Hageshī Sonzai: Cursed Angels

By mcsquishsquish

1K 63 134

The fuckery continues... (I'll update this with a proper description later) More


55 3 2
By mcsquishsquish

{Jimin's POV}

It's about two in the morning and Sasha, Jungkook, and I are in the hotel gym.

I have been right on Sasha's heels ever since she tried to stab herself in the eye this morning. She scared the living shit out of me and now I'm keeping an eye on her at all times.

I have no idea what she was thinking!!! I know she's been going through a rough time, we both have, but I thought she was handling it pretty well thus far. I had no idea that this was the space she'd been in mentally. She told me it was just an urge, but feelings like that don't just suddenly pop up.

On the other hand, if it really did come out of nowhere like she said it did, it could happen again at any given moment and I need to be right there to stop her.

Regardless, it'll be a cold day in hell before I let her take her own life. I'm not letting her.

"28... 29... 3-"

"Your form is sloppy, start over." Jungkook says, and Sasha groans.

I'm working out my abs on another machine nearby.

"15... 16... 17-"

"You're still doing it wrong, but I'm not gonna make you do it again. Why's your form so bad today?" He folds his arms with a serious expression.

"I don't know." She replies.

His face lights up like a light bulb went off in his head. "Maybe you just need something heavier, I know you like a challenge."

"That might not be the best idea." I warn him, but he just ignores me as he picks out some heavier weights for her. I get off of the machine I was using, walking over to them.

"Jimin stop, I can do it see?" Jungkook positions the heavy barbell in her small hands and she eagerly does two reps.

But on the third rep, her face goes blank and her arms start shaking like they're about to give out. I can't tell if she's doing the thing again or if she's just gasing out, but I'm not about to risk her dropping this weight and crushing her chest.

I quickly grab the bar with one hand and place it back on the rack. "No, you're struggling."

"Why would you do that?! I was doing good!" She frowns.

I give her that 'don't push your luck' look. "No, you're done for today."

"I agree, your crappy technique was starting to piss me off." Jungkook sides with me as he starts setting up the bench press machine next to hers.

"You know what? I'm going back to the room, bye."

She gets up off the bench and starts to walk away, but I (rather aggressively) grab her wrist. "No you're not."

Jungkook's looking at me with a confused expression on his face, and I lighten my tone. "I mean- Just wait for me, I wanna do a couple more things." I say letting her go.

"Are you two ok?" Jungkook asks with an eyebrow raised.

He has no idea what the two of us have been through today.

Sasha and I exchange worried glances before I respond. "Yeah" I answer casually.

"Are you sure? You guys disappeared for hours..."

She's still looking at me nervously, but I'm not going to tell him what she did. We have it under control, and I don't even feel like explaining all of that to him right now.

"We're fine, don't worry." I smile faintly. "We just had a rough morning, that's all."

"I think we all had a rough morning, my hand still hurts from you using it as a chew toy." He chuckles.

"I did?! I'm so sorry-"

"It's ok, it's almost done healing."

".......Well, how was your day?" I ask awkwardly, trying to redirect the conversation.

"My day??? Since when do you ask about my day?" He laughs.

"Since now, I'm curious." I smile cheekily.

"My day was alright, I still feel icky after they made me lick the side of the pool playing truth or dare-"


"Right? That shit was disgusting- OH! And I made friends with this dude at the bar a few hours ago."

"Oh cool, what's his name?"


"Oh wow, why are there so many Koreans here? I seen several that weren't part of our group today."

"I really don't know, but it was crazy! He looked just like you!!"

"Really? I wanna see this guy, I've never seen anybody who looks like me."

"You'll meet him tomorrow- Well it's two in the morning, I mean later today. I invited him to come hang out with us."

"Alright cool... Damn we should've did this earlier, now we're not even gonna go to sleep until like four and we're probably not gonna wake up until one."


{Jordyn's POV}

"Jimin, wake up..." I say tapping his shoulder.

Soohyeon made plans for everyone to go swimming with dolphins today. Pretty much everybody else is already off the bus waiting outside, but Jimin won't get up.

"Are you falling asleep too?!?" I ask Sasha who's slumped over next to him, eyes half closed.

"Huhh?" She says confused.

"Why are y'all so tired?"

"We were up late last night." Jimin yawns rubbing his eyes.

"YOU TWO HAD SEX?!?" Somin whispers from behind them, peeking her little nosy head between their seats.

"No, we were working out."

"Riiiight, cause that's what they call it these days. I've got my eye on you two." She winks at them in passing before making her way off the bus.

Can she just mind her business? I swear she stay in everybody's but her own! If there's gossip of any sort floating around the office, you can guarantee that her nose is in it.

Somin's known for starting rumors, and people believe her because there's usually some truth to them.

Notice I said, 'SOME.'

"Come on, you won't be able to swim with the dolphins if you miss the introduction."

"mymeogdd fuckin dolphin mfbfnnfb..." Jimin grumbled under his breath as he got up slowly, getting his stuff situated. I don't know what he said, but he's definitely annoyed.

"Come on." He tells Sasha, and she shoots him a death glare before getting up.

What is wrong with them?


"Dolphins are very graceful swimmers and they can reach speeds of more than 18 miles per hour! Isn't that coo-"

"Why won't you just hold my hand!" Jimin shouts, cutting off the instructor, and everybody turns around to look at him and Sasha.

"I don't want to hold your hand!!!"

"Why not?!?! You're being so difficult right now!"


"You know why I'm doing that!!! Stop making a scene!"

"FUCK YOU!!! I'll make a scene if I want to! You started it anyway!" She yells.

She rips her life vest off and throws it...

...but then slips and falls into the water.

Jimin huffs angrily as he strides over to her, snatching her up out of the pool. She coughs up a ridiculous amount of water, and suddenly starts screaming.

"WHAT?! WHAT IS THE ISSUE NOW?!?" He yells at her.

"My ear! It burns!!" She cries and he grabs her arm before dragging her back to the bus.


I'm shocked right now to say the least. That escalated so quickly, literally out of nowhere.

I've never seen him so mad at her and it's making me uncomfortable and legitimately scared for her.

Let me go check up on my girl. I need to go oversee and play mediator because he is hot right now and there's no telling what he might do.

I get onto the bus and she's still crying really hard, moving around restlessly in the seat next to Jimin.

"You gotta be still so I can see it baby." He says softly, and I'm just glad he's not so angry anymore.

"What is going on?" I ask, sitting down across from them.

"It hurts so bad!! Jimin it burns!!!" She cries.

"I know but you gotta let me see. Jordyn can you shine your flash light over here please?"

"Yeah, hold on." I say, quickly going to get my phone.

Sitting as still as she's probably gonna get with whatever pain she's in, she shuts her eyes tight. Jimin peers into her ear trying to see if he can spot something and he does. He goes to try and pull whatever it is out and she screams and starts moving around again. So he does that thing with his hands that makes them all sparkly and see-through, and tries again.

He slowly pulls out what looks to be a small spider-shaped robot, only about the size of a marble.

"What the fuck is that?" I ask with furrowed brows.

"A probe. It's what Vic was using to track her and listen to us when he was alive. We found the same thing in Hoseok's ear a couple months ago." Jimin explains. "The water probably caused a short and shocked her."

"Damn, can you hear us?" I ask her.

"It sounds a little muffled in this ear, but yeah." She answers

"So what's going on with you two? Y'all just had a full on screaming match in front of everybody." I fold my arms, looking at them with a concerned expression.

"It's complicated." Jimin answers simply.

"Complicated? No, you're going to have to give me a little more than that. Y'all have been acting strange ever since we all found out Zack died. I get it, Sasha was with him for a long time. I know you must be feeling so many mixed emotions, but-"

"No, it's not that..." Jimin says.

Sasha abruptly clears her throat, I guess trying to signal to him to not say whatever he was about to say, but he goes on anyway.

"This is the second time she's tried to kill herself in the past two days." He reveals, and Sasha looks at him in disbelief.


"She was trying to drown herself, swallowing water on purpose."

"Why would you tell her?" She says.

"Sasha what the fuck! I'm your best friend! You don't think I should know something like that? And why have you been doing this?!" I shout, my concern subsiding to annoyance.

"I know, but this is embarrassing. I don't know why I keep doing it, it just keeps happening and I can't control it."

"What do you mean? How? So you don't want to die, but you've been actively trying to kill yourself? It doesn't make sense."

She just stares back at me.

"It doesn't, but I think she's telling the truth. She changes before it happens, she starts being really mean and rude and just... nothing like herself, it's like someone else takes over." Jimin elaborates.

I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with this information. How do I help her? I'm not even sure I can.



I swear I can't stand her sometimes.

"So, what do we do?" I ask them.

"I don't know." Jimin sighs. He just looks tired... So tired.

I can't imagine what it must be like having to lose your first child and then be constantly on edge about losing the person you're in love with. I understand why he was so angry now.

But Sasha? I have no idea what's going on in her mind. She doesn't tell me anything anymore, and I wouldn't be surprised if she treats him the same way.


We just got back to the hotel after swimming with dolphins, and I'm about to go get ready for the dinner party we're supposed to be having on a yacht tonight.

Swimming was pretty fun after everybody started to loosen up. It's too bad that Sasha stayed on the bus with Jimin. She really likes animals, so I know she would've loved it, but after what they just told me, that was probably the safest option for her.

I step inside the elevator and press on my floor number.

I'm a little surprised when Hoseok walks in a couple seconds later, but he doesn't look happy to see me at all. In fact, I think he's trying to avoid looking at me entirely.

"Hey..." I say to him.

"Hi." He just continues staring at the doors.

"...I just got back from swimming with dolphins, it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be."


"So, how has your day?"


"Why do you keep giving me one word ans-"

"Please stop talking to me." He snaps, finally turning to face me.

"Why? Did I do something?"

"You fucking humiliated me in front of everybody yesterday! I'm pissed the fuck off, leave me alone."

"How? What did I do?"

"I knew you thought I was ugly, but "ew?" Why would you say that? You really hurt my feelings." His eyes were expressing almost as much disappointment as his words.

"No! I wasn't saying it like that at all."

"Don't lie to me."

"Hoseok, I'm not lying, I never meant it that way."

"Then why did you say it?" He stares at me with a stern look.

"Because the thought of being intimate in front of people makes me really uncomfortable."

"I don't believe you. All she said was "sit on his lap," even if that actually did make you feel uncomfortable, you could've just said no."

"I know, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt your feelings."

He doesn't respond.

"Besides, I think you're really handsome." I flirt, and he starts smiling a little bit.

"You're just saying that."

"No, you are! I mean it... This is kind of embarrassing, but sometimes I even catch myself staring at you, I'm surprised you haven't caught me yet." I admit, and his smile grows bigger although he's still trying to hide it.

"Come oooooon! Stop being mad at me! I know you stare at me too."

"Who told you?!?!" He says shocked.

"Everybody, it's so obvious." I laugh. "Alright now, bring it in. You can't stay mad at me forever." I tease him with my arms outstretched.

"I can hold a grudge, don't fool yourself." He laughs softly, finally giving in. He slithers his hands around to my lower back, his chin hovering over my shoulder as he gently holds my body against his.

I want to like this, but I can't. It feels wrong.

The doors start to open, but someone's standing there so I quickly pull away from him, and without another word he walks away.

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