
By the_impssible_girl

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Victoria Stilinski never knew that her long time crush would even look at her let alone hook up with her. Jus... More

New Version
Unexpected Cast
Part 2 Aesthetic
Short Q&A
Cover Contest
Cover Contest Results
Part 3 Aesthetic
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3


2.8K 76 5
By the_impssible_girl

Chapter Fifty-Seven

Today was not my day. My back hurt, my legs felt like they were cramping up every time I had to walk to the bathroom, and my stomach was hurting too. It felt like a lot of pressure but, it only lasted for a couple seconds and then went away, so I think its okay. But my back, god I was ready for these babies to be out of me.

I was also exhausted, I think it's because I only have three-ish more weeks until the babies are here. Dad thinks I should stop going to school now so that I can rest up before they get here, I think he's right. Which is why I'm with him right now, on our way to the school to sign my papers for my 'extended leave of absence.' 

My eyes were focused out the window, not paying any particular attention to my father beside me. My mind was focused on my due date, which was fast approaching, and everything I had to do before then. I had to put their things away and make their beds, the bassinet in mine and Scott's rooms needed to be set up for when we bring them home and for the first few weeks, and I still had to get a few things before they were here. 

"Victoria," my dad's voice broke through my thoughts. I brought my gaze to him, noting that we were in the school parking lot and he was staring at me with a worried gaze. I blinked a few times before responding, "sorry, what?"

He sighed, "I said, we're here. Are you okay?" I let out a breath, letting my shoulders sag. "I, no... I'm just so stressed out. I still have so much to do before the babies are here and I want to ask Scott for help, but I don't want to stress him out since you guys are dealing with all this... benefactor stuff.

"I'm so tired too, my feet and back are killing me, and these babies are going to be here soon and I don't know if I'm ready to be a mom. I mean, this is all happening so fast, I thought I had more time, I don't know what I'm doing... what if I fuck it all up or they hate me? God, I don't think I can do this--"

My words ran into one another in a catastrophic wreck, my breathing was no better. It was coming in pants and I could feel myself panicking at the thought of being a mother. My dad placed a firm hand on my shoulder, "Tori, take a deep breath. In.... out...." I followed his instructions, nodding while my hands gripped my stomach.

"Okay, good, a couple more...." After the sixth deep breath I felt better. My heart rate had slowed and my mind felt more clear. And with that clear head, I felt tears prick in my eyes, because everything I said was true. I was scared. 

My watered eyes found my dads and I felt my lip quiver as I spoke the next words, "daddy, I'm scared." In the next moment I felt myself break into full blown sobs, unable to control the sudden wave of emotions that overcame me. It was all so much, too much. 

I felt his arms wrap around me, it was an awkward angle since we were in the car, but I felt the love and comfort through his hold on me. He rubbed the back of my head with his thumb, the same way he used to when I was little and would scrape my knee and come crying to him. 

But this wasn't a scraped knee... this was two human beings, who were going to be here in less than 21 days. And I'm supposed to be responsible for their lives? I'm supposed to protect them from the world-- from the monsters around us? I'm barely old enough to have a say in my own life let alone guide two people through their lives... how am I supposed to do it? 

My father shushed me while placing a kiss to my temple every now and then, mumbling that it was going to be okay in my ear on repeat. It sounded like he believed it, I guess I just hope I'll be able to believe it too. At this point I have no choice but to do what needs to be done. No matter how scared or fearful I am, I have no choice but to do what I have to in order to be a good mother for these babies. I can't afford to fail at this. And that scares me more than anything. 


"Wait, wait, wait..." I shook my head, already feeling a headache forming at the front of my skull. "You have to do what?" Scott took a breath, obviously a little frustrated that I was having him explain this to me again, for the third time. But can you blame me? He's talking about something completely ridiculous! 

He ran his hand through his hair before speaking again, "Garrett wants me to stop the car transferring Violet to the federal prison and--" I cut him off with a groan, "and if you don't do it, Liam dies?" 

Okay, so, the father of my unborn children has to once again risk his safety in order to save someone else? And that someone else wouldn't even be in danger if Scott hadn't turned the poor kid into a freaking werewolf. 

No, I don't blame Scott for turning Liam, that wasn't completely his fault... there were other factors in play. But, I do blame him for being so-- ugh, I hate werewolves. I hate the supernatural and I hate having to worry. 

"Yes!" Scott snapped slightly, his voice showing clear frustration. On one hand he knew what he had to do was wrong, but on the other hand he couldn't let Liam die. Still, he didn't have to snap. I raised a brow at him and he instantly backtracked and walked toward where I was sat on my bed. 

Scott crouched in front of me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my belly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you, this isn't your fault." I nodded, using my fingers to run through his hair. "It's okay, I get it, you're stressed." 

"Our dads are going to be in that car, Scott." I whispered, my fingers pausing their movement for a split second as the realization hit me. My dad deals with all transfers, especially one as high risk as this one. "I know," Scott mumbled into the fabric of my sweater, his fingers tightening into my skin. "You can't let him get hurt... I can't have any of you hurt." My voice trembled at the thought. 

"I know, I won't let us get hurt." Scott promised, but I could hear the uncertainty behind his tone. Even though he wanted to, with all his heart, keep that promise, he couldn't make a promise like that. Things happen, and most of the time they're out of our control. I just hope this isn't one of those things. I couldn't deal with either of them getting hurt, it would break me if I lost either of them. 

I want to tell Scott to stay here with me, who cares what Garrett said. But, it would be selfish of me to ask Scott that. Liam is out there, hurt and alone, waiting for Scott to save him, we can't let him down. 

A moment of silence passed over the two of us before I broke it. "You have to try and save Liam, Scott, he's just a kid." He moved his head to look up at me, his familiar puppy dog brown eyes melted into my own and I could see the concern and fight in them. He's scared. 

"I know. But, what if it doesn't work?" I placed my hand on his cheek gently, running my thumb over the small scar beneath his eye, "if it doesn't work, you get the hell out of there and get back home to me. Don't get yourself killed, Scott. If anything we'll figure out another way to save Liam."

With a nod, Scott came up to my face level and placed a gentle kiss on my lips, lingering there for a moment. I sighed into him, breathing in the familiar woodsy scent that drove me mad. I loved this boy with every fiber of my being and I don't know how I got so lucky to have him with me. 

Every good comes with some bad. 

The bad being the fact that he's constantly in mortal danger, and he insists on throwing himself in front of the fire if it means everyone else is safe. Time and time again I'll have to watch him risk his life, no matter how much I hate it, I know I can't change that about him. It's just the way things are. It's the way he's wired. 

Scott McCall really is something. 

He pulled away after a moment and gave me a small smile. The sun was setting and it was time for him to meet Garrett. "I love you," Scott spoke, his voice soft. I smiled, "I love you too." 

A/N: Okay, I know this is SUPERRRR short but, I'm falling asleep at my computer and the next chapter is just too long to merge with this one, so I'm posting it as is. 

I am so so so sorry for my long hiatus, omg it feels like ages since I've dove into the world of Victoria Stilinski, if I'm being honest as time went on I got a little nervous about going back to her. I was worried I would loose my touch with her character, but I think I'm getting my groove back, lmk what you think of this chapter though, so I know what I need to improve or what you liked/didn't like. 

What do you guys wanna see more of? Any ideas for how Victoria will react when she finds out how saving Liam went? 

Anyways, I love you guys, thank you so much for your support during my time off and thank you for your patience. I know it couldn't have been easy waiting for me to post more. 

Please Comment and Vote on this chapter, I'll hopefully have an update up tomorrow around this same time. I can only write at night since I live in a house full of loud people haha. Until next time-- XOXO

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