Furry Word (Furry hunt Human)

By OndejKrutsk

94.2K 1.3K 956

after the war People with Furry, the world was completely occupied by furry, the last handful of people retre... More

our heroes, performances
new place
acquaintance with the team
first mission
visit to the city
learn to kill and forgive
You are not alone
special training
the hunt begins
road to the valley
finally at the finish line
silence on the battlefield
relaxing day
new mission just for human
Luck ?
I will never give up
Welcome to Russia
in the footsteps of my love
you are finally safe with us


10K 100 103
By OndejKrutsk

James PoV

today it is exactly 20 years since we still fight furs, then 20 years ago we lived with furs in peace, but one day a few people broke with furs, furs then declared human war, we won but then came a terrorist group who they say furs of truth and freedom, at that time we fought only one state of furs, but this terrorist organization launched gas attacks on schools and orphanages, when the public found out, everyone was furious and whoever was not at war with the human now was, then we began to lose and we lost territory after territory, we too died faster, there were fewer and fewer of us, until in the end we were only 400,000 human against the rest of the planet of furs, furs took over our territory and pushed us into the mountains, the president recently found out that the human cannot plan for attacks on civilians and that we are innocent, also that day it was found that we are a highly endangered species, namely 10 billion furs against 400,000 human he declared that every human must be captured and given the opportunity to return to society, but it did not work and we still hid and fled, finally he declared that for every human caught there is a great monetary reward, it motivated people to hunt, not to catch but to hunt, people probably misunderstood, since then we have avoided every town and village we meet, now we are in a cold valley, over the years many of us have lost the first 100,000 people were killed trying to protect us another 100,000 were attacked and killed and the last 100,000 killed by a well-known terrorist organization , when it was found that there are only 100,000 of us last living, armies from all over the world came to us, now we are here in a cold mountain valley, where it is very cold, the general said that there is a very nice valley where it is warm, it flows clean water and there is a game that can be hunted, in the final we were left with only 100 people, divided into two teams a team of one 60 people took an old train and set off into the valley on the tracks they led there,I'm with team two, we took all the wounded in a small convoy and we had to take it short but we got lost because one of the army trucks broke down, there were only us soldiers left, no civilians, no women

Grace PoV 

me and my special team, we chased a small convoy of people along with the army to which we have joined for the time being, 

 Sarah: Grace, Grace 

I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to my comrade-in-arms Sarah 

Grace: What's up, Sarah? 

Sarah: Grace, a small group of people have separated from the convoy and are heading for an abandoned gas station by a mountain road 

Grace: Call everyone, we have to get them alive

she nodded and ran to warn the others, we hadn't caught a single human since the beginning of the war, which is sad, my own sister doesn't even know what such a human looks like 

 Nika: so we're ready to beat up a few human? 

 Grace: Nika, I'm telling you one last time, we have to catch them and not kill them

Nika: we should kill them, they are dangerous and wild, it is hard to believe that we used to live in peace with 

them I really wanted to tease her, but Anna entered the debate

Anna: I agree with Nika, it's nonsense that we should live with them, we will kill them and everyone will be happy 

I didn't have the mood to argue with them, so we just waited for the others and walked to the abandoned gas station.

Timeskip 3 hours later (location abandoned gas station)

we arrived at our destination and entered the gas station building, but no one was anywhere and it was empty everywhere 

Nova: Damn, I was looking forward to shooting at a human I was very irritated by their bullshit, we searched the place, but no one was here 

Zoe: They were probably wrong 

oe pulled out her favorite energy bar, I wanted to let everyone know that we were leaving when an army Jeep stopped in front of the main entrance and two people climbed out. 

 Grace: Everybody hide 

 fortunately it was dark inside so we hid behind the shelves

James PoV

me and my friend Markus, we arrived at the place where the researchers said that something could be, we needed everything, food, water, ammunition and especially medical supplies, our entire crew was malnourished

Marcus: Do you think we'll find anything to eat there?

James: I don't think so but we'll see

we went inside and it was clear from the point of view that there was nothing here

Marcus: Look to the right and I'll look to the left

we started searching the individual shelves and talking

Marcus: So James, you think we're going to reach the valley

I was skeptical because one of us died every day

James: I don't know

Marcus: I think so, and have you ever eaten a wild boar?

James: not Marcus, just like you, we always eat only what we catch and they are always just stinking rats

Marcus was sad because he realized that I was right, none of us had a good meal all our way, we survive on mushrooms and rats, some of us haven't eaten for days

Marcus: This is where rainwater flows through the ceiling a bit into the flask

we also didn't find another really clean water anywhere so the whole crew drinks from puddles, I continued looking for nothing but empty cans, I went on and I found an energy bar, I was very good, good food

James: Food, I found food

Mercus turned happily on me

Marcus: Really? What?

James: This energy bar

then I heard the click of a weapon and realized that Marcus was aiming a 1911 pistol at me

Marcus: Give it to me, I want it

James: Calm down, we can share it

I broke it and handed it to Marcus, who took it and ate it immediately

Marcus: Thanks James and I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me

James: I see

we took what we found and put it in the car, and we didn't actually find anything, we got on and went back to camp

Grace PoV

when we were hidden behind the shelves they didn't find us, we heard everything, I was very sorry for them

Anna: We were supposed to kill them right away, they're nothing but wild human

Grace: Why do you want to kill them all the time?

Anna: because they stole here

Grace: The only thing they stole was an energy bar that fell to Zoe

Nova: Anna is right, just look at how they fought over her, they almost killed each other

Sarah: Because they're hungry, Grace's right, we have to save them and you just want to kill them

Grace: Plus, they've escaped now, we won't find them anymore

Sarah: We'll find when they were here I attached a tracking chip to their car

Nika: good job Sarah, now we'll find them and we'll end it

Nika threatened her weapon menacingly

James PoV 

we arrived at the camp, we parked and came to the table where the general was, he was the oldest of us and therefore we all trusted him and listened to him 

General: So what did you find? 

Mercus: Not much, sir, just a little drinking water 

General: Damn, I need to feed these people here, report to Aaron and he'll give you things to hunt 

we nodded, saluted, and left, walking past a damaged truck that got stuck here, Louis was trying to fix it 

James: Hey Louis, how are you? 

Louis turned to me and smiled

 Louis: Wrong, man, God, if it ever works 

that's bad news, the snow around here was very big without those vehicles we fucked if we walked half of us would freeze on the way there 

Marcus: There's Aaron

 Marcus ran to him and saluted 

Marcus: We're reporting to the Hunt 

Aaron: Hi guys, I'm waiting for you, here you go and maybe you'll catch something 

I grabbed a few nets and wires, went hunting 

 Timeskip 1 hour later (location: deep in the woods) 

 we found a nice snowy place in the woods where we prepared a prey trap, then we sat nearby and waited for something to catch 

 Grace PoV 

we found the location of the Human Convoy, now we were on our way back, it was really cold so I put on my special winter jacket up to my neck when we heard someone talking 

??? : You Marcus tell me something about yourself 

they were the same people from the abandoned gas station, I gave the girls a signal and they took positions, we were really close so we heard them well but they didn't see us 

 Marcus: What exactly do you want to hear, James?  

James: What was your childhood like? 

 Marcus: I don't even remember, we've been running since I was a kid, my mom always told me it was for my own good but fortunately the army took me in, they helped by giving me a basic education, then a rifle and a helmet, and since then I've been fighting and I don't know why

I felt so sorry for them, I wanted so much to help them, yet I kept watching them knock cold in their tattered, weak uniforms. 

Marcus: What about you? 

James: his father died while helping the wounded on the battlefield, once he found wounded fur, so he bandaged it and then wanted to leave, but the same fur then shot him in the back

 Marcus: And your mother? 

James: She helped in a medical tent, she died when a mortal shot fell on the tent 

Unbelievable, we complain about how bad we are and they suffer, this is not so fair 

 Anna: I have them on the line, just say so and they're both dead 

 Grace: Leave them alone, we don't want to kill them

 Anna looks at me angrily and then lowers the sniper rifle, we heard a sound and lay down so they wouldn't find us, when we looked we saw a little rabbit in the net 

 Marcus: We caught something 

the one Human was so happier from their little catch 

James: We'll give it to the other soldiers, they probably won't survive without food for a long time 

 then they got up to pack their things 

James: You have everything, Marcus ?

 Marcus: Yes, James 

then they left 

Nova: what was that? could we get them, why didn't you shoot? 

 Grace: And enough, it's not our job, our job now is to pass information to the base and plan an attack 

 Claire: Come here, I found something 

 I turned to see Claire finding something in the snow where the human ones had sat before

 Grace: what is it? 

 Claire: walkie-talkie I took her and looked closely, Markus's signature was on her, he probably forgot her here, everything they could say could be heard 

 ??? : (Transmitter) James, we need you here 

James:(Transmitter) I'm running

James PoV

Logan, the second doctor of our group, could be heard from the radio, I ran to a small tent where we had our wounded, a little boy was lying on the bed from the reconnaissance patrols with his knee covered, the boy was crying a lot 

James: what happened 

Logan: I don't know he just wants to talk to you 

we bandaged his wound and calmed him a little 

James: What happened? What is your name ? 

Luke: My name is Luke 

James: All right, now tell me what happened 

Luke: My friend and I were on a supply mission and approached a small village * crying * 

the boy cried terribly 

James: You have to tell me what happened next, where your friend is 

Luke: my friend said that the garbage container behind the restaurant might have some food in it, I told him not to go there but he didn't listen to me, he opened the container and started shoving some bags, then a Wolf came out and yelled at the others that we were here, my friend didn't even have time to turn and shot him in the head, for a while more furs appeared and they shot at me too, they shot me in the leg and I ran here and hid in a bush when they walked around shouting that when they found me they gutted me 

James: I'm so sorry 

Luke: Why are they doing this to us? *cry*

Luke then hugged me tightly and cried into my shoulder 

James: Calm down, I'll give you something for the pain

I reached into my bag and pulled out our very last morphine, but Luke grabbed my hand 

Luke: No, James, I know it's our last morphine 

James: You need it to survive 

Luke: All right then then 

he released my hand and I gave him the last morphine

Logan then picked me up and led me aside

 Logan: James, you know as well as I do that he won't survive unless he gets a proper operation 

James: We don't even have medical supplies to cure the flu

Logan: What are we supposed to do? 

James: lie to him, tell him he'll survive, 

Logan: Well, yeah, and our other boys died today 

yes, dying was already the order of our day 

James: I'm going to bury him with the others in the woods 

then I went to a couple of boys and we dragged their bodies to the small cemetery we had created, many of us had already died, the earth was frozen so we couldn't bury it deep

 James: Well, it belongs to God now 

we prayed for them for a while and returned to the camp, it was night and a couple of boys managed to light a fire and everyone sat down next to him and tried to warm up as much as possible, I sat down next to Marcus, who was enjoying our catch

James: how does it taste?

Marcus: Terribly

we laughed and pka someone pulled out a guitar and started playing, then everyone joined in singing

everyone was tired, so I took one of our torn blankets and lay down on the floor because we don't have beds, we all sleep on the ground 


James decided to go to sleep without realizing that someone was listening to him through his radio all the time. 

Grace PoV

 I heard everything, I cried, they have been experiencing all this for days, I couldn't stand it, I ran away from our tent somewhere where I would be alone 

Nika PoV

 I was returning to our tent when Grace ran out, I wanted to ask her what was going on but she ran away very quickly 

 fur soldier 6: sir we have mortals ready, we can launch an attack in the morning 

 Nika: good, so get  a sleep and prepare to attack tomorrow 

Fur Soldier 6: Sir, yes sir 

the soldier saluted me and then left 

Nika: tomorrow the wild non-furs have something to look forward to

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