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CROWN OF THORNES| "ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴀ ꜰɪɴɢᴇʀ ɪꜱ ᴘʀɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴀ ᴛʜᴏʀɴᴇ, ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴄᴀʀ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜰᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ." In which another famil... Еще

II. Poke My Hontas
III. Dance The Night Away
IV. Hidden Memories
V. Which Hale
VI. Mocking Edward 101
𝖛𝖎𝖎𝖎. Sunny Day Hostess

I. Operation: High Fucking School

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𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓: 𝖍𝖎𝖌𝖍 𝖋𝖚𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖑


     𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 to do all the things that they want. That all they ever do was the fun stuff that they prefer to begin or come back to. But when you're related to Miracle Blair Thorne, she will make you do things that you never thought you'd do. Like, attending high school in the twenty-first century, for example.

"Are you bloody insane?" Sebastian exclaimed as he looked at the pouting Miracle. "I have better things to do than attend high school, Miracle."

Miracle jumped up from the couch as she tried to convince her brother further.

"Come on, Sebastian. Ollie and Parker already agreed to go with me. It's going to be fun!" Miracle responded.

Sebastian glared at the couple seated on the couch with Parker's arm around Olivia's shoulders.

"It could be a lot of fun." Olivia stated.

"I've always wanted to see how high school detentions go...or just high school in general." Parker added.

"It's a perfect place to be a jackass. You'll fit right in, Parker." Miracle told him.

Parker placed a hand on his chest as he faked a pained expression while Olivia simply nudged him with her elbow.

"Forget it. I'm not going." Sebastian said.

The brunette vampire plummetted to the couch as he took the book he was reading from the coffee table.

Miracle groaned in frustration and looked at how Sebastian was ignoring her and her very obvious groans of resentment. At least, that was until Miracle thought of a way to force Sebastian out of that couch and into the halls of Forks High School.

"Fine. I'll just ask some of the guys in school for company, then." Miracle said as she gestured for Olivia and Parker to get up from the couch.

Sebastian immediately rose from the couch and grabbed his jacket as he made his way out.

"Not a chance in hell. You'll stand right next to me the whole year." Sebastian said.

Miracle, Olivia, and Parker watched the brunette vampire storm out of the room with a look of determination that he aimed to wear the whole year as he pries away every guy that would go near his sister.

"I'm never getting a boyfriend, am I?" Miracle asked Parker and Olivia as they watched Sebastian start the jeep outside.

"Not a chance in hell." Olivia said, imitating the way Sebastian said it before the couple made their way towards the motorcycle.

"Maybe a girlfriend?" Miracle suggested.

═══════ ∘◦❁◦∘ ═══════

Arriving at Forks High School was the most uncomfortable thing Miracle has ever experienced since they moved into the town. But then again, they've only been there for two days, so she figured there'd be a lot more where that came from.

"Operation: High Fucking School." Miracle muttered under her breath as she got out of the jeep along with her brother.

"I can't believe I'm here." Sebastian said, lacking enthusiasm.

"Well, your protectiveness got the better of you." Miracle stated.

Parker and Olivia eventually joined them after they got off their motorcycle.

"I can hear them referring to me as 'Tall hot guy'. I'm liking it here already." Parker said as he roamed his eyes around the girls that kept stealing glances from him.

"Miracle, can I turn anyone into stone here?" Olivia asked as she shot glares at the girls who kept staring at her man.

"That would be hilarious, but, no, unless you want to face Armand's wrath." Miracle said.

"He has been running around town, shaking hands and closing deals just to keep our stay here long and peaceful. If any one of us disrupts that peace, he won't be happy." Parker added.

He then turned towards Olivia before he placed an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer.

"Don't worry, no one here can take me away from you. So, don't go all Medusa on the school." Parker said.

Olivia rolled her eyes at her husband. "I can go all Medusa on whoever I want."

She shoved away Parker's arm before she took it upon herself to walk towards the school first.

The three siblings left behind simply shared glances and shrugged shoulders before they went inside.

As expected, the entire student body was captivated by the presence of the Thornes walking in the halls. They were both enchanted and intimidated, given their rather dark reputation.

Some have heard that their family is associated with illegal businesses. Some have heard that their entire family were gangsters. Some have heard that they are working undercover for the US Government.

Now, that last rumor made Miracle chuckle her ass out.

The Thornes proceeded to go to their assigned lockers after getting their schedules and keys from the front office.

Miracle was simply trying to get her locker to open, which was a struggle for a moment and it was starting to get on her nerves.

"Here, let me get that for you." Said a blonde teenager with a sweet yet nervous smile on his face as he politely offered to help the brunette girl.

"Okay." Miracle just muttered before she simply backed away to let the boy open her locker.

After a few jabs, the locker finally opened and Miracle sighed in relief.

"Thanks." She said with a polite smile.

"You're always welcome." Said the boy. "I'm Mike Newton."

Miracle nodded and opened her mouth to introduce herself as well when the loud bang of the lockers behind Mike startled the two, causing them to look over and see the brunette vampire with his hand on the lockers as he leaned.

"Sebastian Thorne. Nice to meet you." Sebastian introduced, a sarcastic grin plastered across his face.

Mike nodded as he tried to come up with anything to say, but having an aura as intimidating as Sebastian's, Miracle couldn't blame the boy if he was struggling to find his tongue.

"Run along, mate." Sebastian said.

Mike nodded again before he was finally able to unfreeze himself from his position and move as far away from Sebastian as possible.

The brunette girl looked at her brother in an unamused manner, which Sebastian soon noticed after he stopped glaring at Mike Newton.

"What?" Sebastian asked her.

"He was just being nice." Miracle justified as she puts all her things inside her locker.

"I'm just protecting you, love." He argued back.

"Sebastian, we're in high school. The only threat here is Math." Miracle said right before the bell rang.

She closed the door of her locker and started to go towards where her first subject was, leaving Sebastian to himself while still leaning on the lockers, wondering.

"Who's Matt?" He muttered to himself before he finally decided to go to class.

Miracle was separated from her siblings considering that she has Biology first while Parker has Chemistry, and Olivia and Sebastian have History together. Though, she was looking forward to the class after this one since she'll have English with Olivia.

"Ms. Thorne, is it?" The teacher said.

"Yep." Miracle simply answered before she gave him the slip that the teachers needed to sign before she could join the class.

After signing, he gave it back to the girl and she politely smiled.

"You can sit wherever's vacant." He said and the brunette girl nodded.

Looking at the whole class, she saw two vacant seats. One next to a jock who was winking at her so much, she swore it was a disease, and one next to an Asian guy who she found kind and sweet just by looking at him.

If she was to survive this school year, she'll need a seatmate that will not make her pull out her pencil and stab him.

So, she picked the Asian guy.

"Hi." Said Miracle.

The Asian guy smiled brightly at the girl as he responded.

"Hey. Miracle Blair Thorne, right?" The Asian guy said.

Miracle cocked an eyebrow as her full name was mentioned.

"Yeah. Wow, you already know my full name, and I've only been here...what, twelve minutes?" Miracle said as she took a seat next to him.

"Well, I'm the yearbook editor, I know things." The Asian guy said. "I'm Eric Yorkie."

The Asian boy—Eric—offered a hand in front of Miracle and she gladly accepted it before shaking.

"Great to meet you, Eric." She said with her ever-so warm smile.

The first class she had went as Miracle had hoped, smooth. She and Eric got along quite well, which Miracle already predicted considering that the boy was incredibly friendly and bright. He offered to introduce her to his friends later on to make her feel welcome.

English was probably Miracle's favorite class so far. Not because of the subject tor the professor, it was simply because she was seated next to Olivia. Every now and then, they would whisper to one another and gossip about the smallest things.

Having Olivia with Miracle while she goes through high school was much more entertaining than Miracle had hoped for.

The next classes after that were okay, nothing that significant happened aside from the fact that Parker kept throwing papers at Miracle during Math when the teacher's not looking, and Sebastian glaring at the male seatmate that Miracle had during Physics.

In all honesty, Miracle had known about Sebastian's protectiveness for a long time now. She was a very significant part of Sebastian's retrieved self-control. He had a hard time controlling his bloodlust, but then came eight-year-old Miracle Blair who spent a lot of time with the man and helped him, much more help than anyone in the family had given him.

She saved him from himself, now he aims to protect her for eternity as if she was his real sister.

"What do we do every lunch break?" Parker asked as the four siblings walked altogether towards the door of the cafeteria.

Parker has his hand laced with Olivia's while Sebastian has his arm around his sister, as usual.

"Watch me eat." Miracle simply answered before they opened and walked past through the doors of the school cafeteria.

Behind the doors were a room filled with teenagers that had turned their heads the moment that the presence of the four siblings had entered. Whispers were exchanged, looks were given, thoughts were formed, as they assessed the four with their curious minds.

Unlike Miracle, the three siblings could hear the students' conversation all too clearly, a particular one catching their interest.

"Hey, Jessica. Are they the ones everyone is talking about? The Thornes?" They heard the girl with thick and long brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, pale complexion, and petite figure said.

The girl with voluminous curly, dark brown hair with blue eyes—who the three thought was Jessica because of the other girl's statement— glanced at them before looking away quickly and frantically.

"Yep. That's them. They moved here from England." Said Jessica. "They're like the Cullens. It's very weird. They're all adopted by Armand and Dr. Veronica Thorne."

"You see that blonde girl? That's Olivia. We had History together. That tall hot guy she's holding hands with, that's her boyfriend, Parker. Again, they're like the Cullens. Weird. And the two brunettes behind them, that's Sebastian and Miracle. I'm not sure but I think they're together, too." Jessica added.

The three Thornes almost chuckled out loud at the girl's assumption of Sebastian and Miracle before Eric swooped in to correct her.

"They're not together. I sat next to Miracle in Biology. She and Sebastian are twins and he's really, really protective of her." Eric stated, learning the information from Miracle herself.

"Explains why he suddenly interrupted Miracle and I's conversation and told me to scram." Mike said, the blonde boy from before, who helped Miracle in opening her locker and was scared off by Sebastian.

"Does that mean Sebastian is up for grabs?" The girl with black hair pulled back into a ponytail and glasses said, a smile playing on her lips.

"And Miracle, too." Eric said before he waved at Miracle with a bright smile.

"Hey, Miracle!" Eric shouted.

Miracle's hazel-brown eyes met Eric's smiling ones as he waved her over, planning to introduce her to his friends like he had told her earlier.

"You guys go ahead." Miracle told her siblings before moving towards Eric's table.

"Hey, Eric." Miracle greeted with a warm smile. She then turned towards Mike who was slightly sheepish.

"Mike, sorry about my brother. He's just like that." Miracle said.

Mike simply smiled and nodded. "It's fine."

"Come here." Eric jumped up from his seat and guided Miracle towards the other side of the table where she can see the faces of the three girls that were with them on the table.

"This is Angela Weber, Jessica Stanley, and Bella Swan." Eric said.

Angela was the girl with tied-back black hair and glasses wearing a sweet smile towards Miracle. Jessica Stanley was the one that has dark brown hair with such volume and the front pulled back by a headband and blue eyes wearing what Miracle could only assume was a fake smile. Bella Swan was the shy girl with long brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and pale skin, half a smile tugging on her lips.

"Hey, I'm Miracle Thorne." Miracle said. "But, I guess you already know that."

"I don't know what they're talking about. You're not scary at all. You actually look sweet." Angela said.

Miracle didn't know what to feel about what Angela said, but she does know that Angela had pure intentions when she said that.

"Thanks." Miracle simply replied.

"So," someone said from behind Miracle. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

An arm was wrapped around the girl's shoulders and Miracle was startled by the guy's appearance beside her. By the looks of his letterman jacket, he was a jock.

Parker and Sebastian rose up from their seats as they glared at the young man with his arm around their sister. Olivia simply narrowed her eyes while she watched the scene before them.

"No." Miracle answered as she pushed the arm off her.

"Why not?" The jock asked before placing his arm again around her, not noticing the hint that Miracle was giving, even though everyone else had noticed it.

Parker and Sebastian made a move to go towards their sister when Olivia stopped them.

"Wait." Olivia said. "I want to see how this goes."

"Ollie—" Parker tried to argue but Olivia simply cut him off.

"This is Miracle and a stupid jock. She's more than capable to beat his ass. I just wish I could eat popcorn right now." Olivia said as she averted her eyes away from the two male Thorned and back to Miracle.

"Because most guys are jerks." Miracle said as she shoved away the guy's arm once more.

"Come on, Ryan, leave Miracle alone." Eric told him.

"Bite me, Yorkie." Said Ryan as he placed his arm around Miracle again.

"That's it." Miracle muttered.

She pulled Ryan's arm over her head and pinned his own hand against his back, making him groan in pain before she pushed his upper body down on Eric and his friends' table, startling everyone in the room, especially the ones seated at the table.

The three Thornes couldn't help but grin as they watch their little Thorne pin a guy twice her size against the table.

"Let's get one thing straight, Red Bull Breath. I may be kind and sweet, but I have my father's temper. So watch it." Miracle said.

She pushed him further onto the table before letting him go.

Her hazel-brown eyes scanned the room, seeing everyone staring at her with their looks having different meanings. Some were admired, some were scared, and some were simply stuck in between.

She averted her eyes from them and settled it on her family which made a move to sit down again. She made her way over to them and sat between Olivia and Sebastian, their grins still not leaving their lips.

"You may be right. High school really can be fun." Sebastian whispered to Miracle.

Miracle only smiled in response before her gaze landed on the honey-blonde vampire from the other table, an amused smirk tugging on his lips as he looked at the pissed-off Ryan then her before looking back at his family.

"I'm suddenly craving for pasta." Miracle said before she stood up to get herself some food.

Jasper and Miracle's interactions are a bit slow but things are gonna be quite interesting in the next few chapters! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. <3

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