Another Chance- (Villain to h...

By SchrodingersKaz

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Izuku had a rough life, being quirkless and all, but when he get's captured by the heroes and forced into UA... More



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By SchrodingersKaz

"Deku? Is that you?" She whispered, and I heard some rustling on the other side, telling me she was getting to a secure spot to talk. "Master's not happy with you! Where are you?" 

"UA High, they forced me into their school. But I'm not here for removal, I'm here for help. We have a plan to lure Master to the Sports Festival tomorrow and take him down using as many pro heroes as we can get. I need your help for inside information," I explained. 

"UA! Really? You of all people, chilling with the heroes? I heard Bitch Might was working there, how is that?" She asked, and I could practically see her sharp-toothed grin from here. 

"Oh, yeah, 4 teachers know about that little incident now, but I don't really care. I still hate his guts, but the other heroes are good, most of the students too," 

"Damn! They changed you, Deku!" Toga cried, "I can't say I dislike it!" She laughed. 

"Yeah, well, are you helping or not?" 

"Hell yeah! If you have a shot at taking down that bastard I'm in! I can't stand the things he does to you, Deku~! She said in a lovey voice. 

"Ok, then I'll fill you in, but you have to make sure you don't tell anyone," 

"I'm not an idiot, Deku, I know how to keep secrets," She pouted. 

"Is there anything new we should know about Master and his minions of hell?" I asked. 

"Um, He got a new general, and this one is mean! He beats up anyone he crosses paths with, regardless of if they did something wrong. He's also been talking to Shiggy and AFO a lot recently, so we might see some League members tomorrow. I can try calling sister Magne or Twice to see what's going on and get back to you," 

"That would be amazing, I'm not too excited with the idea the League might show up too, but I knew it was a possibility. Shiggy and Dabi aren't too happy with me, but I would like to see Twice and Magne again," I said, a soft smile finding its way on my face. 

"So fill me in on everything happening!" 

Hours went by with Toga and me sharing our different stories, and me filling her in on the plan. 

"That's pretty risky, he doesn't even know that much about Master!" Toga said in surprise. 

"That's what I fucking said!" 

"Watch your back, Deku, this could get ugly fast," 

"You too, this new general seemed to be trouble, you sure you can gather information in one day without getting caught?"

"Everyone thinks I'm the dumb crazy bitch! No one will suspect a thing! They'll just think I'm being clingy or going off on one of my obsessions!" 

"True, this is why I called you, I knew you could do it," 

"I'm glad you're not dead, but Master is going to rip off your limbs if he catches you. It's going to be a blood bath, make sure you're prepared for when we get there!" 

"And you're sure you can convince him to bring you with?"

"We'll see, and if I can't I'll text you," 

"Be careful how you text, this is Pro hero Eraserhead's phone. Use the code we made," 

"On it! Finally, a real excuse to use our brilliant code!" She yelled, laughing loudly. 

"Alright, I should go before Eraser kicks my door down demanding his phone back," I sighed. 

"Fine, talk to you later, fucker!" 

"Same to you, psychotic bitch," 

I hung up with a light smile on my face. Just talking to her eased my nerves a little, making me feel more confident in the suicide plan. I tip-toed out of the room and towards the common room, wondering if people were still up. I found the common room completely empty with Aizawa reading a book on the couch. I tossed the phone to him, him catching it without looking up from the pages. 

"What did she say?" He asked. 

"She's in, and you might get some texts from her in the future with information," I explained, playing with my fingers nervously. 

"Go to bed, problem child. Tomorrow you'll have to compete in the Sports Festival and fight your boss, you need your rest," He ordered, his hard glare locked onto me, showing there was no room for negotiation. 

"Whatever you say, dad," I rolled my eyes. Just then Yamada walked into the room with a huge smile on his face. 

"Don't say that! He has a problem not adopting every child in need of a father figure. We already have 3 cats, we don't need a human child too," He laughed. 

"You'll be there tomorrow, right?" I asked. 

"You betcha!" he smiled. 

"Good, will Kayama be there too?"

"As far as I know," Aizawa said. 

"Make sure All Might is there too, and Endeavor. While I hate both of them, Endeavor should be able to take the Nomu down easily with his fire, and All Might is a strong ally to have against Master's minions," I ranted, looking to the floor as I thought everything over. 

"Calm down, kid. We'll make sure we have as many people there as possible, you have nothing to worry about," Aizawa tried, but I ended up laughing. 

"Nothing to worry about? He's going to come after me to kill me! People are going to get hurt because my Master wants me dead! I can't even just hand myself over, because he'll still attack everyone there for keeping me here!" I panicked, my pacing starting up again. 

"Chill little listener! We've got a lot of strong heroes who'll help you!" Yamada tried to help, but it wasn't working. 

"You don't understand! I'm an analyzer! My skills include observing people's fighting styles and quirks then using their weaknesses against them! If you think I haven't discussed my plans and observations with him then you're wrong. The only chance we have is if he forgets, or he doesn't grab my books from my apartment," 

"What books?" Aizawa asked, leaning forward in his chair. 

"Analysis books, they include everything I've found on heroes and other people of interest. I have detailed explanations of quirks, fighting styles, and lists of weaknesses and strengths. Basically, it's a book of doom for all you heroes," I explain, rubbing the back of my neck. 

"Do you still remember all the information?" Yamada asked. I nodded, knowing I memorized those pages for days, weeks until everything was embedded in my brain. 

"Then how about tomorrow before the sports festival you give us all the weaknesses you have and we'll do what we can to protect ourselves against them if he does remember," Yamada planned. 

"I could do that... do you think we'll have enough time to get everything done before the festival?" 

"We'll manage, just stay focused on your part of the plan," Aizawa grumbled. 

"Just how much information do you have on us?" Yamada asked slowly. I smirked at him, some of my sadistic nature slipping through. "You know what? I'll just figure that out tomorrow," He sighed. 

"You need to go to bed, and if you don't, I'll call Nemuri in and force you to sleep," Aizawa growled. I didn't think I would be able to sleep with all the shit going on right now, but I didn't have the choice to not try. 

"Do we have melatonin?" I asked. 

"Yes, in the cupboard," Aizawa growled, "Yamada, go with him in case he takes too many, I need to do rounds," He sighed, standing up from his spot with a low grunt. Yamada smiled at me while I glared at him. 

I found the giant melatonin bottle easily. I glanced at Yamada, who was barely paying attention, and unscrewed the cap. I poured about 15 into my hand and quickly downed them all dry. 

"Holy shit kid! You were only supposed to take one!" Yamada panicked, but I just rolled my eyes. 

"I'm fine," 

"Bullshit! You're never going to wake up!" He cried, alerting Aizawa. 

"What did he do this time?" He asked tiredly, and I tried to walk off but Yamada grabbed onto my arm before I could leave. 

"He took 20 pills before I could stop him!" 

"It was 15, and I'm fine," I corrected. 

"Jesus Christ, kid. Are you trying to die?" 

"If it means I get out of the shit show that's tomorrow, then sure!" This earned me a concerned glare from both adults. 

"Look, I've taken more in the past and turned out fine. Just let me go lay down before I collapse right here," I said, shrugging off my attempt at humor. 

"Fine, but you are waking up tomorrow, and I don't care how much effort it takes or how drugged up you are afterward," Aizawa warned, and I waved him off, stumbling through the halls towards my room. 

In reality, I didn't care if I didn't wake up tomorrow. That would just mean Master wouldn't find out where I am through the Sports Festival, and everyone would be safe. 

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