Is It Really Love? [complete]

By imperfect_creation

81.4K 5.1K 271

Rayaan Issa Abdurahman Malik and Sophia Ilyaas Abdurahman Malik are the closest sister like cousins you'll e... More

Chapter One Part I
Chapter One Part II
Chapter Two Part I
Chapter Two Part II
Chapter Three Part II
Chapter Four Part I
Chapter Four Part II
Chapter Five Part I
Chapter Five Part II
Chapter Six part I
Chapter Six Part II
Chapter Seven Part I
Chapter Seven Part II
Chapter Eight Part I
Chapter Eight Part II
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Three Part I

3.7K 236 14
By imperfect_creation

A/N: thank you all for your support a lot has happened these past few days it took a toll on me but InshaAllah (in God's will). Make sure to vote comment and share with your friends because sharing is caring. Salaam

Rayyan's POV

I felt the pain she felt. It may have not been as heavy as hers but I did feel it because her mother was like a second mother to me. She was always very welcoming and her smile always reached her eyes full of sincerity. May Allah bless her for all good she had done. She was the best story teller I've known. Her specialty was telling the seerah (history) of Muslim people that changed our lives and made changes the world. The most courageous, the most knowledgeable, the most influential men and women of those times.

Two weeks pasted since we moved into our new home. Nothing eventful really happened. Sophia has been alternating between work and home. I've been searching for a job. It's harder than I thought it was. Not many people are willing to hire a person with no experience. Today was my lucky day my English teacher Mrs. Sparkles back when I was in high school helped me get a job as a Math tutor at this school she works at. I finally have my first job and it's what I like to do. Math is like a puzzle game you have to place the pieces together in the correct place in order to get the answer to your problem. Most people wouldn't agree with me but I believe that math of any kind is fun and healthy for our mental and physical wellbeing. It's kind of like a lesson in life there are many formulas or ways you find the answer whether it's short or long as long as you place everything right you'll get the same result. Like fate, what will be is the qadir (will) of Allah works in many ways.

I still can't believe I got a job. It's amazing, I start next Tuesday afternoon and I can't wait. I can feel that this will be a memorable life experience InshaAllah.

Speaking of school Sophia and I got accepted to the same college. And we plan on starting together this semester. it's been awhile since Sophia and I were in the same school.we used to be in the same school an all girls private school until her father tranfered her to a mixed school near by after he got remarried two years after her mother's death.

I still haven't decided what I want to major in just yet. Every year since high school I've changing my mind constantly. So I am still narrowing it down. I've have been thinking about journalism since the beginning of the summer because of all the events that's been going on and only hearing and reading about part of the story and not the full story in the news. I feel like it's my responsibility to let the world know the full story the truth and stand up against injustice and propaganda. Increasing hate among people and acting and speaking without the full knowledge of is a dangerous thing that affects not only you but all those around you. So let the world know the truth and let mankind hold on to their humanity is my philosophy. That's just a thought process of becoming a journalist. My dad wants me to go into business so that I could take over his company when he retires considering I am his only child but if not me then Sophia since she is his oldest niece. Sophia wants nothing to do with the business field she had always wanted to become a doctor like her father and work at his hospital ever since I could remember I don't know if that has changed yet.

I hope it has not because ever since I could remember she wanted to be a doctor. I just can't imagine her any other way. Oh my Allah I need to seriously stop living in my head it's not normal but yet again normal. And here I am now walking to the gas station a block away carelessly because we ran out of milk and I need it for my cereal and coffee in the morning and also because I was too stupid to not get my drivers licenses and depending on my chafer to take me everywhere. I never thought ahead to the day when I would go without a driver. I guess that's life and we have to accommodate to it but use of other alternatives. Like taking the city bus. Which is weird because I thought city buses didn't exist, well I've never seen one in the part of town where I lived most of my life. And Sophie and I will be taking the bus when school starts. I guess in life you notice small things when you really look like right now I am trying to figure out how this pay phone works. Yes a real pay phone in the gas station parking lot. I asked this lovely Somali couple for some quarters after figuring out that I needed some quarters to make it work. It took a while but it finally worked I called Sophia! And did my victory dance. Some normal people might be wondering as to why I am using a payphone when my cell is working, but honestly being normal is so overrated. And why would anyone miss out on the thrill of doing something they've never done and miss out on the feeling of achievement, an excuse to do your victory dance. Which for me consist of wobbling my legs in the air, doing the wave with my hands and pumping my head in all direction as my body looks like it's having a seizure standing up.

My fun was short lived as I flash and click of a camera. It seem as though time had frozen as my bubble was popped and I was taken back to reality

"Man did you see that..." a man's voice laughed from behind me

"What was she doing? Is she okay." A different man's voice asked sounding a bit worried

Slowly turning around, hoping and praying they didn't do what I thought they did. Standing there was my worst nightmare. Two guys one with his mobile camera pointed straight at me. At that moment I saw my whole life flash before my eyes and my brain function slowly shut down as my fight or flight instinct kicked in. I ran for my life, a life I knew would be ruined if they decide to post what they acquired. Someone who knows someone who knows some who knows my mom will see it and would tell then my mom will tell Abi and then he would take way my dream and send me to the desert and live the rest of my days in solitary  or maybe even marry me off to someone way older than me and I will become the type of women that only pops out babies and will gains a lot of weight and live my life without achieving anything or making a change in the world that's if I don't get locked up in my room for all of eternity; either way the end result I am doomed my life would be ruined if they post it. Oh Allah make them people who are kind hearted who don't do such a cruel thing to me. I am such an idiot.

I ran and ran by the time I came home I was hyperventilating as I leaned against the door think of all that would happen if that came out. Oh My Allah I not only ruined my life but Sophia's because of my selfishness self-absorbed  self  I screwed everything. I regret eating way too much sugary stuff this morning putting me on hype. 

"Ray are you okay..."

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