A Monster to Monsters (HDN x...

By Starblaster2000

6.8K 122 38

There exists a world which is known by the locals as Gamindustri. In this world, four goddesses rule over the... More

Prologue (250 years ago)
A Hero's Welcome
New Authority (2 hours later)
Conflicting Authorities (1 week later)
Where Loyalties Lie
Incalculable Losses
The Source (2 weeks later)
Call to Action (1 Day Later)
Completing the Mission

Degeneration (6 years later)

395 10 4
By Starblaster2000

     Done...at last. After so long, it's finally done. All of the Beasts and their alien creators are dead. I thoroughly went through every area to make sure there was nothing left. But now, as the satisfaction washes over me, reality hits me...I'm trapped. Sitting on the ground among the rubble, I looked up to The Breach, the same passage that I came in from. It was too high, my systems were too damaged...and even my self repair was offline. I found that out while I was down here. That only worked because Blue Heart was still supplying me with her Share Energy. Just enough to repair me. I was on my own this time...and I couldn't make it. I rested my head back, knowing that I had won, but feeling terrible that I couldn't return...to her. This was it, wasn't it? This was my time. I readied myself for self termination...no point in dragging it out. The one thought going through my mind was Compa. She was the most important person to me. The only person that treated me like another human. I closed my eyes, and filled my vision with her...

-"Ahhh...you're a beaut, aren't ya?" I heard a voice say.

     I opened my eyes and turned my head in curiosity. It was one of the aliens! How did I miss this one?

-"So you made it. Not surprised, you're obviously very determined." It said.

     It stared out into the distance, looking at the destruction.

-"Who are you?" I asked, my voice sounding broken.

-"One of the many beings you just killed. Probably for the better." It said.


-"My kind was always convinced they were inferior to, I don't know, something. They worked day and night trying to make themselves some 'higher beings'. So dumb...they never realized that we could just live here in peace. But no, they wanted more. I never believed all their crap. 'Higher beings'? Hell, with the level of technology we had, we practically already were, but they wanted more."

-"I'm useless now. My mission is complete. Yet I don't fall...what are you doing out here, anyway?" 

-"Searching, same as you." 

     This was most likely going to be the last living being I interact with...I might as well let my emotions out.

-"I...I don't even know what I'm looking for anymore. My objective is done...what am I at this point?" I asked myself.

-"Hm." It said, still looking off.

-"So are you the one with no name?" 

-"Haaaa, these days, they got a name for just about everything. To hell with what they call ya...deeds make the man."

-"Yeah, but if anything, my deeds just made things worse. I drew the Beasts into the new world. My...my friends believed in me once I arrived but...now I'm gonna fail. They need like, some kind of hero."

-"Then be a hero."

-"You don't understand. My systems are too weak, I can't repair myself anymore. Hell I shouldn't even be here anymore."

-"So you came all this way and fought that long to die here, away from her? Don't you see, it's not about you...it's about them, everyone."

     I knew exactly who it was talking about...Compa and all my friends.

-"But...I can't go back. Not anymore." I said.

-"Don't know that you got a choice, son." It said.

     With a flash, it was standing on my visor, crouching down. It slowly wiped away some dust to make a rectangular shape.

-"No man can walk out on his own story." It said.

-"This isn't my story anymore." I said.

     It sighed in frustration.

-"Gipsy, think about it. Anyone else, Hunter or Beast, reduced to your condition, would succumb and perish." It said.

-"...Why can I not die?" I asked.

-"You can't feel it? Gipsy, There's a monster...deep inside you. It refuses to die...it will fight back."

     It stood up again.

-"You're different from the other Hunters. The others felt love for their people and each other. But they didn't have a true soul. Your love for them burns with the heat of nuclear fission and the brightness of the Sun. All because your creator gave you a heart."

     It was right...there's something that's straight up preventing my death even though my systems should succumb. Another flash and it was off my visor and back to were it had been standing earlier in the rubble.

-"So...do you know what to do?" It asked.

     I slowly looked back up at The Breach...my only exit.

-"No man...can walk out on his own story." I said, to myself.

     I looked back to where it went and saw that it already left, it was gone. Thanks for giving me the boost I needed, alien. 

     I neglected all my system damage and stood up. I still had a bit of Share Energy left in me, I can do this! I straightened my back and rerouted my remaining energy. My jump jets cracked to life and quickly became overclocked. More than enough thrust to lift me. I gained altitude very fast and was soon in range of The Breach. As the transfer flaps opened, I raised my fist upwards, streamlining my ascent. Once I was in, the flaps closed and I felt the electricity ark and crackle against me as I was sent through. My systems were warning me of immediate destruction, I ignored it entirely and kept going. I closed my eyes as I felt myself being pulled through the rift.

Compa P.O.V.

-"There's no doubt in my mind, Gipsy Danger ended this threat. We haven't had a single Beast attack since he and Striker assaulted The Breach." Vert said.

-"I thought it would be impossible...but I guess he comes full of surprises. We're even able to reduce spending and try to focus on other problems now." Blanc said.

-"He totally won! I always knew he would!" Neptune said.

-"Even though Striker stole something belonging to the nation...I know he was doing it with a pure intent." Noire said.

     I opened my eyes. Right, that conversation. That was a while ago, why am I dreaming about it now? I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window, nothing again. I stretched and got out of bed. Ever since the war ended, I've been able to actually take some time off for myself. Today was one such day. I was going out with Neptune and IF to a little café not far from here. I just finished getting ready when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and sure enough, there she was.

-"Hey Compa, you ready to go?" IF asked.

-"Yeah, I'm ready. But where's Nep-Nep?" I asked.

-"Oh yeah, she uh, went ahead. Turns out telling her about a new flavor of pudding at the café we're visiting was a bad idea. She ran off almost instantly, I couldn't keep up. So, we'll meet her there."

     I sighed, typical Nep-Nep.

-"That seems like something she'd do, but I guess it's fine." I said.

-"Come on then, let's try to get there before she eats the shop's entire supply." Iffy said.

-"Sure, but you still haven't told me where it is yet."

-"That's a secret, I'm gonna surprise you."


     As we left the Basilicom, I took a second to admire the atmosphere. This...this is what I wanted. Just, to be able to actually enjoy a day like this and not be afraid. I caught up with Iffy and we started walking. I noticed the people wandering the streets, most of them at ease. Some of them going to work, some to school and some just enjoying the weather like me. Eventually, we came to the memorial. The one that we put up for the Hunters. There was a statue of Crimson Typhoon, Cherno Alpha and Striker Eureka. I stopped in front of it...I always feel compelled to approach it. Iffy noticed and followed me. I reread the plaque that I've read hundreds of times before.


     I put a hand on the plaque, knowing that he'll probably never come back at this point. Iffy put a hand on my shoulder once I stepped back.

-"You alright?" Iffy asked.

-"Yeah. I think I'll just have to...accept it. And I probably will, in time." I said, looking down.

-"You still miss him?"

     I nodded slowly.

-"Yeah, I do too. Hell, I think the whole nation does, even if they don't show it. You wanna keep going?" Iffy said.

-"Yeah. Yeah, come on." I said, looking back at the memorial before walking with IF.

     The thing is, as sad as I am to say goodbye to Gipsy, I realize that the effect he had on the whole world still lasts to this day. And I'm happier knowing that he's the reason I'm able to live like this today. Ever since he left, Iffy and I have grown up. I'm a full nurse now, not just in training. And Iffy's been more successful than ever in her work. And Neptune, well, she's still herself. Speaking of, she's probably at the café by now, we should hurry.

     As we were walking, I started to notice that it became slightly cooler and I recognized the path a bit. We were close to the beach. 

-"Iffy, is this café on the waterfront?" I asked.

-"Yeah actually! They just opened it on the shore." Iffy said.

-"Cool! We'll have a nice view then."


     As we approached the café, I was surprised to hear no sounds of commotion coming from the inside. Must mean Neptune's behaving well enough. From the outside, it looked like a cute little shop. With a 'Grand Opening' banner strewn across the top. We went inside and were greeted by the staff. We saw Neptune at a window booth already and went to join her. Of course, she had four servings of pudding in front of her. She seemed to be enjoying every one of them.

-"Hey there you are! Have you tried these new flavors? They're all so good!" Nep-Nep said.

-"I'm sure they are!" Iffy said, laughing. 

     We ordered our drinks and food and started enjoying each other's company. Can't deny that Neptune was right, this is some good pudding. Nep-Nep's favorite is the kind I make myself, but this is pretty good too. Once I was done with my food, I held my drink while looking out the window. 

     It was just a normal beach, but the palm trees reminded me of that particular beach. The one where Gipsy washed up. I remember the day so clearly. Ah, I'm doing it again. I won't forget him, but now's the time to enjoy my time with Iffy and Nep-Nep.

     We eventually managed to pry Nep-Nep away from the food to leave. She pouted and whined but came along anyway. Once we got outside though, we noticed something. Everyone had stopped, looking at something. I turned around, looking the same direction as everyone else. I didn't see anything...but I heard something. In a very specific rhythm, a faint rumbling noise could be heard and felt. 

-"You hear it too? What is that?" Iffy asked.

-"Please don't be a Beast!" Neptune said.

     I did nothing but listen closely. The sound got louder and more prominent which each rumble. For a moment, I was confused...but then it came to me. Without a moment's hesitation, I ran. 

-"Wha-Compa! Wait! Where are you going?!" Iffy called out, running after me.

I ran down the steps and over the sand, only stopping right at the edge, in front of the water. I knew what that sound was. 

-"Compa, slow down! What are you doing?" Iffy asked, catching up.

     I noticed that the other beachgoers had ran in fear. But Iffy stayed, she looked out too, squinting her eyes.

Gipsy Danger P.O.V.

     I limped with all I had left. I was almost to shore. Maker, please, I just want to see her again. Let me do that, please. With my power so low, my ocular systems barely functioned, I wasn't able to see very far. It was as if my vision was, foggy, blurry maybe? Then, I felt something that made my fears disappear. My foot finally stepped on shallow enough water. I still had trouble seeing, so I stopped, just to make sure. I raised my head just enough to see ahead and tried to focus some energy. And there I saw...her. Once I knew I was close enough...I gave in. My body crashed to the ground all at once, I heard screams, but I didn't care. The only thing that mattered to me, was that I still detected the life signature of Compa. She was getting closer to my head, now resting on the beach. I didn't want her to see me like this...because she cried the last time she did.

     By now, I focused the energy I was using for my legs to my hearing. I heard Compa's footsteps get closer until she was right next to me.

-"Gipsy! Gipsy, oh my god, Gipsy! Are you okay, you need help! We-we can fix you!" I heard her panicking and crying.

     I have to tell her.

-"Gipsy! Say something, please!" Compa said.

     I used some energy to turn my head to one side, she ran to meet my visor.

-"Gipsy!" She said.

-"Compa...I...I'm sorry. I left you...for so long." I forced out.

-"No it's okay!" Compa went on her knees and wiped some of her tears. "You're back now, that's all that matters!"

-"I did it, Compa...I did it."

-"What do you mean?"

-"Your world...will be safe now. They're all...dead. That's why I was gone so long...and I'm sorry."

-"Gipsy, I can't imagine what you went through...but I'm so proud of you."

     Mom was too...


-"What? What is it?" 

     I was afraid to tell her.

-"There's...only so long, an old machine can live." I said.

     She was speechless as she held her breath.

-"I'm sorry...I'm going to leave you again." I said.

-"Please..." She whimpered.

-"Compa...if I could, I'd live a thousand lifetimes with you. But...my energy is running out."


-"Live your life...happily and in peace. I've done...all I can."

-"But...how can I do that...without you?" 

-"You...already have, right? Compa...surround yourself with those who care about you. And you'll be okay."

     Compa didn't say anything, but her tears fell to the sand.

-"I'll always remember you...I promise." I said.

     Compa stayed silent for a moment. Then she faced me directly.

-"You...you promise?" Compa asked.

-"Always and forever." I said.

     I felt it, my systems were only at 3.8% capacity.

-"Goodbye Compa. Let me see you...one last time." I said.

     It took extra effort to reroute energy to my ocular systems. My visor activated only long enough for me to see my last image. Compa...she's so beautiful.


-"You've...grown so much." I said.


-"I love you Gipsy." Compa said.


-"I...love you too...Co m   paaaaaa..."


     My spark went out...and that's when I engraved the image of Compa into my heart...forever.

Compa P.O.V.

-"He fought so hard...every day...and became legendary." Iffy said.

     I stayed there, keeping a hand on his visor as the tears flowed from my eyes, down my face and onto the sand. I heard the fan blades on his reactor exhaust slow down and creak to a stop. More people started coming back, realizing what had happened. I cried harder than I ever have in my life.




     Planeptune erected a life-sized monument of Gipsy Danger 4 days after that. I was flattered by the speed at which they put it up. It stands in the same park where the other Hunter memorial is. The people see him as the one who saved our world. I see him as the one who I loved. Now that he's gone...I can finally live my life in peace...we all can. I cried every night for a month afterwards. Whatever happens to me, or wherever I go...he'll always be in my heart. 



Author: Starblaster2000

Reviser/Editor: A friend with the name of G. Nazi Industries

Special Thanks:
My fans, who encouraged me.
My girlfriend, who stayed by my side even when IRL shit was happening.
All of you who are still reading!

Inspired by:
Hyperdimension Neptunia
Pacific Rim


Hey everyone, thanks for reading and enjoying this story! Honestly, this is my favorite story I've worked on so far. Ever since I started making stuff I was actually interested in writing, it's made writing a lot more fun! I'm so thankful for you guys' support for this one! Hell, while writing the last two parts, there have been times where I needed to take a break cause my eyes were welling up! Maybe I should tone down the sad stuff huh? Which is why I'm SUPER excited about my next story! You see, it's not an HDN fanfic, but I hope you still enjoy it anyway! I won't give it away, but all I'll say is that don't let the prologue of my next story deter you from it. And even if you aren't liking it, start by reading the second part and you'll see what kind of story I'm making it. The prologue is really just for background purposes and a few plot points that'll be important later. Anyway, I should really wrap this up. That's all for now, until next time!

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