An Epic Love Story

By TanithBot

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DRARRY A love story of epic proportions. Like Hermoine loves books. Like Ron loves food. Like Harry loves... More

1. Train to Hogwarts
2. Hal Portland
3. A New Side of Potter
4. Teachers Meeting
5. Inside the Rooms
6. The Report
7. Tears and Questions
8. New Friendships
9. Stories of Love
10. The Isolation Ward
11. Waiting and Hoping
12. Waking up
13. The Betrayal
14. At the Request of Dumbledore
15. Good News & Bad News
16. Jacob Summers
17. The Truth of Ronald Weasley
18. Luna Knows
19. More than a Smile
20. Apologies
21. Dumbledore's Tears
22. Not a Crush
23. Something More
24. Taken
26. Explanations
27. The Missing Shirt
28. Hogsmeade
29. Words
30. Worthless
31. Breathless
32. The Winnings
33. Graduation Day
34. Thank You
35. Goodbye
36. Payback
37. Epic Love

25. The Speech

369 18 0
By TanithBot

When Harry and the rest of the 8th years walked into the hall the next morning, for breakfast, there was a welcome atmosphere. There, in front of the staff table, there was a microphone on a stand. He was a bit nervous at the thought of bearing his soul to the school, but he knew he owed them an explanation. He had also matured after the war, so public speaking shouldn't be an issue, but being the humble man that he was, his shyness was still there. When they had all sat down, their headmaster rose to speak to them.

"Good morning everyone. Harry has asked me if you would all be kind enough to listen to something that he has to say. Thank you", he said, and sat back down. Harry glanced at Draco, and when Draco winked at him, he had a feeling that he would be ok. Gathering all his Gryffindor bravery, he stood up and walked towards the front of the hall. The others at the table had seen the wink, and grew excited at the prospect of a Potter-Malfoy union.

Everyone was looking at Harry. His mop of raven hair, his earrings that moved slightly when he walked, his strong hands holding onto cards that had his speech written on them. The clothes that he was wearing. There were more than a few nods of approval at what they were seeing. Not a clumsy broken boy that had left the battlefield almost a year ago, but a more self assured, confident young man.

Harry had reached the microphone, and with a dry mouth and trembling hands, he started to talk. "Thank you Professor Dumbledore". He looked at all the students faces, gazing towards him and felt a rush of affection for each and every one of them. The speech that had been written was brilliant, but suddenly Harry felt the need to talk from the heart. And so he did. Putting his speech cards back into his pocket, he searched the hall for a certain face, and found himself looking into the eyes of Draco.

"Good morning everyone. I never wrote a speech. I had help. But somehow those words that I chose seem so shallow now". He paused for effect. Taking his eyes away from Draco, he scanned the room, and carried on talking. "All I've ever wanted was to feel like I belong. Belong to something. When I turned eleven, I was given the greatest news of my life. You're a wizard Harry. I actually thought I was dreaming, even when Hagrid came to fetch me to take me to Diagon Alley, where I purchased my wand and school supplies. Everything felt like it was a hazy dream. And oh boy, I never wanted to wake up", he said with a giggle. The whole hall laughed with him.

"There are certain things that are expected of you if you are a wizard. Parents telling their children that you WILL be in a certain house, otherwise you'll be punished. You WILL be friends with so and so, you WILL be on the quidditch team, and you WILL receive the highest marks in the class, etc etc. Well, I'm standing here today to tell you that there are more important things than that. Highest marks and whatnot, and in case none of you know, I'm pants at potions, Professor Snape can attest to that", said Harry pointing to the potions master with his hand and a smile.

After Snape nodded his head, there was another ripple of laughter. "When I came to Hogwarts, I never knew about the four houses. I never knew that a sorting hat determined where we had to go. I grew up with muggles, knowing nothing about this world. When I was invited to come back and finish my schooling, I immediately jumped on board. You can ask all the other 8th years who returned, that when they received the invitation, they accepted in a heartbeat. Why?

Because we have been given the chance to make amends. To change what was expected of us for too long. To change our attitudes. To change our outlook. To view other people as just that, people. Not things, not toys that can be played with. The halls and grounds of Hogwarts were rebuilt on love and respect. You can feel it, if you just stop and take a moment to listen and to feel". Harry knew he was becoming emotional, and he just went with it. Hogwarts was the first place that he had felt at home, and he was going to tell them that too.

"Everyone believes that I grew up spoilt. Got everything I asked for. Wanted for nothing. That every single one of my desires were given to me. Nothing could be further from the truth. There were times that I wasn't even given any food for days", he said with a choke. Holding up his hands when he started to hear the murmurs in the hall he continued, "I am not telling you this to gain sympathy. I have never wanted pity, you can ask Professor Dumbledore, I'm actually a very private person. Not even my two best friends know this about me. The name Harry means the world to me, not because all of you view me as a savior, I never wanted that title, but growing up I was called boy. Or freak. I never knew my own name before I came here. The point I am trying to make is, I had a lot to be angry about. I could either go and sit in a corner and be the broken boy that they tried to make out of me, or I could shut it out, and replace it with other things. Good things. And so I chose to do the latter.

The anger I portrayed in the hall the other day, has been building up over time. And believe me, I have a lot to be angry about. The way the muggles raised me. The way I was treated in some of the classes. The fact that my parents had been murdered by a psychopath when I was just a baby. The way I was groomed to be a weapon. That some people in the ministry would choose to either use me or betray me. Not hearing from anyone after the war, and I do mean anyone. So yeah, really a lot of anger. I'm here to apologize to all of you. I've never wanted to show that side of me, but in my heart I know that Professor Dumbledore, together with all the teaching staff knew it was bound to happen sooner or later.

Being betrayed by a friend is the worst feeling, and so I'm here to ask you, if you ever have to choose, don't let it be that. Don't let hate guide you. Don't let prejudice be your way of life. Don't let your parents or your superiors tell you something is wrong, when in your heart, you know it's right. I'm not saying you should disregard all the rules, I'm saying, go with your gut. I'm saying be kind. Kindness costs nothing. All you have, here at Hogwarts, is each other. I would never have made it during my school years, if it wasn't for my friends, Hermoine, Ron, Neville. All of them. They practically carried me emotionally. Get involved, be a part of something. Make Hogwarts your home. This year is going to be epic, I can feel it. Hogwarts can feel it. I hope that after today, all of you feel it too. Thank you", he panted and left the platform.

Everyone in the hall stood up and started clapping. The sound was deafening. He just looked at them with fondness in his heart, and then he turned to his headmaster, and shaking his hand thanked him for the opportunity to explain himself. He felt glad that he had. Still shaking, he walked back to his table, and sat across from Draco. He could see the tears in some of their eyes, and shook his head, as if to say, we'll talk about it later. Dumbledore stood up and said thank you to Harry, clapped his hands once with a 'let the feast begin', and sat down again.

The tables were adorned with food. Everyone was eating with a renewed hunger. Almost as if the speech that they had heard, had given them a new life. New breath into their lungs. They had never known what Harry had gone through, and thought that there was probably more to his story, but hearing what they had, were grateful to know him a little better.

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