Church Boys Gone Bad *Shaylor*

By Narryoverany

7.8K 267 409

Shawn Mendes, Matthew Espinosa, and Cameron Dallas were the good boys, in town. They went to church almost ev... More

Church Boys Gone Bad *shaylor*
4-Sk8ter Boy

1-Church Boys

2.7K 109 241
By Narryoverany

Shawn's Pov:

I opened my eyes to the bright sun. Great, my mother opened my curtains. "Wakey, wakey sleepy head." Kissing my cheek and ruffling my hair, my mother went and put my clean pile of clothes near my closet. "Good morning Mother." I yawned, stretching my body. (Not the booty.. ;) yet)

"Come on, get up and get dressed. After come downstairs for breakfast and then we head off to church." I nodded, "Yes, mother." I got up from bed and did what I was told, when I done and dressed appropriate I walked downstairs for the most important meal of the day.

"Good morning son, how did you sleep last night?" My father asked, just as I sat down. "Great. Yourself?" He put his cup of coffee down, smiling wide. "Amazing. After my prayer last night, I feel my body is much better. God, made me feel better." Father has been sick for days now, and after praying all day for the last few days he thinks god cured him. My mother put three full plates of food down, before sitting down. "Shawn? Would you like to say prayers?" I nodded.

After the prayer we ate in silence. "Guess who called me this morning, dear?" My dad finally spoke up. "Why who, dear?" He let out a sigh, "Kevin Caniff." Mother made a face before sipping her coffee, "What so ever for?" I just kept quiet. All Kevin Caniff calls for is to rub something in my fathers face or to ask for loans. "It's about his son, Taylor." Mother gasped, "Oh how preposterous! That boy is nothing but trouble! Him and his group of delinquent friends! Taylor may be captain of the baseball team but I don't cheer for any school teams!" She shook her head, "We must pray for that child. Him and his friends need to see the light so Jesus, himself can guide them to the right path."

Father nodded, "He said he would bring him by our church today. Over times like these, we pity them. So be generous and kind." he ordered. I nodded, "Yes, Sir."

"But oh, how much I pity his poor mother. It's like raising a lion! You must tame them before they learn. But that boy is one that cannot be tamed." My mother giggled, as what she just said was extremely funny. Did she just compare Taylor to a lion? Okay.. a little weird.

"Shawn, I'll expect you to show Taylor the proper way to act in public or at least a decent human being." My father cold tone demanded. I nod, not wanting to disobey him. I knew better than that. Every child must obey their parents no matter what, being disrespectful isn't gonna take you anywhere but hell.

Cameron's Pov:

I nod, not wanting to seem as though I wasn't listening. "Before we head to church I would like you, to clean the bathrooms. Am I clear, Alexander?" Why can't my mom just call me by my first name? Why name me Cameron if you're gonna be calling me by my middle name! Doesn't make sense, but then again my crush towards Nash Grier doesn't make sense either.

If my family knew I was having such feelings for a boy, they would tear this house apart! But, if they found out these feeling were for the one and only Nash Grier, they would drag me to hell and make me say a prayer there. Why? Why must Nash be so good looking?! I glare at my ceiling. It was you! I point a finger towards the ceiling, IT WAS YOU JESUS! YOU, YOU DID THIS! YOU MADE HIM SUCH A PERFECT LOOKING HUMAN!

"CAMERON ALEXANDER DALLAS!" Huh? Was that.. Jesus responding to me?! Oh my, I have to apologize for yelling at him in my mind. "Cameron." I look back down to my moms angry face. "You weren't listening again. Why have you been spacing out so much in the last few weeks?" I just stare at her, not knowing what to say. "Answer me, Alexander." Her demanding voice always gave me chills. So I blurted out the first thing that came to mind, "I like a girl!"

Her face went from 'excuse you' to 'The Lord gave me light' in a matter of seconds. "Oh! My baby is having his first crush! Oh, I must meet this young lady. Invite her over for dinner. But, I must tell you now Alexander, The Lord himself comes before girls. Your prayer and school studies come before any relationships as well." I nodded, if I opened my mouth more stupid lies would come out. "Now, please go hurry to do your chores. We must leave to church in an hour." Nodding and asking if I can be excused I went off to get the cleaning supplies. I start cleaning right away.

Just as I see the blue soap, I thought of Nash. His eyes are such a beautiful blue. Oh, I can just stare at them all day an- I stop myself right there, this is not what god would want me to be thinking about. But... Nash is just so perfect. How can someone not think of him?

No. I must not. Nash is that person you look away from when seeing him in public. He may be captain of the football team, but he's big trouble in our town. So many people are scared of him and his group of friends. I once heard at church, that they found Nash having sex with a girl behind the movie theater. That is just so wrong! What if young kids were passing by? Oh dear that would be horrible! This is why I must stay away. He's nothing but trouble. God would not be happy with me being with another man. He has created women for men. Not men for men.

I must confess for having such thoughts of Nash. But I can't. If I tell Shawnie's dad then he would tell my mother even though a priest must not tell anyone about our confessing. God please tell me what to do?

Matthew's Pov:

My mouth fell open. What? Is this real? Must be some bitch messing with me. Why in the name of fries would he be messaging me? We stopped talking after he came out. Our parents wanted us to make no contact with him. So why after a long two years did this bitch want to contact me? Should I call Shawnie and Camboo?

New Message From:
Jack Johnson.

Holy god, should I open this shit? We've been friends for such a long time, but my parents would lose an eye if they knew I was talking to him. They thought if we talked to him we would 'catch' his gayness. First of all, how the fuck do you 'catch' gayness? Do you throw it to us and we catch it like some fucking ball? I thought it was stupid, but I know better than disrespect my parents.

My curious mind told me to open it. Jeez, I felt like curious fucking George opening it. I looked around, just in case some bitch walked in, acting like they know me. So, I hid in my closest. I took a deep breath before opening it.

(Message from)
Jack Johson: Hi Matt! I just wanted to say, I found one of your t-shirts in my old pile of clothes. I would like to return it, seeing as my boyfriend doesn't like me wearing anyone clothes but mine and his. Respond if you would like me to mail it to you? Thank you. Have a lovely day. -JJ

WHY?! WHY WAS HE STILL SO SWEET?! Everyone thought since he had a bad boy as a boyfriend he would turn bad as well, but he's still the same sweet boy. Or is he? I narrowed my eyes at my phone. Was he putting up a act? But.. He doesn't like fake bitches. Or does he? Here I am being a curious George again. I couldn't help it, should I respond? God, help me. "MATTHEW?" oh shat, I hit my head against the wall before I come out of the closest. "Fudge. That hurt," My mom looked at my head, "It isn't too bad, Jesus was on your side today." I nodded, rubbing my aching head.

"Did you need something, mom?" She just stared at me, before smiling. "Yes. We must be getting to church now, so let's go." I nod, grabbing my earphones and fixing my sweater vest. "Quickly, Matthew. Church awaits us," I almost rolled my eyes when she turned away. We've going to church since I was nine years old and quiet honestly I just wanna be a normal teen, but nooooo Jesus must guide me first before I live my life.

When we arrive at church I say my hellos and asked to be excused, walking over to my two best friends. "Hay homie!" Camboo laughs before hugging me, "Matt, you know if my father heard he would throw a fit." I ignore Shawnie's words and hug him.

"What's on today's agenda?" Camboo asks, as we walk towards the classrooms. "Today we will be teaching the kids." I groan, those kids never listen! "I think it's gonna be fun," For the love of fries, of course you do Cam! "It should be, it's gonna be a big class so it should be fun." I sit down on a small chair. "Fudge, my booty so big it doesn't fit here!" Shawnie and Cam laugh. "Wait up boys, did you hear bout what Taylor Caniff and his gang did yesterday?" We all turn to see Axton, gee this kid is always up in our business or more like Shawn's booty. But, Shawn himself doesn't see it, but I do.

I see this bitch tryna touch the booty! But what Shawn does notice is when Axton says something bout The Lord and blah blah blah. Betch gets away with it, but I see his cockroach ass. I see what he be doing.

Not gonna lie. If I were to be gay, I would hit on Axton but.. I'm not. I'm surprise no one has catched on how gay Axton is for Shawnie, the preachers son.

"No, you mind telling us?" He nods before sitting waaaaay to close to Shawnie. "So Taylor and his little gang were all at the market really late last night, and everyone that was there said that they were so drunk. They kept opening stuff, and just acting like monkeys! Embarrassing I tell yah, but someone called the police and they all started throwing stuff at the officers who showed up! How rude is that?" I look over at my cookies, wondering what they must be thinking. Shawn had a blank face while Cam looked shocked, Which he shouldn't be cause I mean c'mon, it's Caniff and his gang. They always do some crazy shit. It doesn't surprise me anymore. "Why would they hurt the poor police men?" I give cam a stare, seriously camboo?

"I don't know, but I do know that I must pray for them." I groan. This fucking cockroach is annoying me. "Well, I'll pray for you as well." My cookies look at me wondering why I said that, but they know I don't like roaches. This betch is a roach with them wings, I hate those.

"Oh... why thank you Matthew." Rolling my eyes, I turn to see who just walked in- DEAR GOD IS THAT CANIFF?! I see Caniff and his dad walk over to Shawnie's dad. Oh for the name of The Lord and fries. "Shawn," My cookie walks over to his dad, shaking hands with Caniff and his dad. "Holy! Is that Taylor?" Really camboo just noticing? I mean when Caniff walks in, you can feel that evil radiating off him. My eyes narrow as I see Caniff smirking at my cookie like he's a burger. Oh hella nah, not in this church bitch!

"I can not believe such a sinner is being allowed in this church, Taylor Caniff is satan." What the fuck is this flying roach doing standing next to me? "You need to take a step back," I warn, I just feel hate towards this bitch. I just don't like him, once I don't like someone I don't like them forever.

"YOOOOOO TAYDOG!" What the actual fuck? Is tha- "CARTER! NASH!" Jesus, we need you now. I bow down, "Camboo, we need to pray now." Dear God, save our souls from these people. I wanna live long enough to have at least some more fries and cookies- not Cameron or Shawn, like actual cookies. Maybe some Oreos or brownies sound good too, and might as well throw in a milkshake. Thank you, Amen.

"Boys, I would not allowed you to yell in the house of god." I look up to see Caniff, Grier and Carter rolling their eyes, my cookie looks offended so he walks over. "Let's go," I nod, following my other cookie. The Preacher and Caniff's dad walked away, maybe to discuss about Caniff. "You should have respect. This is The Lord's house, please I just ask for you to show respect." Again them bitches roll their eyes. "He nor I will tell you again," I sass, "Show some damn respect or leave." Ewww, Carter winks my way.

"Look Mashew or whatever your name is-" Glaring I walk up to Caniff. "It's Matthew. Get it right or don't even say it. You know what, as a matter a fact keep my name out that dirty mouth of yours." Lord please forgive me, but how I wanted to cuss this little bitch out. "Damn baby," I glare at Carter, but he only winks. "Don't call me such names. Behave or leave." Nash steps forward.

"First of all, you need a cup of calm the fuck down son. We do what the fuck we want, how the fuck we want. Get over it." A arm tugs me back, "It is not worth it. Besides, violence does not solve any problems. Please Matt, my father will banned you if you do such things as fighting here in The Lord's house." I step back, You mother fucking won this battle Grier, but this is only the beginning.

"I love it when you talk church to me, sexy." Shawnie turns shocked, his eyes wider than the line for free ice-cream. "Excuse you? I will have you know I was not speaking to you. And please do not call me such names." That only makes bitch ass Caniff smirk even wider, this other roach thinks it's okay to flirt with guys? No. "Are you seriously flirting with the preachers son of all people. Gay isn't okay." Caniff and his gang snap their heads towards me so fast I'm surprised it didn't fall off. "What the fuck. No, you're not okay. Gay is mother fucking okay. It's people like you that isn't. You people make me so sick to the stomach!" I gasps, Caniff just blew up.

"Actually son, gay is not okay." Fuck, we all turn to see the preacher also known as my cookie's dad along with mine and my other cookie's dad and Caniffs. God, please send help our way. We need you.



ITS FINISHED! *throws fries everywhere cause confetti is over rated*

Shawn, Cameron and Matt are all different kind of church boys. As you can see, we have Shawn the preachers son who always obeys, Cameron who is starting to like Nash but doesn't want to disobey his religion, Then Matt a badass bitch. He may be a church boy but zayuum he ain't playin' with nobody.

I just wanna thank those who voted AND commented on the first page. Thank you I love you all- but not as much as fries and cookies.. no okay I still love you guys!

Until next time! Wait. Have a few questions.

1.) Who would you be from Shawnie, Cam or Matt?

2.) do you like it? *hides*
it's okay if you didn't! I'm still gonna keep writing it if yah didn't.

3.) What do you think is gonna happen next?

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