hers so I will treat her as my own. And if you try to hurt her in anyway then I will see to it that you will no longer be a Knight of Ren. Do I make myself clear?"
Vicrul huffed then lifted his helmet to his head and put it on. "Yes, Master Ren." He went to pass me but I stopped him by holding his shoulder tightly, my fingers digging into him.
"I'll take care of you later." I hissed then passed by him into the larger part of the ship where the others were preparing their weapons except for the short girl who was sitting by herself, looking nervous as she held her stunt saber hilt. I can see why Eclypse selected Reed as her apprentice, they are sort of similar, and most pick based on a personality that is closest to themselves. And Reed is strong to the Force, I felt it when Eclypse brought her to me asking for permission to train her. Walking over to Reed, I sat next to her and sighed. "You're frightened." I said, sensing her feelings.
"How'd you know, Supreme Leader?" Reed asked innocently, looking up at me. "I have my ways with the Force as well. Your master isn't the only one in the First Order who welds the powers of the Dark Side." I replied. "But what is on your mind?"
The girl sighed deeply then shrugged as she pushed her two braids off her shoulders. "Well, Sir, I've never fought anyone before besides Master Nova and I can tell that she goes easy on me so I don't know what it's like, and I don't even have a real lightsaber yet so I guess that's why I'm scared." She explained.

"I'm sure you'll do fine. And you probably won't have to even take out your Stunt."

She cracked an awkward grin then leaned back onto the wall of the ship but jumped a little when she felt the ship jump into highper space.
"If I may ask, Sir, how do you know Master Nova? She's mentioned before that you've known each other for a while..." Reed then asked suddenly.
I folded my arms trying to think of the best way to put it without revealing too much. I have no idea what Nova's told her and it isn't my place to tell her something that she doesn't want her to know, especially about her past. "To put it simply, I've known your Master since we were young. We trained at the same combat Academy together then we parted ways for some time and later on we ended up with the present day. Now, I am the Supreme Leader and she is the Supreme Commander."
The ship jolted again, indicating that we had arrived at Coruscant. The big planet was filled with lights for we came during the night. "Excuse me." I said to Reed then stood and went back to the cockpit. "Ah, I was about to call for you, Master. What is the exact location we are going to?" Kuruk asked.
"Galactic City. Close by the old demolished Jedi Temple."
He nodded then piloted the ship down to the surface of the city. I could see all of the sky lanes and the tiny ships with people in them, probably going home to their families. To be honest I would prefer that I was back in my quarters with Eclypse but no. I have to... deal with these damned rebels. And Eclypse didn't even give me a true explanation of why she couldn't come, just that she's not feeling well. Which that is true because though she tries to hide it I see her in the mornings, she is sick and does nothing about it. And the fact that Vicrul cut her and even made me promise not to do anything about it... Even though it's like her to do that and to keep her health a secret, it worries me...

The Night Buzzard landed on a cement landing pad and powered off. "Thank you for piloting." I spoke.
"You're welcome, Master Ren." Kuruk stood from the pilot seat and put on his helmet. I moved out of the cockpit and back into the main room where the rest where already lined up and ready with Alanya behind them so I placed myself in front of them. After Kuruk was in place the door opened and we marched out where about thirteen stormtroopers were waiting for us and Commander Pyre was among them. Pyre immediately came up to me and said; "Supreme Leader, Sir, the Rebels have hidden near this area. I will lead you there."
"Proceed." I said.
He nodded and turned to walk forward, the light from the moon and large buildings glaring off of his gold uniform.
"Reed, come to the front with me." I ordered and the strawberry blonde girl came quickly to my side, holding her hands behind her back and keeping her chin up. I smirked.
Eclypse really did teach her well.

The walk was not long, Pyre took us to the spot where the Rebels were but there were none in sight.

Probably waiting for the right moment.
I thought as I looked around.

"Shall my men assist you, Supreme Leader?" Pyre asked.
"No." I answered. "My Knights and I will take care of this." Pyre then bowed and left the area. A few seconds after he was out of sight, there was a cracking noise to right of me. I whipped my head in that direction and saw a shadow move in an ally way. "Search the area, leave nothing untouched. You are released." I said to my Knights. "Reed, stay by me."
Keeping my hand on my hilt, I carefully made my way over to the ally where I saw the shadow with Alanya who copied my actions. The more we traveled down the ally the darker it became even if it was already dark out. Again there was a movement in the darkness and this time faint talking then a loud bang from the other direction and a blaster fire flew past me. "Take out your saber now!" I ordered Reed then ran in the path where the fire came from. I took out my own lightsaber and ignited it, the red blade crackled fiercely and showed a tan-skinned man who looked stunned then ran off in the direction where my Knights are. And by the sounds of it, there are more of them for I heard blaster fire and shouting. Reed and I ran back to the opening to see that over twenty Rebels were fighting.
I decided to join the fight by slaughtering anyone who thought they could get the better of me.


But I kept on glancing over my shoulder at Reed who was fighting a few rebels on her own though whoever was touched by her saber was only electrocuted, my Knights were the ones who finished them off. She was swift and unmerciful quite like Nova. But My Knights could at least leave one or two for questioning. As I was finished three of the rebels at once, two men ran past and went into a different alleyway.
"Verrill, keep up!" I heard one of them shout.
"I'm trying!" The other replied.
Reed hit the one she was fighting with her saber then looked up with shock. "Ver?" She said powering off her red lightsaber. She ran over to the ally. I ran after her, saying: "Reed, stop!"
"Verrill!!!" She called again. Soon she was out of sight running down the ally after the men. Then... she screamed as a blaster fired. Despite the darkness, I went in after them, searching all over the ally for Reed.
When I found her she was on the ground across from one of the men, gripping onto her left shoulder and crying. The man was out cold. I immediately crouched down to her level and turned off my saber, storing it back in it's place. "Shh, it's ok. Let me take a look." I hushed then carefully moved her hand from her shoulder which was covered in blood. That damn bastard shot her then she must've pushed him with the force and bumped his head.
"F*ck. Okay, I'm going to lift you up and it's going to hurt, so let's count."
Alanya nodded and took a deep breath. "One... Two... Three!" We counted together then I picked her up fast to which she hissed in pain. I made my way back to the open holding Alanya tight in my arms, telling her that it would be alright along the way.
I promised Eclypse that her apprentice would be safe. That nothing would happen. I guess this shows how good I am at keeping promises. She'll probably never trust me again.
"Master Ren, what happened?" Usher asked when we made it back. Bodies were spread out everywhere now, all of them either dead or too weak to fight.
"Nova's apprentice was shot by Rebels." I answered but didn't spare him a glance. Alanya is my first priority right now. "One of them got away, the other banged his head. Get him, take him to Pyre quickly and return quickly. We have to get Reed back to the Steadfast."
"Yes, Master." He said then went down the same path we just came out of.
Then I felt a burning gaze on the back of my head and a voice went through my mind.

I told you the girl would cause trouble.

I knew that it was Vicrul but I ignored him. I don't have the time right now.
But I will later.

Eventually, when everyone was back on the ship we took off finally. Alanya was still in severe pain and I tried my hardest to stop the bleeding by using the med back for emergencies which kind of helped her, we just need to get back quick so she can have proper medical attention. But at least we took care of what we needed to. "Supreme Leader, Sir, I'm sorry for causing you trouble..." Alanya said a few minutes after we jumped to light speed. I looked down at her surprised. "You didn't cause trouble, Reed. It was an accident and I can understand that." I told her.
"But I shouldn't have gone after those two!" She argued. "It's my fault this happened! And I'm pretty sure Master Nova will end up scolding you after this whether or not you have command over her or if it's my fault, Sir."
"I am fully aware of that." I scoffed then chuckled quietly, thinking about how Eclypse most definitely would yell at me for this. "But we all make mistakes. And trust me, this is a first of many to come, it'll be fine."
"I guess you're right, Supreme Leader, Sir." She sighed then hissed in pain again.

Eclypse's POV

Each.... Of.... These.... Damn.... Reports.... Can.... Wait.... Until.... Tomorrow.... Morning.
I thought, dismissing each notification on my Data Pad after each word. I really don't have time for them and I can check them early in the morning. That's what I've been doing lately. I simply don't have time for anything during the day now. Between training Alanya, handling reports from different projects around the Galaxy and... you know... I can only do most things during the night, which is my preference(Kylo hates it though, he says that I have to 'at least try to sleep at night').
Keeping my hand on my abdomen, I turned off the Data Pad and continued my walk back to my office. But loud beeping stopped me from going any further and 7A was rolling around my feet and bumping into me.

"You can stop that now..... What?... They're back already?.... Sh*t. Take me to them."

I rapidly turned and started running the other way with 7A, trying to get to the docking bay as fast as possible. She said that Alanya is injured. The only questions that are swirling around are...
And, Who?

How did she get hurt and how severe is it?
Why wasn't Kylo there to save her from getting hurt in the first place?
What was more important then protecting your partne- I mean, Commander's Apprentice?
Who hurt her and who is at fault?

All of those questions need to be answered but not now. My only priority is getting to my apprentice and getting her to the medical wing.

It seemed that the run was longer than normal and took an eternity. Maybe it's because I'm stressed already and can barely find my way around this big ship. Hopefully Kylo was already close to medical and me might meet halfway. And turned out my hopes became truth as I spotted him from afar with Alanya secured tightly in his arms. Immediately I ran up to them, feeling like I was about to pass out but I have to hold on just a little longer. Kylo was about to say something but I cut him off.
"There's no time. Just hand her over."
He nodded and put Alanya into my arms, and even if she was heavy I still pushed through. "Master Nova?" She asked wearily as Kylo and I began running together to the medical wing which was not that far away.
"Yes, Alanya what is it?" I asked quickly but not looking down; for one, I need to pay attention to where I'm going, and two, I know she has blood on her arm and it's very visible. I don't want to have a panic attack right now.
"Please don't yell at him, it's my fault." She replied.
"Don't yell at who?"
Alanya nodded toward Kylo.

"Don't worry I won't. We just need to get you some help." I assured her as we neared the infirmary, just a few more steps then we'll be there. Kylo and I entered quickly and the nurse and the desk came up to us and took Alanya from me. "Cause of the wound?" He asked as he laid her on a cot.
I opened my mouth to answer but Kylo beat me to it, saying: "Blaster shot."
"And how old is she?" He asked farther.
"Fifteen." I answered this time.
The nurse nodded then picked up a comlink on his hip and spoke into it.
"I have a fifteen-year-old female with a bad blaster wound, I'll need a little help here." A voice came through and said: "On it. Sending someone now."
"Supreme Leader, Supreme Commander, I'm going to have to ask you both to leave." The young nurse said after turning off the comlink and started to pull down her left sleeve to reveal the deep wound. I cringed at the sight but we nodded then left.


"Okay, she ran after two of the rebels, one of them shot her then hit his head because she pushed him with the Force?" I ran through what Kylo told me one last time, while standing outside the hospital wing. It's been a little over an hour and both of us are still waiting to see how Alanya's doing. No one's told us anything so I'm currently stressing out and resisting the urge to bite at my nails.
"Yes, that's what happened." He sighed then folded his arms.
"But why did she run after them is the question...." I tried, running a hand through my hair and leaning against the cold, black wall.
"I do remember that one rebel told the other to hurry up, calling him by the name 'Verrill'." Kylo pointed out. "After hearing that name she just took off."
"Then who is Verrill?" I asked, mainly myself. I searched my mind for any sign or mention of that name with no prevail. But I must remember it otherwise I'll never find out. I sighed in frustration and closed my eyes, hoping that I could maybe escape the stress for just a few moments. Then I felt arms wrap tight around me and I melted into the embrace. Kylo backed out, put his hand on my cheek and kissed me softly. It was simple yet I loved it.
"It'll be okay." He whispered after pulling away. "Alanya is smart and strong, she'll heal quickly."
"I hope you're right..."

"I've been meaning to ask you, are you okay? You've been acting strangely for the past two months and you're sick. What's wrong?"

Damn. The one question I've been trying to avoid.

"I don't know what you mean, there's nothing wrong with me, I'm fine." I answered hastily.
"Eclypse, don't lie to me. There is something wrong with you and I intend to find out." Kylo snapped.
"No, there isn't, Kylo, stop assuming things. I am fine-"
The door to the infirmary opened and an aged woman stepped out in a doctor's coat. Kylo backed away instantly and put his hands behind his back.
"Supreme Commander, Miss, if you will come in with me." The doctor said to which I nodded and followed her in quickly. After the door was closed behind us, I saw Alanya sitting on the edge of her cot with a sling over her shoulder. She smirked and said: "Hello, Master."
"Hello, my apprentice." I smirked back and went to sit on the cot across from her. "How are you feeling?"
"Not my best but at least I'm not dead." She shrugged.
The doctor chuckled then came over to us, holding a clipboard in her hands.
"You can say that again. So, Commander, Miss Alanya will have to stay here for a few days while she and her shoulder recover, but I have to advise you that she can not be participating in combat for about seven months. Her training will have to be put on hold. Do you understand?"
"Yes, of course, I understand completely." I answered.
She grinned and nodded. "Well, I'll leave you two by yourselves. Visitation ends in thirty minutes." The doctor left the room and I sighed. It's wonderful knowing that she's ok but the stress and worry still haunts me.
"I know you're wondering and no, I didn't yell at Supreme Leader Ren." I said. "He explained what happened and I forgave him, and I forgive you too. But there's, something that intrigues and confuses me. The Supreme Leader mentioned that the reason why you ran after them is that you heard a name. Solet me ask you this... Who is Verrill?"
Alanya frowned and looked away in embarrassment probably thinking of a way to answer. Then I sensed her sadness and anger.

"He's my brother."

My eyes widened at her answer. I remember her telling me that she had brothers but she never said that one of them was a Resistance member.
"Verrill Reed. He's the oldest out of all of us. My other brothers; Brazen, Enkai, and Hugo worked in the mines for minerals to sell, but Ver wanted to do something different and wanted a change in the Galaxy. He hated the First Order so he decided to join the Resistance a few years ago. He didn't even say a proper goodbye to us. Tonight when I saw him run past me I wanted to say something, ask him why he just left so quickly, but when I went after him, his companion shot me and Ver got away. So much for trying to talk to my brother..."
"I understand how you feel." I replied, putting a hand on her uninjured shoulder. "Just wanting to ask someone why. And it's hard to live without having the answer but I know you can push through it."
Alanya smiled sadly.

I left the medical wing after saying goodbye to Alanya and closed the door behind me with a deep sigh. But when I looked up and down the hall, Kylo wasn't there anymore...
I shook my head dismissing it from my mind. He probably had something important to take care of, and anyway, I'll see him in our quarters later tonight.

Kylo's POV

Not hesitating to open the door, I walked into my Knights' quarters determined to find Vicrul who I actually spotted first, polishing his Scythe and his helmet on the table.
"Ah, Master Ren." He smirked, glancing at me then shifting his attention back to his Scythe. "What brings you?"
"You know exactly why I'm here, Vicrul." I sneered as I removed my coat along with my gloves and sat them on the table.
He sighed, setting down the Scythe then turned to me, holding his chin high and hands behind his back. "Does it have anything to do with Supreme Commander- Oh, I'm sorry, Mistress Nova, Master? Because she was the instigator, said I was nothing, and all I did was call her a B*tch. Nothing more."
At that I laughed darkly, the rage starting to take over then I lost control of it and punched Vicrul in the face, hard. He fell and I knelt down to straddle him quickly, holding him down to hit him way more than once. Then I reached up, grabbing the Scythe from the table and held the blade to his neck, breathing heavily. I must have broken his nose for it was bleeding badly. "She is right." I breathed. "You are nothing." In a swift motion, I slit his right cheek with the Scythe, making him yell out in pain. The Knight tried to cover the wound but I held down his wrists so he couldn't do anything to help himself. I want him to feel how she felt.
And if I wanted to, then I could slowly cut him even deeper in the same place while he screams for help, just like how we did to Eclypse all those years ago, only then would he really know how she felt.
But I've already broken my promise to her, I don't want to take it any farther.
"You are nothing because you disrespected your Mistress even though she could kill you before you could even plead for mercy if she so wished. And you are nothing because you disrespected me by lying and saying you only called her that when I saw the blood dripping from her scar. So, call her a B*tch again and the cut will be deeper." I threw the Scythe to the floor and stood above him.
"Ushar." I called, and he came rushing from the other room. All of my knights know that if I tell off one then none of them are to interfere unless told to.
"Yes, Master Ren?" He said, bowing his head low.
"Make sure Vicrul doesn't get his cut stitched, and don't let any of the others tend to it. I want it to leave a permanent scar." I ordered as I covered my now blood-covered hands in my gloves and clipped my cloak back onto my shoulders.
"Yes, Master." Ushar nodded then went back to the others.
I looked back to Vicrul, who was now standing up and trying to stop the bleeding.
"Go back to her, Kylo. Go on. But trust me, this time isn't the last." He scowled.
"Is that a threat?" I walked up to him slowly, looking at him up and down.

Vicrul smirked through the pain, his green eyes glittering with mischief, then said: "You know it is."

It took everything to walk out and not do anything more.


Quietly, I tiptoed through my quarters (since the bedroom door was open I could see that Eclypse was laying down so I didn't want to disturb her) and went to the kitchenette, turning on the faucet so I could wash the blood off my hands. I peeled my gloves off slowly and let the warm water run over my hands and turn it pink.
I sort of feel disappointed in myself, but it's expected. It's how I always feel whenever I have to take out my lightsaber on someone or hit someone like that, it all started when I killed Hennix and Grogu.
I keep trying to convince myself that it was an accident but really, it wasn't. And because of that, Tai and Voe decided to chase after me. In the end Tai just got killed by Ren, and after I killed Ren, I had to kill Voe too. Besides Vicrul, Tai was my best friend... and he got killed because of me.
I froze as I felt cool hands wrap around me from behind. I could have melted right then from her touch, so cold yet soft.
"Where'd you go?" Eclypse asked, her voice showing that she was tired.
"I, uh... I had to talk to Saxe about the mission and have her log that it went somewhat well." I lied.
"Okay, but please come to bed quickly, I'm really cold." She mumbled.
I chuckled, turning off the water and turning around to her. "You're always cold, Little Fox."
"And that's why I need you. So you can warm me up. And anyway, I know you're exhausted too..." Eclypse grinned sadly, raising her hand to caress my cheek. And she was right, today was difficult and stressful. We both deserve at least some rest.
"Alright, I'll join you in a moment, you go ahead." I replied, leaning down to kiss her softly just for a moment.
She pulled away then went back and I sighed, looking down at my hands. They were clean now thankfully.
I don't want her asking questions because then she would know that I betrayed her wishes if I answered truthfully.
And the sight of blood to her means someone didn't keep their word.

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