[discontinued] Golden Days (S...

By cursed-version-of-me

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DISCONTINUED Sleepy Bois Inc+ Tubbo Fanfic This is just your casual fanfic about the sleepy bois (and Tubbo)... More

Blaze of Dawn [Chapter One]
Little Flame [Chapter Two]
The Cookie Jar [Chapter Three]
The Escape [Chapter Four]
Orphaned Pig [Chapter Five]
Duckling [Chapter Six]
Icebreakers [Chapter Seven]
First Night [Chapter Eight]
Storms and Promises [Chapter Nine]
The Call [Chapter Ten]
...Shit [Chapter Eleven]
The Rat Colony [Chapter Thirteen]
Lies [Chapter Fourteen]
Snow [Chapter Fifteen]
Dark Nights [Chapter sixteen]
Cookie Test [Chapter Seventeen]
The Final Point of the Star [Chapter Eighteen]
This is Now [Chapter Nineteen]
No More Updates

The Bunker [Chapter Twelve]

1.6K 84 115
By cursed-version-of-me

{Techno's POV}

The sun gathered above the thick green sea of trees, the glistening raindrops on the leaves drying up as the bright rays surrounded them. The recent storm had caused the limbs from trees to snap and break away, and more than half of the leaves were stolen away from each branch and twig, filling the ground with greens and browns. However, it seemed the forest of life was already repairing itself as a golden sun smiled upon the kingdom.

As the light bounced down onto the house which was tucked away inside of the trees, a small bird flew out from underneath the overhang of the roof. Its feathers, a brilliant blue, shined in the sunlight before vanishing into the tree line. However, as the bird seemed to fly off into the unknown of the tangle of branches, the sun rays continued down onto the cold glass of the structure. While most of the bright sun bounced off of the surface to shine somewhere else, a small ray of light managed to slip right into the house. It traveled in a straight line until it hit the face of a boy. His pink hair almost look white in the brightest of sunbeams, and a slight snarl of discomfort crossed his face as the sun shined into his rosy eyes.

Techno let out a slight growl of pain as his eyes were suddenly hit by the sunlight shining through the window at him. He moved his hand up to block it and to attempt to un-blind himself. A frown ran over his face and he gave a solid stare at the window. His eyes searched the white frame, scanning for any window blinds so he could block out the sun. However, as he spotted the hazel blinds, he realized it wad the kind with two or three different stings to pull on.

The day I know how to actually shut those will be the day fireworks are used in an execution, Techno thought, his ears twitching slightly in discomfort, yet slight amusement. While it seems impossible, I can't wait for the day both of those become true.

He felt his mind drift off towards how someone could actually use fireworks as a weapon. He wondered how much damage it could actually do, to be shot by fireworks. His amusement melted into a frown of thought as he pondered on this idea.

"Why did he make a boat?" came the sudden voice beside Techno. He twitched his ears back as he listened to Wilbur's question, his attention from the blinds and his own scheming getting pulled away. He turned back and remembered that he was in the living room, sitting on the soft couch. Beside him sat Wilbur, whose attention was firmly on the TV screen as it was playing the latest episode of Manhunt. Techno relaxed back into the couch as he allowed the sunlight to travel past his face. He looked over to the TV as well, trying to catch up on whatever he had missed.

"Maybe it could help him get away in the water?" Techno suggested, giving a quick glance to Wilbur, who seemed to be busy thinking. His longish hair was pushed off to one side and seemed to cover his face slightly, unlike Techno's hair which was bright and longer, pulled back in a small hair-tie which was almost completely hidden on the back of his head.

"Yeah... But dolphins are faster," he pointed out, leaning forward to the living room table, his hand seeming to glide to the plate of Oreos without much of a thought behind it.

Techno leaned forward as well, grabbing a few of his own Oreos to munch on. Of course as he leaned forward, the sun managed to hit his eyes once more and he let out a grunt as he felt a burning on his eyes. He ignored it still, refusing to get up to try and figure out how to fix the blinds.

He leaned back into the couch with two Oreos in his hand, and he looked back to the screen. But his mind drifted from the subject of the show and instead he began to feel a trickle of worry fill his stomach. He began to think about the day before, waking up to hearing Philza talk to some social worker about being taken away. Of course at the time Techno was ready to fight Philza to make sure he wasn't taken anywhere, and any trust he had put into him had vanished. However, Philza had quickly reassured that he wouldn't let anyone come near Techno and Wilbur, and instead they came up with a plan of what to do when it was time to run and hide.

...Techno hated hiding.

Techno frowned, his heel slightly bouncing on the floor. He couldn't help but to glance at the door every couple of seconds or to keep an ear out for the sound of tires against the gravel and dirt road. He jumped at the creaking sounds of Philza walking upstairs and even some sound effects from the TV caused the boy to look around in a panic. He was on edge and he really did not want to be caught today.

"I think the hunters are going to win this one," Wilbur broke through his thoughts once more, "I mean all the speedrunner has is leather boots and an iron chest plate. The hunters have full diamond!"

Techno just gave an absent nod, still worrying about the dreadful knock of the door or the shout of evil people trying to take him and Wilbur away.

"Unless he somehow manages to sneak to the middle to get the dragon, there is no way he is winning this one," Wilbur continued on, despite Techno's silence.

"He could always try doing a one-cycle with the beds..." Techno tried to contribute to the conversation, however his eyes had grown distant as he listened for any signs of other life stirring. He suddenly jumped at the sound of the stairs screeching as pressure was put on them. Techno grabbed Wilbur's arm and he craned his neck around.

"They're here!" Philza announced in a hushed voice moments later. He rushed into the living room towards Techno and Wilbur.

Techno hopped up quickly, pulling Wilbur up with him. He lead the way quickly through the house as quietly as possible, holding his breath as he heard the dreadful knock on the door. His heart pounded with each knock as he reached the back door with Wilbur. He could hear Philza shouting to the door from the other room, but he wasn't about to stick around long enough to figure out what he was saying.

Techno slid the sliding glass door open swiftly and he waited for Wilbur to step through before he followed. He didn't bother closing it as he took Wilbur's hand once more and he rushed off into the woods, the sunlight shining on them until they vanished into the shadows.

They followed a path they had trailed the day before, with flattened leaves and branches stuck in the ground. The forest smelt of decaying bushes and wet dirt smeared on the trees. The playful sunrays taunted their frightful runaway situation as they rushed through the woods. The tree trunks slowly began to grow thicker and taller the more the two went on deeper, and even the sun seemed to vanish over the leaves and thick branches. No birds sung a song of hope either, and silence settled upon them.

"The shed should be close... right?" whispered Wilbur from off to the side of Techno. The nervousness in his voice was clear, but Techno wasn't ready to comment on it. Instead, he just walked a few more feet until quickly pointing. Following his finger, they could see a small, broken down shed, with vines crawling all over it. The roof looked caved in and a little breeze seemed like it could push it over.

Despite this, the boys turned their walking direction towards the pitiful thing. Their steps slowed as they neared the shed, their shoes sinking into the moist ground. They stepped inside, the smell of rotting wood instantly surrounding them. Techno wrinkled his nose before he scooped down, his hands brushing away many wet and sticky leaves. He uncovered a rusted handle, looking very ancient. He tugged twice on it before it finally budged and opened up, revealing a deep and dark basement. It had no ladder or stairs, but there was just an unknown drop.

Techno opened his mouth to offer to go first, but before he could even take a breath, Wilbur had walked forward and was jumping inside. Techno rushed forward as he watched the smaller boy get swallowed by the darkness, peering down to try and see him.

"Wilbur!?" He called down, hearing his own voice echo slightly. He heard hollow splashing and movement, and he held his breath.

"I'm alright! Its just some water down here!" Wilbur called up, his voice seeming to echo as well, confidence mixed with nervousness.

Shouldn't we check to see if it is safe before jumping in? Techno silently wondered before he quickly followed, jumping inside. He closed his eyes as he waited for his feet to touch the ground, which they did surprisingly quickly. Water instantly began to soak through his shoes and the smell of rot, mold, and even old urin surrounded them. Techno wrinkled his nose and shuffled over to stand by Wilbur.

Just a few minutes... that's what Philza said. Just a few minutes and he will come pick us up and the other people will be gone.

A small drop of water stretched from the roof of the capsule before dropping into the shallow and bitter water below.

Just a few more minutes and he will come get us.

The sound of a strong gust of wind could be heard from above, slashing through the branches and causing a rumble through the roots.

Just a few minutes...

The sound of water being sloshed around caused Techno perk up and look around, eyes widening slightly.

"Wilbur- Try not to move around," Techno softly whispered to him, although the sound was not coming from Wilbur's direction.

"I-I'm not moving!" Wilbur whispered back with a shallow breath.

Suddenly there was a very strong rush of wind from above, with leaves flying up from the ground and small bits of branches snapping. Techno stepped back and peered up through the hole, trying to catch a glimpse to see what was happening aboveground. However, the trapdoor to the bunker suddenly slammed shut with a very sharp and firm slam.

Wilbur let out a short scream as Techno felt him grab onto his shirt. Techno's own heart was pounding, and he turned slightly so he could place a hand on Wilbur's shoulder. He couldn't see anything and everything was pitch black and unknown. However, the sound of water being pushed around still echoed from the other side of the room.

"Techno?" Wilbur whispered under his breath, his grip tightening on Techno's sleeve which he had managed to get a good grip on. Techno didn't answer him, however, as his eyes tried to search and scan for whatever was moving around. Of course in the darkness, he couldn't see anything.


Techno jumped back along with Wilbur at the sound of the shrill screech, and the feeling of danger suddenly setting in quickly. That sounded like the sound of a demon or some sort of swamp beast. Something seemed to be hunting them.

"What the-" Techno began before the sound of a splashing interrupted him. He tried to peer down to see whatever was scurrying around, before there was a sudden blast of red and black in his vision. His ankle suddenly gave away and he slipped and lost his balance, falling onto the ground with shallow water soaking his clothes. It took a few moments before the sharp pain set in on his ankle, and he felt a pair of sharp and strong teeth sink through his skin and clamp onto his bones.

Techno let out a scream before he kicked whatever had gotten a hold oh him off with his other foot, hearing another shrill squeak as he did so. Wilbur was saying something behind him, but Techno wasn't listening. He was too busy focused on the faint outlines of a dozen rats staring right at them. Their bodies seeming to almost swarm into one beast, teeth sharper than knives, coming right towards them.

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