The Boy From Korea (ChanChang)

By Andy869

94K 6.3K 3.3K

Chan lives in Australia. He's a junior in high school. He's captain of the boys volleyball team. Changbin rec... More

The Move
First Day
Tutor Me
Camp Pt.1
Camp Pt.2
Camp Pt.3
After Camp
Hang out
Hang Out Pt.2
Practice Match Pt.2
Sleepover Pt.2
Sleepover Pt.3
New Kid?
We are?
Are you okay?
First Game
No Way
Chans Place
Chans Place Pt.2
Preliminaries Pt.2
Graduation (End)

Pratice Match

3.1K 211 66
By Andy869

*Changbins POV
I was woken up by my alarm going off. I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. I still felt tired and sore from the long camp.

But it'll pass sooner then later.

I push the blankets off of me and get off the bed.

My feet hitting something soft and warm. I look down and see my shark that Chan won me yesterday on the floor.

I bend down to pick it up and brush off the dust and placing it back on my bed. I smile fondly at it.

I then start getting ready for the day. I didn't have to worry about taking a shower as I did so last night before I went to bed.

I wore a simple black shirt and light blue jeans. Pulling on my socks and then packing my practice clothes.

I brush my teeth and hair and wash my face. Using the toilet afterwards.

Chan sending me a text saying he was leaving his house.

I sent a quick "okay." Placing my phone in my pocket and grabbed my keys and backpack from my room.

My parents already gone for work.

I head to the front entrance and slip my shoes on. Not bothering to tie them at the moment.

I head out the house and make sure to lock it. Then walk to Chan's awaiting car.

I enter and greet Chan.

"Good morning to you too. How was your sleep?" He asks me as I bring a leg up to tie my shoes.

"Good. How about you?" I ask.

He nods with a smile. "Like a baby."

"That's cause you are one." I laugh out and tie my other shoe.

I can see from the corner of my eye Chan pouting.

"Am not." He whines out.

"Are too. Pouting is just proving it otherwise." I say and put my foot back down.

Chan's pout deepens but then disappears as he remembers something.

"Backseat, your breakfast is there." He says.

I look over and see a brown paper bag again. I grab it and open it. The familiar sausage and egg smell wafting in my nose.

"Yes! Thank you!" I say and waste no time to eat it.

Chan points to a cup of orange juice as well. I snatch it and chug the delicious homemade juice down.

"I don't think I can live without these two now." I say and continue eating.

Chan just laughs and pulls up into the school parking lot and parking his car in his usually spot.

He shuts he engine off and doesn't move from his place, instead he looks at me.

I was still eating and I look over at him with cheeks full of food.

"Wha?" I ask.

Chan just shakes his head with a smile and laughs a bit.

"Nothing. You're just cute." He says.

He then blushes and stutters. "Wait I mean uhh shit."

I choke a little on my food and feel my cheeks heat up.

"Oh look at the time! Gotta head to class!" I say and start gathering my trash and things.

Chan nods and grabs his backpack from the backseat and we exit the car.

The bell ringing after and students rushing inside and to their classes.

"See you at practice!" I say and rush off before Chan could say anything.

My heart rushing like crazy. He called me cute. That means he likes me. Right?

I enter first period and take my seat next to Seungmin. Mumbling a greeting to them and trying to focus in class.

"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet." Jisung acts out as he reads the script.

Seungmin nudges me and I look up and then down at the script in confusion. I wasn't paying attention, lost in thought from earlier today.

"Ummm,,," I hum as I scan the script.

Jisung puts his script down and the three boys look at me.

"Alright what's up?" He whispers.

I look up at him now. "What?"

"You've been quiet since you got here. Did something happen between you and Chan?" Felix asks also in a hushed voice.

I blush at the mentioned captain.

"Aha! Something did!" Jisung whisper yells and points a finger at me.

"Let him explain! Maybe nothing happened." Seungmin whispers back.

"He called me cute this morning." I answer.

"Or something did happen." Seungmin mumbles.

Jisung starts to squeal a bit along with Felix. The two boys looking at each other and hitting their hands together.

"And then what?" Felix asks excitedly.

"I said that it was time to head to class and left." I groan out as I place my head down on the desk.

"Harsh. Chan must be hurt." Jisung mumbles.

"Don't you think I know that!" I yell a bit.

The teacher clearing her throat as she passes by our table.

"Sorry." I say.

She passes by and we continue the conversation.

"What are you going to do?" Seungmin asks.

I shake my head slightly and look down at the script, wanting to stop this topic.

"Nothing. There's no point in bringing it up again just to embarrass him a second time." I answer.

"But-" All three boys start but I cut them off with the next line from the play.

"Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" And that seemed to have shut them up.

The topic dropped and forgotten.
"Changbin does make a good Romeo." Hyunjin says as he places an arm around Seungmins shoulders.

"Wait, isn't there a kissing scene in that play?" Minho asks.

Jisung nods. "Yup, can't skip that kissing scene."

"I'm not kissing you." I laugh out as I eat my fish sticks.

"Well I didn't want to kiss you either!" Jisung says and sticks his tongue out at me.

Minho pinching his cheek and scolding the younger for even thinking about kissing me.

"Chan would also make a good Romeo." Jeongin adds.

"Romeo and Romeo." Felix jokes and nudges Chan in the arm.

The elder rolling his eyes and continued eating.

"Anyways! What's in the agenda for today's practice?" Seungmin asks, noticing the elders behavior.

"Practice match." Chan answers.

"What?!" Everyone exclaims loudly. Some people staring at us.

"What?" Chan asks confused by everyone's reaction.

I giggle and nudge Chan. The elder looking at me.

"We're all still tired from last week."

Chan makes an o shape with his mouth and then looks back at everyone.

"Well I didn't plan it. Coach Jake wants us to keep pushing. Barely notified me during first." Chan explains.

"Ughh my arm still hurts from all the spikes." Minho says and rotates his arm to relax his muscles.

"We're all gonna die today." Felix whines.
"Aren't you sore?" Hyunjin asks as we change into our practice clothes.

I laugh and nod. "Yeah. But I'm used to it."

"Did your old team train hard as well?" Jisung asks from across.

I shake my head. "I practiced alone to improve my skills."

"Why can't you all be like that?" Chan asks tugging his shirt on.

"Because we're not crazy like you two." Seungmin retorts back.

We finish getting dressed and head to the gym. Another team from a different school already there and stretching.

"Chris Bang. As I live and breathe." A boy a bit taller then our captain says as he walks up to us.

"Gary Winchester. I didn't know you still played." Chan spoke.

The Gary boy smiles and nods.

"Yeah well after that one time you made me play, I got hooked." Gary answers.

Chan nods in understanding.

Hyunjin grabs my wrist and pulls me away and start our stretches.

"You guys know him?" I ask as I nudge my head towards Chan's and Gary's direction.

"I believe an old childhood friend." Minho answers.

"Do a quick stretch. We need to start right away." Coach Jake interferes.

"Got it. You heard him. Quick stretches and get lined up." Chan spoke as he joined us.

We did our quick stretches and then lined up on our side of the court.

The other team on their side. Net In between.

The captains shake hands and then decide who serves first.

"Alright. Their serve. Line up will be, Minho, Felix and Hyunjin in the front. Jisung and Changbin in the back with me. After the first full rotation, Seungmin will be the first swap out with Changbin. Jeongin following after. Got it?" Chan explains quickly.

"Yes sir!" We chant.

Chan smiles and nods. Determination in his eyes.

"Let's win this!"

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