By shecute06

185K 3.8K 1.3K

I am one of those girls who is friends with guys and is the only girl in their friend group. More

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5.7K 168 72
By shecute06


After a long practice the boys, they made their way to the locker room to get changed.

"Damn, I'm exhausted," Dom says sitting on a stool with a towel wrapped around his waist coming from the shower.

The four friends got started on changing.

"Leigh looks sexy as hell today," a guy says from the other side of the locker room.

That statement had Hunter livid, his friends held him back before he could approach the guy.

"Calm down bro," Mason says patting his back.

"I know, if only she could bend over in that skirt, mhmm all the things I'd do to her," another says rubbing his hands together.

"I heard she's a total freak," another guy says butting into the conversation.

"Yeah she looks like the type," the first one says.

"Too bad y'all never gonna get a taste, all you can do is imagine while I get the real deal," Jacob says coming in with a smirk on his face.

"Ah man, you can't even give us a turn," he says playfully swatting his shoulder.

"Nah she's all mine, all mine." He says possessively with a smirk.

At this point, Hunter was furious and ready to kill, the only thing holding him back was his friends.

"All you fuckers stay away from her!" He shouts out abruptly getting everyone's attention. "Especially you Jacob,"

"Well that's unfortunate, cause I'm planning on fucking that tight, sweet little pussy of hers," he says just to get Hunter mad.

Hunter was out of his friends' grip in a second, standing in front of Jacob with his fists clenched, chest to chest.

"Stay away from her Jacob, im telling you for the last time," he says with his jaw clenched.

"I ain't going anywhere Hunter, no matter how much you don't like it, Kayleigh and i are going to fuck, over and over again." He says with a smirk, knowing that his words where striking a nerve.

Anyone who knew the two best friends knew that Hunter was always over protective over Kayleigh and also knew the rivalry between Hunter and Jacob.

Hunter pushes Jacob's shoulder, "Don't test me, you know what happens if you do." He threatens sternly.

Jacob pushes him back, resulting in commotion in the locker room, attracting the attention of their coach who was in the next room.

He abruptly got up, going into the locker room to find the half naked boys gathered around his star quarterback and his wide reciever.

"Ey! Boys! What the hell is going on!?"he asks looking at the pair that was the center of attention in the room, the crowd parted, opening way for the coach to approach the pair.

"What is going on here!?" He asks again, looking between the two.

"Nothing coach, right Hunter?" Jacob asks turning to Hunter with a smirk on his face.

"It's nothing," Hunter mumbles walking away from the group, grabbing his clothes and walking out the door.

"Get back to changing," Coach shouted at the boys, causing them to disperse in different directions.


"Damn, that chemistry quiz was messed up, I understood nothing that was I that test," Riele whined as we made our way to the cafeteria.

"Bish you only saying that cause you didn't study busy fucking your mans instead of study,"

"Gurll, don't hate me cause you ain't me," she says flicking her hair.

I let out a laugh, "Ha, yeah sure girl," I said as we sat down, eating our food.

"Hey I heard Hunt got into a fight with Jacob," Riele says as we sat at the lunch table.

"Wait what!?" I ask slamming my hands on the desk.

"Yeah, they had a fight after their morning practice," she says eating a fry

"Agh Hunter, why you gotta be so stupid," I groan whilst getting up.

"Where are you going!?" Riele shouted after me.

"To look for Hunter!" I shouted out not looking back.

"Imma eat your food!" She shouted after me.

I pull out my phone and went to his contact.

"Hey princess," he says calmly.
"Where are you?"
"Behind the school,"
"Okay, I'll be there in a few seconds," I said before ending the call.

I made my way to the back of the school.

"Hunt, I heard you got into a fight today," I said approaching his figure.

"Great, so you have ears," he says sarcastically, inhaling his blunt.

"Hunt, this is serious," I said sternly standing in front of him with my arms crossed.

"I didn't get into a fight princess," he says putting his hand behind his head, sitting whilst leaning against the wall.

"But-" he cut me off before I could say my sentence.

"Coach stopped me before I could knock his teeth out of his mouth," he says calmly inhaling from the blunt.

"Why were you going to fight with Jacob in the first place?" I asked him.

"It's nothing," he mumbles looking away from me.

"It's not nothing Hunt, talk to me," I said lifting his chin up so he could look at me.

He let out a huff of breath, throwing his blunt to the ground and tramping over it.

He pulls me by the waist and lets me straddle his lap. "They were saying things about your body and about fucking you, and I got pissed and snapped. All I could see was red,"

I let out a huff, "You know you didn't have to stand up for me, boys will  be boys," I said

"It doesn't matter anymore princess, just forget about it okay,"he says resting his head on neck.

I let out a groan, "Fine Hunt, but you need to stop letting people get to you."

All he did was mumble back a mhm. We sat in a comfortable silence for a minute when Hunter broke the silence.

"You smell good," he says as his lips brush against my neck sending a shivers down my spine.

I shake it off and quietly giggle at his comment.

"Did you eat yet?" He asks looking me in the eyes.

I shake my head in response.

"Okay," he says getting up. He puts his hands on my shoulder and leads me back into the school.

"Where are we going," I ask as we walk past the cafeteria.

"Franky's," he answers opening the door for me to enter.

I buckle up as he makes his way to his side, doing the same.

A/N Omg I want to thank all you cuties for the views, I have made it to 1.24k, thank you a thousand times. And I wanna thank those who voted or commented, thank you all a lot.
Shout-out to Sweatingonyou  and Jai_Mariee thanks for the votes.
Love y'all two shit loads 😊❤️
Don't forget to vote, comment and follow 🖤❤️
Love y'all a shit load 😊🖤

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