Epilogue - Tess's Secret: A M...


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Hey look! There's a light on in the window and the drapes are open wide. Why not take a peek inside to see wh... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

770 66 6

All the decorating was finished. Zane stayed up late the night before making sure to complete the long list Tess made for him. All of this could have been handled by a professional decorator, but Tess insisted they do it themselves thus falling onto his shoulders. What else was new?

Zane smirked. It was fine. He didn't mind helping his wife with whatever she wanted. His mind frequently revisited the time she had been kidnapped by his own club. It was the most frightening moment of his life. It was also the most helpless. If Tess hadn't been courageous, she would have been killed. If he hadn't joined the damn club, she wouldn't have been put into the fucked up situation at all!

He had put his entire family at risk joining that club, and look where it got him. He was a murderer. A mass murderer. It wasn't something he lived with easily. It was a strange thing really because faced with it, he'd do it again. The only thing he'd have done different was not joining up in the first place.

Tess was his savior. Since he wasn't able to go to counseling and discuss all the killing he had done, Tess was the one to bare the brunt of all the sleepless nights and all the nightmares when he did manage to fall asleep. Over time, things started to improve. But what he had done wasn't something he was ever going to just be okay with. The salve was the knowledge he helped save his wife's life and his family's. It was what kept him sane.

Now, he was definitely blessed to be where he was at. He was about to have seven children to his name. Seven. Never did he think he'd have so many. His family was going to go crazy. He was going to go crazy.

The babies were due in April which meant he would have six kids in diapers. Unless he was able to potty train faster. As it was, Alex didn't want anything to do with the potty. He loved shitting in his pants. His sweet Mia was too scared. Lee was the only one making real progress. He loved picking out a prize from the prize box. Mia didn't care about the toys, and Alex just stole them.

Zane made up his mind to watch Alex. His son definitely inherited his own rebellious side. Alex loved nothing more than grabbing markers and drawing all over his arms to match daddy. It was a dangerous thing. He would have to add his sons, Tess undoubtedly carried, to his watch list too! No one was going to end up joining an MC. Not on his watch.

"Wow. It looks beautiful in here. You did a great job, babe."

Zane pulled Tess into an embrace, placing a kiss to her head. "Oh yeah? Do I get a reward later?"

"I can barely move, Zane," she swatted.

"It's okay. You don't have to move. You can just lay there."

"You're horrible."

The doorbell interrupted them. Zane's pearly white teeth shown as his smile grew into a roguish grin. It was contagious as Tess followed him. Little pitter-patters ran to the door as well.

"Dorks! Enter," Zane waved his hand out for his siblings.

"I'm no dork," Karrie shoved at Zane's shoulder.

"You're dating my brother. You're a dork by injection."

"True." Karrie walked over and hugged Tess the best she could. "Hey, girlie. Cole, up top," she held up her hand up high causing Cole to jump. "Little munchkins."

"Hi Tess!" Robert kissed Tess on the cheek.

"Uncle Rico!" Cole fist bumped Robert.

"Hey dude!"

"We beat mom and dad here," Marlie dragged in with her arms full of presents, happy to drop everything at the base of the tree to catch her breath. 

"You always do," Zane grabbed a few bags from Robert and settled everyone in.

"Nice tree, dude. Where's the star?" Robert scooped Mia up and gave her little kisses on her cheeks causing her to peel into a fit of laughter.

"I was saving it for you."

"I can't reach that."

"No shit. But the two of us can."

"Huh?" Mia squirmed out of Robert's arms and scampered off.

"How tall are we?"

Robert shrugged. "I don't know. Six, five?"

"Exactly. You're gonna get on my shoulders, grab the tree and shove the star on."

"No way. I'm not doin' that. Where the hell is your ladder?"

"It's broke. Come on. It's no big deal."

"You can't lift all my muscle, Zane."

"You have no muscles, Rob. Come here," Zane grabbed for Robert's arm, but he twisted away with a screech.

"What is going on?"

"Tess! Oh, Tess! Thank God. Save me from him!" Robert pointed wrapping his arms around Tess from behind, seeking shelter.

"I'm pretty sure your brother can see you behind me, Rob."

"Doubt it. You're bigger than a house!"

Tess turned out of Robert's arms smacking him in the head. "He's all yours, babe."

"Did you just call my wife fat?"

Zane charged at Robert, pinning him down onto the couch with his arm against Robert's neck. Strange bird-like noises gurgled out from Robert until he submitted to Zane's satisfaction.

He let him up and pointed at the star. With a heavy head, Robert picked up the ornament and held it up in display.

"Good. Come on."

"What if you drop me and I fall? Your floor is gonna crack my head open."

"I'm not going to drop you."

"Seriously, Zane. I'm as big as you."

Zane's eyebrow lifted. "You're as tall as me. Not as big as me. Come on."

Zane positioned Robert in front of the tree then bent down between Robert's legs and hoisted him up onto his shoulders. Robert was right. He was way heavier than he looked. Fuck, this was a bad idea.

"Um, you're six five and I'm six five but you can only add half of that height since I'm sitting. I think we're only reaching just under ten feet, dude. Your tree is like fifteen."

"Shut up, Rob," Zane grunted.

"Don't tell me to shut up. I'll fart on you."

"Put the star on the fuckin' tree. You can reach."

"No I can't."

"Yeah, ya can. Just do it."

Robert wobbled stretching up and lifting off of Zane's shoulders. Surprisingly,  he managed to grab the top and shoved the star on much to Zane's relief. He let him down and stood back to assess Robert's work.

"That's crooked as shit."

"That star is crooked," Robert rubbed his chin mimicking the dad from The Christmas Story.

"Shut up. I don't give a shit anymore," Zane sighed rubbing his shoulders.

"Dude, I gotta tell you a secret."

"What?" Zane slid a glance at his brother.

Robert looked around noticing they were the only ones in the room. Female voices carried from the kitchen with a few of the kids running into the livingroom and back out again.

"I'm gonna propose to Karrie."

"Really? That's awesome, brother."

"Yeah. I was hoping to do it tonight. Here. I mean, I know you're having the gender reveal. I don't wanna steal your thunder."

"Dude, I already have four kids. There's no thunder. If you want to propose, go ahead. I don't care."

"Really?" Robert looked hopeful.

"Yeah," Zane laughed. "Do you have a ring?"

"Mhm. Right here," Robert pulled out a ring box and revealed a giant diamond.

"What's that?" Karrie asked, walking into the living room with Tess and Marlie.

"Nothing. Just showing Zane my new watch. It's an Apple one. It's pretty awesome, since Zane doesn't have one," Robert smoothly shoved the ring back into his pocket.

"Yeah. I wish I had one."

"You hate Apple products," Tess frowned, taking a load off of her feet and sitting down.

Robert quickly took a seat next to her, happy Mia and Lee jumped onto his lap.

"Mama, are we going to open some of those presents tonight?" Cole asked hopeful.

"As soon as your grandparents get here. You can organize them in the meantime if you want."

"Yes! Come on Lee. Alex!" Cole called. "Mia, I'll carry you. Look at the presents. We get more tomorrow when Santa comes," he whispered into his sister's ear making her giggle.

"Mom and dad are so slow, I swear," Marlie complained.

"So is my dad," Tess waved with a laugh.

The doorbell rang and Zane slapped his legs and stood up. "Finally." He went to the door, looking behind him to see Marlie on his tail. He frowned, but opened the door without a word only to pull back. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Hey," a man waved. "I'm Brian. Marlie's boyfriend."

Zane eyed the man from head to toe. He looked like a little punk with half of his head shaved, wearing skinny jeans and a beat up leather jacket. He also looked younger than Marlie. What the fuck?

"Like hell you are." Zane slammed the door shut.

"Zane! That's my boyfriend!"

"Your boyfriend? How old is he? He looks twelve."

"He's twenty," she mumbled. "It's no big deal."

"You're thirty, Marlie. Plus the dude looks like a douche."

"I can hear you," the man's voice called from beyond the door.

"I don't give a fuck," Zane answered.

"Zane! Let him in. He's a good guy. I met him at the high school."

Zane's eyes widened. "Is he your student? You can't fucking do that, Mar."

"No, stupid. I told you he's twenty. He works in the maintenance department. Now let him in." Marlie pushed her brother aside and opened the door for her new beau. He hesitated, so Marlie tried to pull him in the rest of the way.

Zane blocked his entrance, ignoring his sister's protests.

"You think you're hot shit meeting me for the first time dressed like that?"

"You're one to talk," Brian boldly raked over Zane's inked arms.

Zane knew his judgmental words were completely stupid, but he couldn't seem to think of anything else to say to this dude. "I don't like you. You better watch yourself, son."

The look in Zane's eyes caused Brian to hesitate. That was right. He meant business! No one messed with his sister. Or his dopy brother.

"Brian! Hiii! Come on in, dude!" Robert called.

Zane rolled his eyes. Of course Robert knew about him. Marlie was always closer to Robert than himself. Zane was always the last to know anything. It was an irritation that never seemed to leave him. Of course, it wasn't his siblings' fault. He was never around.

His choice in lifestyle caused all sorts of strife for them. They had no choice but to form a closer bond between the two of them, leaving Zane out of it. Over the years, Zane had to work hard to mend things. But it was clear, some things were hard to change.

"Who is this?" Tess walked up.

"I'm Brian. Marlie's boyfriend," he held his hand out.

"Oh! Come on in," she invited taking his hand into a warm handshake. 

Tess' dazzling smile wasn't lost on the young man, Zane could see. Tess was like that. She was so beautiful, it was easy for her to draw anyone in. It was something he loved about her. The warmth in her eyes.

"Woah. There's lots of kids here. Who do they all belong to?" Brian ruffled Lee's head as he zoomed by.

"Me," Zane braced his hands on his hips.

"All of them?" Brian's forehead wrinkled.

"Yeah, all of them."

"Plus you got another one on the way I see," Brian pointed.

"Marlie, can I punch this guy now or what?"

"No, you may not. Brian, ignore him. He has a mean streak not even his wife has been able to tame."

"She's not a wizard, Mar. She can't help it if she hasn't cast all the demons out of our brother," Robert pointed.

"True," Marlie sighed.

Brian laughed. "I like you, Zane. I know you hate me, but you're pretty cool. Heard you have some head tats like me."

"Whatever," Zane grumbled, happy to hear the door open.

This time, he was relieved to see his parents and Tess' father. Finally. The sooner they could eat, the sooner the gender reveal would get under way, and the sooner the proposal would happen. Then, everyone could get the hell out of his house.

He should have let his parents host Christmas Eve.

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