The First Time I was DM

By John_Jinkles

20 6 3

This is a type of autobiography most wouldn't expect. It is about my first time as Dungeon Master for, well... More


The Sivalich Woods

8 2 1
By John_Jinkles

   "It begins as most adventures do, a group of people in a tavern called to do a mission for a mysterious traveler-" 

   "hold up, can you repeat that? I wasn't paying attention." Zoe asked. I repeated. Slightly annoyed I continued with 

   "What will you do?" The room fell into silence. No one spoke or anything. "Do you want to order ginger ale?" I asked Sydney. 

   "Oh," said Sydney. "I forgot to mention I'm 12 feet tall."

   "Well then you are outside sticking your head through the window. Anyone want to do something, Please?" I asked.

   "I'll order a drink," says Saber Simmer.

   "Do you want ginger ale or grape juice, or, fine grape juice" I asked. At this they started to die of laughter, after, say, 5 minutes they stopped.

   "A ginger ale please," says Saber Simmer. 

   "A waiter walks to you takes your order and tells you it cost 1 silver piece, and for 1 gold piece  an extra barrel for your friend. Do you accept?"

   "Heck yeah I do!"

   "He rolls out the barrel and an extra cup of ginger ale, what will you do now?" I asked.

   "I chug it," says Sydney, mimicking chugging a bottle.

   "Suddenly a hooded stranger walks in, he then sits down at your table," I say.

   "I want to investigate this person," says Zoe, whom finally decided to speak.

   "He seems normal except he looks like Sydney with-"

   "He's twelve feet tall too!" Sydney says excitedly.

   "No, not height, appearance. Anyway he tells you to find a child that's in the woods south of the town, the woods are called The Sivalich Woods, and the child has wandered in and has gone missing for days, his name is Lent,"

   "Why is his name Lint?" They ask.

   "It's not Lint, it's Lent," I reply.

   "Yeah, Lint, like the stuff you find in-"

   "No it's Lent, now let's move on. he tells you to be on your guard and walks away."

   "Why do we have to be on our guard. I ask the stranger." says Sydney.

   "He tells you that their aren't only friendly creatures in the woods and walks off. Now, will you go to the woods?"

   "Why should we?" asks Sydney.

   "Because he offered you a hundred gold pieces now let's go!" I say.

   "I'm on board with that!" Agrees Saber Simmer.

   "After a long while of walking you end up at the front of the woods and there is an ominous feeling coming from these pine trees and even the shrubs below. Will you enter?" They all agree and I continue, "You enter these woulds and hear and see constant motion around you but no definite shape, for the trees block out most of the light. What will you do?"

   "I make an investigation check," says Zoe.

   "Roll a d20," I say. I roll it too to check how well my monsters hide and I roll a one. "Never mind, don't do the check you all see a child sized figure approach you."

   "I'm gonna ask this thing why it's here." says Sydney.

   "It stares up questioningly"

   "I'm gonna ask Lint to follow us," says Zoe.

   "Who said it was Lint, all he said it was a child-sized figure," said Saber Simmer.

   "I'm gonna step on it," said Sydney.

   "You'll kill Lint!" says Zoe, scared by what she says.

   "Roll to see if it hits and if it hurts." she tells me what she rolled, it hits, it hurts, and now it's crawling up her leg.

   "You can now see that it's skin is rotting and you can smell death and decay on it." I call for them to roll initiative and I will now explain the battle in glorious detail. Saber Simmer tries to stab at the thing with her trident and it hits, the thing falls off her leg and it shrieks. Three more of the things run out. Zoe runs away and shoots at one and it hits. Two of the things attack Sydney. She barely scrapes by and one attacks Saber Simmer and it misses, one attacks Zoe and it hits. Sydney attacks one of the ones that hit her, it hits and the thing falls over. Eventually they kill more, Sydney falls unconscious and eventually has pretty much CPR done to her and then she lives. 

   "Were about to run out of time for this so Saber Simmer, do you want to set camp up for the night?" I ask.

   "Sure," Saber Simmer replies.

   "Great, well, you all fall asleep and the session ends here. See you next week!"


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