Scars|| r. lupin

Da anne-amelia

19.1K 734 1.2K

She was tired, she was so bloody tired of it all. From the constant nagging and picking and pulling to the wa... Altro

Year one; Chapter one
Year one; Chapter two
Year one; Chapter three
Year one; Chapter four
Year four; Chapter one
Year four; Chapter two
Year four; Chapter three
Year four; Chapter four
Year four; Chapter five
Year four; Chapter six
Year four; Chapter seven
Year four; Chapter eight
Year four; Chapter nine
Year four; Chapter ten
Year four; Chapter eleven
Year four; Chapter twelve
Year four; Chapter thirteen
Year four; Chapter fourteen
Year four; Chapter fifteen
Year five; Chapter one
Year five; Chapter two
Year five; Chapter three
Year five; Chapter four
Year five; Chapter five
Year five; Chapter six
Year five; Chapter eight
Year five; Chapter nine
Year five; Chapter ten
Year five; Chapter eleven
Authors Note
Year Five; Chapter twelve
Sixth year; Chapter one
Sixth Year; Chapter two
Sixth Year; Chapter three
Year Six, Chapter Four
Year Six; Chapter Five
Year Six; Chapter Six

Year five; Chapter seven

365 15 94
Da anne-amelia

" No no Remus love you're doing it wrong."

Y/n giggled when Remus started to hug her from behind instead of mixing the cookie batter.

" Can you two stop kissing and make us some lunchhhhhhh, Jamal and I are hungry."

Y/n turned to look at the little boy standing by her feet tugging on her shirt. She gently turned around in Remus's grasp and grabbed his jaw lightly, " I'm going to make some sandwiches for them, how about you work on making their cookies."

The boy begrudgingly let go of her waist and dipped down to kiss her again before she was dragged off by a little child wanting lunch.

Y/n stood at the table making sandwiches for them all while Remus stood by the counter making the kids cookies on a pan, inserting it into the oven.

After he'd finished doing that, he left to help
Y/n gather glasses for juice.

As she was slicing the sandwiches in triangles he heard her ask, " Can I ask you a question Remus?"

The boy turned around and nodded before he went and placed the four cups on the table, moving over to grab the jug of juice from the fridge.

" Why did I wake up in the hospital wing? I could've sworn I fell asleep in you guy's room and I woke up in the hospital wing at school. Pomfrey said I'd been out for a month but I don't even remember getting hurt."

The boy almost lost his grip on the cup he'd been pouring juice into at her words.

" Wait- You, You don't remember what happened?"

He watched as she shook her head and winced, bringing a hand up to her head before moving back to slicing the sandwiches, bring them over and setting the plates down by where the children sat as Remus brought their juice.

After she'd made sure they were fine and secure she moved and walked back over to the kitchen, sitting in the chair beside Remus's while the boy sat dumbfounded.

He stared at the girl as she peered over at him through her lashes and watched as she began to eat her sandwich, gently pushing Remus's plate towards him.

" Eat Remus, you look like a stick. And no, I don't remember what happened. The last thing I remember fully is being in your room, doing homework, then it got fuzzy, then I fell asleep. Madam Pomfrey told me I should remember everything in three days time and Professor Dumbledore told me that I would be staying at your house after he dropped me off here. I don't understand why I wouldn't just be allowed to stay at home with my mum and dad though."

She looked over to see Remus scarfing down the food on his plate and she internally frowned.

Remus looked up at her and scowled.

" Y/n your mother and father abused you your entire life, why would you want to go back?"

Her eyes widened and she quickly began to pull off her jacket and shirt, looking at healing, scarred, skin covering her abdomen.

" Is that where I got all these scars from?"

Remus almost choked on his air at the sight of her uncovered skin. Where burn marks and bruises, knife wounds and engravings used to lay laid healed skin. Of course there were scars where some things would forever stay but they weren't puffed up and red like before, they looked like a part of her skin. Like birthmarks.

Remus quickly turned and grabbed Y/n's shirt from the floor and tossed it in her lap. " How about you put a shirt on and stop joking around Y/n."

The teenage girl made slow movements to pull the shirt over her head before looking over to her boyfriend. She looked personally offended at the fact that he'd thought she was joking.

" Remus I'm not kidding, I don't remember any of that. Mum was always nice and dad would never lay a hand on me. Why are you trying to say they abused me? The only time they even raised their voices had been when they fought at nighttime in the kitchen while Liz and I sat in her room."

Remus almost laughed.

She had to be joking. I mean her not remembering the fight with James was logical because it happened right before she was knocked out but this, this is just impractical.

" Yeah okay Y/n, so you don't remember that your mum is dead and that you were adopted by some lady who is your step-mum and her and her husband beat you?"

Remus regretted speaking his words as soon as they left his tongue. The look of absolute horror on her face, having to watch as her breath hitched and her eyes glassed up again.

He hated having to watch that happen again.

" Oh Godric, you have amnesia."

After Remus explained a simple, non detailed outline of her family life situation and managed to coax her from crying again they had to take the sheet of cookies out of the oven.

Y/n sat comfortably beside Remus on the floor of the living room, the two eight-year olds were asleep on the couch, flipping through the cookbook he'd used to make the cookie dough.

" Where'd you get this from Remus? It looks new, is it your mum's?"

The boy doubled back and wrapped his left arm around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder with a quiet, deep laugh. " You did
Y/n. Don't you remember Christmas at home last year?"

Remus's voice came out with a playful, joking ease before if became suddenly serious.
He moved his arm off of Y/n's waist and moved her body towards his.

The boy brought his hand up to her jaw and gently moved her face to face his; her eyes previously being trained on the boys in the living room.

Her naturally s/c face was unusually pale and her eyes were glassy as Remus gazed into them in concern. His voice came out smooth next, calm and truthful; but it also sounded rhetorical aswell.

" You don't remember Christmas do you?"

She quickly shook her head and Remus pulled her closer, guiding her to rest her head on his shoulder where she had to hold back tears.

" I've tried Remus, nothings came back. The worst part is that Dumbledore never said how long it would take for these memories to come back."

Y/n took a moment to enable the calming scent of Remus before retracing her head and looking the other way, keeping away from his gaze. Remus. on the other hand, closed his eyes and leaned backwards until laying on the floor and banged his head against the wooden floor once. He would've bruised his head again had Y/n not moved over and placed her legs where he'd intended to drop his head.

" Look Remus, I'm sorry that I can't remember a few things but don't be mad at me about that. It's not in my control."

The teenager quickly sat up and his eyes showed panic at the saddened and distraught tone of her voice. He looked away and raked a hand through his hair.

" I'm not mad at you love, I just really want to punch James right now."

" Why?!"

Remus turned his head towards Y/n's and looked her in the eye before glancing away again.

" Let's just say that James is the reason you lost all of the memories of everything and I'm mad at him because-

" Because he shoved me into a shelf and put me in a coma?"

Her voice came out hesitant and Remus was surprised to hear that she knew as much as that.

" Well, it was a dresser actually but yes. I'm- I know it's not his fault because he'd been drinking and it just made him do it but I still can't push back the fact that he knocked you, my girlfriend, my best friend, into a coma for a month and unintentionally knocked off half your memories."

Remus looked back at Y/n and was anxious to see her quietly fidgeting with the ends of her hair, her knees pulled up to her chest. He moved to lean on his wrist and gently brushed back the hair from her eyes, caressing her jaw in his hand.

" What's wrong darling?"

" I don't like alcohol and drinking... that's what the bad people always did before they did the bad things."

It took Remus's brain half a beat to understand what Y/n had meant by the sentence before he was engulfing her in his arms, smoothing down her hair. He took a moment to smear his lips across her forehead before speaking in a loving and caring manner.

" Hey baby, don't think about those people okay. We got you away from them. You won't ever have to see them again sunshine, never ever again. They're gone now baby, they'll never touch you again. We made sure of that earlier okay."

Remus pulled her head back into the crook of her neck again as he felt wetness begin to lightly gather on his neck.

Of all the things for her to remember it had to be that.

And soon Remus figured out why Y/n had seemed so much brighter, happier, earlier when she'd first came.

She had forgotten all the things that made her dull.

To say she was surprised would be an understatement.

Remus's normally clean, organized bedroom looked as if a tornado had hit it and his bedsheets were crinkled and unfolded, his bookshelves weren't even lined with books anymore because the books were thrown around the room in piles. His desk was still in the same spot and position as last but there were clothing articles thrown all around it. About the only thing in his room that had stayed the same looked to be the two trunks at the end of his bed, one strewn open and the other neatly kept clean.

Y/n felt a small click in her brain, almost unrecognizable but it was there, the second trunk seemed familiar. She had recognized Remus's immediately but the second one took a few moments to register in her brain.

She took a step closer to it and soon found herself crouching next to it and examining the polished wood of the frame.

It looked so familiar yet at the same time it felt so far away. Like a distance memory one could say.

She knew who's it was, of course she knew who's trunk it was. But she couldn't remember their name.

Suddenly, Remus placed a hand on her shoulder. " I kept your trunk here, mum said it was fine as long as I didn't go looking through your things much."

This is mine?

" Oh."

Remus took that as his cue to show her the pictures he had grabbed while she had been observing.

They were pictures that had been taken while she stayed at the Lupins household last Christmas.

Remus pointed out each photo and explained the story for each.

There was a picture of a h/c girl in a weird outfit, being held by Remus as he twirled her lightly. He explained that story, Ky and Jamal wanted to play dress up and dragons and knights and she was the damsel in distress.

" Do you remember that day Y/n?"

She bit her lip and shook her head no, taking the picture in her hand.

" I only remember skits of it. I remember making blanket forts, I think, and a flower crown and falling asleep with you and the other two but that's about all."

Remus nodded and took the picture from her grasp pulling another one out.

" I'm sorry Remus, I'm trying but it's all just out of my reach or not even there."

This next picture was a picture Hope had taken while they'd slept on the couch and watched old films on their television set one day.

Y/n was wrapped up in a blanket and Remus was laying in between her legs as they watched a moving picture box with a lady flying with an umbrella on it.

She almost jumped with glee with that picture.

" I remember that one Remus! I remember you sat me down and threw a blanket on my face and I hit your arm with a book after you got back from putting it in and I remember that I got tired and laid down and you wanted to be warm so I laid down and you laid down with your head on my stomach in between my legs while I wrapped us up in the big blanket you brought to begin with!"

Remus chuckled at her enthusiasm and felt happier at just the look to her face.

Instead of talking about the film he opted to showing her another picture.

This one was of Sirius, James, Remus, Ky, Mare, Y/n and Jamal as they all stood in the snow. It looked as if they'd had a snow fight and were attempting to catch their breath.

Remus looked over at Y/n to see the same joyous, giddy smile on her face as the last picture.

Oh how he loved that smile.

Y/n quickly grasped Remus's jaw and pulled him downward into a kiss, crashing their lips together. He reacted almost immediately and moved to wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her body against his again as he did earlier that day and moved to push her into a sitting position on his desk chair where he continued to kiss her until a knock sounded at the door and Mare came in, her sentence cutting abruptly off at the sight before her.

" Remus I was let out early, you watched the kids righ- Oh My Goodness. Remus when did Y/n get here?! Oh my lord Y/n you're awake again. Oh, Y/n come here. Let me look at your face kid."

If Y/n had been embarrassed by Mare walking in on them she hadn't shown it, unlike Remus who was a blushing mess, now trying to distract himself by cleaning his clothing off the floor.

Mare went over and held Y/n's face in her hands, smiling as tears pricked the edges of her eyes. Soon though, Y/n found Mare sobbing into her shoulder and crying.

The younger girl began to gently rub Mare's back and coo lightly. " Hey I'm here now Mare, you don't need to be sad anymore."

" Read me a bedtime story pretty lady."

The child's sentence was punctuated by a wide yawn as he fisted his blanket lightly. Y/n moved over to thread her fingers through his hair gently as she whispered the words to a book he had previously picked out for her.

Remus stood leaning against the doorframe, watching the interaction between the two of his loved ones before Y/n started her way towards him, taking extra care to be quiet with her steps.

Y/n stood beside him as they just looked at the kids sleeping, they seemed so at peace with the world. Remus longed for that kind of sleep, it had been forever since he'd been able to sleep at peace without nightmares being his constant reminder that she wasn't in their world.

Hopefully he would be able to sleep better with her back again, and in the same room as his.

While Y/n put on one of the shirts in her trunk Remus changed into more comfortable sleep-wear before opting to sleep with a shirt on instead.

Of course Y/n noticed this gesture and moved over to her bag to retrieve the special gel Madam Pomfrey had instructed her to use on her arms and body twice a week for scarring.

The woman moved and sat on her knees on Remus's bed, patting the spot next her lightly as he shuffled over. The male soon took his shirt off and looked away from Y/n gaze as she lightly traced the newer, deeper, worse cuts and self-inflicted wounds littering his chest.

After Y/n had finished lathering his chest and arms with the gel he began to notice subtle changes in the skin of his scars.

As she went back to returning the jar to it's original place Remus asked her a question,
" How did you know that there would be more?"

" Because I know you Remus, you tend to take it out on yourself when things go wrong."

" Yeah... So anyways, how about you just go over there and cut off the light and then you can come over here and just lay down with me in the bed and I'll just kiss your forehead and maybe your lips a couple of times and then we can try and go to sleep yeah?"

Y/n laughed lightly before she turned off the light and moved over where Remus was holding the bed cover out for her to lay in, curling up against his side as he secured his arm around her waist.

It seemed a perfect moment as they sat there, in each other's embraces. However nothin could ruin the moment like Mareabella did by bursting the door open only moments later.




" Stop fighting kids!"

" Yes ma'am!"
I also haven't proof read this yet so yeah :)
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