Take Me To Your Heart

By franklikesduckies

16.3K 1K 159

If there is one thing Sejal loves, it is control. Falling in love means giving that up, so she is determined... More

Character List
A Disaster In the Making
A Proposal of Sorts
Party Time
A Rude Awakening
Decisions, Decisions
The Fickle Universe
The Morning After
The Hits Keep Coming
An Acceptance and an Adventure
Wedding Preparations
And So The Adventure Begins
Some Confessions
Game Over
A Conclusion

Happy Days

820 54 10
By franklikesduckies

I wake up to find Ferit watching me and stroking my hair. I try to hide my smile, but fail miserably. "Creep." I whisper.

He lets out a breathy laugh, but looks completely unapologetic. His face, always relatively open to me, has become so expressive, and I can read the signs of his affection for me in the glint of his eyes and the curve of his lips and the kink of his brow. I have to fight the urge to hide my face at the force of it. "Good morning." He says, lightly caressing my arm, tracing patterns into my skin.

"Hmm." I'm not quite ready to accept that I have to leave this bed.

He nudges me lightly with his nose, trying to get bring me into consciousness. "It's time to wake up."

I curse his adherence to routine. "Five more minutes." I grumble, not ready to leave the cocoon of his arms. I snuggle further into his chest and close my eyes again, determined to enjoy this morning for as long as I can.

He chuckles to himself and places another kiss on my forehead. "Childcare can't wait five minutes."

I let out a disgruntled breath. Ain't that a bitch. "Okay, okay, I'm waking up." I tell him, my eyes still closed, my body still limp against his.

He laughs again and moves to get up, giving up on me. "Fine, I'll get Bulut ready today. You can relax."

"No!" I try to grab onto him to prevent him from leaving. There's no point in staying asleep if I cannot use him as my pillow.

"Sejal!" He protests, laughing in exasperation. "Someone has to be the adult here."

I huff, unconvinced that is true. "But, I want snuggles." I pout, doing my best to sway him.

He appraises me, eyebrow raised before sighing in defeat. "You are impossible to say no to." I squeal in delight at my victory and make myself comfortable on his chest. He places small kisses on my head as I hum in delight. I could stay here forever.

"All those mornings you would rush out of my arms. I hoped one day I would get to hold you like this." He whispers, pulling me closer. My heart aches at the sweetness. I had hoped that too.

Unfortunately, he is right that childcare waits for no one. Bulut barges into our bedroom a few minutes later, ready for attention. "Dayi! Sejal Yenge! Can I have pancakes today?"

I mutter into Ferit's chest, frustrated that I have to share him, as he greets his nephew. "Come here, aslan benim."

Bulut hops into bed with us and wiggles himself in between Ferit and I and I laugh at his obvious attempt to get love from the both of us and acquiesce, any hope of sleeping long dead. "Good morning, kid." I tell him, not entirely trying to hide my irritation.

Bulut turns to me, probably assessing that I am the more likely party to agree to his pancake request. "Can I have pancakes, Sejal yenge? With chocolate chips?" This kid is really pushing it.

I narrow my eyes at him. "You know pancakes are for Sunday, kid."

"But, I didn't get any on Sunday, Sejal Yenge!" He pouts, knowing his cuteness is his best asset.

"You're telling me your grandparents didn't spoil you rotten while you were with them?" I raise my eyebrow, knowing the chances of this are absolutely zero. Those two know nothing about raising a child, so they say yes to every request to avoid any unpleasantness.

"Well..." Bulut begins, trying to consider how he's going to wriggle out of this. "They weren't your pancakes, Sejal Yenge." He says sweetly.

I roll my eyes at this loophole he thinks he has found. Ferit is watching us amused, ruffling Bulut's hair, but not saying anything to help me.

"Why don't you see what your uncle thinks, Bulut." I suggest, tossing this to Ferit to deal with.

"Dayi, please!" Bulut jumps up and down on the bed, trying to convince us with pure enthusiasm.

"Bulut, you know the rules." Ferit raises his eyebrow at him in that authoritative way that I have no hope of replicating. Bulut groans loudly, knowing the battle is lost. If there's one thing his uncle loves, it's rules.

"Come Bulut, let's get you ready for school."

I get off the bed and open my arms to him. Bulut huffs a little, still mildly irritated, but hops into my arms. "I'll make you tons of chocolate chip pancakes on Sunday." I promise him, trying to console the kid.

He smiles, pleased and is ready to move on to his next request. "Can I wear my batman costume to school?" I chuckle under my breath. Always something with this one. I look at Ferit for guidance on how to respond. He just shrugs, apparently unconcerned.

"Fine. Anything else you'd like, kid?" He's perhaps too young to pick on my sarcasm, but it makes me feel better. Ferit smiles at my exasperation as he gets out of bed.

"No, Sejal Yenge." Bulut smiles innocently, giving me a hug. My heart melts. It is hard to stay irritated with this child for too long.

I walk towards the bedroom door with Bulut in my arms, as he chats away happily. I'm happy to hear he had a good time with his grandparents. It occurs to me that Bulut hasn't seen Ferit's mother for nearly a month. I make a mental note to discuss that with Ferit later.

Before I can reach the door, I feel Ferit snag my waist and pull me towards him. "Oh!" I exclaim, surprised.

He kisses me on the cheek, holding me against him, my back against his front, his hard, bare chest inspiring inconveniently dirty thoughts. Bulut barely pays attention to us, deep into the story he is telling me. I turn my head to look at Ferit for an explanation of this manhandling but he just smiles at me tenderly. "I'll get breakfast ready." He whispers into my ear, causing a shiver to go up my spine. I can only nod, incapable of speech.

He releases me and turns around to go change. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and start moving towards the door again. I shake my head, trying to regain control of my senses. I wonder how long it will be until I am able to handle this man.

Though he had been tactile before, maddeningly so, the rush of possibility was new and beautifully unsettling. I am in a constant state of being a little off balance, as if under a fog, my emotions and sensations more heightened than ever before.

I help Bulut dress in his costume and herd him down the stairs into the kitchen. Ferit, true to his word, has prepared breakfast for us. We sit down at the table to eat as Bulut continues to fill us in on his weekend away.

It's nearly impossible to concentrate on my sweet baby boy with Ferit shooting heated glances at me every five seconds. My heart is racing, my mind is completely distracted, and my entire body just wants to be in Ferit's arms again. Nothing feels in my control. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my insides.

Ferit's driver arrives to take Bulut to school, giving me something to focus on. I grab his backpack and place it on him as the driver starts questioning Bulut on his mental math. I watch them as Bulut rattles off the answers effortlessly. "Wow, kid!" I say encouragingly, proud of my boy.

My mother used to do that with me, relentlessly questioning me every time we were in the car and though I had forced her to leave Laila alone when she had tried to do the same with my sister, it was obvious that the drills had helped me succeed in math courses later in life. Now Bulut was in my care, his education up to Ferit and I as much as any of his teachers. I begin to frown, once again confronted with how out of my depth I am, how much there would be to learn and think about.

Ferit comes up behind me and pulls me into his chest and I lean back against him, grateful for the steadying force his proximity provides, as he instructs Daniel to bring Bulut to his office after school.

We wave goodbye as the two of them leave. As soon as we are alone, the heat between us engulfs me, like a wave that had been biding its time until it could be unleashed.

"I haven't gotten a morning kiss, yet." Ferit whispers again into my ear, making my entire body feel weak and pliant in his arms.

"You haven't earned it." I shrug, trying to play coy. My pride won't allow me to reveal how easily he affects me, even now.

He hums, intrigued. His breath is warm against my neck. "What do I have to do to earn it? I'd be happy to do anything you want, Sejal." His voice is devastatingly sexy, particularly when he seems to be promising me the world, making it nearly impossible to think of a retort.

I turn in his arms so I can face him. He wraps his arms around my waist, not letting me get too far.

"Will you come to the restaurant today? I want to see what you think of things." I say shyly, embarrassed that I want his approval.

He seems surprised at the turn of the conversation, that I had a genuine request for him rather than something more playful, but nods without hesitation. "Of course."

I smile and lean up to give him his prize, pressing my lips softly against his. He leans his forehead on mine and my heart swells. I'm so relieved that we have finally put everything else aside. This bubble that we are in when it is just us, feels like pure joy, so concentrated that it makes me dizzy and restless, but at the same time soothed and calm and safe.

"I'll see you later then." Ferit says softly.

I hum in agreement, but make no move to leave his embrace. I have no interest in the outside world today; he is the only thing that matters.

"Okay." Ferit takes a deep breath. "I'm going." He tells me, as if to convince himself.

I smile at him, glad to know he is having a similar struggle. "Okay."

He gives me another quick kiss before making his way to the door. With one last look at me, he exits, closing the door behind him.

I exhale loudly, leaning against the counter. I shake my head, laughing at myself. I have always been afraid of meeting the person who would leave me this lovestruck. But while the frenetic energy is overwhelming at times, I feel so much more alive than I have in years. I can't stop smiling, my heart full.


Unfortunately, every manager we interview fails to live up to Yasmin's standard. Emre is frustrated with me, as usual, but I know how important it is to find the correct person.

Ferit seems amused to find us squabbling. He leans down to give me a quick kiss on the cheek, before turning to goad Emre a bit. "Are you arguing with my wife, Emre?"

Emre huffs, irritated that he is now outnumbered. I laugh devilishly as he stomps away. "Hi." I greet Ferit with a wide smile.

Ferit walks around to take Emre's seat. "Are you giving poor Emre a hard time?"

How quickly he changes sides. "He's giving me a hard time!" I reply, indignant.

"Right, of course." He teases. "You would never be stubborn and difficult."

"That's right." I nod, pretending not to hear the sarcasm.

He laughs, looking at me fondly. "What did you want me to review?"

I walk him around the restaurant, explaining all the details Emre and I have been working on. Since I have yet to feel confident about my concept, the rest is still in flux. I don't reveal the extent to which I am fumbling, instead trying to discretely get Ferit's feedback, holding him to the promise he had made me when we first started, that he would never let me fail.

He listens carefully and seems pleased with the general direction. "I think you have this under control." He tells me when I prompt for his analysis.

I raise my eyebrow at him, leaning against the bar. "Some active partner you are. Doing no work and giving me no critique."

He chuckles, placing his arms on either side of me. "That's what Emre is for."

I don't want to reveal how uncertain I am, not wanting to admit that I feel like I am failing. As a result, he has no idea how interested I am in his input, not just as my business partner, but as someone who knows me well.

It's at the tip of my tongue to reveal how lost I am, to allow myself his comfort and his advice. But, the memory of my outburst in his office stops me. How insistent I was then that I could do this all on my own! I had practically stormed out of his office at the mere suggestion that he be allowed to approve my decisions. To ask him for help feels too foreign, too vulnerable.

Instead, I pretend to be light and breezy, hiding my stress away as I always have where nobody can see it.

"So you're fighting with me through your employee? Who knew Ferit Aslan could be such a coward." We are so close to each other, but, this time I don't have to keep myself away. The thought sends a thrill through my body, my restaurant forgotten for the moment.

Ferit's eyes flit to my lips before responding. "I'd just rather be doing other things than fighting."

He's trapped me against the bar, towering over me. I inhale sharply, leaning back against the counter. I reach up to stroke his beard in retaliation and watch with a slight smirk as he shudders at my touch and closes his eyes for a moment.

"Like what?" I say softly, toying with him.

His eyes darken at the question and I am caught in his intense gaze for long moments. My entire body flushes as I imagine all the possibilities my question invokes.

Ferit swallows hard and forces himself to take a step back, seemingly recognizing that this was not the place or time for such intimacy. "I should probably go back to work." He growls, his voice betraying his imbalance.

I nod, not trusting myself to speak. I follow him to the restaurant exit in silence. Before he leaves, he turns to me, a small, surprisingly shy, smile on his face. "Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?" He asks.

I smile widely, touched by the simple question. "I'll think about it." I respond cheekily. Even the lovestruck version of myself cannot be cheesy.

He shakes his head, a little disappointed that I'm treating this as a joke. I feel immediately contrite. I reach up to kiss him softly and whisper my agreement against his lips. "Of course."

He blushes, pleased. My heart goes into overdrive at the sight of his adorable, dimpled smile. I would do anything for that smile.

"Hey, Ferit." I say, stopping him before he can leave. "I actually wanted to ask you something else."

He turns back to me, waiting for my question. I hesitate, running my fingers through my hair, trying to conjure up the courage to ask about his mother, despite the memory of how he had reacted in the past to my attempts to poke my nose into his family.

He steps back towards me sensing my hesitation. "What?" He asks.

"I just realized this morning while Bulut was talking about his grandparents...well should we take Bulut to see your mother soon?"

His eyes reveal his frustration before he looks away. "She doesn't want to see him." He shrugs, coldly.

"That can't be true—"

"It is, Sejal. She can't handle it." He interjects, his voice rising. He looks around, remembering we are not alone. "I'll see you later." He says, ending the conversation with a quick kiss on the cheek.

I watch him go, feeling sad for his obvious pain and frustrated at his angry response to my question. Despite what has felt like a cataclysmic change in our relationship, he still refuses to share his life with me. I feel suddenly insignificant, like a doll to be admired and touched, but set aside when it comes to making the real, painful decisions.

Then, I realize I might be a hypocrite. I had hidden myself from him too, just minutes ago.

We are both so used to being on our own, figuring out everything on our own, that even the deep connection that I am certain he feels as strongly as I do might not be enough to bridge that gap, to overcome a decade of habits. Whatever we feel may not be enough to do this together, to raise Bulut together and it is heartbreaking to realize, within less than twelve hours of living this remarkable joy, that everything could still end in disaster, just as I had always feared.

I walk back inside in a daze, thoughts swirling with Ferit, until Emre brings me back to Earth. "Sejal!" He calls from across the room. "The next candidate is waiting for you!" I shake myself out of my reverie and walk over to meet our next scheduled interview.

"Welcome." I greet her, ushering her to my office. Trying to understand Ferit will have to wait.


When Ferit picks me up at the restaurant later that evening, he's so endearingly excited that my mood immediately improves and I choose to brush off our small argument, deciding I had overreacted. We had time to confide in one another.

I'm expecting to need to change for the fancy restaurant he's sure to have chosen, but he shakes his head, denying my request to return home first.

"You look beautiful." He tells me, by way of explanation.

I look down at myself, confused. I don't dress up to go to the restaurant so I'm in an old t-shirt and jeans. "Ferit, I'm not dressed for a nice place."

"You're perfect. Don't worry." I frown at him. Either affection has made him lose his mind or the place we are going to has no dress code.

I just shrug, deciding to trust him. "Where's Bulut?"

"Deniz has agreed to babysit him. He's at her place." So we have all night. That's interesting.

"Where are we going?" I ask, fiddling with the radio. Eventually I find a station that is playing a song I love and I start jamming immediately, mouthing the words as I shimmy my shoulders.

Ferit laughs and glances at me, amused. I point my fingers at him as I act out the words dramatically, entertaining him. After a few minutes of this, I realize he hasn't answered me. "Huh? Where are we going?"

"Be patient." Ferit says smoothly, turning onto Lake Shore.

"But I hate being patient." I pout, doing my best to look cute so Ferit will change his mind. I realize that I may have picked this tactic up from watching Bulut manipulate his uncle with ease and it works almost as well for me as it does for my sweet baby boy.

He eyes me warily. "Don't look at me like that. You can wait ten minutes."

"Can I?" I'm laying it on quite thick and I can see his resolve weakening.

"Sejal, this isn't fair. I'm trying to surprise you."

I laugh, enjoying the evidence of my power. Unbreakable Ferit putty in my hands – it's a heady feeling.

"Okay, okay, fine. I'll be patient." I don't really want to ruin his surprise.

He glances at me through the corner of his eye. "You're dangerous."

Another laugh escapes me, the happiness bubbling up inside of me. I start dancing again to expend the nervous energy. I feel drunk on possibility.

Finally, we arrive at the harbor and I put together what his plan for the evening is: a boat ride. I'm thrilled that we will be spending the night alone on the lake instead of inside some stuffy restaurant.

"Ah, my rich man. How you spoil me." I say dramatically, walking down the gang plank to where Ferit's yacht is docked.

He smiles at me with such tenderness, happy that I am pleased. He's packed some food to bring onto the boat along with blankets and some wine.

"Have you cooked for me?" I ask cheekily, raising my eyebrow at him. Not everyone is bold enough to serve food to a chef.

"Maybe." He says, unintimidated by my challenge. We board the boat and he leaves me at the helm while he moves into the cockpit to drive the yacht out onto the water. I curl up on the cushions and prop myself up against the railing, enjoying the view and feel of the wind. All the stress of the day's decision making eases out of my shoulders as I take in the skyline.

After about thirty minutes, Ferit anchors the boat and reappears on the deck. I can feel his eyes watching me from afar, before he sits down next to me and pulls me into his lap. I squeal as he drags me to him, before allowing him to arrange me as he pleases.

He suddenly captures my lips in a hard kiss, running his fingers through my hair with one hand while pulling me closer with the other. "You are so beautiful." He breathes after we come up for air.

I scratch his beard as I try to recover. "You are the most beautiful man I've ever seen. Like, by far."

He smirks at that, probably well aware. I roll my eyes at his arrogance, but can't deny his right to it.

"Are you hungry?" He asks, stroking my hair. I'm a little too distracted by his other thumb rubbing the exposed skin on my waist to respond immediately.

"Yes." I reply, clearing my throat.

"Okay. Let me go get dinner ready." He places a soft kiss on my lips before picking me up off his lap to place me next to him. I lean my head back against the railing once he disappears downstairs to the kitchen and let out a loud breath. This man is trying to kill me.

He comes back with a two rather fancy plates decked with a burger and – "Fries?!" I'm giddy. This night couldn't get any better.

He laughs as if expecting my excitement. "Of course. I uh—I picked up food from your diner. I hope that's okay. This is what Joe gave me. The fries were my request, though."

I am overwhelmed by this gesture. "Thank you." I manage to get out. I think he can tell that I'm moved because he reaches out to soothe me, tucking my hair behind my ears.

"It was my pleasure."

I stare at him, all of his emotions plainly written on his face. His gaze feels like a warm blanket wrapped tightly around me.

I have spent my life mastering the techniques and intuition required to make delicious dishes and yet nothing can ever beat food that provokes memories, tastes that elicit emotion. Every time I eat at Joe's café I can see my father irritating the waitress by asking for coffee refills every three minutes, or my mother stealing from my sister's plate because she didn't like her own food, or all of us laughing, uncontrollably, over something meaningless.

Now, Ferit is in that story, though he will never know my family as it once was, he has chosen to open our relationship by respecting them, without even really knowing all of the details. The weight of this moment squeezes my chest and I feel a sudden urge to flee. "You didn't need to do all of this, Ferit." I look down, trying to at least escape his eyes.

"I wanted to." He whispers, nudging my chin up so I will look at him again.

Everything feels so serious, so fast. I'll never be able to go there again without thinking of him. If anything happens between us, I'll have lost my sanctuary. It was reckless to bring him there in the first place. I hadn't been thinking that night.

I avert my gaze again and lean against the railing, pretending like I am interested in the view. "It's so beautiful here." I say shakily, trying to act as if fear isn't gripping my heart.

I hear him sigh behind me, but he doesn't push my anymore. I take a deep breath, trying to come back to this moment instead of worrying about where the future might take us. I can feel Ferit watching me, which only makes me more nervous.

"Sejal? Are you okay?" I can sense Ferit's hesitation as he inches towards me. He reaches out to touch my shoulder and when I don't flinch away he wraps himself around me entirely.

I close my eyes and allow myself to relax in his embrace. His touch soothes me even though he is the source of my anxiety. He leans down to kiss my shoulder, but doesn't speak or force me to speak, content to sit quietly for as long as I need.

Eventually, my heart slows and I turn around to face him. He releases his hold on me slightly and bends down to lean his forehead on mine. My arms come up to his chest and I breathe him in, finally feeling calm again. The panic appears to have eased for now.

"You're prettier than the view." I joke, trying to lighten the mood and deflect from my mini meltdown.

He regards me carefully, but seems to decide it is safest to follow my lead, releasing me so we can begin eating. I'm trying to think of a light-hearted topic to fill the silence, but Ferit graciously provides one for me.

"I brought fishing poles in case you're interested."

I peek up at him through my eyelashes. "Uh huh." I say noncommittedly.

I didn't even know you could fish on the lake. Does this man not have another hobby?

"Since you had so much fun last time, I thought you might want to do it again." He smirks, clearly amused.

I narrow my eyes at him. "You're hilarious."

He gives me his crooked smile, clearly enjoying himself. I roll my eyes at him and turn back to my food.

After we finish eating, we sit back against the railing in companiable silence, sipping some wine. I'm stuffed and content, enjoying the warm night air, the sound of the water crashing against the boat, and the feel of Ferit next to me. The panic has receded for now.

"I wonder what Zeynep would say about us." I ask, as an old memory floats into my mind, of the two of us laying on the beach, debating whether to rush into the lake, but putting it off for later, thinking we had all the time in the world.

"Ah, she would be thrilled." He says a bit sheepishly.

"How do you know?" His embarrassment makes me think there is more to this story.

He glances at me quickly. "Well you remember how I told you Bulut liked to tell me to marry you?"

"Yes." I say eagerly, turning to face him, tucking my leg underneath myself.

He rubs his eyebrow, hesitant. "Where do you think he got the idea."

I gasp. "Like mother, like son."

Ferit laughs. "I guess."

"So that's why she planted the idea to be my partner. To set us up." I say raising my eyebrows, putting the pieces together.

"I suppose." He admits, as if realizing the same himself.

"Ah, Zeynep." I sigh, leaning back in my seat. "My favorite meddler."

He chuckles fondly in agreement. "I didn't ask to be your partner because of that though."


"No, I really did believe in you, I don't want you to think it was an elaborate ploy." He takes my hand, turning my palm upward to trace patterns on it with his index finger. "I didn't really know what was happening to me." He confesses, looking down.

My heart seizes. "I still don't know what is happening to me." I admit with a shaky chuckle.

He releases my hand and reaches around to pull me against him, his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I stretch out my hand to caress his jaw as he watches me, allowing me to do what I want to him. My fingers trace his face as he closes his eyes, staying completely still as if scared that I'll stop. When I reach his lips, his eyes open again, locking on mine, the hunger in them obvious.

Out of patience, he pulls me towards him, guiding my lips to his with his free hand. I moan against him and move to straddle him, yearning to be closer to him. My hands run through his hair as we devour each other, stoking the passion between us.

Then, he stands and I wrap my legs around him, trailing kisses down his neck as I allow him to carry me to the bedroom.


Ferit traces my naked spine as I lay on my stomach turned towards him, my limbs turned to jelly. There is such peace to the moments after sex when our bodies still feel like they belong to one another and he touches me like he cannot bear to stop.

"What happened before?" He asks softly, breaking the silence.

"Before?" I ask, knowing that he is referring to my earlier breakdown, but trying to delay by playing innocent.

"Yes. When you pulled away from me before. What happened?" He's trying to soothe me with his touch but doesn't seem amenable to letting me avoid answering. Always pushing.

I close my eyes, trying to think of a response that can make sense of my jumbled emotions. He lets me think, ever patient.

I could deflect and continue to hide from him, but I push myself to be as honest as I can, knowing that taking the risk of being vulnerable is the only way I will get to keep him.

"I guess..."I begin, not really sure what I'm saying. "I've just never felt this way before. And I was overwhelmed by what it will mean."

He's pleased to hear me confess the depth of my feelings, and takes a moment to smile at me, somewhat bashful, his eyes crinkling in the corners. "What do you mean?" He prompts, asking me to explain as he trails his fingers up towards my shoulders.

I groan a little, hiding my face in the pillow, hating how difficult it is for me to speak openly. But, I'm not a coward, I chant to myself.

"I have just always preferred being on my own, relying only on myself. This new reality is going to bring a lot of change, that's all."

He pauses to consider that. "Change you don't want?"

I turn to face him again, his hesitation piercing my heart. "Change that I can't help but want." I assure him. "We're here now, no use fighting it."

He nods, seeming more at ease after that answer. He continues stroking my back for a bit, processing my words. "But, you're scared."

I laugh, trying to play it off a little. "Terrified, yes. You're not scared?"

He hums, considering. "I was more scared of losing you, I think. Now, I just feel relieved." I can't help the large smile that appears at that.

His sweetness gives me courage. "I suppose part of it is that—" I take a deep breath, steeling myself. "Part of it is that after my parents died, I haven't allowed myself to need anyone else. The close friends that I have, Yasmin and Ozan, are from before. Zeynep was actually one of the few that wriggled her way in after." I laugh to myself as I remember how Zeynep forcefully befriended me. And I am so grateful that she did.

Ferit is looking at me with such compassion that it brings tears to my eyes. He moves his hand to stroke my hair and leans down to kiss me. If anyone can understand how unstable everything feels after you lose someone you love, its him.

"I didn't want to need you, either." He says with a half smile. "But, I do." He shrugs as if he's accepted there's nothing he can do about it.

I smile, warmed by this confession. "Must run in the family." I tease softly.

I stroke his beard gently, trying to convey how I'm feeling through touch, too fragile for words. I'm so grateful he hasn't tried to reassure me with promises he cannot keep. Nobody can guarantee forever. But, I will always be glad to have had this moment, whatever happens next. 

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