Radio GaGa

De OverdosedNComatosed

4.5K 184 71

A Radiodust storyline. Part 1 of a Series. It has been a few months since Charlie and Vaggie gathered eve... Mai multe

Chapter 1 : Tuning In
Chapter 2 : Tuned Out
Chapter 3 : Static... and signal loss
Chapter 4 : Frequencies Crossed
Chapter 5 : Foreign Feelings
Chapter 6 : I Put A Spell On You
Chapter 7 : Can I Get Just One Minute!!
Chapter 8 : When Backed to A Corner...
Chapter 9 : Playing Catch up
Chapter 10 : Tears of an Angel
Chapter 11 : A Long Dark
Chapter 12 : Terror of Hell
Chapter 13 : Sinners and Sorrows
Chapter 14 : Drowning in Denial
Chapter 15 : Can The Wounds Heal?
Chapter 16 : Just When You Think It's Safe
Chapter 18 : Omnibus Returning
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 : Matters of the Family
Chapter 21 : Family Comes First, Right?
Chapter 22 : Reflections
Chapter 23 : False Pretenses
Chapter 24 : Returns with Interest
Chapter 25 : Pomp and Circumstances
Chapter 26 : Heaven and Hell
Chapter 27 : Mind the Pitfalls
Chapter 28 : From Hell to Heaven
Chapter 29 : Angel's Fallen
Chapter 30 : All's Hell that ends Hell

Chapter 17 : Return To Zero

127 6 3
De OverdosedNComatosed

Valentino, Vox and Velvet had all been waiting since Alastor forced Valentino to give up one of the auctions involving Angel, Velvet spent most of the time using social media to brainwash Sinners and see if they could control them to sneak into the hotel and redemption project. Most demons already knew to avoid the Three V's if they could but there were always new Sinners arriving in Hell so there were some that Velvet managed to manipulate with promises of fame, popularity and similar trappings.

Charlie and Vaggie had gotten busier since the auctions ended with the public involvement of the Radio Demon, it had generated a great deal of curiosity and attention towards the project and those involved with it, Recently Charlie spent most of her days interviewing with the demons that had expressed interest in the redemption project but was greatly disappointed when the majority of those that she was meeting only had goals like getting close to Alastor, Spending 'time' with Angel, Finding out if Alastor bought Angel, and other absurdities. Charlie waded through all the false interest and did find a few demons that had a real interest in the idea of redemption which for Charlie made all the trouble worth it.

Vaggie was busy managing the rooms and setting up schedules for the new demons as well as clearing out any drugs, etc. that they were trying to sneak inside, It was while Vaggie was showing a new demon their room that she caught sight of Rosie chasing after Charlie with papers in her hand. Vaggie paused a moment and snickered as Rosie had been drawn in by Charlie and it was possible to make money on the redemption project as a business, but until now it had been fully supplied and supported by Charlie's riches and was hemorrhaging money at an amazing rate. Rosie having reached Overlord through money and favors was furious and had been goaded into showing how to manage the hotel's finances, Rosie was returning the favor of being snared by drilling management fundamentals into Vaggie and Charlie nearly day in and day out.

Vaggie was turning back and saw a glimpse of a demon she didn't know heading down the hallway where Angel's room was, Vaggie thought it must've been one of the new arrivals that had gotten lost heading back to their room and sighed as she'd have to go search for them and help them find it once she was done getting this demon settled in. Vaggie cursed Alastor and wondered where he had gone off to so early in the morning but with the way his smile was glowing when he left, No one had bothered him or asked him anything.

Angel was getting out of the bath after getting cleaned up and for the first time in years Angel had a bit of a positive outlook to the day. Alastor and Angel had talked a lot yesterday while trying to work things out and there had even been a small spark of excitement at the end of the night, Angel touched his lips and the spots that Alastor had bitten and a smile slowly came across Angel's face. Angel was still hurt and angry with Alastor but he was surprised at how quickly his feelings were being soothed after spending a night cuddled together with Alastor, Angel laughed at himself in the mirror seeing the blush and smile on his face. "Oooh! You got it bad! You lucky bitch." Angel told himself and laughed again and then everything was black.

Alastor arrived at one of the studios that Vox was infamous for being at already in his Eldritch form, He didn't announce himself or wait for anyone to notice him before his large scythe was swung in a giant X and the front wall of the building started collapsing. Screams and panic rose immediately as all the demons inside tried to escape the debris and Alastor's wrath as he carelessly swung his scythe around him, cutting, killing, destroying all as Alastor walked through the building pausing only when he noticed someone making a call. Alastor tapped into the radio waves and listened for a moment before recognizing the voice and then Alastor only yelled one word with the full force of his voice and power, "VOX!". Alastor now knew he wasn't here and instead of searching Alastor went to the roof and began a large scale spell with the sigil covering the entire roof, Alastor chanted for about 3 minutes and then yelled out "HELL FIRE!!". Alastor stood in the midst of the flames and was untouched by them as the entire building, demons, materials, Everything was reduced to pure ash.

Vox had been called away by one of his lackeys only a minute or two before Alastor had arrived and that was the only reason he had survived, Vox saw Alastor on the rooftop and then the spell activate. Vox knew Alastor was powerful and had been told many times by Valentino to be careful how far he pushed the Radio Demon but Vox had always sneered on the inside as he always had thought himself superior to the Radio Demon and had blamed events on bad luck, bad timing and similar scapegoats. The moment the Hell Fire spell took place Vox fell onto his ass in fear and trembled as he felt the waves of heat and then it was gone, the flames, the building, the demons, everything was gone and Vox only then realized that he didn't see Alastor anymore. Vox sat perfectly still as an ice cold chill went down his back, Vox glanced left and right and saw nothing so he let out a large sigh as he didn't realize that he'd been holding his breath.

That was the last thing Vox remembered as he opened his eyes and found himself strapped into a medical chair and being held. Alastor stood over Vox with his usual smile seeming odd and somehow more menacing and causing far more discomfort in Vox than the usual smile plastered to Alastor's face. Alastor looked up from the sigils he was slowly carving into the floor and the blood he was filling them with, "You took something of mine. Now I will take what is yours." Alastor said with the radio filter and static filling the air. Alastor finished and handed the container of blood to a shadow as he stood at the head of the sigil and began slowly chanting causing black chains of Eldritch power to lash across Vox's body and they held onto him there before pulling back from where they came. Vox had a gag in his mouth but it did nothing to dampen the screams as these chains somehow bit into his body and felt like they were pulling him inside out while Alastor watched with almost a gleeful look as his eyes glowed red and pulsed in time with the spell, This continued until the chains had pulled back from Vox's body into what can only be described as a ball of Eldritch jell-o. Vox lay there barely able to breathe as his consciousness faded in and out as his whole body twitched.

At the same time that Alastor was visiting the studio. Valentino was pissed and taking out his frustration on some of his 'employees', The idea to get someone in the hotel to fuck with Angel and/or Alastor kept being fucked up because the princess actually believed in the whole idea of redemption and that it was possible to 'save' the Sinners. So she did interviews and talked to these brain dead fools that they had managed to convince to do their bidding, and of course, they were easily discovered by the princess and her moth. Alastor had cost Valentino not only money but also face as everyone now had the idea that Alastor was more powerful than Valentino and as such Valentino's business was seeing numbers slowly drop, Vox had been up to something recently saying that it would help Valentino but Val just dismissed it as yet another vain attempt of Vox's to get more of his attention and this made Valentino thankful Vox had a significant use. Valentino could barely stand Vox's puppy dog like behavior and just thinking of it infuriated Valentino, he grabbed and tossed aside the whore he was toying with and torturing as a call came in telling him 'they had his package and would be there in 20 minutes', Valentino looked over to Velvet and she shook her head no which made them both curious.

Valentino and Velvet went downstairs when the vehicle arrived and the driver got out and announced himself as Vox's right hand, This caused Valentino to raise an eyebrow as the demon opened the trunk. Valentino instantly had a smile as he looked down, "Angelcakes~~~" Valentino hissed as he grabbed and lifted Angel out of the vehicle pausing for a moment and losing his smile the instant he saw that Angel had been fairly badly beaten already, Valentino turned his head and looked at the Sinner, "Vox said to give'em hell and make sure he knew his place." Velvet giggled and laughed as she took out one of her favorite tools to beat Angel with, Velvet wound up getting ready to hit Angel when Valentino grabbed the flogger from her.

"Where's Vox?" Valentino asked while looking around, the demon said that he called Vox 20 to 30 minutes ago making Valentino feel something was off as Vox should've arrived already since he knew that his lackey had captured Angel and what the risks of doing so were. For some reason Valentino felt his instincts screaming at him to run or hide even though there was no one else in the alley besides himself, Velvet and the lackey, Valentino often relied on his ability to read a situation and a person when it came to his business and this very fact left him feeling very unnerved.

The object pulsed and was obviously powerful which made Alastor smile as it was picked up and then handed to a shadow that immediately disappeared with it while Alastor walked over to Vox and with a snap of his fingers the straps came loose as Alastor grabbed Vox by the throat and dragged him along behind him. A new shadow reported the location of Angel to Alastor as he created a portal and walked through emerging at the studio Valentino was currently at. Alastor lifted Vox with one hand and let his body dangle as Vox choked in his grasp, "Your dog!" Alastor shouted at Valentino as he threw Vox forward, tossing him straight into the wall with a sickening crunch as he hit it, making it obvious several bones were just broken.

Valentino stood there and watched Vox get thrown and hit the wall a few feet from him causing the large pimp to sneer at Alastor and raised a hand as if he was about to backhand Angel but froze the moment he heard Alastor speak, "That favor only works for YOU. If you read the fine print on our agreement you'd find that the favor applies to asking me NOT to do something to YOU or to DO something that YOU can't, but is instantly nullified upon involving a 3rd party." Alastor's eyes glowed brighter from beneath the shadowy hood as he glared at Valentino.

Alastor took a step forward, "Give me Angel or you WILL need to use your favor now!" Alastor drew back his large black scythe as Valentino glared at Alastor with his gold tooth glimmering, "You think I didn't prepare after our last meeting?" Valentino took a deep breath and then spread his red smoke in a large radius while Alastor took another step forward, The scythe was spun around Alastor like a martial arts master with the metal blade making 'Ting!' sounds every so often. The Sinner that kidnapped Angel yelled out and ran straight at Alastor while firing a gun only to end up on a spike of shadowy Eldritch magic that kept him alive but unable to move.

Valentino and Alastor growled at each other and it was then that Angel started to come to, Angel's head hurt as he opened his eyes and tried to figure out what was going on. Angel felt a massive pain in his gut and looked down. Alastor was dealing with Valentino in his usual way when he suddenly saw Angel on his hands and knees with is lower hands soaked in blood. Angel let out a sound similar to a screech as his eyes and patterns glowed and his extra arms come out along with 6 of the black metal blades, Velvet turned at the sounds and was instantly attacked by Angel's blades and webbing was shot and wrapped around Velvet's legs to stop her from running away. Angel's 6 arms moved in a furious pattern slicing, cutting, stabbing all while biting at Velvet's neck. Black strands began to appear from Velvet that reached towards Angel as he continued to overwhelm and mercilessly attack Velvet.

Valentino had attempted to rush to Velvet but Alastor blocked him and swung the scythe cutting off one of Valentino's arms. A look of rage and indignation appeared on Valentino's face, This was the second time of Alastor removing one or more of Valentino's arms and Valentino wasn't going to stand for that humiliation again. Valentino pulled out his cane and swung it at Alastor as if it were a sword, Alastor's skin darkened slightly and the red etchings turned black and began to wiggle about as Alastor also grew another foot taller. Alastor didn't even block the cane and let it slice into him and then turned his head licked the wound and watched how long it took to heal closed, which was a matter of seconds, Once the wound closed Alastor swung his scythe without even looking and destroyed part of the wall behind Valentino.

Alastor hadn't aimed for Valentino and after seeing that he could force out any energy Valentino attacked him with Alastor decided to hurt Valentino where he would feel it the most, His studios that made all the money he was so obsessed with. Valentino continued to attack Alastor but the cuts were either too shallow or the blade glanced off a bone, Valentino changed his cane into 3 and went from slicing to stabbing with all 3 arms he had left. Alastor was slightly surprised and was pushed back a bit at the sudden change in attack style when they both heard Velvet screaming and crawling away from Angel bloody and weak, Angel climbed up the wall as the blades in each hand were able to pierce into the wall and then were used to climb until Angel was 15 feet or so off the ground.

Valentino was struck by Alastor and knocked back while Valentino's cane blades came up and blocked Alastor, Valentino tried to circle Alastor so that he could see both Angel and Alastor but he had been too late. Angel had jumped as soon as Valentino was knocked back and landed only using the blades on Valentino's body, Valentino roared in rage as one of his arms grabbed Angel and threw him at Alastor while he grabbed Velvet and Vox and flew off. Angel was caught by Alastor and held in his arms, Angel growled and raged a bit at the moth flying away but was held firmly but softly by Alastor.

Angel turned and sniffed at Alastor and then wrapped his upper arms around Alastor's neck while the other arms held onto his chest and Angel's legs wrapped around Alastor's waist. Alastor gently stroked Angel's back and held him against his large frame as he took the time to walk back to the hotel with Angel, Alastor wanted to examine Angel and make sure he was okay but Alastor forced himself not to do anything until Angel was back at the hotel and safe. Alastor walked the streets and not a soul or Sinner was on their path as the breeze blew and Angel fell asleep in Alastor's arms, Shadows appeared all over the hotel and began working as soon as Alastor had started his walk back. Alastor's shadows found the hole in the wall and sealed it as well as performing general maintenance to make the building sturdier and safer for everyone though Alastor's only goal was for Angel and if Angel was going to stay in the hotel so would he.

Alastor walked and enjoyed the feeling of having Angel holding onto him, the warmth and soft heartbeat eased his anger and stress while his hand gently held and stroked Angel's back. The hotel came into view as Alastor continued to walk forward as if on a stroll only to stop 20 feet from the door of the hotel because there was someone in the way, "Someone is getting a Little too big for his britches, I think." Lucifer said as he spun his cane.

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