The Shattered Night

By astralixe

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𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔪𝔬𝔦𝔩 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔟𝔢 𝔯𝔢𝔪𝔞𝔡𝔢 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥�... More

00| Aesthetics
01| Piper
02| Piper
03| Piper
04| Piper
05| Piper
06| Jagger
07| Piper
08| Piper
09| Piper
10| Piper
11| Darien
12| Matteo
13| Piper
14| Piper
15| Matteo
16| Jagger
17| Piper
18.1| Piper
18.2| Lucifer
19| Piper
20| Darien
21| Violette
22| Stephan
23| Piper
24| Matteo
25| Piper
26| Aylin
27| Piper
28| Piper
29| Jagger
30| Darien
31| Piper
32| Piper
33| Piper
34| Piper
35| Matteo
36| Jagger
37| India
38| Piper
39| Stephan
40| Piper
41| Piper
42| Jagger
43| Piper
44| Adaria
45| Mary
46| Piper
47| Piper
48| Darien
49| Ciara
50| Piper
51| Evelina
52| Aylin
53| Piper
54| Evelina
55| Violette
56| Piper
57| Piper
58| Serenity
The Star of Faith

59| Violette

127 66 86
By astralixe

Queen Violette of Azaelia walked down the royal halls of her grand realm, and made her way towards the palace courtyard. The flaming orange eyes of torches watched their ruler make her move, and bowed down to the throne in respect. The glimmering silver pillars weaved around the floor like a spiral. Golden chandeliers hung down from the ceiling, each gem imitating a waterfall of wealth.

As the queen of her home took a deep inhalation of air coming from the landscape in front of her, a great emotional swelling overcame her heart like a wave. As she threw the windows open and hurried down the stairs of the kingdom, there was a sudden drive of adrenaline pushing through her veins.

Queen Violette needed to remember. She needed to remember the times before the tipping point of her country. She needed to remember the times of corruption before the recreation of the palace. She needed to remember the history of her enemies, the history of the war. She needed to remember her.

Within the depth of Mother Nature, happiness and love sprouted out from each flower like a blossom about the bloom. The birds of the sky danced a show in the air, while others sang a sweet song. And through it all, Queen Violette knew from the bottom of her heart, that everything was a symbol.

It had been over a year since the death of her dear friend. Piper had been gone from the world for over a year, and Violette still held on to every essence of her. The queen knew that she was not the only one missing the savior of her country, for all the people of the court and all the civilians seemed to have remembered. Legends were never forgotten, since they stay inside of a person. So together, with the help of the survivors of the war, Violette was able to bring a new future to Azaelia, a future carved from the wishes of her friend.

"You're still thinking about her, aren't you."

Startled by the sudden new voice interrupting her thoughts, the queen turned to the woman heading towards her, and smiled.

"Can you still seem to read my mind? You have changed quite a bit yourself, and yet, some parts are always engraved within you like permanent marks."

Adaria raised her eyebrows in defiance. "It seems like to me, the queen has learned to talk back to her elderly."

Violette couldn't help but to stifle a small laugh. "Adaria, you might be my elderly but I am still your queen. No matter what you can say to me, the rules will always play in my hands."

The woman in front of Violette shook her head, and looked beyond the scenery of the bright blue sky. The clouds seemed to have parted while welcoming the two humans of the earth below them.

"Don't try me with that charm, Your Highness. Even if my magic is gone, I can still tell as clear as glass what that face of yours is saying. Don't try to deny it. We all miss her."

"Is that so?"

Violette couldn't help but to question what she was hearing. Although she did acknowledge that Adaria had left behind her sin to become a new person, there was never any relevant connection between her and Piper. Sure, Piper had helped lift the weight of New magic off the woman's shoulders, but that was for the sake of the whole world.

"That girl was something special," Adaria murmured, her gaze lingering. "I have to give her credit for her determination. She was a strange one, but you know how it is. The crazy ones always get the job done better."

"I was able to understand that, the very moment I met her." Violette tilted her head to the sky. "I have to say I was a little wary at first, but it was the kingdom of lust back then. We had a terrible ruler. Now, everything has changed for the better."

Adaria lifted her gaze away from the trees, and her surprised eyes met Violette's own. "You seem to hold high standards for yourself."

Queen Violette nodded, and made sure her tone was in a mix between pretentious and trustworthy. "Of course I do. The queen may never rest. She always has important work to take care of."

When Adaria didn't reply, Violette lowered her voice to a whisper. "But I must admit, things would be very different if Piper were here with us."

A blanket of silence hung over the two, as the mention of their friend came back up once again. But this silence was not one of regret or unease. This silence was not an uncomfortable presence to bear with. Instead, Violette knew that this silence was welcomed. She would be able to reflect on how lucky she really was, and how much the world had changed. It was all because of Piper that the kingdom was no longer covered in evil.

Violette's thoughts were interrupted when she heard a rustling beside her. Adaria stood up and smoothed her gown, while waving goodbye to her queen.

"We'll if that's all you have to say, I will bid you farewell with your duties. Have a wonderful rest of your day, Your Highness."

Queen Violette watched in silence, as Adaria disappeared within the walls of the palace, and headed to wherever she would go next. The queen knew that Adaria would no longer have to fear civilians looking at her, for now magic of all types were gone. There would be no need for anyone to have to hide in the shadows for any longer. Freedom was for everyone.

"Did you have a nice talk just then?"

Startled once again, Queen Violette shook her head and turned to the second newcomer's voice that had registered in her ears. It only took a moment for her to realize that she would not be able to complete her calm afternoon walk, but would have to spend it talking to her dear friends who were still with her.

"What is it Stephan?" Violette headed towards the boy and smiled. "Can I do anything for you?"

Stephan blinked for a moment, and didn't say anything.


As if Violette's voice were a prompt, the poor boy jumped up and the flowers that we were picking scattered out of order in his arms.

"Sorry," he mumbled, while trying to arrange his flowers back in place. "These were for Rosie, you know, the dog."

There was another split pause, before Violette couldn't help but to burst out laughing. "Oh Stephan, just because I'm your queen doesn't mean we're not friends. You can't escape the tie that bonds us together." The queen beckoned towards the boy. "You can come take my stroll with me. Rosie will wait. I just fed her this morning. The dog doesn't seem to understand what enough means."

Stephan headed behind Violette and followed her to the small stone table near a flower bush. Yellow and blue butterflies swarmed around the small buds as bees buzzed in the corner.

"What was Adaria saying to you? That woman is always confusing to me."

Queen Violette turned to her friend and tilted her head. "It was just about your sister. She was wonderful. You should know that more than anyone."

Stephan looked at his queen's response. "Oh. So that's it."

Violette nodded her head. "That was it."

Before Stephan could say anymore, Violette dragged him towards the table, and began a small conversation. She knew very well that the memory of Piper was still the string that connected both of them together. Piper had done something extraordinary, and she would never forget that.

"I hope that you are watching us from your home above," Violette murmured. "The kingdom has been remade just like how you wished it to be."

For the next few moments, the sun slid further out from behind the clouds, and the birds were suddenly more cheerful. Violette could only remember the days before this, when she had hoped for there to be good weather that could come upon her home. Those times seemed like ages ago, but they would never be forgotten. Just like Piper, the old kingdom was part of her past, and the past was what carved the present.

"Violette, look."

At Stephan's voice, Violette turned her head around, and saw a small white dove land with a red rose in its beak. The bird fluttered in the air for a moment, as if it were pondering what to do, before finally landing on Violette's shoulders.

"Well hello there," the queen murmured, and stroked the creature's soft feathers. "I hope that you are doing well."

At the sudden response, the bird jerked up its head, and started spinning around furiously in the air. Its tail went up and down and its body moved as if it were playing a dance.

Violette tilted her head towards Stephan and cupped her hand on her cheeks. "Do you know what this dove is saying?"

Stephan shook his head. "No clue."

Both friends looked on in confusion, as the bird kept on spinning around. But finally, when the realization came to the creature that no one understood what it was saying, the dove gave up. Instead of doing his small dance, he hovered in the air before disappearing behind a tree.

Violette was still dazed. "Well what was that about?"

"It's not done yet," Stephan whispered back. He pointed towards the tree where the bird came back to them. "Look."

The young dove landed on Violette's shoulders, and dropped a single pink flower on her dress. And although the movement was so small, the thought of realization struck Violette so suddenly, that the queen had to stand up from her sitting position.

Stephan, who had also stood up next to her, turned his head towards his friend. Together, both humans shared a smile as the dove flew away.

The flower the creature had given was a cherry blossom, and cherry blossoms were Piper's favorite flower.

It was now, when fate had decided to seal itself, but not one in a bad way. A new beginning meant a new light. Together, everyone would be able to move on from their dark past. Humans learned to blossom from faith, and that was what would happen. This was destiny. But no matter what the future decided to give, Piper was still present. She would always be inside every person. She would always be inside their heart.

This was the truth that Violette knew, and this was the truth that stayed with her forever.


The End...

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