sunshine | a selection story

By sarcasmrockers

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" some people are artists. some, themselves, are art " in which a girl has an unexpected adventure and finds... More

alternate ending


20 0 0
By sarcasmrockers

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7:10 PM

"Dude, I can't believe you leave on Monday."

I grinned at her, "Better believe it. What are you doing to do without me?"

Aelin groaned, "I have no idea. I guess die."

I laughed and shoved her hard enough that she fell off my bed. And I knocked over a couple stacks of clothing that I had folded and placed next to her. I reached over to set them straight.

"That was unnecessary, Ro." Aelin called from her place on the ground.

"You'd better not die while I'm gone."

Aelin sighed and climbed back up onto the bed. She started to play with her long blonde braid, a sure sign that she was nervous.

I reached over and grabbed her hand, "Aelin, I know you don't want me to go. But I honestly think I'll be fine."

"It's not that I don't want you to go, Ro. It's just that I'm a little jealous. We both applied and you got selected." Aelin smiled, "It's the adventure of a lifetime. I'm jealous. That's all."

"If it makes you feel any better, I wish you had been selected." I glanced at my pile of papers on my desk, "Then you'd be overloaded with work and full time dating. I'm not even at the palace and I'm overwhelmed."

Aelin laughed, "I'm surprised you said yes to all that work."

I shrugged, "I love the work. And I'm hoping that it'll provide a good escape if I need it while I'm there."

Aelin stood and walked over to my art wall, "You never finished this."

My eyes flew to my art wall. My favorite pastime. What had started as a mental breakdown eight months ago had led to my favorite therapy. I get up and walk over to it. My fingers trace the characters. The wall was covered in different characters that I had created mingled with different art designs. It was all coming along beautifully.

"I'll finish it when I get back."

Aelin grabbed my hand and squeezed it, "Your dad would be proud of you, Ro."

I felt my lips turn upward slightly as grief gripped my chest. It had been a year and hadn't gotten any easier.

I still missed him like crazy.

"Now," Aelin pulled me away and back towards my messy bed, "Let's finish packing so we can eat."

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2:47 PM

I felt a little bad for the guard behind me.

Just a teeny tiny bit.

I glanced behind me and winced.

Okay, maybe a lot more than a teeny tiny bit.

He was pulling my suitcase up the stairs. My favorite, bright yellow, covered in sunflower stickers and quotes, suitcase. One of my favorite things on the planet.

Sometimes, I would ask Aelin to spend the night at her apartment just so I had an excuse to pull that yellow monster out and use it.

She always groaned when she saw it. But it made me so happy.

A crack of the wheels against the steps made me wince as the man behind me pulled it up another step. I thought maybe he would pick it up and carry it, but then I remembered how many books I had packed. And paints. And clothes. And all my paperwork for work. And my toiletries. And my accessories. And then there were all of my odds and ends that I just couldn't leave behind.

No, he wouldn't be picking it up alone. Not if he wanted to keep his back in okay shape.

I stopped, my backpack swinging off my shoulder as I turned, "Let me help you. Please."

He grunted, "Miss Cortland, like the last five times you've asked since we got off the plane, my answer is no. I've got it."

I bit my lip, "But it's heavy. And I don't want it to break." An image of the lock snapping open and everything being littered on this regal looking staircase. My bras and undies in plain sight for anyone to see. My face flushed and I blinked to bring my mind back to the argument. "It'll go much faster if I help."

He looked at me, "Miss, I've got it."

I crossed my arms, "Sir. I refuse to go a step further unless I'm helping you. You are carrying my stuff up these stairs and frankly, that is my only and favorite suitcase. The sound of the wheels slamming onto the stairs is not a sound I enjoy. Therefore, I will help you. And you will be thankful that you don't have to spend another hour getting it up the stairs."

He sighed, his grip on the suitcase behind him tightening, "Miss Cortland, you must learn to speak up while you're here. I could barely make out what you were saying."

My nose twitched.

But I set my backpack down and went to the back end of my monstrous suitcase, "You will go backwards, if that makes you feel better. Plus you know where we are actually going."

The guard only rolled his eyes and adjusted his grip on the case. I grabbed the underside of it and on a count of three, we lifted.

I almost fell backward as the full weight of my suitcase shifted onto me. The guard grunted and shifted so that I wasn't lifting as much. The weight eased considerably. Though I did feel bad because now he was still carrying the majority of the weight.

"What do you have in here anyway?" His question was a huff.

I let out a short breathy laugh, "What don't I have in here?"

I saw his lips flatten. Poor man, dealing with the sunshine suitcase was probably not his idea of a fun afternoon.

We started up the stairs, moving much faster now that I was helping. The hilarity of the whole ordeal made me smile as we moved.

I could picture the characters. There would be a fluffy and gruff bear trying to move a yellow suitcase up the mountain. He'd be huffing and puffing for a few pages before a small bunny came along to help.

Aelin could write the dialogue and I'd have so much fun with the design. Maybe this story would be a watercolor instead of my pencils. Watercolor was always a good choice for a children's book.

Watercolor was soft. Just like a small child.

My grip slipped and I stumbled onto the landing. The guard dropped his end and jumped back. The suitcase landed with a thud and I landed next to it.

Dad always told me that I get too lost in my own head. More than once had he teased me that I had the attention span of a squirrel.

It wasn't my fault that I liked where my own train of thought went. And plus a minute ago, I had a great idea of a cute story and now was itching to get my paints out and put it to paper.

"Are you okay?" The guard helped me up.

"Nothing's hurt except my own pride." I shot him a small smile, "I have a tendency to get lost in thought and not pay any attention to where I'm going or what I'm doing."

He smiled slightly in return, "Shall we get to your room?"

I nodded and followed him.

I should really learn his name. Maybe check up with him in a few days to make sure that he wasn't experiencing any back pains. Hopefully I hadn't injured him by letting him get halfway up that staircase by himself. I should have helped him earlier.

My eyes dropped to my suitcase. Maybe I shouldn't have brought it. The papers had said I could bring what I wanted but maybe I shouldn't have. Would the other girls have brought giant suitcases? Aelin said that she would have done the same if she was going.

Suddenly, I wished I hadn't brought my huge suitcase and everything in it. Would the prince laugh when he found out? Does that make me look silly? He was doing this for a future wife. He didn't want a silly wife. No one did.

I bit the inside of my cheek. All I could think of now was the pictures of all the other girls. They probably didn't bring as much stuff as I did. They were probably way better wife material. I should have just put everything in my backpack and just been okay with that.

Reaching up to feel my backpack, I stopped walking. It wasn't on my back. Where was it? I frowned, trying to think of where it was.

I knew when the guard had stopped walking. The one back wheel of my suitcase squealed when it moved. Made me think of a piglet being chased around a barnyard. Maybe I could put that into a story and Aelin could-

"What's the matter?"

I glanced up at him, "I don't know where my backpack is."

His sigh filled the hallway. I could almost see the colors in it. He was sighing out of disappointment. If our breaths came out in colors, his sigh would be blue. Rich with different shades.

"You left it on the staircase." He dropped his grip on the suitcase, "Stay here, I'll get it."

I shook my head, "No need. I'll get it. I put it down."

He looked at me. He probably just wanted to deliver me to my room and be done with me. Well, I'd get my backpack and let him go.

I turned without waiting for him and started forward. The way back wouldn't be too challenging. I think it was pretty straight forward.

How long had we been walking before I realized that I didn't have my backpack?

In that moment, I mentally groaned at my stupidity. Why hadn't I remembered it earlier?

Deciding that we hadn't made any turns since reaching the landing of the stairs, I walked straight. After three minutes of walking, I reached a staircase. Frowning, I tried to remember if we had passed a staircase or if this was the same one. I wasn't very good at knowing where I am.

There was a man coming up the stairs and that made my decision for me. I kept walking straight. I had been told that I wouldn't have to interact with anyone today if I didn't want to. And I really didn't want to. I wanted to get to my room and get settled in. Maybe I'd go to dinner but I wasn't holding out much hope for that.

"Excuse me!"

I stilled and turned.

"Were you looking for something?" He asked hesitantly.

I nodded slowly, unsure of who this was, "I was heading towards the staircase over here." I pointed in the direction I was walking.

He smiled softly, "There isn't a staircase over there for a long time. The one you just passed is the closest in this area of the palace. And I'm assuming you're a selected girl?"

Was it because of my outfit? Was my pale yellow blouse and jeans a dead giveaway? I nodded.

He swung a backpack off his shoulder. I hadn't noticed that there before. "I'm assuming that this is yours?"

I reached for it, "Yes, thank you mister...?"

He smiled, a real smile this time, "Beau. And you are Rowan Cortland."

I nodded, feeling embarrassment settle in my chest. Of course I would run into the crown prince within the first thirty minutes of my time at the palace.

Of course.

I didn't know what else to say to him. So I settled the backpack on my shoulders and thanked him. And stood there.


Finally he broke the silence. "I'll see you later than, Miss Cortland."

Nodding, I started walking back the way I had come. Away from him.

I didn't look back.

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7:02 PM

I had tried to go to dinner.

I had really tried.

My maid, Maeve, had given me a map and told me what time dinner was and where it was. All helpful to a normal person.

But I stepped outside of my room at 5:50 pm and started on my way to the grand dining room(which sounded as intimidating as it did grand). Fifteen minutes later, I was thoroughly lost.

Dad had tried to help me growing up, but it had been no use. We never found out if there was a real term for it but we always called it "Rowan can't make her way anywhere". Or simpler "Rowan is directionally challenged". It just depended on the kind of day we were having.

And I had never grown out of it. I was still getting lost everywhere I was. So I did what I always did.

Called Aelin.

On the cell phone we were allowed to have. Which is crazy.

She picked up right away and I sent her a picture of the map. From there she proceeded to direct me back to my room. There was no use in showing up a half hour late to the "grand" dining room. The word grand always scared me a little.

What does grand mean? Like when I think of grand, I think of that one hotel Aelin and I had gone to for the publishing company Christmas party. I had been Aelin's plus one. And I had felt seriously underdressed in my silk banana yellow dress. And I mean, underdressed compared to the room. It was freaking grand.

And if this dining room was as grand or grander-er than that hotel room then I'd need to break into those ball gowns that Maeve had told me around for each meal.

"Earth to Rowan?"

I jerked, almost dropping the phone, "Sorry, Aelin. Just got lost in thought again."

Aelin laughed, "Don't I know it, Ro. It wouldn't be you if you didn't."

"Hey, I'm not that bad." I frowned at her, not caring if she couldn't see me.

"Hon, you just told me that you were so caught up in coming up with a perfect story idea that you dropped your suitcase." Aelin giggles, "That poor guard."

I sighed, "Yeah, I feel bad for him. It doesn't make it any better that he's my hall guard."

"So he gets to see the Rowan I know." Aelin's voice had a smile in it.

"Sadly for him, yes."

"You both will be fast friends by the time this is over."

"If he's still alive." I muttered, "I mean, I almost killed him with my suitcase. I'm dreading day two."

"Rowan, you'll be fine. Remember, we already mapped out how to get to the Tea Parlor that you're having breakfast in. You should be able to get there fine. And if you get lost, no shame in asking for help."

"I just hate the thought that maybe no one else will be asking for help. Maybe I'm the only person who will be getting lost." I stretched out on my bed, "I wish you were here with me."

"Ro, this is so good for you." Aelin's voice was firm, "Your dad would have wanted this for you and would have agreed with me. You're going to learn so much and if you don't end up Queen, then some lucky guy is going to get to laugh at all your stories."

I felt my eyes sting, "Gee, A. I didn't know you were so sappy. You're going to make me cry."

"'You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.'"

I smiled, "Winnie the Pooh."

"Your favorite, I know." Aelin laughed again, "I have a bunch of those quotes taped to my bathroom mirror because of you."

"They are good words to live by." I defended.

"They are good words to quote to you when you are all down on yourself."

"You know me well, A."

"That I do, Ro."

We were silent for a few moments.

"I wish I could talk to Dad right now." I pulled a throw pillow close to me, "I always thought that when I'd be dating someone, he'd be there."

"I don't know what Dorian would say to you now, Ro. I'm not him."

"I'm not saying to be him. I just... wish he was here. Being more than just a standard for. I wish he could be here to give me advice. To tell me what he thinks of the prince. To listen to my stories." I closed my eyes, "I just never pictured doing anything without him."

Aelin didn't say anything.

And I didn't want her to. Her silence was enough. It reminded me of Dad. He would always listen so well.

"I guess that I'll just use Dad as a standard, ya know?" My toes were getting cold and I shifted so that they were under a pillow.

"I think that's a good idea." Aelin's voice was soft, "That's kinda what I do. When I'm out with a guy."

"Aelin, you go out with so many guys." I teased.

"And there's a good reason."

"I know. Most of them don't eat mayonnaise and banana sandwiches. That's weird."

"Hey!" Aelin shouted, "That's a low blow."

I giggled, wishing that she was here with me and not on the phone with me.

Aelin sobered, "I don't usually go out with the same guy more than once because none of them treat me like my dad does. And that's my standard."

"So if the Crown Prince doesn't treat me like Dad did..."

"Then he's crap." Aelin's tone was firm, "You deserve the best, Ro. Don't lower your standards just cause he's the crown prince of the country."

"I seriously don't think that he's crap, A." I shifted the phone to my other ear, "He was raised in a palace."

"Well, if he doesn't treat you right, then he is crap." Aelin was holding to this theory. Well, if it helped her sleep at night.

"I'll keep you informed, dearest A. I'm going to get ready for bed and try to look at some of my work I have to do while I'm here. Think about that story with the gruff bear and the bunny. It'd be cute."

Aelin laughed, "Will do, partner. Sleep well. Take no crap."

I laughed and hung up.

Aelin honestly wanted the best for me, but I didn't think that the prince would be crap. That's a little bit of a strong word. I'd prefer to think the best of him.

I mean, he seemed nice enough earlier when I met him. So he couldn't be too bad.


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6:23 AM

I set my paint brush down next to me. The sun had just fully risen, the sky now a beautiful picture of yellow, orange, and hints of blue. I could even make out some hints of pink and purple.

My early morning scout for the perfect sunrise lookout had resulted in this charming part of the garden. I sat on a giant flat rock. It was perfect because it gave me a stunning view of the sunrise. Way better than climbing to my apartment roof and watching the sunrise there.

Luckly, finding this part of the garden was straightforward. I had left my map back in my room, hoping that I'd be okay without it. Which I should be. I hope.

But first I had to clean up my supplies.

With my sun journal drying on a different part of the rock, I started to put the lids back on the tubes of paint and rinse my brushes in my water cups. I had decided to use my acrylic paints for this morning's sunrise.

I had been feeling bold this morning. And my acrylics were perfect for that.

Glancing down at my paint splattered jeans and yellow tie-dyed shirt and back at my phone for the time, I knew I had plenty of time before breakfast in the tea parlor. Plenty of time for me to get back to my room, change into something more suitable, and leave my room early enough that if I got lost, I'd still make it on time.

Always have to account for the occasional wander that I tended to have when I'm in an unfamiliar place.

It had been weird not to spend the night in my basement apartment. I almost missed my noisy neighbors and squeaky ceiling fan. I did miss my familiar comforter and sheets. And my easy accessibility to my ritual hot lemon and honey water while I paint. I'd have to ask Maeve to have that available for me when I get up to paint.

Which would be decently often.

I liked painting the sunrise. I used to watch them with Dad and we did it together everyday while I was in high school. And when he died, I didn't do it for months. It hurt too much to do it without him.

But good ole Aelin convinced me that I needed to do it again. Even if just once. And that one time, I started it over again. This time, I painted the sunrises. Some days I painted dad there watching them with me.

It was almost like he was there with me.

I put all of my supplies into a basket I found in my room and started back. I was trying my best to stay on track. The last thing I needed was a search party for me in the garden.

That would be embarrassing.

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10:07 AM

Capitola Mollory was scary.

That's just the simple truth.

I love her.

But she's scary.

Watching her introduce herself, I couldn't help but be scared. People who looked like they had it all together did that to me. She was so warm and welcoming but then she opened her mouth and out came all this knowledge. I was kinda scared.

She was awesome. And we were nothing alike.

I had spilled breakfast on myself a few times(in my defense, meeting thirty-four other girls is intimidating like that). I had taken my shoes off while sitting at the table and when Capitola Mollory announced that we were going up to the golden room for our lessons, I panicked.

In hindsight, I hope that I make wiser choices in the future.

Also in hindsight, Fern O'Sullivan is also amazing.

Aelin would have died watching me move my bare feet around under the table, hoping that I would only touch my shoes and not someone else. Sadly, Fern got in the way.

Capitola Mollory had glanced sharply at me as I interrupted her with a groan. Fern had a startled look on her face. And I was mortified.

Once I got my shoes back on, I didn't ever consider taking them off. Maybe I'd sleep with them on tonight. Permanent shoes for Rowan Cortland.

They'd have to match everything though, which might present a problem.

I wonder what shoes would match everything.

"...And I hope that you all enjoy your time here."

The Queen's voice broke into my shoe wonderings. We were supposed to be introduced to the Royals. And I had missed everything that had happened.

Which might explain why Capitola Mollory watched me the whole "get to know you" lesson we just finished an hour earlier.

She terrifies me.

And this grand dining room terrifies me.

Lets just assume at this point, everything terrifies me.

And I started the day off so well.

Honestly, I needed to calm down. Slow my thoughts and try to be present. Observe.

And so I did. The Royals were sitting at their own table. And us selected girls were sitting spread at three tables. I got the names of all the girls at my table and then totally forgot them.


My plate was somehow filled with a ham sandwich and some grapes. I don't remember filling my plate, but then again I don't remember a lot of things that have happened today. Guess I'll just have to carry on.

The girls around me made conversation, giving more than enough time to calm myself down and begin to think clearly. And Capitola Mollory wasn't around so it was a little easier to breathe.

I eat quickly, hoping that maybe I could be excused. This first day was harder than I thought it would be and I was eager to get away from the group right away. Maybe my internal panic would fade once I spend some time alone.

Maybe I'd call Aelin and give her an update.

Probably shouldn't do that. I just called her last night. I wouldn't want her to get annoyed at me at the beginning of the selection. I needed her to help me through the rest of the selection.

So I'd have to be a big girl.

I could do it.

A piece of paper was put in front of me with my name on it in a fancy font. I picked it up and turned it over.

And my heart rate picked up by a surprising amount.

I was going to "meet" with Prince Beaumont on Thursday in the east sitting room in the afternoon. Well, actually, I would meet him there and we were going on a walk. But it's still a "meeting".

My eyes flew to the prince, sitting with his family. His back was turned away from me so I couldn't see his face but I knew what it looked like.

This was going to be good. The prince was a nice person and I think people generally find me likeable.

We'd get along fine.

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1:36 PM

This was the most terrible thing in the world.

What does one wear to a "meeting"?

It's not technically a date, not that I would know what to wear to one of those. But this was a whole new ballgame.

"Take me out to the ballgame. Take me out with the crowd." I muttered to myself as I tossed clothes out of my suitcase.

Maeve had already almost had a heart attack at the state of my room this morning when she came in to check on me. I had apologized for the mess but had done nothing to clean it up. My clothes, art supplies, and paperwork were strewn all over the room. A testimony to my normal messiness.

Making a mental note to clean up, I decided on a polka dotted yellow skirt and a simple cream tank top. It was modest and cute.

The perfect combination.

"Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks."

I raced out of the door, hoping that I didn't forget my way to the sitting room I was supposed to be meeting the prince in.

Once I found the room, I waited til exactly two o'clock to go in. Some of the girls in our lessons had mentioned that he was meeting the girls almost on top of each other. So if I was too early, I might intrude in one of the other girl's time.

And I definitely didn't want to do that.

I liked all of the other girls who were here. They were interesting and fun. I was enjoying getting to know at least their names. There were so many faces to remember that even that was a chore.

And I had given up trying to match up facts that I knew about people with the people I thought they were about. Capitola Mollory had shaken her head a few times at my attempts to remember all the details about people.

So I've tried to just get all the names down first.

And I was so-so at that.

I knocked on the sitting room door thirty seconds after it turned two o'clock.

Just to make sure.

I heard a deep voice say something and I assumed that it was the Prince telling me to come in.

At least that's what I hoped he said.

That'd be weird if he said something like "Just a minute" or "Come back later" or "I've decided to dance the jig". I wonder what the jig actually looked like. For some reason I picture a long-legged thin man dancing it.

I wonder why I pictured that. Why not a short heavy man?

I giggled to myself at that picture.

The door to the sitting room swung open and the Crown Prince of Illea was looking down at me.

"I said you can come in." There was a smile on his face.

I wanted to turn and run but resisted the urge, "Um, yeah. I was coming."

He laughed and stepped out of the room, "It's a good thing we are walking this way anyway. No need for you to come in really."

I laughed with him, "Truthfully, I was mentally telling myself that you actually said to come in. I could barely hear you through the door."

He had leaned in to hear me as I talked. I needed to try talking louder.

It just wasn't natural for me to talk super loudly.

"Did you think I said something?" The prince asked, his eyes dancing.

I thought of the long-legged thin man and the short heavy man dancing the jig and laughed, "No, but my overactive imagination came up with some things that you could have said that I found funny."

"Like what?" He was leading us through the palace with ease. Whereas I had no idea where I was.

"Maybe you were telling me that you were dancing the jig." I shot him a smile.

He laughed, "The jig?"

"Honestly, I don't really know what the jig looks like, but it was a fun thought." I looked up at him, "Do you dance the jig?"

The prince shook his head, "Sadly, I don't. Though it would be fun to learn, I think."

I thought so too. I loved to dance.

"So tell me about yourself, Rowan Cortland." He met my gaze and held it, "What is needed to know information about yourself?"

I bit my lip, "Umm, need to know. I'm a children's book illustrator and I love what I do."

"How did you get into that?"

I smiled, "I love art. Always have. And my best friend loves to write. So in high school we teamed up and did a few projects together. Aelin does the story and I do the art for it. We were both contracted by the same company. After high school, I went off on my own and did art work for different authors by individual contracts. So I'm not one just with one company."

"That sounds amazing. Do you like being independant or would you consider going back to a company?"

I thought for a moment, "There are definitely pros and cons to either side of it. I love being about to switch up things and meet new people. But I also like the stability of being with the company because then you know you'll actually have work. But my favorite thing is being able to make my own schedule and not have to wait for a company to give me the okay for things."

"Being able to make your own schedule is definitely a good thing."

I glanced at him, "What about you, your highness? Am I supposed to call you that? Do you have a certain title I'm supposed to use?"

Hopefully I hadn't just messed everything up.

He shook his head, "Just call me Beau. No need for titles."

"Okay. Beau." I bit my lip at my own awkwardness. Why did I have to be so weird?

"And as for myself? Hmm, I love pineapple."


"Yep. Pineapple."

"What," I looked at him and grinned, "is so special about pineapple that it has earned this devotion?"

"It's just so good." The Prince.. Beau grinned back at me, "It's the perfect richness of sweetness. It's also just a happy fruit. It never fails to cheer me up."

"So the key to your heart is pineapple?"

"You've discovered my secret." Beau declared while smiling.

"Well, that was easy."

We were silent for an easy moment.

"But honestly, anything else?" I questioned, genuinely wanted to get to know this man.

Beau sighed. But it wasn't an upset or disappointed sigh. I think it was more for show than anything.

"There is so much I like and like to do." Was his answer.

"I bet it's hard to find a topic that hasn't really been exhausted by now." I offered, "I mean, there are a lot of girls here and I struggle with just their names. I can't imagine being you right now."

"It does have its challenges. But I love talking to people and getting to know people." Beau slowed his pace, "I mean, yes, there are a lot of you, but I really am enjoying it."

"Are you nervous?" My eyes widened as I realised what I asked, "I'm sorry. You don't have to answer that. I wasn't thinking."

Beau waved off my apology, "You're okay."

We came to a stop outside of a room. I had absolutely no idea where we were.

"In answering your question, yes. I'm nervous." He shrugged and smiled down at me, "I have a lot of responsibility but I am really going to enjoy getting to know you."

I bit my lip at his directness and smiled back.

He glanced at the door, "Well, I'm expected in here. Thank you for walking with me, Miss Cortland."

"Rowan." I threw out there, "I'm Rowan. I get enough 'Miss Cortland' from Capitola Mollory as it is."

Beau chuckled, "You know you call her Cap right? That's what everyone else calls her."

I shrugged, "She scares me a little so I figure that everytime I say her name, I should say her full name. Out of respect, ya know?"

"You are something, Rowan." Beau smiled, "I'll see you later."

"Bye." I did a little wave as he opened the door and walked in.

Turning around, I mentally slapped myself. Who waves like that? It's so weird. Beau probably thinks I'm a dork.

Which I usually am.

Frowning, I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I had a picture of the map on it.

Hopefully I could make it to my room before dinner.

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8:19 PM

Maeve had wanted me to wear one of the ball gowns that the palace provided for when the time arose. And I probably would have worn it.

But it was blue.

And so I didn't wear it. Luckily I had packed one of my fancy dresses from home. This particular golden yellow lace dress I had worn to a co-worker's wedding.

Luckily, no one here had been at that wedding to know that I wore it to Kevin and Jamie's wedding. Not that anyone would care that I've worn it before. I'm sure other girls here are wearing dresses that they have worn before.

Maeve told me that after the report there was a semi gala. Whatever that was. How is anything semi something?

And apparently I would be meeting the king at this semi gala.

The King. Of Illea.

My dad would have been so jealous. He always wanted to meet famous people. And who's more famous than the king of Illea?

I frowned. I had presented myself with an interesting question. Who is more famous than the king? Well, I'm sure that there are a lot of celebrities who are pretty popular. And then of course there are the great artists and authors of the past. I think they would be more famous than the king.

Too bad they were all dead and I couldn't meet them.

"What's got you frowning, miss?"

I glanced at the older gentleman, "My dad always wanted to meet a famous person. And I'm going to meet the King of Illea and I have met most of the royals."

"Why is that a frowning reason?"

I opened my mouth to answer then realized how dumb I would sound if I told him that I was trying to figure out who was the most famous person I could meet. So I picked a different answer, "He's not alive to meet them with me."

"I'm sorry for your loss. When did he die?"

My throat clogged, "About a year ago. Car accident."

"I'm sorry."

I smiled a watery smile at him, wishing that I wasn't tearing up.

"To change the subject, I'm Ernest."

A mental puzzle piece clicked and I knew who I was talking to, "Oh."

He smiled, "You looked a little lost in thought when I approached. I figured you didn't recognize me."

"Honestly, your highness, I think I wouldn't recognize my own father after this week. I can't seem to remember anyone's name." I sighed, trying to ignore the heat blooming in my cheeks, "I'm sorry if that was offensive."

"No offense." The king waved my words away, "I know it can be overwhelming."

I glanced around before looking back at him, "I'm Rowan Cortland."

His wise looking eyes met mine, "I know. Nice to meet you, Rowan."

"Nice to meet you too." I smiled at him.

"I'm hoping to talk with you more at a different time, because I have quite a few more girls to talk to tonight." King Ernest nodded to me, "I'll see you."

I smiled and dipped my head in return, "Your highness."

I watched him walk away. There was something in him that was just kinda ... kingly. If that was a word. Of course, I had nothing to compare him to because I've never met any other kings before. But I don't know.

Maybe I'm just going crazy.

I glanced around and didn't see anyone who would stop me if I were to sneak away and call Aelin. I'd spent most of my free time working on the few books I had brought with me. And Aelin had given me the go ahead on the bear and bunny story. So I hadn't had a ton of time to call Aelin since Monday night.

Maybe I'd sneak away and give her a call.

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