Factory Inc.

Von GraveDagger

73K 3.9K 206

More than 500 years have passed since World war III, A war that changed everything. Humanity has long since r... Mehr

001 Beginning I
002 Beginning II
003 Factory System
004 Factory System II
005 New Life
006 The Plan I
008 The Plan III
009 Trading prodigy
010 Trading prodigy II
011 Grand Trading
012 Grand Trading II
013 Grand Trading III
014 Grand Trading IV
015 Grand Trading V
016 Grand Trading VI
017 Venture
018 Venture II
019 Venture III
020 Fame
021 Fame II
022 Fame III
023 Fame IV
024 Fame V
025 Fame VI
026 Ambition
027 Ambition II
028 Ambition III
029 Ambition IV
030 Ambition V
031 Ambition VI
032 Grand Army
033 Grand Army II
034 Grand Army III
035 Grand Army IV
036 Grand Army V
037 Grand Army VI
038 Grand Army VII
039 Grand Army VIII
040 Grand Army IX
041 Grand Army X
042 Grand Army XI
043 New Order
044 New Order II
045 New Order III
046 New Order IV
047 New Order V
048 New Order VI
049 New Order VII
050 New Order VIII
051 New Order IX
052 New Order X
053 New Order XI
054 New Order XII
055 New Order XIII
056 New Order XIV
057 New Order XV
058 New Order XVI
059 New Order XVII
066 Shadow Moon VII
067 Shadow Moon VIII
068 Shadow Moon IX
069 Shadow Moon X
070 Shadow Moon XI
071 Shadow Moon XII
072 Shadow Moon XIII
073 Shadow Moon XIV
074 Shadow Moon XV
075 Shadow Moon XVI
076 Shadow Moon XVII
077 Shadow Moon XVIII
078 Shadow Moon XIX
079 Shadow Moon XX
080 Shadow Moon XXI
081 Shadow Moon XXII
082 Shadow Moon XXIII
083 Shadow Moon XXIV
084 Shadow Moon XXV
085 Shadow Moon XXVI
086 Shadow Moon XXVII
087 Shadow Moon XXVIII
088 Shadow Moon XXIX
089 Shadow Moon XXX
090 Shadow Moon XXXI
091 Shadow Moon XXXII
092 Shadow Moon XXXIII
093 Shadow Moon XXXIV
094 Shadow Moon XXXV
095 Shadow Moon XXXVI
096 Shadow Moon XXXVII
097 Shadow Moon XXXVIII
098 Shadow Moon XXXIX
099 Shadow Moon XL
100 Shadow Moon XLI
101 Shadow Moon XLII
102 Shadow Unit XLIII
103 Shadow Unit XLIV
104 Shadow Unit XLV
105 Shadow Unit XLVI
106 Shadow Unit XLVII
107 Shadow Unit XLVIII
108 Shadow Moon XLIX
109 Shadow Moon L
110 Shadow Moon LI
111 Shadow Moon LII
112 Shadow Moon LIII
113 Shadow Moon LIV
115 Shadow Moon LVI
116 Shadow Moon LVII
117 Shadow Moon LVIII
118 Shadow Moon LIX
119 Shadow Moon LX
120 Shadow Moon
121 Expansion
122 Expansion II
123 Expansion III
124 Expansion IV
125 Expansion V
126 Revelation
127 Revelation II
128 Revelation III
129 Liberty
130 Liberty II
131 Liberty III
132 Expansion VI
133 Expansion VII
134 Reunion
135 Reunion II
136 Expansion VIII
137 Expansion IX
138 Expansion X
139 Preparation
140 Preparation II
141 Expansion XI
142 First Encounter
143 First Encounter II
144 Harvest
145 Harvest II
146 Expansion XII
147 Expansion XIII
148 Expansion XIV
149 Expansion XV
150 Departure
151 Departure II
152 Unexpected Surprise
153 Unexpected Surprised II
154 Exploration
155 Exploration II
156 Chaotic Times
157 Chaotic Times II
158 Red Hole
159 Belly Of The Beast
160 Expansion XVI
161 Expansion XVII
162 Expansion XVIII
163 Humanity
164 Humanity II
165 Humanity III
166 Humanity IV
167 Messiah
168 Origin

007 The Plan II

856 39 0
Von GraveDagger

07 The Plan II

He looked at his phone and saw the time it was 4 AM. Normally it's the time for him to prepare for work, but this time it's different, for the first time since he starts working he is going to miss his work.

Nevertheless, he still gets ready; he doesn't want his sisters to notice anything at least not yet.

He took a bath and checked his ring on his mind. He saw the paper currency factory machine continuing to print money non-stop. He grinned, a few hours ago after getting the ring he learned that he can still use the paper currency factory inside the ring.

He immediately runs back to the basement to retrieve the type 1 currency factory machine.

Today he plans to go to the market to notify the shop owner that he is quitting...

In front of the shop, he calls the old man.

"Arc, what are you still doing here? The work has already begun..." said the old man.

"Old man, I'm quitting!" Arc said.

"Huh!, why;? I thought you needed money?"

"I do, but my body can't handle it anymore, I'm suffering from a serious back issue."

He said, looking depressed. That was the excuse he came up with after thinking over and over again...

Haiis, the old man looked at him with pity in his eyes. It's not the first time someone said something like this, in fact, it's too common. Every year 1or 2 of his workers were forced to quit because of these kinds of related issues.

"I see, sorry kid, it's part of the work." said the old man looking quite sad.

"I know, thanks for taking care of me."

In fairness, although the work is hard, the old man always gives him what he deserves. He never took advantage of him he even helps him a few times by giving him extra money.

"What's your plan now, kid?"

"Well, what can I do? But to look for a job that allows me to work with my current body."

"Well, good luck, kid, I mean it."

"Thanks, old man."

After saying goodbye, he left.

The old man looks at the disappearing Arc and shakes his head.

His next destination is the factory. There's no need to go to the construction site since it's only a part-time job. Whether he works or not doesn't matter to the construction site...

"What! You can't quit!. I have no one to replace you at the moment." Said the factory owner. 

"It's not like I want to quit, but my doctor says if I keep working in this kind of environment, my damaged lungs will end up as cancer. You know I can't afford to have that, there's so much riding on my shoulders!"

"fuck!" what more can he say?

Don't worry about getting cancer? As much as he wants to keep the boy, he can't. He took advantage of the boy. After all, he knows he won't quit because he needs the job. But now that the boy gets lung damage because of the pollution in his factory. He was aware of it, of course, but fixing it takes a lot of money he doesn't want to spend.

"So, what's your plan now, brat?"

"My doctor said she would recommend me to a job, and she is an old family friend."

"f@#k! Fine, good luck! brat here's your last paycheck, I added a little more. Treat it like a severance pay!"

"Thanks, boss."

After getting out of the factory, he checks the cash that his boss gave him.

"f@#k! 10credits!"

He received 10 additional credits, and it's not even enough for one bowl of street noodles.

"Severance bonus my ass what a cheap bastard,"

Even though he doesn't need the money, he still can't stop cursing.

Next stop, bank. Universal United Bank 'UUB' the biggest bank in the United government.

"Good morning sir, what can I do to help you?"Said the beautiful teller in the UUB...

"I would like to open an account."

"No problem, sir, what kind of account would you like to open?" said the teller with a smile.

"Can you give me a suggestion?"

"Sure!, first, can I ask you what's the purpose of you opening an account?" said the teller with a soft and professional voice.

"Oh, it's for personal and online transactions."

"Can you elaborate on what kind of online transaction?"

"For trading, I mean stocks trading."

"Oh, in that case, an open savings account will do, sir."

"Open? Does that mean there's a closed savings account?"

"Yes sir, A closed saving account can only be deposited from a registered account, meaning if I want to deposit to a closed saving account, the owner of the account needs to register my account first in order for me to send money to that account. Closed savings account mainly used for the company to pay its employees."

"I see," Arc said while nodding in understanding.

"The other is a regular saving account."

"A regular saving account can only accept money from a local source, a bank account from a different city can not deposit money from a regular saving account.

The advantage of a regular saving account is its low maintenance fee, a client who owns a regular saving account only need to maintain 50 credit on his account to prevent it from closing."


"Parents mainly used this kind of account to give allowances to their kids." said the teller, still maintaining a professional smile.

"Yeah, I remember I used to have this kind of account before."

"That's right," said the teller.

"As for open accounts, anyone can deposit money on the account, and it's also easier to move money around as well. Since it doesn't need too much verification, but you don't have to worry about security, your money is secured and insured any money less than 1million Ugcredit is secured and under insurance. If you plan on moving more than a million, I suggest you open a business or private account."

"So, what's the maintenance for an open savings account?"

"1000 Ugcredit."

"I see. Then I would like to open an open savings account, please."

"No problem, may I have your citizen I'd please."

Arc gave his citizen ID, 2 minutes later, the registration was complete.

"Sir. Arc D. Grand, how much would you like to deposit for the initial deposit?" Asked the Teller.

Arc is not surprised by such a fast transaction, since the implementation of citizen ID 200 years ago all citizen information are recorded in the single ID system. And over the last two centuries, the citizen ID system has already been perfected.

"20000 Ugcredit."

"Sir, may I know where or what's the source of the money?"

"This is just a standard question when you're opening an account to prevent any illegal use of the account."

"No problem I sold one of my dad old machine,"

"Do you have any documentation?"

"Sadly no, it's a cash basis transaction,"

"Can you tell me what your dad does for a living?"

"My dad used to be a chief engineer in pan trans Corp."

"I see, let me verify it first gives me a second."

The Teller types something from on her computer; she already knows the name of Arc's parents since it's included in his information from his citizen ID.

A few seconds later. I see I'm sorry to hear about your parents.

"No problem,'' said Arc."

"Everything checks out, sir."

Arc gave the 20k Ugcredit that's been produced from his paper currency factory machine. His face shows no emotions, but inside his heart is beating so fast he can almost hear it he was afraid it will come out as counterfeit.

He waited for the Teller to complete the transaction...

"Sir Arc, thank you for choosing Universal United Bank. Here's your citizen I'd, your account is already linked to your ID, anything else I can help you with?" Said the beautiful teller while smiling at him.

He was about to say goodbye when he thought of something.

"Oh yes, can you open a regular saving account for my two sisters? I don't have their ID with me, though."

"Are you their legal guardian?"

Both his sisters are underage. Ever since his parent's accident, he became the legal guardian for both his sisters.

"I am."

"In that case, there's no need to bring their ID. let me verify it."

"Ok, Mr. Grand, how much would you like to pay for the initial deposit?"

"2000 Ugcredit each, please."

"Ok, give me a second."

"All done, sir, confirmation would be sent to your email, anything else?"

"No, that would be all miss, thank you,'' said Arc with a relieved and happy smile on his face.


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