The King Emperor's Belonging...

By lazyshrimp11

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◇ It is a AkaKuro Story ◇ 《 Akashi Seijuro x Kuroko Tetsuya》 It is the Boy who wants To Live.. And a King Wh... More

Hope You Enjoy Reading!!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38 { Final Chapter }

Chapter 37

869 36 7
By lazyshrimp11

---No One's Pov--

Akashi who was finding Kuroko, he know it's hard, since it was a thick fog was everywhere, the wood's almost fall on him. But he dodge. He looked at his room if he was their.. the fire was spreading more.. he cough roughly..

"TETSUYA!" He shouted, finding Kuroko. He called once more.. "Tetsuya!! Where are You!! Can you hear Me!! ANSWER ME!" He shouted and shouted. He called and called, the castle was burning. He tried to move, he tried to find his bluenette. While the other's as well. He would not know what will happen to the bluenette.

He did not forget that he has disease. Kise and the other's split up and tried to find the bluenette.. he want's to see his smile again. He want's to hugged him in his arms.


The Promises they made, "You promise? To become my empress?" When the Emperor asked that, it was a promise he made to bluenette. Kuroko was silence and yet he nodded.. he knew that he already loved the Emperor. "Promise me..

That you will always stay beside me.."

Those word's.. the bluenette didn't forget that word's. He knew, how the Emperor deeply inlove with him. Yet, he fall inlove, he ended up falling inlove without fail.

Since Tokino died..

He wants.. to see him again..

One Last Time..


The Bluenette gritted his teeth when it ended up this way. When he remember the promise, he knew something that he could not reach. He could not reach the Emperor. The bluenette want to be save, but it was too late, since his out of his breath, since his dying.. because of his illness and diasease and he loses blood so much.

He was laying at the floor, holding his necklace, the one that Akashi gave. His eye's was getting blurry until..

He heard a voice shouted..

"TETSUYA!!" He heard his voice,"A-Akashi... K-kun..." Kuroko tried to move, but he only see is blurred. His eye's are pale.. tear's pour down in his eye's. He heard a shout again. He forcely to sat up and leaned him in the wall, little he did not know when he saw the ceiling, his eye's widened.

The wood's fell on him, Burning woods, and until his eye's closed in a darkness.

Akashi shouted again, finding his bluenette, his eye's widened when he saw a hand.. under to the burning woods. He fastly goes their and remove it, his eye's widened more.. Kuroko was stab in a sharp wood, in his stomach, where Nash stabbed him..

Kuroko's mouth was bleeding, his eye's are pure blank.. "T-Tetsuya.. " Akashi carefully.. hold his cheek.. and hug him tightly.. he still hear his heart, beating slowly.. he heard his weak breath. Akashi slowly remove the wood, stabbed on Kuroko's stomach that the blood spread.

He heard the bluenette's voice.. "Y-you came..." that Kuroko's eye's closed softly.. "I'm... glad.." Akashi gritted his teeth, he carried the bluenette in bridal. He knew he was out of time. He was..


He was dying.. that no one can save him anymore. Akashi was so close, so close to save his lover.. yet he was their, and late to save his bluenette. He greeted his teeth.. he blame it for himself, the bluenette can see it. His blank eye's.. he knew he was out of time.

Kuroko smiled weakly.. he was happy to see the Emperor again. 'So this is what it feels.. mother..' his heart was slowing down, he has no time.
They all stop when they saw Akashi carrying the bluenette, walking out to the fire, their eye's widened when they saw the bluenette.

"T-Tetsu...." Aomine couldn't put his words out of his mouth.. "Let's go Daiki.." Akashi said coldly but they sense it, they sense sadness in it. They never see the Emperor like this. Kuroko knew it would turn into this. Kuroko's other hand was on bleeding stomach, while his other hand, is fall down.

It was Mdnight.. Kuroko cough more he was being carried in bridal by Akashi. Midorima shouted.. "W-Wait!! I already finished m-medicine Kuroko!!--" he was cut off by a weak voice.. "It's okay.. n-now Midorima kun.. Your tried your best and thank you.... b-but I'm losing out of time.." when Kuroko whisper that softly, make them all stunned and they heard a shout..

"TETSU KUN!" It was Moimoi and Kise, Kise found her, Murasakibara as well.. The lazy Giant's eye's widened. "Where's Tetsu-Kun? Why isn't he--" she was cut off.. she saw him in the Emperor's arms. She don't know if she will bow or not but.. she saw him. "Tetsu.. K-Kun.." Kuroko opened his eye's a little. "W-what happened.. w-what's going o-on.. Dai-chan?" When she turned to looked at Aomine, Aomine gritted his teeth looking down.

"M-Moimoi.. San.. I'm g-glad.. your safe" Kuroko coughs more blood. "Leave us for now.." Akashi command and turn around.. "B-But Your highness!!--" Moimoi shout, but Murasakibara stopped her. He shake his head.. she saw how Murasakibara wipe his tears. Kise clenched his fist.. his tears fall down.

Aomine who punched the ground.. "Damn It!!" He shouted.. Kagami bit his lips, if they are faster enough to fight the Enemies, they would not be late saving the bluenette. Moimoi cover's her face and start's to cry. She couldn't help it, Midorima blame himself. He blame that he couldn't save the bluenette. He couldn't stop his tears. 

They blame themselves for not protecting the Emperor's Empress. "Don't c-cry... You guy's tried.. to save me.. I-I'm glad.." Kuroko smile weakly, that they stunned at his words. "Damn It!!" Kagami shouted  clenching his fist. He don't know how to put it on words. 'If I was faster enough.. I could save him!!' Kagami gritted his teeth.

They cry and don't know what will they do now, they can't change the time to make the bluenette back to them. They knew how important of the bluenette is.


Akashi sat on the grass, with full of flower's, in his arms was Kuroko. It was peace and quiet. Kuroko was laying on his chest. It was silence until Akashi broke the silence.. "The.. star's are beautiful.. Isn't Tetsuya?" He spoke as soft wind pass them. "I-Indeed.. it is.. Akashi..Kun" said by the weak bluenette.

"Tetsuya.. did you.. remember the promise we made?" That make Kuroko stunned a bit, he ndded at the Emperor. "I remember... " Kuroko smiled weakly.. "I see.. " he looked down at Kuroko who was now breathing weakly. His heart started to become slower than before. Mostly he loses too much blood.

"Tetsuya, do you.. Love me?" In that question of Akashi, Kuroko smiled "Yes.. I do" Kuroko looked at him and smiled weakly.  "I.. Love you, Seijuro" Kuroko smiled weakly, Akashi's eye's widened and gritted his teeth, but he also smiled.. "I.. I'm glad.." Kuroko looked at him that the bluenette's eye's widened when tear's pour down on his cheek, it was...

Akashi's tears.

"I.. Look Tetsuya.. I-I Love you.. since the beginning, your the only one and yet.. and yet I.. I couldn't Protect you! I-I was so late to save you! I-I'm sorry! I couldn't d-do anything... I-I'm sorry.. I knew y-you needed me.. Tetsuya and I .. I couldn't.." Akashi was cut off when a hand places on his one cheek.

"You where their for me.. Seijuro.. You still came.. for Me, I'm happy to see you... again.." Kuroko smiled weakly.. Akashi's eye's widened.. "I-I'm sorry.. Tetsuya.. I just want to stay With you.. I couldn't PROTECT YOU!" He shouted, he couldn't take the pain anymore in his chest. He couldn't control it anymore.

"You still came... And.. That was enough.." Kuroko smiled.. he caressess his cheek. "I'm happy.. to be with you for so long.. " Kuroko smiled weakly, Akashi's tears couldn't stop. More tears and more pain in his chest, he couldn't take it..

He kissed the bluenette one last time.. Kuroko closed his eye's to kissed back that Kuroko's tears pour down.. on his cheeks. 'Seijuro.. I'm sorry.. If I couldn't live any longer for you..

But one thing for sure..

I... Love you.. so much..


Kuroko's hand slowly fall down, it.. was his last breath. Akashi's eye's widened. He gritted his teeth, he hug slowly but tightly the bluenette. He couldn't help but cry. The other's cried their tears.

Akashi couldn't help his pain, he couldn't help it. More tears pour down.. "Tetsuya.. " he hugged the bluenette tightly..
It was the Bluenette's last breath and the Emperor's tears.

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