Young Justice x Bionic M Read...

By Shadow_star_awesome

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452 8 2
By Shadow_star_awesome

Characters: Bionic/(Y/N) (L/N), Robin/Dick Grayson, Kid Flash/Wally West, Aqualad/Kaldur'ahm, Superboy/Conner Kent, Miss Martian/M'gann M'orzz/Megan Morse, Artemis, Jefferson "Jax" Jackson/Ronnie Raymond/Firestorm, Sphere, Wolf, Batman, Red Tornado, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Green Lantern/John Stewart, Martian Manhunter/J'onn J'onzz, Captain Atom/Nathaniel C. Adams, Shazam/Billy Batson, Monsieur Mallah, and The Brain

Just to let you guys know. I prefer to use the name Shazam over Captain Marvel. To me it's way better.

Mount Justice
September 23, 06:34 EDT

John Stewart, Shazam, Martian Manhunter, and Captain Atom are repairing the damage from the Reds attack. While, you and the team are in the mission room.

Computer: Synchronizing: Cave security protocol with Watchtower mainframe.

You guys are sitting down in your mission suits but Jax and Ronnie are separated. Then, Green Arrow gives a bowl of tiny pretzels.

Wally: Thanks, but no thanks.

Dick: Yeah. What we want are answers. About Red Tornado and his siblings.

Wally: Exactly!

Green Arrow takes the bowl but, Kid Flash stops him.

Wally: 'grabs bowl' Leave the bowl. 'starts eating the pretzel'

Then, Conner was eavesdropping on Kaldur and Batman's conversation.

Kaldur: It was during the Tai Pei mission with Red Arrow. Sportsmaster revealed the possibility of a mole within the team. In light of last night's attack, Tornado would appear to be the traitor. But whether he betrayed us willingly or was pre-programmed is still--

Conner: You knew?!

Conner grabs Kaldur in anger and you all see him.

Conner: That android and his maniac family nearly killed M'gann!

M'gann: Conner, what are you doing?

Conner: Kaldur knew we had a traitor among us and said nothing!

Dick: You knew?!

Wally: But, didn't tell us?!

Kaldur: I sought to protect the team.

Artemis: Protect us from what? Values that might save our lives?

Conner: 'turns to M'gann' You almost died!

Jax: Dude, we all almost died!

Ronnie: You didn't trust any of us?

Batman: Enough.

Conner lets go of Kaldur.

Batman: With Red Tornado...missing. The team will now be overseen by rotating supervisors. 'turns to Shazam' Shazam has volunteered to take the first shift.

Shazam: I'm really looking forward to hanging with you guys.

You all then look at each other. Then, Conner and Kaldur talked while whispering.

Conner: After I dismantle Red Tornado you and I are gonna--

Batman: Red Tornado is a member of the Justice League. That makes him a League responsibility. You will leave it to us. 'turns around holds hand up' I have another assignment for the team.

You see the digital screen and see the covers.

Wally: "Gotham Mayor attacked by guerrilla gorilla"?

(Y/N): A guerrilla gorilla. Now, I've heard of everything.

Conner: Was this the only thing he could find for us?

Dick: Batman, please! Tell me you're sending us on this joke of a wild ape chase.

Batman: I never joke about the mission. I've checked the sources. I've studies the patterns. Mayor Hill's encounter is only the latest in a series of incidents. Aqualad, you and your team will depart for India and check this out.

You all start walking to the Bio-ship.

Wally: Hmph. "Your team".

You all are entering the Bio-ship and Sphere followed but Superboy stopped him.

Superboy: Uh-uh. 'points' Go.

Sphere starts to roll away. Then, Shazam came flying.

Robin: You're coming with?

Shazam: Sure! We'll have a blast.

Robin: Translation: He blames us for Red fiasco. Doesn't trust us.

Robin and Kid Flash look at Aqualad. Then, they enter the ship.

Kid Flash: It's a big club.

You all got inside the Bio-ship except Firestorm. Aqualad then asked Firestorm a question.

Aqualad: You're not coming?

Firestorm: Nah! I can fly to India. Unless, you think I'm a mole and can't be trusted. 'crosses arms'

Aqualad:'s fine.

Aqualad enters the Bio-ship and it takes off with Firestorm beside the ship, keeping up.


Northern India
September 23, 21:36 IST

The Bio-ship is above a jungle in Camouflage Mode and Firestorm too. Then, it opened a hole and you, Robin, and Artemis jump out of the ship with land with hooks. Then, Firestorm flew down and landed. So did the ship.

Robin: 'whispers' All clear.

Aqualad: 'switches to stealth suit' Switch to stealth, and we'll review mission parameters.

Kid Flash: 'switches to stealth' Parameters? We don't need no stinking parameters.

Robin: It's recon. We know what to do.

Kid Flash and Robin start to walk into the jungle together.

Aqualad: Kid, Robin.

Robin: The three of us started this team because the Justice League was keeping secrets from us.

Kid Flash: Or, did you forget that like you forgot to tell us about the mole. 'puts on goggles'

Then, Robin and Kid Flash go into the jungle.

Superboy: Come on. 'grabs Miss Martian's arm' I'll protect you.

Miss Martian: 'takes arm out of Superboy's grip' You're my boyfriend Conner, not my keeper. Stop acting like a character from a seventies sitcom.

Superboy: I just want to protect you.

Artemis: Like, Aqualad protected us? I'm not sure your protection or your patronizing is good for our health.

Artemis and Miss Martian start walking through a different part of the jungle together. You tried to stop them.

Bionic: Artemis, Miss Martian come on! We can't turn on each other.

Superboy: 'turns to Aqualad' Why didn't you stop them? You're supposed to be in charge.

Aqualad: I am--

Superboy puts his hand up, turns away, and jumps away. Then, Aqualad turns to you and Firestorm.

Aqualad: Are you going too?

Bionic: We're going to check the area for anything out of the ordinary. 'touches watch' Kiara, bring up a map of the area and keep the trackers on the team.

Kiara: Map and trackers online.

Aqualad: You two go and check it out.

Firestorm: Let's go, Bionic.

Bionic: Let's move.

You super speed into the jungle and Firestorm flies with you through the jungle. As you guys go through the jungle you guys talk.

Firestorm: Dude, I can't believe Aqualad didn't tell anyone about a mole.

Bionic: He must've had a reason.

Firestorm: Yeah. Maybe he's the mole.

Bionic: No, I don't think so. It's not even possible. Let's just focus on the mission and we'll talk to Aqualad.

Firestorm: Alright. Hey, I see tracks.

You and Firestorm stop and look at the tracks.

Firestorm: What kind of animal tracks are these?

Bionic: They're rhino tracks.

Firestorm: Where are the rhinos? Look out!

Bionic: Agh! 'hit by a rhino and crashed into a tree' Found one. 'stands up'

Firestorm: Dude, last time I check these rhinos only had one horn. 'shots a fireball at a rhino'

The rhinos had two horns instead of one, was faster than normal, and was a little bigger. There were three rhinos.

Bionic: 'super speeds to rhino' Yeah. They hit hard. But, I hit harder! 'punches a rhino'

A rhino came behind you but, Firestorm blasted the rhino with a nuclear blast and it fell. Then, it's collar fell off and the rhino ran.

Bionic: Aim for the collars! And, thanks!

Firestorm: No problem.

You super speed at one rhino and grabbed the collar off. Then, Firestorm shot another one off. Then, one rhino was charging at you but you jumped over and it hit a tree. The rhino was stuck while you yanked off the last collar. Then, the rhinos all left. Then, you and Firestorm talked about the situation.

Firestorm: I guess this means, no more monkey business.

Bionic: Right. It seems like that there are Kobra-Venom induced animals with collars that match the Belle Reve prison.

Firestorm: That explains the sudden size change in the rhinos and their attitude.

Then, Miss Martian made a psychic link.

Miss Martian: Link established.

Artemis: Should he really still be giving us orders? And, should you really be following them?

Aqualad: Listen, please.

Kid Flash: Oh good. Aqualad's voice in my head. I so missed that. 'sarcastically'

Robin: Hey, Kaldur. KF and I were attacked by giant vultures. 'Course, as moles, you probably think we attacked ourselves.

Artemis: If he did, he wouldn't tell you.

Bionic: Can we focus on the mission, please? Firestorm and I were attacked by bigger rhinos.

Firestorm (Ronnie): As far as we can tell. Batman's gorilla story has checked out.

Miss Martian: Superboy, are you online on just pouting?

Superboy: Busy, call back later.

Kid Flash: What gets me is how nonchalant he is not telling us.

Robin: He should be chalant. Way chalant. Extremely chalant.

Artemis: How can we be a team if he doesn't trust us with his own secrets?

Miss Martian: Or if Connor doesn't trust us to take care of ourselves?

Kid Flash: Did he really think you or I could be the mole?

Robin: We've known each other for years.

Artemis: Trust is a two way street.

Miss Martian: And, you know they'd hate it if we kept secrets from them.

Artemis: Not that we'd do that.

Miss Martian: Never.

Aqualad: Enough. Shazam has been captured, and it is up to us to act a team and save him.

Kid Flash: Heh. Under your leadership? I don't think--

Aqualad: This is not up for debate. You all chose me to lead. When the mission is over, if you wish to select a new leader, I will happily step down. But, until that time, I am in command here.

Bionic: You guys heard the man. Let's move!

You super speed through the jungle and Firestorm flies through the jungle behind. You two then regroup with the others, except Superboy, and then you see a fortress. Then, you, Robin, and Kid Flash scanned the area.

Miss Martian: I'll fly over.

Kid Flash: Negatory.

Bionic: There's an energy dome around the lair.

Robin: High lines are insulated. But, one good shock would cause a momentary gap.

Artemis: I see a target.

Aqualad: Then, be ready to hit it. Get ready, all of you.

Aqualad goes to the energy dome and uses his electric powers to create the small gap.

Kid Flash: Now!

Artemis shot an arrow and git the small red button that deactivated the dome. Then, you all started to move in but then a monkey shouted and a lot of monkeys attacked the team. You were fighting the monkeys. Then, you saw the collars and told the team.

Bionic: Rip off the collars!

Robin: Easy for him to say.

Artemis shot two arrows at two monkey collars. Then, two monkeys came behind Artemis then Robin two birdarangs at their collars. Then, Monsieur Mallah came out of the fortress with a mini-gun. Then, he smelled Miss Martian trying to sneak in and he took her out. He was about to shoot her but Kid Flash tried to stop him.

Kid Flash: Get your paws of her you darn dirty ape.

Kid Flash super sped to Monsieur Mallah but Kid Flash fell back to Monsieur's body. Then, Firestorm shot a fireball at Monsieur Mallah and got his attention. Then, Mallah was shooting at Firestorm and Firestorm flew out of the way. While, Mallah was distracted, you super speed behind Mallah and blasted him with your heat vision. Then, Mallah fell on his stomach. Then, Artemis and Robin were keeping Mallah occupied while you checked on Miss Martian.

Bionic: Miss Martian, are you okay?

Miss Martian: 'gets up' I'm okay.

Bionic: Good. Let's go.

Miss Martian flew to the fight, then she used her telekinesis to smash Mallah through a wall and you all entered a laboratory. Then, you all see a brain in a machine and Shazam strapped to a table.

Kid Flash: It's the Brain!

Artemis: Yeah, I can see it's a brain.

Kid Flash: Not a brain. The Brain.

The Brain: In the flesh. So to speak. Mallah.

Mallah then activated a stun field and all of you fell.

Everyone: Aah!

Aqualad: Miss Martian, Superboy, now.

Miss Martian uses her telekinesis to get Mallah's remote and deactivated the field. Then, Superboy smashed through the wall and brought with him a big white wolf. Wolf goes to attack Mallah. Kid Flash then kicks Mallah and moves out of the way. Then, Robin swing kicked Mallah. Then, you punched Mallah. Then, Firestorm blasted Mallah. Then, Miss Martian levitated Mallah and slammed him to the ground. Superboy tried to hit Mallah but he missed then, Mallah shot Superboy with his Mini-gun. Then, Artemis shot an explosive arrow at Mallah's ammo supplier on his back. Then, Artemis shot the ammo supplier again and Robin threw an explosive birdarang at the Mini-gun, then the weapons blew up. Then, all of you surrounded The Brain and Monsieur Mallah while Aqualad helped Shazam and the collared tiger.

Superboy: I hate monkeys.

The Brain: No, Mallah, this will be our Waterloo.

Then, the Brain was making himself expand and make an explosive.

Kid Flash: Get down!

Then, the lights went off and went back on. Then, you see Mallah and the Brain are gone.

Kid Flash: Wait, that big weapon thing was a light switch.

You all look at each other than head back to the Bio-ship.

Artemis: 'looks at Kid Flash' What are you grinning about?

Kid Flash: One word, Souvenir. 'puts on beret'

Artemis: Two words, Gorilla lice.

Kid Flash: Huh? 'takes off beret' Oh man!

Aqualad took off the last collar on all the animals. Then, Shazam told the tiger it was okay.

Superboy: The rest of the pack is gone. What are you still doing here?

M'gann: I think he wants to stay with you.

Superboy: Can I keep him?

Kid Flash: Ha! First, the Sphere now this beast? Dude, you sure have a habit of collecting strays.

Miss Martian: Maybe because he's such a stray himself. Aren't you?

Superboy: M'gann, I'm sorry. I was just worried.

Miss Martian: That's sweet, Conner. 'puts hand on Superboy's neck' But, on a mission, I'm your teammate, not your girlfriend. Agreed?

Superboy: Yeah.

Kid Flash: Well, he's gonna need a name. Hows about Krypto.

The big white wolf growls.

Superboy: Pass.

Bionic: That name is taken too.

Then, Robin asked a question.

Robin: Look, I gotta ask. Why'd you keep the mole intel a secret?

All of you look at Aqualad. Hoping for an answer.

Aqualad: The source of the tip was...

Bionic: Was who?

Aqualad: Sportsmaster.

Artemis: My dad?!? You can't trust him!

Aqualad: I do not. It seemed possible, even likely, that he was attempting to divide the team with false information.

Robin: And given how this mission went, he nearly succeeded. But you had to consider it might be true.

Aqualad: Yes. As leader, I did. In which case, I did not wish to alert the traitor.

Robin: 'sighs' Hate to say it, but makes sense.

Aqualad: I am still prepared to step down.

Kid Flash: 'puts hand up' All in favor of keeping Aqualad as leader?

Everyone puts their hand up to agree.

Shazam: Guess, it's unanimous. See you tomorrow.

Aqualad: You're not coming back with us?

Shazam: Nah, gotta fly. 'flies away'

Miss Martian: So, what are you gonna call him?

Superboy: What's wrong with Wolf.

Kid Flash: Generic, but acceptable.

Firestorm: Better than Krypto.

Bionic: I agree.

Everyone gets on the Bio-ship and heads home for the rest of the day.

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