No Longer Broken


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Read all of the description please. Mainly the warning at the bottom <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> I wal... Еще

Trigger Warning
Intro: Ella Layloni
Intro: Justice Crombin
Intro: Family and Friends
Meeting Justice Crombin (Chapter 1)
First period (Chapter 2)
After school (Chapter3)
Suprise Suprise(part 1)(Chapter 4)
Suprise Suprise (part 2)(Chapter 5)
Round Two at School (Chapter 6)
Dinner Time (chapter 7)
Dance? (Chapter 8)
Threats (chapter 9)
"PLEASE" they all begged (chapter 10)
The Truth (chapter 11)
Company (chapter 12)
Going Home (chapter 13)
The News (chapter 15)
Sleep Over! (chapter 16)
Revenge (chapter 17)
Sadly Familiar (chapter 18)
Expressing (chapter 19)
Graduation Day (chapter 20)
Holidays (chapter 21)
Wedding Day (chapter 22)
The end? (chapter 23)
Not a chapter

Getting her back. (chapter 14)

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Justice POV:

A few weeks had passed since me and Loni's fight.

I think I'm going to call her Ella Layloni again seeing as she isn't happy with me. She said I could call her Loni because she and I were close but now I dont think we are. And it's my fault.

The guys haven't talked to me since that night either. My parents have talked to me but I can tell they are disappointed. Athena is mad at me. All she will ever say to me is "you hurt my bestfriend so you're on the bad boy list"

I deserve everything though. Its my fault everyone is mad at me. They all have the right to be. Especially Ella Layloni.

We still had the same classes but she would ignore me all time. The only time she would take to me was during track and field when coach told her to track all of our times.

The boys would avoid me as well. I tried sitting with them at lunch a couple times but would always move.

Even other students noticed things. People asked what happened between Loni and I and why I didn't bully her anymore. I told them that we figured out our problems and were friends now but then they would ask why she would ignore me all the time and I would say that we got into a fight. Technically I'm not lying, I'm just not telling the whole truth.

I would go to Ella Layloni's new house everyday but Tori would always tell me to go away.


After school ended I saw Loni leave. I looked at the guys and frowned. They started walking over to me and I was so happy that they would even acknowledge me at this point.

"Justice we just wanted to say we are sorry for-"

I interrupted Jake as I hugged him as hard as I could. Not to hurt, I just really missed him. I missed all of them.

The guys group hugged me and I felt a tear of happiness fall from my cheek.

I think Jake felt my tear 'cause he instantly pulled away and looked at me.

"What's wrong? One second you're smiling the next you're crying."

"I am so so so sorry. To all of you. I fucked up with Loni and-"

"I need to say something" Ty interrupted.

We all looked at him curious as to what he was going to say.

"Loni went mute again" he said

"She is mute at school remember?" I said.

"No like she went completely mute. I've been talking to Tori lately and she said that since Loni got home the day after being discharged, she hasn't said a thing." Ty said.

"Wait the day after? She got discharged on Athena's birthday"

"Oh. That's wierd" Nate said.

"Justice you need to find her" Nate said

"Wait what?"

"We all talked about what has happened the past few weeks and we realized that you love her. She was in need of help and we hated her for it. We know that if one of us got hurt the way she did then you would be with us everyday and not her. Your a sweet guy who helps in every possible way. What we felt towards her is gone and now  we respect her for everything she has been through.  We also realized that it wasn't her fault you were being a good person. We forgive you and dont feel any hatred towards Loni" Michael said finally saying something.

"Go get your girl Justice" he added.

I smiled and group hugged them all.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I said happily. I had my brothers back, now its time to get the only girl I've ever loved back.

After saying goodbye to the boys I went to Loni's house

I knocked on the door and Tori opened it. She glared the second she saw me.

"For the last time!" She yelled

"Where is she? She left my house the day she got discharged and I was told she got here the day after that. So tell me now or I swear ill break this door down!" I said getting impatient.

Tori's glare softened and she said,

"She hasn't gotten home yet. I dont know where she is."

I got back in my car and started going to the only I could think of.

After about 20 minutes I arrived at the dance studio to see 2 cars. One was a beautiful truck and a tesla.

I recognized the Tesla. It was Ty's dad. The one we call Sir. I didn't recognize the truck though. But my goodness it was a beautiful truck.

Sir came out and saw me. He waved hello then got in the tesla and drove off.

I got out of my car and went into the studio. I could here music from the studio I first saw Loni dance.

I opened the door to see Loni dancing to Bruises ny Lewis Capaldi (see dance routine below)

As I watched her dance I felt so sad. She was dancing to a sad song about pain. Something she experienced guide often.

Last time I saw her dance you could tell she was sad. But this time all I saw was anger. Her moves were sharp and on point and you could tell she was letting the anger inside her come out.

After she finished she turned arounf to get water while catching her breath. I walked into the studio and hugged her from behind.

I felt her body go numb and weak so I tightened my grip to steady her.

I heard her start to cry then sob and I then began to let my own tears fall.

I turned us around so my back was against the wall. I fell to the ground, her falling with me. We sat with our legs out in front of us and her between my legs. Her back leaned against my chest and I hugged her around her waist. I put my head on her shoulder nuzzling my nose into her neck. I let my cry turn to a sob.

We both sat there sobbing. She started to calm down but I couldn't. The guilt I felt was overwhelming me.

"I'm so so sorry Loni. I didn't mean what I said, I was just angry. I was so worried about you getting hurt physically that I didn't think about my constant care and company overwhelming you and hurting you emotionally. You told me you loved me and all I said was it's okay when I should've said what I really felt. I've never been in love before and it's terrifying.  I realize now that it's probably terrifying for you to. I love you Ella Layloni." I say the last part sobbing even harder.

Without realizing it, I tightened my grip around her waist and put my legs between hers, making it so she couldn't run away from me.

"I know that I dont have a good enough reason for what I did but I just- I need you to know that I do love you. I loved you before you told me you loved me." I sobbed

"I love you" I said again

"I love you to" she said. 

She turned herself around and straddled me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I continued to sob into her neck. She played with my hair which helped me calm down.

After about 5 minutes of silence and me no longer sobbing but still crying. I said,

"I'm sorry Loni. Im so sorry"

She looked at me then smiled for a second. Then she did something I would have never expected her to do.

She leaned in and kissed me.

I quickly started kissing her back.

She pulled away for a second so we could catch our breath.

"I forgive you. Now please. Shut up and kiss me. I missed you."

I chuckled then started kissing her again. As time went by we got even more passionate.

I lifted her shirt up and she smiled.

I looked at her and smiled.

"You have nothing to hide anymore. You have perfect clear skin now. None of the arm stitches left scars. Wear a short sleeve shirt tomorrow please" I said

She smiled and said,

"Okay. Not again shut up and kiss me. We need to make up for lost time"

I chuckled then started kissing her again.

After a couple of minutes she was only wearing her bra and underwear and I was in only my boxers.

I started kissing and biting her neck, leaving red marks where I could.

I found out she has a very sensitive part of her neck and the right side just below her jawline.

As I bit her neck she started moaning. Her breathing got quicker and smiled against her neck.

I put my hand on her hip then started to rub her side. After a minute I moved my hand to her ass and grabbed her underwear strap. She gasped and I stopped sucking on her collarbone.

"May I?" I asked.

She quickly nodded her head and bite her lip. I kissed her lip and started biting her lower lip. I put my hand in her panties and felt her swollen clit.

"Mmm baby your wet. And shaven. Were you wanting me for a while now?"

She nodded her head yes again as I rubbed her swollen bud.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked.

"I want you so bad but im willing to wait" I added.

She nodded her head.

"I need to hear you say it my love" I said

Loni's POV:

"I want you to take me Justice. I need you to give me my first orgasm. Take me Justice. Please" I said

He growled and started rubbing my clit faster. His fingers went so fast that I could already feel myself getting close.

It felt so good. Joe was tiny and never let me get close. Im not even sure if I was a virgin or not to be honest. I did know that the second Justice would enter me, I would be able to get an answer.

I moaned as he made his fingers rub my clit even faster, if that was even possible.

"J-Justice I'm so close" I yelled arching my back.

He continued rubbing me with one hand but used his other one to pull my underwear down. He layed me on the floor then layed down as well, putting his tongue on my clit. He liked me once.

"Can I eat you?" He asked.

"Yes! Oh God yes please Justice.  Eat me out please!" I yelled and moaned at the same time.

He kept rubbing my clit super fast while licking it. He gentle bit my lussy lips and I moaned even louder

"Oh Justice Yes!" I yelled.

"Oh God baby you taste so good" he replied.

I moaned even louder and my legs began to shake and start to close.

He spread my legs even farther than before and held them down.

"I'm gonna cum!" I yelled.

"Good" he said

"Cum for me baby. Cum in my mouth and let me tastes your sweet juices"

I did as I was told and my juices into his mouth.

My legs shaked and my back arched as I had the best orgasm any girl could ever have.

"Oh you taste so good" Justice said licking his lips while looking back up at me.

He kissed my stomach and started groping my tits.

He put his mouth back onto my clit while still grabbing my boobs.

I grabbed his hair gently as he started to eat me out again. I felt his tongue go into my entrance and I gasped.

I felt him smile against my pussy lips. He kissed my clit then climbed on top of me.

"You taste so good my love. You could be my three meals a day and I would never grow tired of your taste."

I smiled at him and bit my lower lip seductively.

He growled seeing my lip.

"Don't do that." He said

"Do what?" I smirked.

"Dont bite your lip. I'll make a cum again if you keep doing that."

"In that case," I said while biting my lip again.

"Mmm baby. Why dont you taste your delicious self" he said them kissed me. It turned into a make out session then one of our phone's rang.

It was my phone. I groaned then sat up and answered it.


"Wow nice way to say hello to your sister"

"What do you want Tori? I'm busy"

"With what?"

As Tori asked what I was doing, Justice lowered his head towards my clit again

My breath hitched as I tried to control myself.

"N-nothing Tori. Im just at the studio. Ill come home soon. Also ask mom is Justice can spend the night tonight"

"You guys figured it out?"

"Yeah he's here with me right now"

As I said that, his hand started rubbing my clit faster than he ever had before.

I bit my lip and tried to hold in a moan. He covered my mouth with his free hand as he smirked and kept rubbing.

"Oh cool. Hi Justice" Tori said right as a low moan escaped my mouth Luckily she didn't hear.

"Hi Tori. Can you tell your mom that me and Loni have a lot of studying to do and we might be up a little late so it might be easier and safer for me if I just stayed the night" he asked.

"Yeah sure brb"

I looked at him shocked. He smirked and get rubbing. He moved a finger in between my pussy lips, stopping at my entrance then kept moving up and down.

I quickly muted myself since I figured Tori might be a while.

To my suprise she came back super quick.

"Hey can I call you back in like 20 minutes. Mom isn't home so I need to call her. I texted her and she said you need to be home by 6:30 or 7. You still have about 3 hours before you have to come home so work things out with Justice completely and be safe."

"Ok I will be home by then. I love you bye." I said hanging up the phone after she said I love you back.

"Justice im already getting close" I moaned.

"Good. Means I get another snack." He smirked.


Justice's POV:

I moved my head to her clit and started moving my tongue up and down through her pussy lips, replacing the finger that was there.

I honestly thought that eating a girl out would be disgusting but oh was I wrong.

Loni tastes so good. Her juices are thick but drinkable at the same time.

I felt her hips jerk up and I knew she was about to come again. I liked around her entrance then put my tongue into it. I felt something kind of in my way.

I decided to ignore and I felt her hands on my hair again.

"Justice" she moaned out my name.

"Holy fuck babe keep doing that.  Keep moaning my name baby"

She did as was told and kept moaning my name out. But they weren't fake and on purpose moans, they were natural and you could tell she was very much so enjoying herself.

"Ahhhh Justice it's happening" she said while tugging my hair.

I took my tongue out of her entrance and opened my mouth readying myself for her release.

She moaned out loudly as her hips jerked and her legs shook. Her juices oozed into my mouth and I swalled all of it. I licked the remaining cum off her pussy and kissed her again.

"Damn baby. I enjoyed my meals quite alot." I said into her ear then biting it she moaned out and tried to catch her breath.

She pushed me off her and my back layed against the flood. She crawled over on top of me and kissed me.

She took off my boxers and her eyes widened at my 8 inch length.

She then smirked.

"I knew it was large" she said.

She grabbed my cock and started rubbing my shaft up and down. I grabbed her hair and she started to give me a blowjob.

I moaned as she deep throated me.

She twirled her tongue around my length and I could feel myself already close.

"Fuck babe im close " I moaned.

She started to rub up and down faster and I could feel myself ready to to release.

"I'm cumming" I yelled and moaned at the same time.

She quickly put my manhood in her mouth and started swallowing my juices. I watched as some of my juice slipped out from the corners of her lips.

I moaned as she swallowed me my juices.



Hey. Im not very good at those type of scenes but I will do my best to make you all happy.

Have a nice night or morning wherever you are 😘

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