BNA x Reader Oneshots [Disco...

By Friendly_Reject

4.4K 77 77

Weird ass stuff I started like ages ago? I've honestly lost all interest I writing for others but I am trying... More

REQUESTING!!! Currently closed
Rivarly Part 1
Thunder..... Huh? Shirou x Reader
Mad skills Michiru x reader
Sleeps for bitches ! Sylvasta x Reader
Yum ice cream Nazuna x Reader
A/N not a oneshot sorry
Not another story sorry
not again author really??
Yikes, bad news

Rivarly part 2!

320 11 8
By Friendly_Reject

(If your favourite theme park is an actual theme)
~~~Third POV~~~
As soon as you guys parked the car you jumped out followed by Nazuna,Michiru,Pinga then shirou and Alan. "LETS GOOOOOO" You yelled basically dragging the poor fox and tanuki girls while the guys just walk behind you all. After you all get your tickets you all head to the center to see what you can do. Michiru,Pinga and Nazuna want to go on a rollercoaster while Alan and Shirou just wanted to relax as they sigh knowing that after this they will both be painfully exhausted. Trying to keep up with 4 extremely energetic beastmen was HARD, for them at least not used to using energy for such simple things like going on rides and having. "I'm hungryyyyy" You and a Pinga whine at the same time then laugh about it.

You all went to get food, but since you don't trust theme park food you brought everyone pre-made food Ike the good friend you are. "Nope nope nope we are NOT getting food from the park, I don't trust it so I pre-made food now let's go YEET" you basically chanted on the way to a secluded part of the park with a little grass patch and a tree. You sat your bags down and grabbed food from your magical backpack.

(Don't ask me how we could fit that into your bag it's logic ok? Ok :))
"WOWWWWW" Nazuna and Michiru exclaimed happily. After you all ate to ya'lls heart content everyone decided to go to different place's.

Shirou was going to a corn maze,Pinga was heading towards another coaster,Michiru and Nazuna wanted to go to a Haunted house and Alan just wanted to stay here until we all decided to leave.
They all looked at you asked at the same time "Who are you going with Y/N?". At first you were creeped out on how in sync you were then shrugged your arms saying..........

"I'll go with........ hmmmmmm? SHIROU!" You basically screamed which earned some weird glances from others passing by. Shirou was happy you chose him over the others, but they weren't they just glared at him as they went off to their destinations."well let's get going!" You said skipping/hopping away to the corn maze with joy.

Once you got their you were excited by the way it looked,while Shirou just had a small grin. "Lets goooo!!" You yelled pushing him in the maze entrance. As you guys were walking around you decided to do something funny,you plucked some corn pieces from the stalks and threw one into the maze......."what the hell are you doing?" Shirou asked with both confusion and amusement since you looked incredibly funny throwing corn, "I wanna see if I can hit anyone....DUH" you said sassily as you threw more corn. At the fourth try you threw three corn pieces at once and heard at the same time "OW, WHAT THE HELL WHO THREW THAT!?!"Three angry beastman yelled all sounding like they were ready to hide a dead body and you could basically hear them morph.

You panicked "OH SH-"You sprinted out of that maze while dragging Shirou like it was nothing.

(I got super uncreative with this one)
"I'll go with PINGA" You shouted happily while laughing "AWWW YEAAA" He yelled with excitement to ride roller coasters with you. The others weren't happy but were ok with it as long as you were. You just went on roller coaster's the whole time. He nearly got yeeted off one but you morphed and quickly grabbed him. Touching moment of him in your lap nearly dying I know👌.

"Let's go with AL-ALAN!" You said but stumbling in the word cause you nearly tripped on a root while walking towards him, but caught yourself and finished your sentence.The others gave him a death glare while you sat back down with him as they left. You both talked and chatted while looking up at the clouds above,you slowly put your head on his lap because you were getting tired. He looked at your soft/deep E/C eyes and smiled and let you sleep.

§Michiru and Nazuna§
You pointed finger guns at the two and smirked,they did the same back "LETS GOOOOOO" You three yelled in sync while you ran off with them leaving the others confused and slightly upset you didn't choose them. As you were in the middle of the Haunted house a jump scare appeared, so Michiru and Nazuna clung to you shaking in fear. "Haha lol you babies" you laughed as they blushed from embarrassment. You all enjoyed your time as you walked through the maze.Then exited the maze with two girls attached to you because
the maze was finished.

$if you're easily scared$
Half way through the maze there was a jump scare so you clung to Nazuna/Michiru. She giggled while petting your head,but Nazuna/Michiru glared at her for getting the attention from you. You kept going through the maze still staying close to Nazuna/Michiru, then left because you were scared and the maze was done.

*TIME SKIP sponsorship by Katniss and Gale *

You were driving home with Nazuna,Shirou and Michiru because Pinga could fly and Alan had a car pick him up, "you guys hungry?" You Chimed in to fill the silence from the car "yea I guess" "mhm!" "I could go for some food" they all said (you can imagine who said what) "where do you all wanna eat? *Yawn*" You asked them,then yawning causing them to look at you with small smiles gracing their faces. "Sushi" They all replied knowing it was your wake up food (if not then change it) "ok then!" You replied happily driving there. After ordering Shirou decided he should drive so you let him.

After you all ate your sushi. You,Michiru and Nazuna all fell asleep in the car,when you all arrived home,Shirou picked you all up and carried you guys inside,he put Nazuna and Michiru in her room while he took you to his room for you to sleep on the couch with him. And you did.

§Bonus scene§
You woke up with a weird but calming warmth around you,as your eyes adjusted to the light you realised you were sleeping next to Shirou on his couch with your arms around his waist and his across your upper back, your bodies clicking like puzzle pieces (pretend it's big enough to fit ya both ok? XD). You chocked on air while looking around nervously as your face glowed from embarrassment, you pried his arms from around you off, as you tip toed out the room and ran downstairs to be met with everyone else. "What's wrong sweetie?" Melissa asked you slightly hoping you'd tell her,"Hm? Oh nah it's nothing just thought ya'll left or something?" you said while looking down embarrassed,Michiru and Nazuna noticed that was a total lie but left it as is, soon Shirou came down yawning and rubbing his eyes,"Good morning everyone" he said tiredly while making himself a cup of coffe "Morning!" You and Melissa said at the same time you acting like nothing happened.

After breakfast and you going out with friends the whole household questioned what was up with Y/N and why Shirou was up so late in the morning for him.

Finally done this made my brain hurt man (Ò~Ó)

And yeesh no one told me editing would be this hard 😒

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