*Kyoutani x reader* Soft emo...

By trashpotato402

11K 332 68

Being the new girl at school it's ok and all. You wanted to try out for the cheer team but were asked to be t... More

New girl
Oh hell no!
Yep i hate her
Are you blind
Busy day
Hinata Noya!
Hinata Noya pt.2
Wahoo im alive
Talk about akward

Whos he???

1.2K 42 11
By trashpotato402

Y/n's POV: the whole practice anytime someone tried talking to whatever his name was they only call him 'Mad Dog' or Oikawa would call him 'Mad Dog-chan' which I don't think he liked. "Alright wrap it up everyone! Ah Kyoutani good to see you decided to show up today." The boy grumbled at the coach and left the gym not even bothering to help clean up.

I walked over to the coach. "Who was that? He didn't seem to work with the team and kept taking the ball from other players." "Thats Kyoutani Kentarou our #16 he's a good player he just don't listen and is difficult to work with and it doesn't help that he never shows up to practice." I thought for a minute. "What year is he?" "A 2nd year like you." "Ok good I'll try and drag him to practice after school...if I can find him." I walked off and began thinking to myself as I waited for Iwazumi.

'I didn't see him in certain classes.' It was kinda  odd but my new goal was to get him to show up to practices. "Come on let's go before Trashykawa finds us, I rather not have him walk home with us today." True I never meet Oikawa until today but I did know that he walked with Iwazumi everyday if possible. "Yeah let's get going." We began our walk home which was quite until my 'bothers' name was being yelled from down the street.

"God damnit Shittykawa be quiet!" (I just realized I've been spelling quiet wrong this whole time 😅) Oikawa eventually caught up to us. "Iwa-Chan you can't just leave me at the school alone what if someone took me." He whined. "Good then I wouldn't have to deal with your dumbass." "Ugh so rude Iwa-Chan." "Ugh so annoying Oikawa." He grabbed Where his heart was and pretended to be hurt.

Once at the house I said hi to the parents and went to my room. I shut and locked the door. I grabbed a hoodie and shorts. I changed and started on my math homework since I knew that would take the longest to complete since I suck at math.

It had only been a few minutes but I heard screaming and yelling as if it was downstairs. So being the curious person I am I went to check it out. But once I got downstairs no one was screaming or yelling but it could be heard more loudly. "Uh guys were the yelling coming from?" Iwazumi looked over his shoulder. "Oh no one knows but it's a house across the street that's for sure." "Jesus Christ someone can yell that loud!?" "Yeah. But don't bother to check it out." "Why not what if someone's hurt or in danger." He sighed. "Because Y/n not everyone wants your help or help in general." Sighing I went back upstairs to try and finish my school work and hopefully get some sleep.

Kyoutani's POV: As my mother carried on about something that I supposedly did I knew the other neighbors were probably mad about all the yelling but I didn't care I've to get her to stop but it's never worked it's actually the reason why my dad left my mom. "YOUR JJST A WORTHLESS BRAT!!!" That was the last straw. She's called me worst but she was in my fucking face now. "Back the hell off you bitch! Maybe I wouldn't be like this if I actually had a caring mom who didn't like to drink and judge people who cared for her fucking children! But no I got stuck with a fucking bitch who doesn't care about us and blames me for fucking everything! EVEN WHEH IT ISN'T MY FUCKING FUALT!"

She backhanded me as expected. What's often happened in the rare chance I did yell back or even mute a single word. "M-mommy?" Shit don't tell she saw. "What!?" "Stop it and leave her alone she's only six." I walked over and picked my little sister up. "Until you can get everything under control I won't be here and I won't let you keep Hoshi." I walked up the stairs and sat my sister on my bed. "Kyo where are we going?" I sighed. "I have no idea but it'll be much safer than here." I picked Hoshi up and went to her and packed a bag.

I went out the back door and hopped the fence we had put in when we had a dog. Hoshi was already asleep which was good in some sense. "Hey Kyoutani come here!" It was Iwazumi I never knew he lived close by.

I walked up to him. "What happened?" "Some troubles at home that's all." "Well come inside it's cold and you have a small child with you." I walked in his house and thanked him. "It's no problem. I'll call Y/n down and she can take your sister and then you can talk to me and my Uh dad." 'Who the hell is Y/n?' "Hey sis can you come here for a second!' Running could be heard then a thump and soon a girl with h/l   h/c came falling down the rest of the stairs.

She stood up and brushed herself off. It was the girl I bumped into at school. "Yes Iwa." "Can you take Kyoutani's little sister we need to  have a talk." She did as told no questions. As she took my sister you could really see she was really short. "Ok well we'll be in my room." "Don't trip on the stairs with her!" "Ok!" 

Iwazumi turned to face me. "What happened, last time you ever tried running away was when she was still with your dad." "She was screaming and yelling again blaming things on my and then got in my face and yelled. She's also started drinking again I don't want Hoshi around it." He simply nodded. "Well I'll get the guest room set up. If your ok with t Hoshi can sleep in Y/n's room with her." "Yeah that's fine.....thank you." "It's not a problem."

Y/n's POV: Though I still had no fucking idea who that boy was personally. But what I did know was her sister was tall for her age and it just made me feel even shorter. I set her in my bed and finished my schoolwork.  I heard shuffling around. I looked over my shoulder and saw it was just the little girl moving in her sleep. I looked at the time and saw it was late. 'Looks like I'll be finishing my schoolwork in class. Did that boy do his school work?' Decided to put a pin in I and went to bed.

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