The Rules | ✅ Completed

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I have three basic rules to live by Don't draw attention to myself. Make it through another year. My brother'... Több

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Author's Note
Alternate Epilogue
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 59

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IHSA and the staff in NIU's athletic department had set up a schedule. Times that were designated for each team to practice. When we were expected to have our meetings with the officials and board members so that we could be reminded of the basics. The point when we should be suited up. Most importantly, when kick off was.

Reminding me of my gender for the thousandth time today, I was forced to get dressed first then wait in the hall for the rest of my team to change. The maintenance staff kept slowing to stare at me when they passed. One even had the gall to stop, stare and ask if I was the mascot.

As if the universe wanted to really kick me down on the most important day of my life. A few players from our competition were coming toward me. In the middle of the group was the jerk from earlier. The smile stretching across his face reminded me of Owen's. Nothing but evil thoughts hiding behind a good looking exterior.

"They let you dress up," he mused, making his teammates chuckle and snicker. I could have let it go. He wasn't the first one to give me a hard time. Hell, if I wasn't related to Lucas, I probably wouldn't have been able to try out. My parents wanted me kicked off and banned from playing next year.

This guy shouldn't have gotten to me. Somehow he did though. I blamed the attitude. It kept taking back to the night Owen put his hands on me. Unfortunately for this asshole, the facemask of my helmet was preventing my fingers from curling into a fist. Beating the crap out of him with my helmet minutes before the big game will lead to disqualification. I knew it in my bones, and judging by that smirk he did too.

"Why wouldn't they?" I nodded to his own uniform. "They let you don't they?"

"That's because I can catch and run." His eyes trailed over me like before but this time it was slower and made my skin crawl. "I guess you'd make for a decent water girl. Although, you could lose some of the padding. An all natural look is much better."

"All natural? Is that why you got a manicure before the big game? Getting in touch with your feminane side?" I leaned a little closer and lowered my voice. "You don't have to hide it anymore. We girls have to stick together after all."

One of his buddies coughed when pretty boy curled his fingers to hide the evidence. The others were looking for any excuse to leave. None of them expected me to fight back. Pretty boy kept his eyes locked on mine as he took a step closer. The crowd stepped back and a gloved hand landed in the center of pretty boy's chest.

"Any closer," Lucas growled, "And you won't be playing football for the rest of your life."

"Even if I wasn't out there, my team would still kick your ass."

"Lesters," Coach Corey shouted from the doorway. He scanned the hallway and frowned when he saw us. Two on six wasn't exactly fair, but Corey knew my brother's reputation. The look in his eyes as he stormed over to us told me he knew what I was capable of, too. "Locker room, now. You boys, back to your locker room."

My pads intentionally collided with my brother's back as I pushed past him and Corey. He barely moved as I made my way to the door. Coach Gilly was waiting for us, his foot holding open the door because his arms were crossed over his chest. Corey was saying something to my brother as the other team started their retreat. Pretty boy slowed as they passed one last time and blew me a kiss.

Coach nodded for me to get into the locker room, without my brother. I rolled my eyes and stalked inside. Finn's eyes met mine and the beautiful emeralds summoned me to the open space beside him. Joseph was sitting in one of the locker cubbies with his head tilted back as he listened to the music coming through his headphones. I spotted Shane getting his wrists wrapped in the trainers office. Keegan was stretching awkwardly, flexing his feet.

Coach Corey entered first, my scowling brother came in after. Coach Gilly brought up the rear. The lecture weighing in eyes as he looked us all over. He'd been doing this a lot lately. Ever since the first round of playoffs. Extra long stares of true acknowledgement. Hidden smiles of admiration. As he cleared his throat, he glanced at his shoes then back to us. Finn bumped his pads with mine before sneaking his hand into mine.

"I've been doing this thing for a long time. Taught some of your parents, it's been that long. Thirty years of watching young men, and women, grow up to become their own people. The experiences they had in high school shaped them. You will be no different. The connections you make with people. The classes and clubs you join. You won't get to take it with you, but it will be burned into your memories. You will always look back and remember all the things you faced. All the things you thought you wouldn't be able to do, but were capable of.

"This is what you are capable of." He gestured around us. A thin, lazy smile tugging at his mouth. "I have had teams win conferences. They've broken records and broken them again. I've had several go on to play in the NCAA. None of them have done what you have. None of them made it to the state championship. That alone should make you proud, because I'm damn proud of you. Win or lose, I would still be proud."

Being the only girl in the room, I had to keep myself from letting my lip tremble. Glancing around the room at my teammates, I saw more than a few sets of glossy eyes. My brother was slumped against the wall, his attention on his feet. Shane mirrored my brother, but his focus was on the ceiling. Finn's fingers squeezed mine and I knew they were all feeling what I was.

All week we'd discussed how this would put us on the map. Our team would go down in history after this win as being the ultimate underdog. After that speech, though, it was clear that we weren't about to leave it all on the field for our school. We were about to go out there and do one more thing none of the other teams have done. The last game of the season was going to be another thing Coach could add to his wall of pride list.


The moment I stepped onto the field, I was transported to another world. The last few Friday nights hadn't prepared me for this feeling. The lights overhead were blinding compared to the few around our little field. The hundreds of fans usually weren't loud enough to make a difference on the field. In the official stadium, the chants and cheers were deafening. There were tens of thousands of people in the stands and my stomach dropped as I took in the rows of barely blurry faces.

The weight of a hand on my pads only added to the unseen pressure already resting on my shoulders. Looking up to my big brother, I was surprised to see him just as overwhelmed as I was. It was a huge night for all of us, but the seniors most of all. It was the last time they would ever get to play with this team. In my brother's case, it would be his last game ever.

"I don't think I ever thanked you." I felt like I was shouting just so he could hear me.

"For what," he shouted the question back, urging us forward with a little shove to my shoulder pads.

"For everything. Pushing me to be better. Getting me on the team. Helping me with Mom and Dad." I slowed as we neared our sideline. "I don't think I would have made it another year without you by my side."

"You know I've got your back, little sister." He gave the braid closest to him a tug and smiled at me. "No matter where I am. I'll always be there for you."

"Lesters," Coach Corey shouted. He was tapping his watch when we'd both looked over at him. The rest of our team was doing their warm ups and waiting for us to join them. Gently bumping into me, Lucas pulled on his helmet and flashed me one final grin before running over to the defensive line.

Accepting that he would only be a few hours away next year was becoming harder to do every day. I believe it had something to do with my parents being around. It was always me and Lucas against the world. When I was brave enough, it was just me on a solo mission. I knew that I could call him and he'd come running home. He had his own life though, and I needed to find mine. That was the hardest part of all.

"Do you have a plan up your sleeve today," Corey asked when I stepped in place beside Finn. Shane would pass to Finn, who would hand it to me then I would pass it to Greg who would hand it Shane. The cycle continued as we did our own version of warm ups.

"Honestly, no," I sighed. "I really want to pelt that jackass with the ball when he isn't looking."

"I'd love to see that," Finn chuckled.

"I was hoping for something that would help the team win this game." Corey crossed his arms and bowed his head as he tried to fight the amusement. He cleared his throat and looked up to shake his head. Adjusting his baseball cap he added, "Stay close throughout the game. I might need your insight."

"Yes, Coach," I answered. I had no plans of being anywhere else. Being a sideline analyst was better than nothing.

"You'll get your playing time," Finn promised as he handed the ball over.

"I think I'll live," I laughed, obviously glancing around at our surroundings. "Those are a whole lot of eyes watching."

"Not to mention the folks streaming the game at home," he added with an elbow to my rib guard.

"I think I'm going to hurl."

"Shane's done enough of that for the both of you." He nodded toward our starting QB. The cocky grin was missing from his stubbly face. The tan that had started to fade was missing completely. The constant shaking out of his arms after he threw the ball hadn't stopped.

"He okay?"

"He'll be fine once he is focused on the game. If he gets like this, though," he tilted his head toward the field, "Out there. Coach is going to put you in to give him time to come down again. So, just be ready."

"I'm always ready." I winked when he looked at me then puckered my lips at him. He grinned like a fool before gently knocking his helmet against mine. The whistle came and I stepped in place with the rest of my team as the only support system I've ever known stalked toward the center of the field.

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