Isolated | Taekook

By orangexmint

18.4K 1.6K 333

"How do I know I'm not dreaming?" "You think you're the only one who's freaking out right now?!" Or in which... More

Author's Note
character profiles
twenty-one | smut


481 48 9
By orangexmint


_____ 🌿 _____

Jungkook was worried that things might be different between him and Taehyung after their kiss, but as he's standing in the sleeping quarters of the bunker, watching Taehyung fumble with the zipper of one of the sleeping bags, he knows nothing has changed. Every so often, he caught Taehyung sneaking glances at him, and when their eyes met, Taehyung would smile at him. The only thing that had changed between him was that Taehyung no longer looked at him like he was a friend. He looked at him with soft brown eyes, and a warm smile. His cheeks were always flushed, and warm to the touch, and the moment Jungkook smiled back at him, Taehyung would duck his eyes like he was embarrassed. He looked at him as if he had something he wanted to tell him - and he did. Taehyung wanted to tell him just how much he loved him, to tell him that he was beautiful, but all his courage flew out the window whenever Jungkook looked at him. He became flustered, knowing that Jungkook knew how he felt now. Jungkook was his whole world.

His face burns a bright red when Jungkook catches him for a fourth time. He's supposed to be unzipping sleeping bags, but he's so caught up in Jungkook's movements that he just wants to watch him instead of work. He'll be thankful when everything is set up to their liking, so that they can just relax and enjoy the fact that they don't have to worry about this winter and what will happen. It'll be nice to have a winter where Jungkook isn't stressed out. Taehyung then realizes that this will be their fifth winter together and he can't believe that it's been this long since they first met.

He could remember how panicked Jungkook was that first year as the cold began to hit. He didn't think he'd ever seen someone so stressed for such a long amount of time, and he didn't think he saw Jungkook relax until all the snow had gone away.

"What are you looking at?" Jungkok questioned, bringing him back to reality. He's got a small smirk on his face as he folded up all the blankets that were at his feet, doing a double count to see how many they had. He knows exactly what Taehyung is looking at, but ever since he figured out that Taehyung gets flustered when he makes him say things that he already knows the answer to, he can't bring himself to stop.

Taehyung is tearing his eyes away from Jungkook, and immediately goes back to unzipping the sleeping bag to spread it out. He can feel Jungkook's eyes burning into him as he does, and when he looks back up, Jungkook is still looking at him with a raised brow. He's expecting an answer.

"You," he mumbled softly, looking away again.

"Oh? Why's that?" Jungkook teased.

"Cause you're beautiful," he breathed, quietly, finishing with his sleeping back. He's rising to his feet and carrying it over to where the rest of them are.

He doesn't notice the way Jungkook's face flushed the same shade of red as him as he rose from one of the spare beds. He's just as flustered as Tae is, now, but he doesn't let it show. He wandered over to where he was standing, and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. "Is that the only reason?"

"There are several reasons, but those, I will save for another day," Taehyung mused. He finished with the sleeping bags and sighed, turning around. "Wanna go through the storage room? I can tell you've been itching to get in there and see what we've got,"

"Maybe we oughta clean up what we've brought first," Jungkook suggested. "Between my books and the boxes of junk that needs to be sorted, we shouldn't focus on making a bigger mess.

_____ 🌿 _____

They spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning up. It had never occurred to Jungkook that he should find a place for everything as he moved them from the trailer to the bunker - he had been more focused on making sure everything had been moved in time before the winter hit. But he wished that he'd put effort into finding a place for things as he went. Then they wouldn't have to do it all last minute. Jungkook was exhausted, having hardly slept the night before. It had been their final night in the trailer and it was freezing. Paired with moving the last bit of their things over to the bunker and going through the bedroom area, he was ready for a nap. The bunker was warm, they had thicker blankets, and paired with Taehyung as a body pillow, he wouldn't want to leave the bed.

The nicest part is that Jungkook now has a place to store all his books. Now that they're not all stacked precariously on the floor or counters of the trailer - they're neatly placed on one of the book cases - he realizes he doesn't have as many as he thought he did. Taehyung can already tell he's planning on searching for more, as if he didn't already have enough. It's nice to see him at peace though. He doesn't think he's ever seen him this relaxed before. He's gushing silently to himself about all the possibilities that come with living here, while stacking boxes inside of one another. Taehyung finds himself staring again instead of being useful.

Jungkook feels calm once the main bunker area is clean again. He doesn't know what to do with the stack of boxes - he doesn't want to put them in the storage room until they've gone through it and cleaned it all out, plus they might come in handy - so he stacked them neatly in the corner by the stairs. He's then flopping onto the couch with a heavy sigh.

"I need a nap," he groaned, feeling the exhaustion sweep over him. Everything is sore. "It's so late-"

"You don't even know what the time is," Taehyung teased. "For all we know it could still be light outside,"

"Well then Mr. Genius, what time is it then?" Jungkook argued back tiredly. Taehyung doesn't know what the time is either, but rather than wonder about it, he wandered into the greenhouse, and looked up. It was almost pitch black outside - meaning Jungkook was right, it was late in the evening. But he's distracted by the fact that he can see snowflakes. He makes his way back out to the living area, and grabs Jungkook's hand, pulling him up.

"First snowfall, he mumbled, pulling him towards the stairs. "Wanna see,"

Jungkook feels like they should be wearing coats and boots, but they don't venture past the hatch in the ground. They're greeted with a blast of cold air, but Taehyung was right. There was snow falling all around, and somehow, this area of the city looked magical.

He leant into Taehyung's side, shivering lightly. Taehyung wrapped an arm around him, and pulled him into his chest. They would stay out for long. "It's beautiful huh?" he whispered, kissing his temple.

"It is," Jungkook agreed. For once, he doesn't hate the snow. He doesn't have to worry this year. The bunker had changed everything, and for once he could relax, knowing that they would be alright this time. That they wouldn't have to risk getting sick or frostbite. He's excited almost at what this winter will bring them. The excitement turns into smugness however, as he glanced at Tae with a smirk.

"Told you it was late," he said, nudging him with his elbow.

"Fuck off,"

_____ 🌿 _____

could this have been better? maybe

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