Kya/Lin Beifong Oneshots

Door sourmochii

34.7K 998 403

One shots of my favourite ship :) Meer

Date Night
The Party (Part One)
Authors Note
The Party (Part Two)
Memories (Part One)
The Party (Part Three)
I Don't Want you to Leave Me
The Letter (v.2)
Water Fountain (pt. 2)

Motel Room

2.1K 67 203
Door sourmochii

Modern AU :]

"Lin, please! She really wants it for her birthday!" The Avatar begged. 

"Who wants car parts for their birthday?" Lin asked. 

"Asami, that's who! Please!" Korra said. 

"I am not driving all the way to Zaofu to pick up your girlfriend's birthday presents. Take the three-hour road trip yourself." Lin folded her arms. 

"Lin! I can't drive!" Korra looked up at Lin with puppy eyes. 

"Fine, only if you're coming with me." Lin sighed. 

"I can't go with you. I have to stay here with Asami." Korra said. 

"Well then, I'm not doing it." Lin said. 

"What if uh.." Korra looked around frantically. She saw Kya walking outside. 

"What if Kya goes with you!" Korra said with a big smile. 

"Kya's back?" Lin said, surprised. The last time she saw Kya, she had just moved out of Republic City. 

"What am I being volunteered for?" Kya looked up. 

"Oh, Lin, I didn't know you were here!" Kya said with an anxious smile. 

Lin gave her a small wave. 

"Will you go with Lin to Zaofu to get a gift for Asami for me?" Korra begged. 

"I don't care. I need to get out of this house anyways." Kya said. 

"Great! So it's settled." Korra said. 

"Korra, I never said I would-" Lin said. 

"Have fun you two!" Korra ran off, leaving Lin alone with Kya. 

"I can't believe her." Lin mumbled to herself. 

"I haven't seen you in a while." Kya said from the door. 

Lin looked over at her. "Yeah, it's uh- it's been a minute." She said. 

"A minute? Try eight years." Kya said with a chuckle as she walked toward Lin. "Give me a hug, you idiot." She threw her arms around Lin's shoulders.

Lin patted Kya's back a couple of times. 

"So, Beifong? Road trip with me?" Kya put her hands on her hips. 

Lin let out a sigh. "Let me get my keys." She gave in to Kya's goofy smile.

"I'm bringing a blanket." Kya said and she and Lin walked back into the house. 

"Why?" Lin asked. 

"Because not only is it literally snowing, but it's a three-hour ride there and back. It's gonna be late and cold by the time we're halfway there." Kya said. 

"I'll have Kya text me when you guys are almost to Zaofu." Korra said. 

"Why are you guys going to Zaofu?" Asami came into the room. 

Korra panicked, "Uh-" 

"We have something for Suyin." Kya lied. 

"Oh! Tell her I said hi. And Wing and Wei too." Asami said. 

"Will do." Kya gave her a thumbs up. 

Lin shoved her hands in her coat pockets before walking out to her car with Kya. 

"So," Kya started once they were down the road. "How've you been in these past eight years." She chuckled. 

"I've been." Lin said. 

"It's so good to see you again, Lin." Kya placed a hand on Lin's arm. 

"It's- uh- it's good to see you too." Lin said quietly. 

"Do you remember the last time we saw each other?" Kya asked. 

Lin chuckled. "As if it were yesterday." She said. 

"How's life been?" Kya asked. 

"Su and I kind of fell off a bit again. We never really talk anymore." Lin said. She was always open with Kya. 

"I'm sorry, Lin." Kya said. 

"No, don't be. It's how it is. People get bored of me, and they start walking out of my life." Lin said. "It's not a big deal." She let herself relax in her seat. 

"How's it been for you?" Lin asked. 

"Oh, you know, I was traveling around a little bit before moving back to Republic City." Kya said. 

"Where to?" Lin asked. 

"The North Pole, Kyoshi Island, the desert, just.. everywhere. It was nice. It felt like I was eighteen again." Kya said. 

Lin took small glances at her, watching the way she ran her fingers through her hair. 

"Want a picture, Beifong?" Kya smirked to herself. 

"What- uh- no?" Lin said. 

Kya chuckled before pulling her phone out and holding it up to get a picture of her and Lin. 

"Kya- what's are you doing!?" Lin put her hand up to block her face. 

"You look so cute, Beifong!" Kya giggled at the photo. 

"Yeah.. whatever." Lin grumbled to herself.

Lin pulled into the gas station and parked the car. 

"I'm going in to pay for gas. Do you want anything?" Lin asked Kya. 

"A kiss would be nice." Kya mumbled under her breath with a chuckle. 

"A what?" Lin asked. 

"Oh, um, I said a water would be nice." Kya said with a smile. 

Lin got out of the car and walked into the station. She grabbed Kya's water and a drink for herself, then paid for them along with the gas. It was starting to get dark out. 

She walked out and noticed Kya standing outside of the car, pumping gas, and a tall figure standing next to her, talking to her. Lin approached them. 

"Here's your water." Lin said. 

"Thank you, Linny." Kya smiled. Lin froze hearing the nickname. Linny. Kya hasn't called her that since Lin got onto the force. 

"So, like I was saying, I got a place a few blocks from here if you wanna hang out for a bit." The man said. 

"Ah, I'm flattered, but as you can see, I'm busy." Kya gestured to Lin, who was now sitting in the car. 

"Oh come on, she seems like a buzz kill anyways." The guys smiled. 

Kya put the gas cap back on and got in the car with Lin. She leaned in and kissed Lin's cheek as the guy watched. 

Lin froze and her face became red. 

Kya let out a low chuckle when the guy finally walked away. "You okay, Lin?" she continued to giggle and she rested her hand on Lin's thigh. 

"Yeah." Lin quickly put her seat belt on and started driving down the road again.

Kya was leaning against the car window wrapped up in her blanket. 

Lin was starting to struggle while driving in the dark. Even though she refuses to admit it, when Suyin scarred her, it made her partially blind in her right eye. She never liked driving at night. 

"Um, Kya?" Lin said. 

"Yeah?" Kya sat up a bit. 

"Do you think you could drive for a bit?" Lin asked. 

She heard Kya giggle at her. 

"What's so funny?" Lin asked. 

"Lin, I can't drive. I don't know how." Kya said. 

"How do you-! Kya!?" Lin said. 

"I've always taken busses or whatever. I don't know how to drive. Never needed to learn." Kya said. 

"Okay, well, I can't keep driving in the dark." Lin said. 

"Why not?" Kya asked. 

"My eye, Kya." Lin said. 

"Oh shit, I forgot." Kya sat up all the way. "Hang on," She pulled her phone out. 

"There's a motel just a few more miles off of the next exit. It's right outside of Zaofu." Kya said. 

"A motel?" Lin asked. 

"Well, it's either we stop and sleep there tonight and start driving in the morning, or we make it to Zaofu tonight, and spend the night with your sister." Kya said. 

"Motel it is." Lin sighed as she turned on the blinker to get over.

They parked the car and Kya got out first. "I'll go get us a room." She said. 

Lin looked across the street and saw a bar. 

A drink or two might be nice right now

Kya walked back over with a key in her hand, and a smile on her face. "All they had open tonight was a room with one bed, so I hope you don't mind sharing, because I'm not sleeping on the floor." She said. 

"You can go ahead and take the bed. I'll be there later. I think I'm gonna go grab a drink." Lin said as she leaned against the car. 

"You're not gonna invite me to come too?" Kya asked. 

"You know where the bar is." Lin said as she started walking. 

"You don't wanna see our room first?" Kya yelled after her. 

"It'll still be here when I get back." Lin waved a hand at her. 

Kya shoved the key into her back pocket before running towards Lin. "I guess it will." She said. They crossed the road and approached the bar door. 

"It seems pretty full tonight." Kya said. 

"It is Saturday night." Lin said. "I'm gonna go sit at the bar." She said. 

"I'll come with you." Kya said. 

"You don't wanna mingle?" Lin asked, surprised. 

"I might after a couple of drinks." Kya said.

Lin sat at the bar drinking whatever she thought was necessary. She looked across the bar and saw Kya sitting at a table, talking to a few people. 

Lin frowned at the sight. 

Today was the first day she's seen Kya since she moved back to Republic City. 

Kya walked back over to the bar with a smile on her face. She ordered four drinks. 

"Having fun with your new friends?" Lin said. 

"Yeah, they're pretty cool people." Kya smiled to herself. "Especially Ali. She's the one in the jean jacket. I thought about maybe getting her number." She said.

Lin froze. 

Her number? Why would she want her number!? 

"Thank you." Kya said to the bartender. She started walking back to the table, but turned around when she heard Lin slam her glass down. 

"Lin?" Kya asked. 

Lin threw some money on the bar and started leaving. "Have fun with your new girlfriend, I'm going to bed." Lin walked out. 

Kya stood near Lin's now empty seat with the drinks in her hands, and her expression saddened. 

Then it hit her that Lin was jealous. 

She looked between the four drinks, the table of her new friends, and the door that Lin just stormed out of. Kya let out a sigh and started walking back to the table.

Lin unlocked the door to the room and turned on the light. She leaned against the door and let out a large sigh. 

"Why did I act like that?" Lin said to herself. 

Lin went to one of her contacts, then hit the call button. "Please pick up." She said. 

"Lin, it's nice to hear from you." She said. 

"Hi, Su." Lin said. 

"Are you calling to tell me you're in Zaofu?" Su asked. 

"No, actually we're at a motel right outside of Zaofu." Lin said. 

"Why?" Su asked. 

"We were tired." Lin lied. 

"So why did you call?" Su said. 

"I haven't seen Kya since she moved out of Republic City eight years ago." Lin said with a sigh. 

"Okay and- oh my Kyoshi? Do you mean that night when-!" 

"Yes! Spirits can you not talk about it?" Lin pinched the bridge of her nose as she walked back and forth across the room. 

"Do you think you might still-" 

"Yeah, well, we were at this bar across from the motel and she was talking about getting this girl's number and I-"

 Suyin gasped excitedly, "You got jealous!" She said. 

"Well, you don't have to sound so happy about it!" Lin said. 

That's when Kya came into the room. 

"I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow." Lin said. She hung up before Su could respond. 

"Who was that?" Kya asked. "Su. I was telling her where we are." Lin didn't look at Kya.

"Are you alright, Lin?" Kya asked. 

Lin nodded her head as she sat down on the end of the bed. 

Kya pulled her dress up from the bottom. 

"Kya- wh-what are you doing!?" Lin asked. 

"Relax, Lin. I have shorts and a tank top on under this. I am not sleeping in this damn dress." Kya said. She neatly folded her dress and sat it on the chair. 

"What side do you want?" Kya asked. 

"Doesn't matter to me." Lin mumbled. 

Kya sat on the side of the bed. "Are you alright?" She looked over at Lin. 

"Huh? Yeah. I'm fine." Lin said. 

Kya chuckled. "I didn't get her number." She said. 

"Hm. What a shame. You sounded like you really wanted it." Lin said sarcastically. 

"Yeah well, after you left, I realized I didn't want it." Kya said with a small smile. 

Lin silently nodded her head. 

Kya let out another small laugh. 

"What's so funny?" Lin asked with an attitude. 

She felt Kya moving on the bed, then felt a pair of arms wrap around her. 

"You are." Kya said. 

"Get off of me." Lin said. 

"No." Kya said with a smile. "You know," She leaned down. "You're really cute when you're jealous." She kissed Lin's cheek. 

"I wasn't jealous. You're delusional." Lin said, slouched over with her elbows on her knees. 

"Oh shut up, yes you were." Kya said. She paused for a moment. "I don't.. I don't know what we are, Lin.. but if you don't want me to talk to other girls like that, then I won't." Kya said. 

"You don't have to do that, I don't control your life-" Kya placed a hand on Lin's chin and made her look at her. She smiled widely when she saw Lin's face get red.

"What?" Lin said, trying to act stern. 

"Stop trying to act all tough and admit that you like being baby'd, Beifong." Kya leaned down and kissed Lin's shoulder. 

Lin let a slight smile creep onto her lips. 

"See~" Kya teased. 

"Fine." Lin mumbled. 

Kya kissed Lin's shoulder again. 

"Would you stop that?" Lin said with a chuckle. 

"Well, where am I supposed to kiss you then?" Kya said with a smirk. 

Lin looked at Kya with a small smile on her face. 

Kya moved her hand to Lin's cheek and kissed her. "It's been so long since I've kissed these lips. I almost forgot what they tasted like." Kya said.

"Well, you're the one who chose to be gone for eight years, Kya." Lin said. 

"Shut up." Kya chuckled. 

Soon Lin was in between her legs, laying on top of her while Kya ran her fingers through Lin's hair.

 Lin rested her head on Kya's chest and tightened her arms around Kya's waist. 

"You're squeezing a little tight, Lin." Kya chuckled. 

"Baby." Lin said. 

"So now you wanna call me pet names?" Kya said. 

"No, I'm insulting you, you baby." Lin said with a smile before loosening her grip slightly. 

"Hmph." Kya laid her head back, her fingers still brushing through Lin's hair. 

"I'm happy Korra made me come on this trip." Lin said quietly.

"What was that? Lin Beifong is happy about something?" Kya teased. 

"You're so funny." Lin said in a deadpan voice. She lifted her head and looked at Kya. 

"Kya?" Lin said. 

"Yes, love?" Kya answered. 

"Um-" Lin glanced off to the side. 

"What is it?" Kya sat up. 

"Don't- don't leave again..please?" Lin said under her breath. 

"What?" Kya asked. 

"Don't leave again Kya." Lin looked at her. "Don't leave me again." She said. "Please." Lin's face got red. 

Kya chuckled, then leaned in to kiss Lin. "I didn't plan on it." Kya said in between the kiss. Lin pushed herself up a bit to deepen the kiss.

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