A Tree Called Life

By Prettylittletalker

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When Caroline kidnapped Katherine and brought her down to New Orleans, it had been solely with the intention... More

D i s c l a i m e r
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 9

2.8K 90 22
By Prettylittletalker

Caroline rolled her eyes and bounced down the stairs. Everyone but she and Klaus had left that morning—Elijah and Katherine had gone to see that Davina chick, and Rebekah had been saddled with escorting Hayley to a doctor's appointment—so it had just been the two of them in the house all morning. Surprisingly, it wasn't awkward at all. They had worked on mapping out some locations to go searching for wolf packs to turn into hybrids, and after a few arguments and a couple smashed lamps, Caroline had managed to get him to agree to only turn willing werewolves. She had tried to get him to unsire any that he would make, but that just turned into a big debate about betrayal and they agreed to disagree on the sirebond topic. The only reason she had even left Klaus and their plans was because the doorbell was ringing incessantly, and he was in the middle of making the final decisions on where to go look.

"You know, ringing the doorbell once would have been sufficient." Caroline said as she wrenched open the door. When she saw the blonde from last night, she was shocked. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Oh look, it's the cheerleader. I have an appointment." The older woman said, brushing past her.

"I am more than just a cheerleader, thank you very much!" Caroline stomped up the stairs as the intruder continued through the house to Klaus's study. Clearly she had been here before. "Klaus, what is the pessimistic, love-hating bitch doing here?" She trailed in after Cami, who she now noticed was carrying a very large bag.

"Ah, Cami. You're here. Let's get on with it, shall we?" Klaus set what he was working with down, looking amusedly at Caroline, who was standing just in the room, her hands in a 'what the hell is going on' gesture. "Love, Cami is undertaking the monumental task of writing down my biographies. We're in the...oh, 1300's, I believe. You are more than welcome to listen in, if that would please you."

Caroline looked from Klaus's hopeful face to Cami's displeased one, and made her decision. "I would love to." She smiled before shooting a glare to Cami when Klaus's back was turned. The younger blonde sat in one of the chairs while Cami sat on the opposite one, her typewriter sitting on the coffee table.

"Well then, let's get started!" Klaus smiled. "In 1345, Rebekah, Elijah, Kol, and I were in Persia..."


"So how far is it to this Davina chick's place?" Katherine asked as she and Elijah rode to said witch's location. "Because I'm getting bored."

"You will be pleased then, to know that your ride is over." Elijah said as they pulled up in the parking lot of the abandoned church.

"Quite pleased, yes." Katherine got out of the car before he could walk over and open her door, crossing her arms petulantly. "Well? Let's go meet this little witch!" She gestured towards the doors with one hand.

"You, Katerina," Elijah held open the door as they walked in the building, "are a piece of work."

"I know." She smirked. "Now, where do we go from here?"

"If you would be patient and follow me, then I could show you." Elijah gave her one of those looks that made Katherine want to both smack and kiss him. Infuriating man. At least he took the lead, and led her through the back of the building and up some stairs.

"I don't take orders very well."

"As I am more than well aware." Elijah knocked on a door at the end of a hallway. "Davina? It's Elijah Mikaelson. Can you open the door?"

Katherine crept up behind him, and raised up on her toes to whisper in a low voice, "Visiting young girls in their bedroom? How improper, Lord Elijah." Of course, she got a dirty look in response, but it was enough to plaster a wicked grin on her face for a few moments before the door opened. Behind it was pretty girl with dark hair, golden skin, and rosy cheeks, clad in a light green dress.

"Hello, Elijah. I hadn't expected to see you here today." Davina said, making way for them to step in. "Who is this?" She asked, clearly surprised that she did not have to invite Katherine in.

"Katherine Pierce, formerly known as Katerina Petrova, but only Elijah calls me that, so just stick with Katherine." Katherine sauntered in the room after Elijah, offering a hand to shake, which Davina took, shaking Katherine's hand lightly. "And since you're going to get weird vibes from the witchy juju reading thing, I'll just go ahead and clear a few things up for you. I am a doppelganger, a former vampire now turned human, and in general just a complete badass. That about cover everything you wanted to know?"

Davina shook her head for a second, clearly still taking in the vibrant and stiletto-clad Katherine Pierce. "What witchy reading thing are you talking about?"

"Wow. You weren't kidding when you said she was unskilled in magic." Katherine commented to Elijah, before turning back to the young witch. "With every witch that I've ever met—and trust me, I've met more than my fair share—they can get a general reading on a person my making skin contact. I don't know how it works, but I know that it's possible."

"Um, okay." Davina blinked a couple of times. "Did you bring me any more pages?" She asked Elijah.

"As a matter of fact, I did." He pulled two folded papers out of his jacket pocket and handed them over. "Those should challenge you sufficiently."

She snatched them, and smiled. "Thank you! It's dreadfully boring in here, so this should amuse me for a bit."

"How much longer do you have to wait out the witches?" Katherine asked as she browsed some of the artwork on display. "These are pretty good, by the way."

"A few months, I guess. I don't know how long, exactly. I guess one day it'll just... Happen. And thank you." The younger girl shrugged. By now Elijah had taken a seat on one of the chairs in the room while the ladies talked.

"I was wanted for a blood sacrifice, once." Katherine turned to look at the girl that was perched on the bed. "Of course, that was back in 1492, and it was to break a curse on Klaus. I got the short straw, being born a doppelganger. It's a curse, really. Everyone wants you to die because you look like some chick from five hundred years ago."

"What happened? Because clearly you aren't dead." Davina asked, intrigued. It wasn't often that you met someone who had been in a situation like this before.

"I killed myself." Katherine said nonchalantly. "And then I woke up a vampire. I had intended to stay dead, but there was vampire blood in my system and, well, the whole staying-dead part didn't work out. Of course, I suppose I didn't have to go through with it, but considering I didn't know what the hell I was doing... Anyways, here I am, five hundred and twenty years later!"

"The whole point of me waiting the witches out is so I don't die." Davina pointed out, crossing her arms. "So don't even think about turning me."

"It's not like I could anyways, cupcake. Plus when your kind get turned they're always so annoying. Blathering on about 'the loss of their connection to nature' and all of that bullshit. I made the mistake once. I won't do it again." The older girl went and sat on the opposite end of the bed from Davina.

"My magic is so out of control, I don't even know if I would miss it." The girl shrugged, looking down at the bedspread. "I had only come into my powers a few months before the ritual. And now... I blackout at weird times. Whenever someone does magic within the Quarter, I can tell, and it messes with my head. It hurts a bit, you know? I don't know any way to get rid of this energy, either. Sometimes I get nightmares from it. Mainly elemental stuff, but I know it's caused by this extra magic." Her voice choked up a bit. "It scares me. All the time. I didn't ask for this. I don't want my friends' magic. I just want to be normal." Davina was shaking, she was stressing so much about this.

Katherine sighed, knowing the terror that the girl was going through. Plus it didn't help that the little witch was similar in looks to one of her younger sisters. It just made ignoring her all the harder. She scooted closer, giving Elijah a 'what the hell do I do about this?' look before patting the girl on the back a couple of times. "Um, it's going to be fine. And while you can't get rid of your magic, I know someone who might be able to help you get it under control."

"Really?" Davina asked in a quiet voice. It was clear that she hadn't been crying, which gave Katherine a small sense of satisfaction. This chick was tougher than many gave her credit for.

"Bonnie's a friend of a friend, I guess you could say. She doesn't have her magic anymore, but we think that she would be willing to coach you through the process of learning to control it. She was of the Bennett witches... I'm sure you have heard of the family line?" Katherine was proud to be associated with the Bennett line, no matter how much she may have betrayed it over the years. They had always been a very powerful family, and gained a noble reputation in the supernatural world.

"I've heard of it, yes." Davina replied, her voice betraying a tiny bit of awe. "And you think she'll be able to help me?"

"Her friend Caroline is going to call this weekend and ask officially, but she's sure that her friend will do it." Katherine said.

"I think I would like that. Maybe it won't be so bad if I can get my magic under control." She smiled.

Suddenly, Elijah cut in. He had been so quiet, that they had almost forgotten his presence. "Sadly, we must cut this visit short. It is around the time for Marcel to make his daily visit, correct Davina?" When the girl glanced at the clock and nodded, he stood. "It will not do for us to be seen here. Please, enjoy the spells."

"I'll visit again." Katherine stood. "Maybe next time I'll even bring Caroline with me. She's only a bit older than you, I think, and you two might get along well. Though she'll want to take you shopping for more clothes." Neither woman thought that that necessarily was a bad thing, but instead they just smiled at each other.

"As soon as I have word on Miss Bennett, I shall notify you." Elijah said, offering Katherine his arm as she walked over.

Davina just nodded in response, closing the door softly as the pair walked down through the church. No words were said as they hurried out and away from the church.

Once they had driven away, Katherine spoke up. "Well, where to now?"

"Now we get to go ruin our shoes in the bayou." Elijah said wryly, sending a mirthful glance at the stilettos she had chosen to wear. "I need to go check out the possible locations to relocate Hayley to."

"Do I look like the kind of person that goes traipsing in the swamp? I don't think so." Katherine gave Elijah one of her best 'bitch, please' looks.

"You wanted to come along, Katerina. It's not my fault you chose terrible footwear."

"I wanted to see the little witch! Not go house hunting for the bitchy baby mama!" She looked over and saw the smirk present on his face, before shifting into a pout, seeing that she wasn't getting out of this. "Ass."


Rebekah was relieved. Hayley the Whiny Werewolf had not wanted her present at the doctor's office, and so she had gladly ditched the girl for a bit of alone time. Wandering around the general area, she had found a new thing that she simply could not live without. This confection that they called 'fro-yo' was simply delicious, and the fact that she could put as many toppings on as she bloody well wanted to made it even better.

When she had found the fro-yo shop, she had simply thought it was another ice cream parlor. Rebekah was just going to grab a quick bite of chocolaty goodness, and then wander around a bit more. Then she saw that she actually had to go get the ice cream herself, and there was candy, and now it was to the point where she was considering installing a fro-yo place in the kitchen back at the manor. It would certainly liven up parties.

So there Rebekah sat, casually enjoying her very large and chocolate-filled bowl of frozen yogurt on the porch of the little shop in New Orleans. If she could just forget for one minute that she had to go back and pick up the wolf, it would actually be a perfect day. That is, it would have been until she saw who was coming up the street next. It was the Lockwood boy and Marcel, happily chattering on as they lazily meandered up the street, looking like the best of friends.

Quickly collecting her purse and half-finished bowl of fro-yo, Rebekah darted to the side of the building, hoping to catch wind of their conversation. And thankfully she did, for it was a very important conversation, indeed.


"Niklaus? Nik, get your bloody arse down here because I have something you're going to want to hear!" Rebekah said as she stomped in the house, shooing away Hayley, who of course just plopped herself down in the nearest chair. "Nik, I don't care if you and Caroline are fucking each other's brains out up there, you need to get down here right. This. Second!"

"Yeah, I so didn't want to hear that." Hayley fixed Rebekah with one of her trademark condescending looks.

"And I don't give a rat's ass about what you think, so you can suck on that." The blonde shot back as Klaus and Caroline came down the stairs, shooting her glares.

"What do you want, Bekah?" Klaus asked, leaning against the stair railing and crossing his arms.

"I just thought that you might like to know that that pain in the arse hybrid of yours is traipsing around the Quarter looking like he's Marcel's new best friend." Rebekah said smugly.

"I thought he left when I told him to do so." Klaus said lazily.

"Wait, Tyler's here?" Caroline asked, shock woven in her voice.

"Yes, he is. Has been for a few days. Why, did you know that he would be? Maybe you sent him down here in the first place." Rebekah advanced menacingly on the younger blonde.

"No... I didn't." Caroline shook her head frantically, taking a step back. "I knew that he was looking for Klaus, but that's nothing new, you know? I didn't tell him that you all were living here."

"And how do I know that you're telling the truth? I know that you've been quite the actress over the years, Caroline." Rebekah had the look of a predator on her face, ready to defend them at all costs. Caroline just shook her head, not wanting to explain exactly why. "Well, Caroline? Because you're looking awfully suspicious right now."

"Because we broke up, okay?" Caroline shouted, turning red and not even daring to look at Klaus. "It was the day before Katherine moved into the dorm. He wanted to go looking for you guys, and expected me to wait for him until he came back again. I just couldn't take it anymore, not after all I got all fucking summer was like two phone calls, even though I had had all these plans, and he knew that, but no, this werewolf pack in Oregon or wherever the hell he actually was needed him more than I did!" Tears started to blur her vision, but she suppressed them by sheer force of will. She wouldn't cry. Not now. "I mean, the only reason he even actually showed up was because of Bonnie's funeral, and that wasn't until the last possible minute and I was just done. So I told him if he walked out the door, then we were over. No more phone calls or surprise visits or anything. No more Tyler and Caroline." She mentally tried to calm herself, not that it worked. "And then he looked back at me, and walked out."

Rebekah nodded apologetically, as clearly the girl had not wanted to share this tidbit of information in front of Nik, who currently looked as if he couldn't decide between hugging Caroline or going out to rip Tyler's head off. "I believe you." She said simply. She knew the pain of heartbreak too well, and it was not pleasant. It was time to lay off of Caroline's case.

"Thank you." Caroline said in a soft voice. She sighed deeply before turning to head back up the stairs, before she heard another comment.

"Should've kept him around. He was really good in bed." Hayley said, a look present on her face that could have been smug, had she actually had that expression. Instead, it looked as if she had something nasty in her mouth.

Caroline stopped her ascent, and turned on her heel before walking back down the stairs, fury seething in her eyes. She rounded the corner to where the werewolf was sitting, grabbed the front of the girl's shirt, and jerked her up to where they were at eye level with each other. "You listen to me right now, Hayley. I have tolerated you for a very long time. I put up with you staying in my then-boyfriend's house, even when insinuations had been made about the two of you. I didn't say anything when you snapped my neck because I was going to go stop your little hybrid sacrifice. But right now? I am not tolerating you anymore. And the only reason that your heart is currently not lying on the floor is because you happen to be pregnant with Klaus's kid. So, I suggest that you stop making those little comments of yours before I make you." Her tone was deathly cold and emotionless. She turned away, heading back in the direction she had come from.

"Oh yeah? What would you actually do? Pour nail polish on me?" Hayley stupidly tested.

Caroline rolled her eyes, not even stopping. "Last time I checked, you didn't need a tongue to give birth."

When Hayley turned to the Mikaelson siblings for support, they certainly did not react in the way that she wished for them to. Klaus just shrugged, giving her an 'I agree with Caroline' look, and Rebekah could honestly say that she felt the same.

Just then, Elijah and Katherine came tumbling in the door, soaking wet and laughing at who knows what, for this is Katherine and Elijah, and they are not the type of people that laugh excessively. Unfortunately their 'moment' was ceased by the looks that they were getting, and the fact that something had clearly gone down.

"What did we miss?" Katherine asked, her shoes in hand.

"Oh, nothing much. Now remove yourself from that rug and go dry off. You are making a mess, and I dislike messes." Rebekah dismissed.

Elijah approached Klaus, pulling him aside, a grim expression on his face.

"What is it, brother? Judging by your expression, I doubt I will enjoy the news." The younger brother said.

"That would be correct." Elijah acquiesced. "I cannot find a place to put Hayley. Katerina and I spent all afternoon traipsing through the swamp in an effort to find a suitable place, but there is none whatsoever; not unless you wish to insure the death of your child."

"There is no place whatsoever? And you checked all the options?" At his brother's nod, Klaus sighed. "Fine. She can stay here until we can arrange alternate arrangements elsewhere. But the moment something becomes available, she is out of my house. I do not wish to have to put up with her after her betrayal."

"You have at least eighteen years more of this, Niklaus." Elijah cautioned. "Try and be civil."

"I wouldn't count on that." A voice from the doorway interjected. "You see, I've got less five months of this left. After that, you can have the kid. I don't care to stick around." Hayley came walking in, holding an envelope which she shoved in Klaus's hands. "Here. They gave it to me and I don't want it, so... Do whatever you want with it. And yeah, I've thought about my decision. My life has no place in it for a baby. Don't try to talk to talk me out of it." She quickly turned and walked out.

"Looks like I only have five more months left to deal with her, Elijah." Klaus smiled cheekily. He didn't open the envelope until he was back in his private study, and when he did, it was something that made the most powerful creature on the planet take a seat. It was ultrasound pictures of his child.

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