Life's Requiem, Death's Cater...

By TMWolf

12K 216 441

Sequel to Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield Reunited once more, Cassandra and Leon embark on their next journe... More

A Toast
Of Farewells
Welcome to Kalos!
Many Meetings I
The Bug Badge
Many Meetings II
New Friends
Memories & Hints
Team Flare
Beaches & Rock Climbing
Flare & Stone
Good Times & Good Friends
More Questions
Earth & Fire
The Ups & Downs
The Future and Past
The Plot Thickens
Snow & Sun
Breaking Point
The End's Beginning
Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul
What Comes After
A New Lease Part I
New Lease II (18+ Explicit)
A New Life


1.4K 15 16
By TMWolf



1 year ago

Kalos Region

With a snarl of frustration, the man shoved his tablet from his deck, taking papers, and small gadgets and pens with it. He seethed, pressing his knuckles to his temple as he tried to understand why-- why he couldn't overcome the error in his work; his calculations? He had slaved for years trying to uncover the method to make the world a better place, and, yet, for all the things he had made and the ways he had improved the lives of his people, it was not enough! They were still ungrateful and greedy and cruel ! No matter what he did, people still stole, killed, and raped, and suffered. The beauty of the world was slowly, but surely, being weathered away by the greed of humanity. Even Pokémon had begun to be tainted by the infection, and he could do nothing .

No invention could solve it.

Words did even less.

Was there truly nothing that could end this madness? That could purify the world and envelop it in endless beauty? The glorious goodness that he had seen once so long ago, but now could barely recall--like the wisp of a dream forgotten in the morning. It was endlessly frustrating, and he was at his wits end. He knew something was missing--one small, little thing, yet what could it be? He was one of the most brilliant minds throughout the region or even the world, second only to Professors at times, and yet the answer eluded him. There was no equation or machine that could solve it, so then what? What !?

"Dammit all!" he snarled, slamming his fists onto the table. He seethed in his chair, ready to pull the red locks from his head. It would have been a more fruitful venture than this one. He refused to surrender, though; to allow the world to fall to ruin. It would be a denial of who he was, and he couldn't let this waning place down like this. It deserved to be beautiful and pure; deserved to be free of the black malice of sin. He simply needed to try harder--to seek new, unknown methods.

Which ones, though? Kalos was the pinnacle of most technology, and yet all of it failed him. What was he missing?

"Where am I going wrong?" he rasped, eyes squeezing shut as if in pain.

"Why, it's quite simple, my good man. You're looking for answers in the wrong direction."

His eyes shot wide open, and then he stood up quickly, tossing his chair over. A gasp tore from his lips as he watched a black mass appear in the center of his room. The air crackled and shook; books falling from the shelf as power flooded from the mass. He could feel the raw energy in his bones and his instincts told him to run, but his feet were frozen to the metal floor. He could scarcely breathe as the blackness took on two shapes, both humanoid, though one was clearly a Pokémon by its malformed structure and long, sinuous tail. He vaguely recalled the creature, having heard of it some years before when he was a younger, but the other figure? It was surely a mortal man, and yet the air about him was strange. Different. Even his eyes seemed to glow with some hidden energy he couldn't quite fathom.

It both terrified--and intrigued him.

"Who--?" he began as the black mass began to fade. The Pokémon became clearer, and although its colors had become dark and muted, he would not mistake such a legendary creature. "It can't be--Mewtwo? But--it--you--who are you ?"

The man laughed, though there was no trace of humor or friendliness to his tone. His dark eyes were cold and matched the ebony color of his hair. It was a stark contrast to his pale skin, and though he was of far shorter stature with arms folded behind his back, his aura was imposing. He could very well be as tall as the towering mountain man of legend even though he barely came to his shoulder.

"You worry about such things, when I come offering you the solution to your predicament, Lysandre?" the man continued, and a cold trickle of fear went through him as quickly as a rush to his curiosity.

He licked his lips nervously. "You know of me?"

"Of course. My Master and I have watched you for quite some time and seen what you are capable of. You are a man destined for greatness, and we would help you, should you be willing to accept it."

"Master? You answer to another? Why do they not come to give me this answer you presume I seek?"

"My Master has great things to attend to, but should you succeed--you will meet him and understand. For now, he sends me in his place, and I come bearing your solution."

"You presume you know what it is that troubles me," he pressed, eyes narrowed; torn between annoyance, the same fear, and his gut telling him this was the truth and what that could mean.

"You wish to maintain the beauty of this world--to keep it pure. But nothing you do has worked, no?" the man mused, as if it were all a game, and yet, he was right. The man laughed again. "My Masters knows a great deal, Lysandre... and he knows your error is that your eyes are focused on the future .... When you should look to the past instead."

"I... don't understand," he frowned, watching as the strange man glanced at the fallen books and gestured. The Pokémon--Mewtwo, he could still barely believe--flicked its three-pronged hand, and an old scripture with a worn spine was lifted and levitated to the man's hand. He examined it for a moment before grinning and waltzing over to his desk. Lysandre was a little proud to say he didn't flinch as the book was slapped down in front of him.

The History of Kalos

He had read the book in earnest in his youth, swept up by the seemingly fantastical world of man and Pokémon overseen by powerful god-like beings that were ultimately dragged into a bloodied conflict, and a grand, fantastical machine that had changed the world. It had always felt a kind of fantasy, despite there being some truth--but what myth didn't? Yet, the man before him looked upon him with such smugness that he began to doubt such notions.


"The past holds the keys you seek, Lysandre. There is more truth to the myths of old than you realize," the man chuckled, gesturing. Mewtwo again lifted its hand, and the book's cover slapped open, pages flipping quickly and stopping at a copy of an ancient drawing from days long since passed.

The two God-like beings, standing before one another.

Life and Death.

Allies. Enemies. Power bound by a balance.

He had always found it beautiful.


Lysandre's eyes widened, his hand coming up to cover his opened mouth. Surely the answer could not be so simple? Surely it was just a fairytale?

"These beings aren't--."

"Oh, they are very real, I assure you. They are not Gods, but Pokémon. And they live . You only need find them, my friend, and your dream will be made real."

His mind raced, flicking between his visitor and the book. The Gods of Life and Death were real? Pokémon even? It didn't seem plausible, and yet, with every passing moment his heart told him it was. To think they lived, though! It was almost too good to be true, especially the one who brought such vital information to him.

He narrowed his eyes, "What is it you want of me? You would not grant me such information without a price."

"Correct but fear not; we only seek your full compliance to our aid in your machinations. We will oversee things to ensure you follow the right path, which aligns with your own. You bringing beauty to this world is what my Master desires, so we will watch and help without restriction. That is all."

"How can I trust you won't try and stop me or do something worse to the world than we humans already have?"

"You and I both know very well I could have simply killed you if I had no need for you, nor would I come seeking you out if our goal was simply to ruin this world further. You can sense my power. Mewtwo's power. You are but a speck who has gained our interest, and so long as you proceed with your plan, we are allies."

So. He was a pawn then? He had no love for the idea, but he could not deny the allure of what was being presented. A true method to achieve his goals. Life and Death personified real? The things he could achieve with them under his control! Yes; with them, his dream could be real. He could bring beauty back into this world! It could be done, and it was because of his newfound ally.

He chuckled at the word and how shallow it truly was. But it was better than an enemy.

"Very well; I will gladly accept your help. Although, I would hope to know the names of my benefactors."

"My Master will reveal himself when you complete your mission. You may call me, however," the man grinned wickedly, "Giovanni."

He knew the name. Everyone did. The infamous mob boss thought dead for years now. He could scarcely believe it, but then again, there were now a lot of things he couldn't believe, yet they were real. As such, he thought better than to question his newfound comrade.

"Then I welcome you, Giovanni, and look forward to working together to create an eternally beautiful world together," Lysandre smiled, holding out his hand. Giovanni chuckled and clasped it in kind.

"Yes... to a new, beautiful world."

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