Lost In The Dark (Evil/Dark J...

By openmind_11

75K 2.3K 584

What if Jacks adventure with the guardians never happened? What if the isolation and loneliness got to him fi... More

Lost In The Dark
It was an Accedent
Children Gone Missing
He talks to you?
You can see me
Still Weak
No Different Than Me
The Voice Inside My Head
We have to Help
Truth Hurts
Jacks Fall
Jackson Frost
The True Monster

Painful Memory

3.8K 127 5
By openmind_11

The sun shined through the mountain tops shooting darts of light off the white sparkly powder, a soft wind blowing snowflakes through the air that danced around like confetti. A scene such as this would lead one to think they were in a fairy tail, or perhaps a dream.

This is how Jack felt.

The cold sparkling diamonds flowed past his face, the wind caressing him like a mother would a child. This, this was how Jack would find peace. This is what kept him sane and happy through his many years of loneliness. This feeling of freedom was his safe haven...but this was also what he hated the most.

He would never admit it to himself, but deep down Jack hated the snow. In fact he hated everything thing about winter.

Why you ask? Well it's because every time he's alone in the cold he gets this feeling of emptiness, not the emptiness of being by himself, but more of a 'not knowing'. He feels as if the snow is trying to remind him of something, but no matter how hard he tries he can never figure out what.

But who knows. Maybe one day he will.

Jacks POV

With each step I took my body became stronger. Without the comfort of snow I am nothing, how could I live without it?
I let out a laugh as I slid down the steep mountain sides, happiness coming over me.

The events that happened only hours ago no longer mattered. All I cared about was here and now, this wonderful feeling.

"Yeah! Woohoo!!"
Sliding through the snow, blasting icebergs to splinters, not a care in the world, this is what I live for! Fun and destruction!

The strength I had gathered made me feel invincible, I destroyed everything that blocked my path as I made my way down the mountain. Glacier after glacier, snow hill after snow hill, it all crumbled in front of me.

The adrenalin pumping through my veins clouded my mind, I was smiling like mad and didn't even care. I have power, I have strength, I have myself! What more could I need?

Just then Tooth flashed through my mind. The way she looked, what she said, how it made me feel.

"Why Jack?"

I slowed down. My blood boiled in anger, anger towards myself.

"I'm such an idiot!
Like anything she said actually mattered! She was trying to make me feel bad, hoping I would quit! That was just her desperate attempt to stop me! Ugh, and it actually started to work!
I can't let them get to me like that! No ones cares about me, no one likes me, I don't need anyone! I just need them to be afraid, everyone must be afraid."

I started speeding up again, going faster down the mountain than before.

"Screw all those guardians! They'll get what they deserve!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
I'll work out of their sight! I'll make them suffer without confronting them myself! Well at least not until they're crawling on the ground like starving children, begging for mercy!


A few minutes passed, freedom within my grasp. I'm going to make it. The thought of being free to do as I please, of hurting the guardians, of getting back at the moon. It all excited me more. However, my mind clouded with plans distracted me from what I was doing, of everything around me.

That's when it happened

I jumped.

Soon nothing was under my feet, the cliff side falling away as I dropped to the ground. A moment passed before I realized what was happening, and in a state of panic I gripped my staff.
Whipping it around I began surfing the wind. I calmed for a brief moment before a horrible sick feeling overpowered me.

What the- what's happening?

I gasped as a childs voice echoed through my head


As if following the childs command, the wind stopped. My face drained, as all sound but the boys cries vanished. His face was all that was visible. His fear, his pain, his body flying to the ground, his mother....my fault.

I hit the snow.

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