Change My Mind ~ Criminal Min...

By xxQueenPowerxx

1.1M 27.7K 26.1K

Crystal Archer was an average woman in her opinion. She was bold, smart, and incredibly charming but she wasn... More

Important Information
1.0: A new beginning
2.0: Challenge Accepted & A New Case
3.0: Eye Opener
4.0: Uncovered Truth
5.0: Case Closed
6.0: Welcome home & Team bonding
7.0: Wild Night & Sweet Treats
8.0: Another Case
9.0: Down the Rabbit Hole
10.0: And Out the Other End
11.0: Girl's Night and Fright Night
12.0: Trouble and Solutions
13.0: Phone Calls and Suspects
14.0: Hotel Rooms & Race Against the Clock
15.0: Found Solutions
16.0: Profiling Profilers
17.0: Nightly Conversations & New Case
18.0: Denied Feelings
19.0: Downward Spiral on the Case
20.0: Warm Embraces
21.0: Close Call
22.0: Surprise Meeting
23.0: Into Alaska
24.0: Shared Bed & Conversations
25.0: Heading Home & Out Again
26.0: Two Go In & One Comes Out
27.0: Awkward Meetings & Trouble
28.0: Saying Goodbye
29.0: Adapting to Change
30.0: Helping Out & Giving Advice
31.0: Hallows Eve
32.0: Halloween and Party
33.0: Birthdays & Lights, Camera, Action
34.0: Curtin Call
35.0: New Agent
36.0: Closure & Anger
37.0: Eat My Heart Out
38.0: Unprofessional & Realized Feelings
39.0: Talking It Out
40.0: Bath Time & Troubling Cases
41.0: Reputations
42.0: Heading Home
43.0: Christmas & Secrecy
44.0: Conversations & Gifts
45.0: Walking Tall
46.0: Before I Hit The Ground and Fall
47.0: Anything For Family
48.0: Because Family is Everything
49.0: Losing a Friend
50.0: Coping With Reality
51.0: Grief Assessments
52.0: Soccer, Birthdays & New Faces
53.0: Flowers & Diving In
54.0: Troubling Affairs
55.0: Past Scars
56.0: Some People Leave
57.0: Some People Come Back
58.0: The Truth Behind Sweet Lies
59.0: Fragile Hearts
60.0: Overdue Smiles & Confronting Empty Feelings
61.0: Little Changes & Building Our World Up
62.0: Falling Back Into Place
63.0: Pranks & Prizes
64.0: Late Christmas & Emotional Struggles
65.0: Wrong Numbers & Past Trauma
66.0: Valentine's Day & Support Groups
68.0: Awkwardness With Cases
69.0: Troubling Issues & Trust
70.0: Running In Circles
71.0: Running To Each Other
72.0: Starting at the Basics
73.0: Routines & Copycats
74.0: Troubling Minds & Surprises
75.0: Sick Days & Arguments With Surprise Visitors
76.0: Unwanted Visitors & Possible Dates
77.0: Valentine's Dance For Lost Time
78.0: It's An Archer Thing
79.0: Ready For Change & Race Day
80.0: Death Is Coming With Unsaid Words
81.0: But Not Today, For Today I Live
82.0: Some Things Never Change
83.0: But Hearts Change For People
84.0: Heading Back Home & Trouble In Paradise
85.0: Finally Home In Your Arms
86.0: Confessing Feelings & The Next Morning
87.0: The Director & Family Troubles
88.0: Back On Cases & New Dynamics
89: Catching Criminals & Moving Forward
90.0: Moving In & Confrontations
91.0: Continue...
92.0: Welcome Home
93.0: Going Down With The Ship
94.0: Just For It To Sail Again
95.0: From Here
96.0: Old Faces Back Again
97.0: New Dynamics With Old Feelings
98.0: Planning Events
99.0: Expectations
100.0: Till The Ends Of Time
101.0: Sweet Honeymooners & Disturbances
102.0: Issues Uncovered
103.0: The Past In The Present
104.0: Remembering The Past
105.0: Obsessions & Fear Go Hand in Hand
106.0: Fighting Doubts
107.0: New Cases With New Problems
108.0: Negatives Turn Into Positives
109.0: Coming Clean
110.0: Sometimes There Is No Happy Ending
111.0: Continuing After Failure
112.0: Learning To Walk Again
113.0: Baby, Me & Mom On The Case
114.0: Baby Showers Bring Case Files

67.0: Butterflies & Races

9.1K 249 226
By xxQueenPowerxx

A/N: Continuation of 7x08 Hope



"Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others. "
― Jacob M. Braude

Morgan handed Crystal a mug of tea, he took a sip of his coffee as Reid pointed to the map while looking at the team. "I may have narrowed down the unsub's comfort zone, the gas-station was the third point I needed to complete the geographical profile. Factoring Monica's abduction site and her apartment, I think the unsub lives somewhere in this area."

Morgan nodded, "That would make it easier for him to learn her routines, that zones around 20 miles." JJ hung up her phone and looked over at them, "So all the local employees that were on duty last night checked out, no one saw a thing."

Crystal sighed, "To the untrained eye, they looked like any normal couple having a small argument before she storms off." Rossi looked up from his file, "Y'know, it looks like there are 5 different reported incidents that we might be able to attribute to this unsub."

JJ looked over at Garcia, "When was the first case reported?"

"6 months before Hope's abduction a 12 year old girl reported a man taking pictures of her on her way home from school, 3 weeks later she thought he was peeping into her window and then burglarized her house in which he only took her clothes."

Morgan frowned, "If that's him then there was a clear escalation in his M.O." Rossi sighed as he put his file down, "He was building his confidence to abduct Hope and 7 years later he took Monica."

Emily walked over to them with documents and evidence, "Hey, these were found on Heather Wilson's bike 2 weeks after Hope disappeared." Emily passed it over to them and Garcia stood up from her seat, "That's the girl Hope was playing with when she was abducted."

Rossi raised an eyebrow at the necklace, "Look, butterflies again." JJ held up the note, "'Without you, she wouldn't have been set free. This is a token of my appreciation"?" Garcia looked confused, "He sent a thank-you card to the girl he didn't abduct?"

Rossi frowned at this, "That doesn't make sense, wouldn't he send a thank-you card to Monica instead for leaving her daughter unsupervised?"

"Unless they missed something in the investigation," Crystal took a sip of her tea, "Heather most likely witnessed something or knows something." Emily nodded, "Me and JJ will head over."

"Want me to go with you?" Crystal asked and Emily walked over to her and leaned near her ear, "I would, but a little birdy told me that Hotch got you a very nice birthday gift and I would hate to take you away from him right now when he's been staring at you playing with your necklace with a smile on his face from his office."

Crystal's eyes widen, "He is not." Crystal whispered and Crystal let go of her necklace once she realized that she was playing with it again, Emily laughed. "He is." JJ gave them a confused look as her and Emily finally left, Crystal turned to look at Reid. "Koj puas yog ib tug noog? (Are you a bird now?)"

"Tweet-tweet." Reid replied and Crystal smiled as she ruffled his hair, Garcia looked confused. "What does that mean?"



JJ had called saying that Heather had seen the man who abducted Hope the day of the abduction, he had a jar of butterflies that he used to distract her. Crystal took a bite of her apple slice, "Explains the butterflies now."

Hotch nodded as he grabbed one, "He's using it as a metaphor and for his own twisted fantasy."

"I'm not looking at butterflies for a very long time. Butterflies should be looked at with wonder and beauty not with twisted thoughts, they show growth and change." Crystal stated as she grabbed another apple slice, she wasn't sure where Hotch got them but she was hungry.

Hotch looked over at her, they were currently in his office and he looked at her munch on her apple slice as she played with her necklace. The necklace he bought her and he smiled while looking down at his file, Crystal turned to see him smiling. "What's got you smiling so much?"

"You." Hotch answered honestly and Crystal laughed, "Why, because I'm trying to not think of butterflies that way?"

"Because you try to see beauty and kindness in everything even if people try to ruin it." Hotch answered softly, "Why do you think I had a protea engraved on the back? You're very courageous, who else jumps into lakes?"

Crystal smiled and booped his nose before grabbing another apple slice, "You're never going to let me live that down, but other than that your speech was very sweet. Thank you, I love this necklace."

Crystal stood up and brushed off her hands and walked to his door, "We need to get out the profile and they seem to be ready, let's head down." Hotch watched her leave and he smiled down at the last apple slice she left him, he ate it and got up to follow her.


Crystal went to stand next to JJ as Hotch stood in front of the room, he looked at the unit and officers. "7 years ago we believed our unsub to be a preferential child molester and now we think that his preference evolved into an erotomaniac obsession with Hope Kingston."

JJ nodded, "So much so that in her absence, his attentions are now focused on her mother." Emily looked at the officers, "At the time Hope went missing, there was another potential victim, who was the same age and had the same physical features characteristics as Hope, and she was even more accessible."

An officer frowned, "Then why didn't he take her too?"

"Because she wasn't his target," Crystal answered, "In his mind, Hope was the only one for him because she was his idealized type and target." The officer nodded and turned his attention back to the front when Rossi started to talk, "Despite the high-risk, he abducted Monica in public which shows she's pivotal to his fantasy."

Reid walked over to the board and pointed at the map, "We believe the unsub has Monica captive within a 20-mile radius of this abduction site." JJ cleared her throat, "There's a strong possibility that until recently Hope was kept alive, this explains why he didn't hunt again all these years."

"And we believe that it was Hope's death that triggered the change in our unsub's M.O." Hotch stated and Anderson cleared his throat, "If the same guy took her, how long is she really going to last?"


The team shared an awkward look and Crystal caught Hotch's eyes, they held eye-contact as he tried to think of something to say.

"I know her."

The team and the office turned to look at Garcia, Garcia stood up and looked at them. "I know Monica and she's my friend who's a fighter, she's not going to give up so neither should we because she's waiting for us to go save her."

Crystal smiled over at Garcia and Hotch turned to look at the officers and unit, "We all need to focus and keep Monica's best interest in mind, until we're given proof, we're assuming she's alive. Thank you."

The officers left and Crystal walked over to Garcia, "We'll find her." Garcia took a deep breath and nodded before hugging her, "Yeah, we will."


Crystal was playing with her necklace as she sat down next to JJ, Hotch had given Crystal more apple slices and she was munching on them. "The day of the anniversary would've been Monica's most vulnerable and exposed moment." Hotch gave a nod, "The unsub knew that and he came armed with information about Hope."

Morgan sighed as he took an apple slice, "So she lets her guard down, leaves the house, and goes to the support group meeting." 

"Where she can share her feelings with people who understand her pain." Hotch stated as he took an apple slice from Crystal, she still didn't know where and how he got them. JJ took the apple slice Crystal gave her and looked at them, "But how did he know after this particular meeting she'd be emotionally vulnerable?"

Morgan shrugged, "He stalked her in the parking lot after the meeting, he would have seen the pain written across her face." JJ shook her head, "It's more than that, what if he knew because he'd heard the story before?"

Morgan raised an eyebrow, "What if he's a member of the support group?" 

"JJ, go give Garcia a cognitive interview to see if she can tell us who the unsub could possibly be." Hotch said and JJ nodded before standing up, Morgan took another apple slice and stood up. "I'll go see if Prentiss and pretty boy has anything."

Crystal watched them leave and smiled when Hotch took another apple slice, she looked up at him. "Where'd you even get these?"

"I brought them from my house."

"You bring apple slices from home? Since when?" Crystal asked amusingly and Hotch shrugged, "Sine now, I did struggle a bit with cutting the apples." Crystal frowned at this and put the rest of the slices down as she sat up, she grabbed Hotch's hand and inspected them. "Hotch, you cut yourself?"

"Only a small cut, just an accident." Hotch reassured as Crystal traced the small cut on his thumb, Crystal hummed and looked at him worriedly, "Why don't you stick with something like tangerines or grapes and I'll bring apple slices?"

Hotch chuckled, "That worried?"

"Very." Crystal answered softly and gently rubbed his hand, "You should be more careful." Crystal pressed a quick kiss to his cut before standing up, "No more cutting apples without supervision Hotchner, let's go help the rest?" Crystal asked before walking away, she turned around when she noticed Hotch wasn't following her.

Hotch stood there still shocked and Crystal raised an eyebrow, "You coming?" Hotch snapped out of his trance and nodded, Crystal smiled at him before walking over to Reid. Hotch's lips twitched and grabbed the rest of the apple slices, "She's full of surprises." Hotch whispered to himself as he walked over to where she was standing.



JJ walked over to the team, "Garcia was able to think of our unsub, his name's William Rogers and he joined the support group 2 months ago. Garcia's looking for an address right now."

Rossi raised an eyebrow, "Any priors?"

"Yeah, he attempted to kidnap a 14 year old girl. He lured her to a studio with promises of becoming a model, he tried to make sexual advances when she arrived there and she got away quickly."

Reid tilted his head, "Y'know, rethinking the type of offender he was 7 years ago it's possible the unsub didn't sexually assault Hope initially but waited until she was older."

Emily frowned, but nodded. "Would explain why he held onto her all this time, in his fantasy he envisions Hope at a more desirable age."

"What story does he tell to the support group?" Crystal asked and JJ sighed, "He told them his pregnant wife committed suicide after trying to conceive for over a year."

Rossi shook his head, "He was talking about Hope, she couldn't bear the thought of bringing his child into this world so she took what little control she did have and ended her life."

"And that was never apart of his plan, it turned his world upside down." Emily stated and Rossi nodded, "He's not ready to let go of the 'bond' he thinks he had with Hope." Reid cleared his throat, "He's trying to get back what was taken from him."

JJ frowned, "But wouldn't it just be easier for him to just start over again?" Rossi's eyes widen, "Unless Monica could give him what he lost, another Hope. He didn't take Monica to remind him of Hope, he took her to recreate her."

Crystal cringed, "That's disturbing." Emily nodded in agreement, "Very, but we need to find Monica fast. He's deteriorating and if she fights against him it could potentially set him off in frustration."



Garcia came rushing over tp the team with Morgan not far behind, "Got it! He's got two addresses with the first one on Main, it's listed as a previous but not been updated in the system. However the second one is in Brooks."

Hotch nodded, "Good, let's go." Garcia nodded and followed them, Morgan frowned. "Woah, where are you going?"

"I'm going with you."

"No Penelope, it's to dangerous." Morgan stated and Garcia narrowed her eyes at him, "Okay, well either you let me go with you or you're going to have to forcibly remove me from that vehicle. Your choice."

Crystal walked over and handed her a vest, she helped her put it on and made sure it was tight. "Make sure you stay away from the line of fire."

"I will, make sure you guys are okay if you find him." Garcia replied and Hotch looked at the team, "Archer, Dave, Prentiss, and I will head to the first location. Morgan, you, Reid, JJ, and Garcia head to the second location. Let us clear and make sure he's not at his previous location before you head in, we might spook him."


The car parked and Hoch, Rossi, Prentiss, and Crystal raced to the house. Hotch stood in front of the door, "FBI!" Hotch kicked in the door and went in to clear the house, Crystal and Emily followed him.

The house was clear and they walked back outside, Rossi was on the phone with Reid. "He's not here Reid, head in. We're on our way."


When they arrived at the second location there was an ambulance racing towards them, Crystal got out of the car and headed into the house. 

Garcia sat in the living room with Monica sobbing in her arms, the unsub was dead on the floor. Officers had put a sheet over his body and JJ walked over to her, "Hope's's upstairs."

Crystal's eyes widen but she nodded and looked behind her to see that the rest had caught up. After getting Monica to the hospital and wrapping up the case, the team was back at the BAU. Garcia was staying with Monica at the hospital and Crystal was wrapping up her files when she heard footsteps, Crystal smiled and looked up at Hotch. "Hi."

"Hi." He replied, "Ready to go?"

"Mm-hmm, just getting my stuff." Crystal smiled as she grabbed her bag and jacket, Crystal walked beside of Hotch as they headed to the elevator. Hotch cleared his throat, "Y'know, there's a marathon coming up."

"Yeah, the FBI one."

"Would you like to train with me or run it with me?" Hotch asked and Crystal raised an eyebrow, "Hotch, the marathon is at the beginning of April and just because we run in the field doesn't mean that we're in shape enough to just run a marathon."

Hotch chuckled as they entered the elevator, "I know that Archer, I meant would you want to do it next year?" Crystal hummed, "Why don't I help you train and I'll decide if I want to do it or not."

"That means you don't want to." Hotch said amused and Crystal shrugged, "You never know, I might change my mind about it and signing up for it doesn't end till..."

"November." Hotch finished and Crystal smiled as the elevator doors opened, they walked to the parking lot. "See? I have plenty of time to think about it, when do you plan on training?"

Hotch sighed as they walked to their cars, "I was thinking in the mornings of Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday." Crystal looked at him amused, "You're trying to kill your body?"

"I won't begin training until April, I'll start light." Hotch answered with a smile and Crystal laughed, "I don't think that's going to help, but sure Hotchner. I'll wake up early to help you train, I'll time you."

"You won't run with me?"

"Why would I need to run if I'm not going to do the marathon?" Crystal blinked at him and he chuckled before hugging her, Crystal smiled as he slowly swayed them again. "Have a goodnight Hotch."

"What about our rain-check?" Hotch pulled back to look at her and she smiled, "Isn't a bit too late?"

"Never to late." Hotch said softly, Crystal felt butterflies in her stomach and couldn't help but feel like there was a double meaning to that. 

Butterflies are still good...Hotch gives me them.

Hotch moved her hair from her face, he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "We could go grab coffee on our way to work too."

Crystal smiled before looking back up at him, "Okay, sounds like a plan." Hotch smiled down at her before opening her door for her, Crystal looked at Hotch mischievously. "Race you."

"That's an unfair advantage, you're in your car already."

"You're just slow." Crystal called out before pulling out of her parking spot, "See you at your apartment Hotch!" Hotch smiled as he watched her drive off, he ran his hand through his hair before walking to his car with his heart racing at the thought of Crystal waiting at home for him. His home.


Crystal had beat Hotch, "You had a head start", and was currently sitting on his couch as he placed a bowl of ice cream in front of her. "Banana?"

"Jack wanted to give it a try, he's not a fan." Hotch answered and Crystal smiled before taking a bite, "It's not to bad, kinda artificial though. I'll let him know in the morning that I'll make him a better batch."

"I think he'd love that," Hotch gave her a small smile before sitting down next to her, he grabbed his briefcase and gave her some files before starting on his own.

They sat there in silence eating ice cream as they worked on the paperwork, Crystal finished her pile around an hour later and looked to see Hotch had a couple left in his stack. Crystal grabbed some of them, "I saw that."

"No idea what you're talking about Hotch, these are mine." Crystal shrugged and Hotch smiled down at his file, they were finally done with the paperwork and Hotch took their bowls to the sink. Crystal yawned and laid down on the couch, Hotch returned and looked to see Crystal half asleep on the couch.

Hotch smiled before going to grab a blanket for them, he returned and gently lifted Crystal so that she was laying on top of him. "Looks like we're sleeping on the couch again." Hotch whispered and Crystal hummed sleepily, she felt Hotch put the blanket on top of them and sighed in content. "Night Hotchner."

"Night Archer." Hotch replied and kissed her head gently with his arms wrapped around her, he listened to her breaths even out before he finally closed his eyes to rest.


Author's Note:

Hey! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter~ I had some technical difficulties with Wattpad so I'm sorry for any mistakes. The next chapter will be 7x09 and we're finally heading in the direction of the marathon, we love athletic Hotch~ I will be posting a teaser of what's to come in the next chapter on my tiktok later on tonight~ (I'm trying to practice my editing)

Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter~

See you in the next update!

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