hate you, love you | Aizawa S...

By kyonjiyuo

43.2K 1.9K 429

[Aizawa Shōta × Male! Reader] "pro heroes, work colleagues, teachers of many, Aizawa and [L/n] sure had an in... More

M for Mirth
A for Amity
R for Revelry
R for Reverence
Y for Yearning
E for Exaltation
「1」; Don't Do That
「2」; Hello, Children!
「3」; The Bait
「4」; The Fish

M for Mellifluous

4K 190 67
By kyonjiyuo

Aizawa Shota could feel his lips parting unconsciously, the tips of his fingers cold and tingly as his stomach churn uncomfortably. His shoulders which [M/n] gripped on are fuzzing with warmth, that soon traveled and enveloped his heart.

[M/n] likes him.

Should he feel glad? Aizawa can't decide, but he sure as hell is taken to cloud nine knowing [M/n] likes him too.

"Y-you like me?" He could feel the breeze swaying his raven hair, creating a cliché cutscene as he stared up to the man above him.

"Huh?!! Isn't it obvious?!" [M/n] knows he shouldn't be screaming and being sarcastic, yet he can't help but pour out his frustration. For a long time since High School, he always felt frustrated how the man seems to always brush off his flirting. But he can't do much but to stay patient and work as hard, like his father always said, "a rushed love is a begging for ruined feelings,"

Aizawa stayed silent for a minute, before blinking and answering, "I-I didn't know..." he tried to stammer out. God he wished for his death at how flustered he is. How embarrassing. He could only silently thank the thick bandages wrapping his face and hiding his red blush.

"..." [M/n] was dead quiet as shadow casted his face. "How?" He finally uttered.

Shota had no answer for that. He can't possibly admit he's stupidly dense when it comes to mushy feelings like love.

"I flirted with your for fifteen years, Shota! Fifteen... fucking... years! The moment I saw you in our class I swore to my father I'd make you mine! I love you! How is that not obvious?! Nemuri knows I'm smitten for you! Mentos, Nezu, or whoever the heck have seen me knows that fact!" His [H/c] fluffy ears twitching ever so slightly, channeling his rampant pure emotions and he heave heavy breaths.

"Except... maybe Hizashi... his nut brain never caught on even though I told him directly that I liked you when we're third-years..."

[M/n] paused, his eyes started swelling up with tears. "Even Oboro knew... he said he wanted to be the first to attend the wedding..." the choking of his name made it clear just how hurt he is. Even so, he looked weirdly hopeful, as if glad he can finally pour his heart and thoughts.


"Look, I know I'm no good. I can't do much but to stand pretty and play idol. I have a bad personality. I'm neither a good teacher or ever contributed much to Yuuei. I can't cook, I can't clean, I'm not even a good hero! And the only way I can use my quirk and battle the villains is to... stab myself and, fucking-! bleed everywhere!"


"BUT!! I'M WILLING TO LEARN, OK?! I'll learn to cook, I'll even ask my neighbor to teach me how to clean! I'll resign from U.A if that's making you uncomfortable, I know sure hell everyone would be glad when I'm not a teacher."

"I wouldn't-"

"LISTEN TO ME, SHOTA! YOU'RE THE PRETTIEST PERSON I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! Your eyes, your hair, I love it. Peak perfection!! You like cats and that's cute as fuck! You look so cool in battle you would be surprised how many times I've thought about giving myself to the villains so you could save me. From the moment I step into our class, and saw you by the window, I shouted, 'DEAR GOD, HOLY FUCK, AN ANGEL!' And even you heard it back then!!!"

[M/n] pursed his lips, no longer locking eyes with Shota as his head hung low. His tail stiffen and his fox-like ears laid flat on his head. His lips began to quiver, and the crystal clear tears finally began streaming down his porcelain cheeks. "I spend half of my lifetime longing for you... and now you're trying to avoid me? If you don't like me... just say it. Don't cruelly put a distance without saying anything-OW!!"

"Give me a chance to speak, you idiot." Aizawa grunted lowly, pinching [M/n]'s cheeks harder and stretching it further, effectively shutting his seemingly endless rambles.

The [H/c] whined as his face got harshly stretched with Shota's calloused hands. "Owow, ip hurps..!(it hurts)" He barely manage to spell out.

"Why are you so selfless. Snap out of it and think about yourself more. Stop throwing away everything you worked hard on just for me." His onyx eyes slanting slightly as he pulled harder, so much his hand began trembling. He felt a mix of emotions, anger, worry, and adoration mixing around swirling in his heart. "If you don't stop, I'll dump you." He threatened.

"Wou'll dump ee!?(you'll dump me?)" [M/n] sounds horribly surprised and scared. He can only fumble around in panic, apologizing, until he came to a sudden halt as he realized something. "Weyt, wou'll dump e, twas mean wou like e too?(wait, you'll dump me, does that mean you like me too?)"

"Isn't it obvious?" Aizawa repeated what [M/n] previously said with a smirk. "I shoved you away because I like you. And I thought your flirting were just stupid jokes, so to save myself I had to do that."

[E/c] irises began to shake violently before promptly covered by his eyelids. Tears started streaming down his face once more as he shut his eyes close.

Shota felt guilt crashing him like waves. It's clear how much [M/n] endured from just trying to get Aizawa to like him back. Well, Shota can't do much help except reassuring him that he had won his heart, thus his 15 years of hard-work had finally payed off.

"I'm swo havvy...!!!(I'm so happy)" He cried despite his words. His hand crept up to Aizawa's who's still stretching his cheek, he doesn't seem to have any initiative to stop doing so either. So [M/n] took Shota's lovely hand in his, not forcing him to stop since although rough, any form of touch from the man he love he'd gladly take. "Faher, Ovoro... I diwit...!!(Father, Oboro, I did it!)" He sobbed while glancing up.

"I'm sorry, I thought it's just your personality... to be flirty," Shota admitted, albeit a bit heavy hearted.

The [H/c] sniffed, opening his now puffy eyes to stare into Shota's guilt ridden orbs. "But we've known each other for fifteen years?" He manage to clearly say after Shota's hand loosening his rampant abuse on [M/n]'s soft cheeks.

"And you've flirted with me for fifteen years,"

"Fair enough," [M/n] shrugged, standing straight away from Shota.

The room fell to a silence once more, with the only sound being [M/n] sniffling and wiping his tears. Shota merely watch, how those [E/c] eyes trembled as the never ending tears formed again, how [M/n]'s pretty fingers delicately wipes his smooth, tear-stained cheeks. He caused that, Aizawa was responsible, and he sure is guilty to the core.

He slowly raised his hand, his movement smooth yet hesitant, as if his hand was moving on it's own. It slowly came in contact with [M/n]'s wet cheek. It feels too good, as if his hand was made to touch the [H/c]'s soft skin.

Aizawa lightly clench his teeth, watching as [M/n] accepts the touch and snuggle further. He looks absolutely content and is in his own world, the dried tears left forgotten as if it's never there to begin with. Shota brushed his thumb over, feeling [M/n] smile in content at the touch.

For a moment, both are lost. As if the they're not in a world, as if the sky and the ground wasn't there, simply enjoying each other's presence for the first time... as lovers. In a world of their own, not in a MC hosting station or in a battle arena of U.A, but in heaven they always fantasize of.

"Am I interrupting something?"


Out of sheer panic and reflex, Aizawa swung his hand as fast as he can, in the process slapping [M/n] to the ground.

"OW—" [M/n] flopped to the ground, cheek red and stinging with pain. He made no effort to get up as he laid on the floor, in shock and betrayal.

The wide-eyed Aizawa turns towards the door, finding Cementoss standing idly and sweating profusely. "Uh... I-I..!" Shota stammered, trying to find any plausible excuse.

His mind racing in panic, asking a hundred and one question. Did Cementoss see him getting all dramatic with [M/n]? How long had he been standing there by the door? Why is he here in the first place? What is wrong with people going in on him and [M/n] and always getting in the way?! Sadly he dared not voice any of those question.

"...Present Mic sent me saying you two are in a fight. Um, Please stop fighting...?" Cementoss mumbled, barely audible as he eyed the poor [H/c] sprawled on the floor.

"Yes.. yes! We'll stop fighting!" Shota stammered, grabbing [M/n] and forcefully pulling him up, putting the [H/c]'s arm on his shoulder and supporting him. He could only sigh, relieved seeing how Cementoss doesn't seem to see anything beyond him slapping [M/n] harshly. "I'll... take him away,"

"Are you sure? I can take [M/n] if you're still mad at him—" Cementoss anxiously tried to grab [M/n], who seems to be slurring left and right. He was nervous seeing Aizawa so harsh on the poor lad.

"Yes. I'll take him," Aizawa manage to utter in his usual composed self, although he's still a jumbled mess inside. "I won't hurt him." He added sternly, seeing how the blockhead was so unsure in letting Aizawa handle [M/n].

[M/n] hissed in pain, shaking his head trying to snap himself out of whatever trance he is in. He could feel the throbbing of his cheeks, goddamn do Aizawa pack a punch. But he's not the least bit angry, not when finally got confirmation that Shota likes him too. It feels like a lifetime supply of dopamine had been released right at that moment.

The [H/c] blinked, finding his arm slung over Shota's shoulder to keep him standing. He felt his heart beat skipping ever so slightly, which shouldn't be healthy. He look up to find Cementoss desperately trying to convince Aizawa.

"Mentos!!" He called with a smile, forgetting the red handprint on his cheek.

"Oh, [M/n]. Are you okay? Your cheek is swollen..." Ishiyama 'Cementoss Ken, or the person [M/n] likes to call 'Mentos', cringed as best as his mouth can. [M/n]'s flawless face looked like a mess, with tears, burning red bruise, and disheveled hair. Just what exactly happened?

"Mentos! I did it!!" [M/n] beamed, conveniently pulling Shota closer. Ignoring Shota's subtle protest of embarrassment.

"Hm?" Cementoss' face barely changed, yet the confusion is clear.

Despite the red cheek and the tear stains, [M/n]'s face looked as happy as he could be. He pointed at Shota with a triumphant smile. "I got him!!" He enthusiastically bragged.

Cementoss' slanted eyes widen, realizing what [M/n] meant. Then it suddenly clicked in his mind, the fight, the stubborn Aizawa, and the visibly angry expression he wore with each passing second Cementoss stayed, the Cement Hero realized he had interrupted something important.

"Congrats! I'll go now!" He shook [M/n]'s and Shota's hand before bolting out the door. Cementoss silently cheered and smiled, finally, he's free from the [H/c]'s constant rambling on how much he loved Aizawa. Finally, he can get peace time.

Shota sighed as his lips turned into a thin line. Perhaps, this is one of the risk of being with [M/n], everyone will know they're together remembering the [H/c]'s personality of oversharing. Complete opposite of Shota's secretiveness. But such risk, feels nothing... somehow. Aizawa felt no weight in it. He guessed, this is what [M/n] must've felt, waiting 15 years for Aizawa to realize. Even if it felt heavy and empty, a certain force kept on pushing from behind, a small voice of motivation, a little hope that somehow overshadows the burden.

Oh, how conflicting love is.

His heart swelled up as he stared at [M/n] on his side. The latter is grinning stupidly, as if in a daze and trying to figure out it's a dream or not. "Your cheek is swollen," Shota pointed out, feeling guilty for the nth time.

"My heart too," [M/n] replied without breaking his bright smile.

"Pfft— disgusting," Aizawa shook his head, telling himself to stop smiling before [M/n] sees. He sighed once he forcefully stiffen his face muscle to not show an expression, "Let's go, let Recovery Girl tend you."


What a long day today is...

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