Supernatural One Shots

By mylittlelove19

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I don't own any of the characters. I write the story line based off ideas I have had on my own, or imagines/o... More

Ghost Facers
Drunk John
Dean saves you
Dean and Bobby
Nightmares (Sam)
Cass interrupts
Wearing his flannel (Dean)
Texting Pictures
Reuniting (Sam and Dean)
Surprise Actions (Dean)
Drinking with Dean
Hey Sam.
Lonely Video Call (Dean)
Fighting with Dean
Reasons (Sam)
Shadow (Dean)
Trouble Sleeping (Dean)
Sweet Pie (Dean)
Finding Sam and Dean
Your Old T-Shirt
News at a funeral (Dean)
Let me forget (Sam)
Broken Hearted (Dean)
Lies (Dean)
Jo joins Training
Almost Sam
John (Dean)
Fooling myself (Dean)
Before we had a chance.
I hate witches Pt. 1 (Dean)
I hate witches Pt. 2 (Dean)
Can't hide it (Dean)
Bad Fight (Dean)
I hate you, but I love you
I hate you, but I love you Pt. 2
Done with you (Part one)
Done with you (Part Two)
Just a sad song
Jo (Dean)
Team Free Will rescues (Dean)
Note from me.
Journal (Dean)
Scary movie night (Dean)
Just a fool.
Because (Dean)
Personal Elephant (Dean)
Missing (Dean)
Update from me
Used to be Dean Pt. 1
Used to be Dean (Pt. 2)
Lee Webb's Daughter (Dean Request)
Truth Spell (Dean)
After Hell (Dean)
Before we had a chance Pt. 2
Before we had a chance Pt. 3
A choice (Dean)
A choice pt. 2 (Dean)
Purgatory pt. 1
Purgatory pt. 2

Hey Jude (Dean)

532 5 0
By mylittlelove19

Dean has always sun 'Hey Jude' to you when you couldn't sleep, or you two were making up from a fight. After a break up you still love it and get lyrics tattooed onto you. Then you run into each other again

Warnings: Break-up, sadness

It was just another stupid argument. He went off to work on Baby, so I went to the shooting range. I blew off a lot of steam and then went and made us dinner.

After a silent dinner of just the two of us, I took a shower and decided to take advantage of the night off and go to sleep. I put on some shorts and a tank top before climbing into bed around 8 o'clock.

After a few minutes I heard Dean come to bed too. He quietly laid down and curled in next to me.

He softly started singing one of our songs, the one he always sings when I'm upset; Hey Jude. I smiled to myself listening to his gruff but beautiful voice. I know it's the lullaby his mom sang to him and Sam, but it has become ours too.

When he was halfway through it I rolled over and laid my head on his chest. He put an arm around me, bringing that hand up to play with my hair. The other one found one of my hands and held it as he sang.

He kissed the top of my head, "I'm sorry, baby. You were right, I was an ass."

Simple words, but powerful between us.

I sighed, "I'm sorry too, Dee. I love you."

"I love you, too, baby."

Three months later our fight was horrible. We argued and screamed until both of our voices were hoarse. He had just gone and accepted the mark of Cain. Not even mentioning it to me first.

"I'm done. I can't do this anymore, Dean. I can't be with someone so careless. I'm sorry." And I walked off to our bedroom in tears.

As I started packing up my clothes he appeared at the door. He looked crazy with panic as he realized I was actually packing to leave. "Baby, I'm sorry. I had to, okay? We need this."

I sighed, "I can respect that in theory. But I'm done, Dee. I'm leaving. Please be as careful as you can, and fight until the end. But I can't sit back and watch what this is going to do to you."

He nodded, watching me pack with tears of his own forming and falling. I hated to see him cry.

I kissed his jaw when I had my things packed into a few bags. I was about to walk out to the garage to leave. "Bye, Dean. Tell Sam I'm sorry to leave while he's gone, and that I'll miss him."

He nodded, not able to look at me. "I will. Be safe, please."

Over the next couple months 'Hey Jude' was the only thing I could get to relax me. Especially when my mind would race, wondering if Dean was alright. I have nightmares about what this will do to him; about him becoming a monster like Cain. I ended up in a tattoo shop.

Along my forearm I got 'Hey Jude, don't be afraid' in cursive. It was now always a part of me, to remind me of Dean and what we had for all that time.

Second person view
You threw back a shot with your friends you've made since moving to this town. Then you all started laughing, causing you to not notice the love of your life walking in with his brother.

Dean's heart raced at the sound of your laugh. He would know it anywhere; Sam too. They locked eyes as they both heard you. "Dean. Livy's here."

Dean nods, and then his eyes find you easily. You look so happy. Your hair is a little longer; after all, it's been months. His eyes were a little sadder, a lot has happened for him since you left.

Sam follows Dean's eyes and he sees you too. He takes a step in your direction but Dean stops him and pulls him the other way. "What the hell..." Sam argues.

"She's happy, Sammy. I can't take that away from her, not after what I put her through. We should leave her alone."

You can feel eyes on you, but ignore it. You're having a blast with your friends. Besides, if it's evil you have a gun with demon bullets, a silver knife and an angel blade hidden on you.

Dean notices a flash of ink on your arm as you take another shot that wasn't there before. He too has a new tattoo since you left, also on his forearm. He has the lyrics to one of your favorite songs that you said was your song. The one you first slow danced to, when he first realized he was in love with you. 'For I can't help, falling in love with you'. He wonders what yours says and ponders the odds you'd bother get a tattoo in the same spot.

Sam clears his throat, "You really won't even let her know we're in town? Dean, there's serious shit we just set free. She should know to be extra careful."

Dean sighs. Sam has a point, but he still can't bring himself to get your attention.

You are now dancing with your friends, feeling care free. You haven't laughed this much in a while. It feels so good.

After about an hour you are walking out of the bathroom and freeze.

Walking your way, oblivious to you, is Sam. In a panic your first reaction is to hide behind a group of people. Then you feel bad. Sam used to be your very best friend in the world. He didn't do anything wrong.

So you decide to bump into him, literally. You step into his path as he's looking down.

His hand catches your shoulder as you collide, "Oh, I'm so sorry..." He starts then his voice trails off when he sees it's you.

"Hey there, Sam. How's it going?" You smile up at him.

He pauses then pulls you into a hug. "Livy, holy shit. It's so good to see you!" You melt into the bone-crushing hug, realizing just how much you have missed him.

Alivia's P.O.V.
I watched as Sam got awkward. "Well, it's great to see you too, Sam. But I'm guessing if you're in town that something bad is here."

He sighs and nods, "Yeah uh, we possibly have a major situation here. We let out God's sister, the darkness."

I definitely wasn't expecting that. But hey, it's never dull with these boys. "Ah, of course it's something like that." I tease him.

He laughs, those deep dimples popping out. "Yeah, you know us."

"So, 'we' 'us'... can I assume that includes your brother? Is he here too?"

His eyes went sad but he nodded, "Yeah, he's over there." He gestured behind him with his head. I bit my lip, not ready to look.

"Well, let me know if you guys need me. I'll be around. And uh, say goodbye before you leave, okay?"

He smiled and hugged me again. "Of course. I've missed you, Livy."

I blinked back tears, then saw the words on my arm. "I missed you too, Sam. I uh, think I'm going to go see him for a minute."

He pulled back, looking a little worried. "Are you sure?" I nodded.

I took a breath and looked past Sam to see his older brother staring at a bottle of beer. That face rocked my soul. He is just so damn perfect. I see that look of self-loathing on his face as I start walking over to him.

When I was about ten feet from him, as if sensing me, he looked up and we locked eyes. My heart pounded in my ears as I saw the sadness in those gorgeous green eyes as they stared back at me. His face perked up a little as he processed who I was. I chewed on my lower lip as I finally got to the table.

"Can I sit for a minute?" I asked him.

He chuckled lightly and nodded, "Yeah, of course."

I sat and put my hands on the table, then began fidgeting with my fingers. "Hey, Dean." That smile went all the way to his eyes, and made me melt.

"Hey, Liv. How are you?"

"I'm uh, better than at first. You?" I asked softly, barely audible over the bar noise.

He rubbed his face roughly. "Uh, a lot has happened since you left."

I raised  my eyebrow, "Oh yeah?"

He nodded and sighed heavily, "Can't exactly talk about it here."

"Right, of course..."

I watched his eyes drop to my arm. He smiled to himself reading the words, "You still like that song?" He asked me, meaning the lyrics of my tattoo.

I blush and nod, "Yeah, always will. Still calms me down when I'm having a bad day... or missing you." I admitted.

A pang of sadness filled his eyes. "I'm sorry, Liv."

I shook my head, "Don't be. It was my choice to walk away. I was just... so scared, and angry."

His hand reached for mine, it sent a shockwave through my body. Then he pulled back as if he sensed it and looked apologetic. "I understand why you did it. I wasn't thinking about you, or Sam, when I did it. It wasn't the smartest thing I ever did. I actually really messed up doing this."

"If you needed it to help you I can't hold it against you. It was selfish of me to expect you not to save the world just so I'd have you." I interrupted him.

"You can always have me, Liv. That will probably never change..."

"I should go." I said, fighting the urge to take him up on that.

He nodded, "I'm sorry, you're right. It was so good to see you."

I stood up, "Yeah, you too, Dean. Stay safe, okay? Call me if you need me, alright?"

He made a face, telling me he wasn't planning to involve me in whatever was all going on. "See you around, Liv."

I went back to my friends. "Who was that you were talking to?" Sara asked me, eyeing Dean like he was a work of art; which I suppose I feel the same.

I laughed and took a shot. "That is Dean."

Her mouth fell open. "You walked away from THAT? Holy shit girl." She joked making both of us laugh.

I shrugged, "Yeah. But right now, I'm struggling to remember why."

"He is damn gorgeous, Alivia." 

I nodded and glanced back, he was watching me. "He sure is."

Another hour later and I was pretty drunk. My friends were all leaving. "Come on, Alivia. It's time to go home and eat." Sara said with a smile.

I shook my head, "I don't want to leave yet. I'll get a cab when I'm ready."

She sighed, and looked over to see Dean and Sam were still here. "Holy hell, is that his brother? What were their parents? Freaking Gods or something?"

I giggled. "That's Sammy, my old best friend."

"You sure you want to stay Liv?" She asked again. "Yeah, I promise I'm good. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

She nodded and hugged me. "Alright, see you later, Liv. Behave."

Ten minutes later, I watched Sam leave.

Dean was watching me across the bar, protection in his eyes. I grabbed my whiskey and walked over to him. His eyes scanned me as I approached him, and he smiled.

"Hey, you." I said with a giggle.

"Oh boy. Liv, are you wasted?" He said with a laugh, but a hint of concern.

I waved my hand to dismiss him, "No, not really... maybe a little, but I'm good." I said sitting across from him.

"Liv.." His eyes dropped to my tattoo again.

"I got it about two months after I left." I told him.

He smiled, "I like it. It suits you."

Five minutes later and I had his hand in mine, and was leaning onto the table. "Dee, take me out of here."

His eyes flashed. "Wait... Liv, baby are you sure?"

My old nickname slipped off his tongue, stirring something in me and making me want him more. "Dee, please. I need you."

He closed our tabs, and then he helped me to my feet. His arm went around my waist to support me as we walked out the door.

We got to my car and he went to open the passenger door, and I stopped him. I leaned against it and pulled him close by his shirt.

He leaned in with his palms on the car on either side of my head. "Liv, you're drunk." He whispered.

I shook my head and leaned up on my tip toes to flutter my lips against his jaw, "Not as much as you think. Please, I need you again Dee."

He leaned in more and softly met my lips. It was so soft and gentle. My hands slid up and over his shoulders to wrap around his neck. "Baby, I missed you." He mumbled against my lips.

"I missed you too, Dee. Please, make me feel better... take me home."

He kissed me again softly, then he put his forehead on mine. "Alright, let's go."

We got in my car and I told him how to get to my apartment. He drove, holding my hand when I grabbed his. When we got there he helped me out and to my door.

I opened it up and pulled him in after me. He held my face and kissed me again. I could feel all of his emotions. He wanted this too, and he still loved me like I do him.

"Dean..." I moaned when his lips moved along my jaw, nibbling on my earlobe when he reached is before going down my neck. He chuckled, still loving the sound of his name coming out of my mouth.

"Tell me what you want, baby." He growled in my ear. I felt his hands roaming all over. I was getting light headed from this familiar feeling of desire I had missed so much.

"You, Dean. I want you. I want to feel you again. Please." "Anything you want, princess."

He picked me up, my legs wrapping around him as he carried me to the couch. He sat, never breaking his lips from mine. "I love you, Dee. I missed you so much. I'm sorry I walked away." I mumbled as I pulled at his flannel.

He yanked it off, then pulled my shirt up and over my head. His hands roamed all over me, "I love you too, Liv. So damn much. I missed you too."

Afterward, he held me against his chest and starting singing 'Hey Jude'. It immediately relaxed me and I fell asleep holding onto him.

I opened my eyes slowly and blinked a few times. I was still wrapping in Dean's strong arms as he slept. I smiled to myself. God, this felt so right. I have missed him so damn much. Being in his arms again felt like my world was okay again.

I ran my hands up and down his arms softly, trying not to wake him. I was soaking in every moment of this because I didn't know how long it would last. I noticed a line of ink on his forearm.

He got a tattoo in the exact same spot as mine. I mean, what are the odds we both get a tattoo on the same spots of our bodies. I titled my head slightly so I could read it. As I read it I felt tears spring to my eyes. 'For I can't help falling in love with you'. One of our songs just like mine was.

I started humming it to myself as my fingers traced lightly over the words.

He took a deep breath and pulled me close as he stretched his muscles. I turned in time to watch his eyes open. I bit my lip, and he smiled seeing me looking up at him.

He silently leaned down and kissed my lips softly for a moment.

When he pulled back I curled into his chest. "Good morning, Dee."

"Good morning, baby. God you are just so damn beautiful."

I blushed. I forgot how much he compliments me. It's like he never says enough how much he loves me or how beautiful or smart I am. I kissed his still bare chest. "Thank you. I have so missed waking up to you." I admitted softly.

He laid his head on top of mine. "I have missed it too, Liv. So damn much. There's so much I have done and gone through since you left that I haven't gotten to tell you."

I looked down at his arm and touched the words. "Like this?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, I got really drunk one night, it came on the radio and made me miss you even more. So, the next day I found myself in a tattoo shop."

I giggled, "It never fails to amaze me how much we have in common."

"I love you, Liv." He sounded so genuine.

"And I love you too, Dee. I always have and I probably always will."

We laid in bed just holding each other and catching up. "So, after you left... we ended up doing so much. And I actually, uh, I died. Metatron killed me."

I felt my body tense up at the thought of Dean dying, especially without me there. "Wow. What happened?"

"Uh, I tried to kill him, he got the drop on me instead. I died, and uh.. the mark actually saved me in a way. Only, I became a knight of hell... a demon."

I propped up on my arms on his chest. He stared at me, just studying my face as he held it softly. I traced my fingers over that arm. "I guess in a way that's a good thing. What happened after that?"

He smiled at me, "Sammy and Cass wouldn't give up on me. I tried so hard to make them leave me alone, I even almost killed my own brother. But they cleansed me. They made me human again."

I kissed his chest. "I'm glad for that."

He chuckled, "Me too, baby."

We got up to eat what was actually lunch based on the time. "Liv... can we talk about us? Like, is there a chance of there being an us again?"

I took a deep breath, "Maybe. I mean, I still love you so much. Could you forgive me for walking away?"

He smiled and kissed me slowly. "Of course. I don't blame you for making that choice. I was acting selfish, and I'm sorry for that. I love you, you know."

I giggled, "Yeah I know. I'm pretty lucky, huh?"

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