12 Days of Cadnis

By kenzieslovelyworld

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Exactly what the title says. I don't have time for twenty-five, so here we are, doing 12 days. This is set in... More

Day 1- Cuddles and Lazy Day
Day 2- Christmas Light Fun
Day 3- Snow Day
Day 4- Christmas Shopping and Early Presents
Day 6- Hot Chocolate Contest and Christmas Movies
Day 7- Wearing Onesies
Day 8- Learning Rockin' Around The Pole Dance (again)
Day 9- Date Night and Mistletoe
Day 10- Christmas Baking and Music
Day 11- Christmas Craft Competition
Day 12- Christmas Day

Day 5- Sick Day

108 3 16
By kenzieslovelyworld

Janis wakes up, feeling like trash. Well, she usually does, but today she feels like literal trash. Her stomach is churning, and she clutches it, turned on her side, feeling terrible. She feels worse than she does with period cramps, which is saying something. She tries to stay as quiet as possible, because her beautiful wife, Cady, is still asleep next to her. 

Ember had a sleepover the night before with Kaitlyn and Ashlin, letting Cady and Janis have some alone time. Karen and Gretchen love having Ember over and so do the twins. Ember always comes home telling stories about her having ice cream and playing for hours. Cady and Janis have told Karen and Gretchen not to give her ice cream, but they don't mind dealing with Ember jumping off the walls when she is there. They just want her to have a good time.

Janis hears Cady stir next to her before feeling an arm wrap around her, pulling her close. Janis moans in pain, before feeling nauseous. She runs to their attached bathroom and hurries in front of the toilet before opening it and vomiting. Seconds later, she feels her hair being pulled back and a hand rubbing her back. Once she started to feel like it would temporarily stop, she looked back to see Cady, alert with sad eyes, confused about how she was able to get sick so fast.

"Are you okay baby?" Janis moans a little before falling back into Cady.

"It hurts like hell." Cady kisses her forehead before stroking her hand through her hair.

"I know Jay, you're okay. I've got you. I love you JanJan." Janis smiles weakly up at Cady.

"I love you too, Cads." They sit there for a bit until Janis feels good enough to get up. Cady helps her to the couch, but not before getting the dreaded 'barf bucket'.

"I need to go pick up Emb. Are you good to stay home a bit?" Janis nods, laying down on the couch. Cady sets the bucket down next to her before kissing her forehead and leaving. 

Janis stays in that position for twenty minutes or so before the door opens and Cady and Ember walk in.

"Embs, Mama is not feeling well, so please be calm, okay?" Ember nods before Cady comes over to her, sitting on the edge of the couch checking Janis's forehead. 

"Babe, you're warm. Do you want some ibuprofen?" Janis nods, and Cady gets her the ibuprofen from the medicine cabinet with a glass of water. Cady hands her the pill and water, and she takes it, hoping it will help her feel better.

Ember comes skipping in from her room where she made a get well card for her mom. 

"I made you a card Mama!" Janis smiles before taking it from Ember. She drew little images and wrote a sweet card, making Janis smile.

"I love it Embs, thank you." Ember smiles, and then Janis gets nauseous again. Cady notices her getting pretty pail and hurries to get the bucket for her. Janis vomits immediately, and Ember tenses. Ember does not like looking at vomit, and it made her anxious. She hurries to her room, closing the door, hiding from the vomit. She feels really guilty for leaving her mom while she is sick, but she got anxious and needed to hide for a bit.

Janis finishes getting what seems like everything out of her system and she looks up to notice that sweet little Ember fled the room. Cady was rubbing her back, since Janis sat up to use the dreaded bucket. Cady and Janis both know that Ember has a fear of vomit and they sigh sadly. Janis feels extremely guilty, and Cady silently comforts her. Janis starts to get up to go check on Ember, but Cady holds her back.

"I know you want to see her, but give her a minute. She just needs to breathe for a bit. She is seven now, don't worry. We can check on her in little bit." Janis sighs, knowing her wife is right but secretly wishing she was wrong.

~Quick time skip because I don't know what else to add- ~

It has been about ten minutes and somehow the ibuprofen started to kick in. Just when Janis was about to check on Ember, she heard a door squeak open before Ember turns around the corner, with her head hung low. This breaks Janis's heart, knowing that she feels guilty about it all. Ember starts crying, and Janis pats the seat next to her, motioning for her to sit down. Ember sits down and hugs Janis before she hugs her back, crying of guilt. Cady sits down next to Ember, rubbing her shoulders in comfort.

"I'm so sorry Mama."

"It's okay Embs. You were caught of guard, and that is okay. I'm sorry I scared you. I love you baby girl."

"I love you too, Mama." Ember snuggles into both of her moms, and she is glad to be loved by them.

They cuddle there for a while, being with family. Janis might not feel the best, but she feels better surrounded by the people she loves most. Well, minus Damian...


Hi! I hope you guys enjoy this the ending is extremely abrupt because I am about to go in my PT appointment and I just want to get it done before I go in there, haha. I love you all! (EDIT:I updated the end a little bit because it's one AM and I can't sleep with my nonexistent sleep schedule, plus I slept for a few hours this afternoon-) -Kenzie

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